Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

How much....

    • 98 posts
    October 28, 2017 2:07 AM PDT

    ...information are you willing to share to help the matchmaking system?

    Personally, I share most of my details already online (twitter, FB, Instagram). So I don't see it as a big deal?


    This post was edited by Jazznblues at October 28, 2017 2:08 AM PDT
    • 68 posts
    October 28, 2017 3:24 AM PDT

    What matchmaking system are you talking about? Haven't heard of anything like that, and if there was any sort of automated grouping system, I would be against it. If, however, there is to be some sort of "find similar type of players as yourself" system, I would imagine it would be up to the individiual how much they're willing to share.

    • 98 posts
    October 28, 2017 3:36 AM PDT

    Menubrea said:

    What matchmaking system are you talking about? Haven't heard of anything like that, and if there was any sort of automated grouping system, I would be against it. If, however, there is to be some sort of "find similar type of players as yourself" system, I would imagine it would be up to the individiual how much they're willing to share.

    From the little I have read it matches people together who play around the same time, or who rate socialising about fighting. There is an interview with Brad where he likens it to a dating site and calls the VR system "pHarnony". The way he describes it, it sounds like a tool to find similar people, who like to do similar stuff, it's not a dungeon finder per se.

    Tried to find a link to the interview, but it's early and I need more coffee!

    Found the interview

    This post was edited by Jazznblues at October 28, 2017 3:39 AM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    October 28, 2017 5:12 AM PDT

    My level and class.

    Don't see the need for anything else.

    • 68 posts
    October 28, 2017 5:37 AM PDT

    From the little I have read it matches people together who play around the same time, or who rate socialising about fighting. There is an interview with Brad where he likens it to a dating site and calls the VR system "pHarnony". The way he describes it, it sounds like a tool to find similar people, who like to do similar stuff, it's not a dungeon finder per se.

    Tried to find a link to the interview, but it's early and I need more coffee!

    Found the interview


    I think the idea is to allow players to share what kind of player and person you are to find players who fit a similar mold. For instance some players are extremely result oriented, they want to go to the area where they can get the best XP rates, always trying to push their own and others boundaries as to how efficient they can be. While on the other end of the spectrum, you might have players who mostly really care about exploring the world. Not caring if they get 1/10th of a level in a plau session or 10.

    Naturally pairing the opposing ends of that scale together only leaves to a poor gaming experience for the both of them, so I think it makes a lot of sense to create systems where as many people as possible have easy ways to access the game the way they want to play it.

    This post was edited by Menubrea at October 28, 2017 5:38 AM PDT
    • 557 posts
    October 28, 2017 7:13 AM PDT

    I think a critical piece of any such system will be the concept that we have ever-changing goals or intentions when we log in.   Tonight I may just want to grind experience.   Tomorrow I may be looking to explore or collect materials for crafting, work on a specific epic quest, etc...   So the system should have more than just "what kind of player are you" questions.

    This post was edited by Celandor at October 28, 2017 7:13 AM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    October 28, 2017 7:14 AM PDT

    If there is such a system (many things discussed well before launch may not actually make it in) I see no reason not to participate and share information.

    • 483 posts
    October 28, 2017 7:40 AM PDT

    I think this is a cool idea, but should be a completly different tool from the matchmaking LFG tool, make it a sort of "dating" tool that allows players to find friends with the same goals and interest. I think the "dating" tool and the  matchmaking LFG tool should be separeted because they server enterly different porupouse, one is to make friends and the other is to form groups for proggression. (none of these tool are automated BTW, just an extra alternative in forming groups, a replacement for typing /who all )

    I don't think the actual LFG tool should be too complex, limit it to the basic stuff, lvl and class for players that are alone looking for a group, and for Groups that are LFM players allow them to post the purpose of their group, lvl and classes. I suggest restricting the info on players that are alone with LFG ON because if you allow them to specify their goals, other players or groups that see their LFG banners might be discouraged of asking them if they wanna partake in a different activity. if a player wants to be specific about their grouping goals they have the LFM option, leave LFG tag as a "i wanna join everything and anything that's available" indicator, to promote easier grouping.

    • 321 posts
    October 28, 2017 9:30 AM PDT

    Rift had this annoying system where you could join any group you wanted within a certain area. I was always aggravated to find someone  in my group who was not invited or even in sight. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VR,do not impliment this foolish system.  The standard group finder is sufficient. You should be invited to join a group. You check the group finder ,then ask the leder if there is room for you. Usually you get an immediate response. That is the only grouping system that is needed.

    • 3016 posts
    October 28, 2017 10:12 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    My level and class.

    Don't see the need for anything else.


    Pretty much this,  they don't need my life story,  and probably wouldn't be interested anyway.  lol



    • 68 posts
    October 28, 2017 10:25 AM PDT

    Isaya said:

    Rift had this annoying system where you could join any group you wanted within a certain area. I was always aggravated to find someone  in my group who was not invited or even in sight. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VR,do not impliment this foolish system.  The standard group finder is sufficient. You should be invited to join a group. You check the group finder ,then ask the leder if there is room for you. Usually you get an immediate response. That is the only grouping system that is needed.


    I'd rather not see anything automated anyways, but it would be nice to see if players LFG had the same type of grouping session as me in mind. Or like a "friend finder" to identify similar type of players as yourself.

    An example comes to mind back when I tried FFXIV: Reborn, shortly after it was launched. At level 50 there was this "raid" that everyone had to go through for their storyline. Unfortunately, it just so happened that this was one of the most effective ways for people to farm gear currency. In FFXIV there was an automated group finder, so what ended up happneing was that you'd get two completely different sets of players stacked together. One of which had no idea what to expect and wanting to watch cutscenes, while the other group wanted to take all the shortcuts and make the run as short ever living possible. Both groups were clearly in their own right, wanting to play their own way, but since they were all just lumped together it created a lot of tension and conflict.

    I'm for any sort of non-automated system that enables players to easily get in contact with similar type of players as themselves. This way, more people really get to enjoy the game on their own premises.

    • 68 posts
    October 28, 2017 10:28 AM PDT

    Pretty much this,  they don't need my life story,  and probably wouldn't be interested anyway.  lol




    The type of information you'd be able to provide is probably a lot more closely related to playing games.

    • 264 posts
    October 28, 2017 6:01 PM PDT

     I am a private person, I do not share my personal life on the internet, I would only share gaming related info.

    • 26 posts
    October 28, 2017 7:19 PM PDT
    Single and ready to mingle×! In all seriousness, would be neat to see what sort of system they come up with.
    • 1404 posts
    October 29, 2017 8:41 AM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said:

    vjek said:

    My level and class.

    Don't see the need for anything else.


    Pretty much this,  they don't need my life story,  and probably wouldn't be interested anyway.  lol



    agreed, there is no need fpr personal info. Maybe a bit more optional stuff, Zone, Quest, Named Mob.... but nothing other than Game related should be needed.

    • 470 posts
    October 29, 2017 9:03 AM PDT

    Isaya said:

    Rift had this annoying system where you could join any group you wanted within a certain area. I was always aggravated to find someone  in my group who was not invited or even in sight. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VR,do not impliment this foolish system.  The standard group finder is sufficient. You should be invited to join a group. You check the group finder ,then ask the leder if there is room for you. Usually you get an immediate response. That is the only grouping system that is needed.

    That system you're referring to was added post launch to help people in the same area of an invasion event group up quickly as when those hit things tended to happen fast. They used a similar system in Warhammer Online for PQ events. Unfortunately, if you forgot to turn it off when outside an invasion event that was something that could happen quite often.  I'm not sure if Pantheon will have anything at launch that would necessitate such a system anyway.

    As for the OP, I don't see how sharing your social media accounts would really help group finding ingame unless you're just trying to network. Other systems from within the game would be far more effective if that was the case. Maybe an adventuring board style of LFG system with what you're looking to do. There's quite a few things they could do from in that regard, all from within the game.

    This post was edited by Kratuk at October 29, 2017 9:07 AM PDT
    • 1785 posts
    October 29, 2017 10:11 AM PDT

    I think it's a question of what's relevant.  Class and level, certainly, but if we're using the system to find people to group up with tactically, then things like:

    - What dungeons or areas am I interested in doing?  Specific encounters?

    - What's my playstyle?  Am I aggressive and want a fast pace, or am I ok taking more time to socialize, etc?

    - Am I just exploring, or am I after a specific drop or quest objective?

    - Do I want an "adult" group where I can cut loose in chat, or would I prefer not to deal with that and have chat stay a little more tame?


    If we're using the system to meet other players for long-term grouping or even guild purposes, then other things become important:

    - Play schedule and time zone.

    - Goals, interests or objectives in the game?  Leveling fast?  Raiding?  Crafting?  Etc?

    - Roleplay or no roleplay?

    ... I could go on, but ya'll probably get the idea.



    • 201 posts
    October 29, 2017 10:46 AM PDT

    Was there a reason that question would not fit in the title?  Is this some click bait website now?  You'll never believe what so and so looks like now!


    Name, class and level is enough i believe.  Maybe not even class.

    This post was edited by antonius at October 29, 2017 10:46 AM PDT
    • 220 posts
    October 29, 2017 11:45 AM PDT

    Finding the right mix of players is essential to my gaming enjoyment. If I know nothing more about you, or you want me to no nothing about you past class and level, I do not want to group with you. Please don't take that statement personally. I find people like that tend to play more like that elitists And when they have what they want, they leave and find creative ways to use others until they max out. 

    I will share as much gaming, schedule, motivation, playstyle information as necessary to make the matchmaking system successful. Personal information is off limits tho. 

    • 1921 posts
    October 29, 2017 11:56 AM PDT

    Larr said: ... If I know nothing more about you, or you want me to no nothing about you past class and level, I do not want to group with you. ...

    Fair enough.  What current fantasy themed, developed in north america, subscription MMO requires more than name, class and level in their LFG tool?

    • 98 posts
    October 29, 2017 12:13 PM PDT

    vjek said:

    Larr said: ... If I know nothing more about you, or you want me to no nothing about you past class and level, I do not want to group with you. ...

    Fair enough.  What current fantasy themed, developed in north america, subscription MMO requires more than name, class and level in their LFG tool?

    None do, but none are trying to build a community.

    Brad never mentions an LFG tool, the matchmaking is not for that. Let me post the relevant section of the article.

    "However, studios today can't afford to sit back and hope that friendships are forged. McQuaid's solution for Pantheon has been a matchmaking interface that allows players to enter as much personal information as they like in the hopes of finding similar players."

    "We can't leave that up to the player, we've got to be proactive," he says. "Onboarding players into a social grouping MMO is probably the most important challenge we face.

    "Basically [Pantheon's] the opposite of World of Warcraft, where when you do an instance it teleports in a bunch of randoms, everybody runs through and disappears and you probably didn't even say anything... We're going to do everything we can to facilitate you finding online people who are really your friends."

    He jokingly refers to the system as 'pHarmony', pointing to the similarities between how Pantheon's matchmaking works and the premise of a certain popular dating website. We can't help but resist asking if there's more developers should be learning from online dating.

    "Yeah, because it's similar," McQuaid explains. "You're finding people that have the same interests, when do they play, how do they play. Then you have the social gamers that are a big part of it, and they talk about interests outside of the game. Some people don't; they just want to roleplay or focus on the game, but there are people that love to just sit and chat about their hobbies. It's all up to the player, however much information they want to give to help us find a match."

    It does not seem that ambiguous to me. The player decides how much they want to share, in sharing more the matchmaking system will be more effective in its purpose. Let's face we all overshare online anyway, be it FB, Twitter, or Instagram, all that gets us is targeted advertising. This is a game we all are excited for, it's to make the game even more enjoyable. For me, I don't want to hit max level and have no new friends, or no new stories I will remember for years about events in-game. 

    #community matters


    This post was edited by Jazznblues at October 29, 2017 12:15 PM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    October 29, 2017 4:49 PM PDT

    That example (WoW dungeon finder) is what the LFG tool does, typically.  Hence many posts in this thread comparing it to an LFG tool.

    Maybe they're describing a guild finder tool?  Otherwise, if it's not for grouping up, and/or not for finding a guild, what role would a "matchmaking" tool have, in Pantheon, as currently described?

    • 753 posts
    October 29, 2017 5:55 PM PDT

    I likely wouldn't do it and instead look to do all of my group finding, guild finding, etc... in game.  

    • 109 posts
    October 29, 2017 6:04 PM PDT

    Jazznblues said:

    vjek said:

    Larr said: ... If I know nothing more about you, or you want me to no nothing about you past class and level, I do not want to group with you. ...

    Fair enough.  What current fantasy themed, developed in north america, subscription MMO requires more than name, class and level in their LFG tool?

    None do, but none are trying to build a community.

    Brad never mentions an LFG tool, the matchmaking is not for that. Let me post the relevant section of the article.

    "However, studios today can't afford to sit back and hope that friendships are forged. McQuaid's solution for Pantheon has been a matchmaking interface that allows players to enter as much personal information as they like in the hopes of finding similar players."

    "We can't leave that up to the player, we've got to be proactive," he says. "Onboarding players into a social grouping MMO is probably the most important challenge we face.

    "Basically [Pantheon's] the opposite of World of Warcraft, where when you do an instance it teleports in a bunch of randoms, everybody runs through and disappears and you probably didn't even say anything... We're going to do everything we can to facilitate you finding online people who are really your friends."

    He jokingly refers to the system as 'pHarmony', pointing to the similarities between how Pantheon's matchmaking works and the premise of a certain popular dating website. We can't help but resist asking if there's more developers should be learning from online dating.

    "Yeah, because it's similar," McQuaid explains. "You're finding people that have the same interests, when do they play, how do they play. Then you have the social gamers that are a big part of it, and they talk about interests outside of the game. Some people don't; they just want to roleplay or focus on the game, but there are people that love to just sit and chat about their hobbies. It's all up to the player, however much information they want to give to help us find a match."

    It does not seem that ambiguous to me. The player decides how much they want to share, in sharing more the matchmaking system will be more effective in its purpose. Let's face we all overshare online anyway, be it FB, Twitter, or Instagram, all that gets us is targeted advertising. This is a game we all are excited for, it's to make the game even more enjoyable. For me, I don't want to hit max level and have no new friends, or no new stories I will remember for years about events in-game. 

    #community matters



    I read that article and thought it was a great idea.  Some of us gaming nerds aren't the best at social skills in the first place.  If someone is Mr. Popular, Why are you on a game 6 days a week instead of out hanging with those people who think you are awesome? 

    I think people are confusing this with:  "Cleric LFG, pst if you want A/S/L and nude pics" 

    I like making friends online, but I am not so great at social skills, which makes that a real task. I am not looking for Pantheon as a gaming/dating site.   I am interested in friendly people, not someone to date.  Could someone meet and date thru a video game, I am sure they could, but that isn't Brads goal with this idea.  He would love it if that killer Tank I grouped with ended up being a RL friend down the road.  I think this could be great. 

    Yes, when I am Looking for a group, I should be able to Yell: 22 Cleric LFG and be done with it. That's Plenty for finding a group.

    But what if after you got a full group, the GAME would send you "tells" (info about player X) saying that the Rogue in the group worked in retail, (like I do), and likes to group from 7pm-10pm central time, Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.. (which could also be MY prefered gaming time) etc etc.  You can see that is pretty generic but could be JUST enough info for me to give that person a tell and say "Hey. I am "fred" I see you game on the same nights I do!: What do you like to do? dungeons? exploration?  etc etc etc  that is Not me hitting on whoever the Rogue is, that's me saying Hey! Wanna be friends!! (cheesy, but you get it) It used to be that simple when we were kids. I would see another kid my age and say, hey, wanna be friends!? 

    If not, then I would tell them my dad could beat up their dad and move on..... 

    People should have an open mind about this. It's Not a terrible idea or thing. 



    This post was edited by Naim at October 29, 2017 6:17 PM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    October 29, 2017 6:50 PM PDT

    The last thing I want is more distracting random tells while I'm trying to play my role in a group.

    Honestly, this is why my guild uses Discord. (or mumble/vent/ts/whatever you'd care to)  So we aren't distracted while adventuring.

    I just don't see the role a "matchmaking" interface has, in Pantheon? Especially if it's explicitly NOT related to LFG or finding a guild?