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Should it be possible to have multiple mentors in a group?

    • 729 posts
    October 24, 2017 6:52 AM PDT

    While reading the latest alt/twink thread, this question popped up in my mind. I didn't find an answer through search, so here goes: Should it be possible to have multiple players who mentored down in a group? Or would you prefer to have this feature exclusively so that a single high level player can "guide" a group of low level players?

    If multiple mentored players were possible, it would be an excellent way for players to go back and do lower level content they missed or outleveled, without resorting to alts.

    • 793 posts
    October 24, 2017 6:57 AM PDT

    if the mentor(s) are properly leveled down, and are not overpowered, then I see no reason not to have multiples. 

    I could see a group of friends, convince another friend to join the game, and want to work him up to their current level so they can all play together. Not all mentoring will be high level players, many lower and mid levels will use it just so they can group with friends.


    • 483 posts
    October 24, 2017 7:37 AM PDT

    Don't see anything wrong with it, the key is making sure gameplay is balanced and doesn't become extra easy, because that would defeat the whole pourpouse of mentoring.

    Just and idea, if 2 or more mentors are in the same group, mentors inside the group get a %power decrease to all stats/spells and abilities,  proportional to the number of mentors.

    • 3852 posts
    October 24, 2017 7:52 AM PDT

    Nothing wrong with it if the scaling down works and the group isn't made too overpowered.

    Then again if the scaling doesn't work one mentor will wreck things so might as well allow more it won't really hurt.

    • 1281 posts
    October 24, 2017 7:54 AM PDT

    I do not even want one mentor in the group, so absolutely there should only be one if that is the route they are going.

    And I'm glad you brought this up because I was thinking about it just a few days ago when reading the mentor/twink thread. I was thinking what if a group of people "mentored" down and grouped to kill old content.

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at October 24, 2017 7:57 AM PDT
    • 1315 posts
    October 24, 2017 8:02 AM PDT

    The effect of a mentor in a group all depends on the relative power curve gained as you level.  If the power curve is linear, then it is usually pretty easy to just apply a scaling factor from their current level to a target level.  If that is done, an entire group could play down to the level of a single low level players level without over simplifying things.  If on the other hand, the power curve is the standard exponential scale that we see in most modern MMOs, then mentors tend to be really hard to balance and can ruin the group experience.  If the power curve is logarithmic then you don’t even need a mentor system to allow higher level players to group with lower level players as the difference in power level is about the same as grouping with someone 2-3 levels higher than you now.

    I have a thread discussing the power curves and their effect on total content available for meaningful play and percentage of the population that can group together without ruining the game challenge.


    This post was edited by Trasak at October 24, 2017 8:12 AM PDT
    • 1618 posts
    October 24, 2017 8:22 AM PDT
    Mentoring is not about getting advantages or extra power. It's about community. I have a wife and 5 kids that will play. Each will be at different points throughout time. There is no way I can keep a character at each level to play with them. Mentoring allows me to have one character and play with them all.

    It's also about helping out guildies and other community members. If you are high level, mentoring allows you to. Play with characters below you, teaching them, recruiting them, and otherwise strengthening the community.

    Lastly, it greatly helps small guilds work together. It's frustrating to be in a guild, but not be able to play with them because you are mid- or low- range and they are all high range.

    Mentoring solves many more problems than causes.

    As far as multiple mentors, if you have 5 level 50s in your group and 1 level 20, all 5 would have to be able to mentor down to make it work. So, the only way to make it work is to allow multiple mentors.
    • 321 posts
    October 24, 2017 8:26 AM PDT

    I see no reason to have a limit of mentors. they will all be scaled down so no one is overpowered in the group. the only advantage will be thier knowledge of the zone/mobs. and although it is a little advantages for some there will always be some players with a knack for reading the situation anyway.

    • 627 posts
    October 24, 2017 8:29 AM PDT
    I hope mentoring works like having a well geared twink in the grp. but with higher lvl skills available to them that has been scaled down to the grp lvl.

    I am very positive about this system, personally I don't play alts until I feel my main is at a healthy spot. But every now and then my rl mates might be online and I want to get up and help them.

    An issue I could see is power lvling of new classes like necro and bard when they get released or power lvling alts. I would prefer new classes to progress as "normally" through the game as possible :)
  • October 24, 2017 9:02 AM PDT

    I certainly Hope there can be multiples.. to me the Mentoring system is all about higher level friends being able to play with those just coming into the game.. not about powerleveling or skipping content.. simply a way for folks to group

    • 1860 posts
    October 24, 2017 9:42 AM PDT

    bigdogchris said:

     what if a group of people "mentored" down and grouped to kill old content.

    We have heard that there will be mid level raids.  I think part of the system is designed so that players will be able to delevel themselves and run lower lvl content at the appropriate lvl.  We know certain mobs will run away ie:despawn if you try to attack them with an over powered force.

    • 2752 posts
    October 24, 2017 9:55 AM PDT

    I'd prefer mentoring to scale players down to have the average stats of a player of the level scaled to regardless of what is equipped. I really like that players who outlevel friends/guild members will still have the option to play together, but I don't want to see it where mentors are more preferred groupmates than someone of appropriate level to the content trying to level. Honestly I'd like to see them even be a bit lower than average so there is just that much more incentive to branch out and meet/play with new players. 

    • 627 posts
    October 24, 2017 9:58 AM PDT
    That would actually be very fun, to have a Mid lvl raid where you could challenge your selv and your mates while still at low lvl, and then revisit when higere lvl.

    But VR need to give us a reson to go there as a high lvl, to finish content and helping friends is not always enough. Maybe it could be part of an epic quest or part of a quest line.
    • 65 posts
    October 24, 2017 10:33 AM PDT

    Sarim said:

    While reading the latest alt/twink thread, this question popped up in my mind. I didn't find an answer through search, so here goes: Should it be possible to have multiple players who mentored down in a group? Or would you prefer to have this feature exclusively so that a single high level player can "guide" a group of low level players?

    If multiple mentored players were possible, it would be an excellent way for players to go back and do lower level content they missed or outleveled, without resorting to alts.


    I never liked the mentor feature.. It seems like it would be better just to roll an ALT and level with your friends instead of lowering your own character again. 


    • 627 posts
    October 24, 2017 10:57 AM PDT
    Demostorm it might be hard to have a char that is within your mates lvl all the time, the mentor system make it easy to grp with in different lvls. You might be lvl 15, one of your mates are lvl 22 and ur next mate is lvl 33 all of you can grp without creating new chars. Also not every player want to play alts, me for instance I main one char until I feel it's at a good spot at max lvl then I'll make alts and twink them :)
    • 1618 posts
    October 24, 2017 11:23 AM PDT

    Demostorm said:

    Sarim said:

    While reading the latest alt/twink thread, this question popped up in my mind. I didn't find an answer through search, so here goes: Should it be possible to have multiple players who mentored down in a group? Or would you prefer to have this feature exclusively so that a single high level player can "guide" a group of low level players?

    If multiple mentored players were possible, it would be an excellent way for players to go back and do lower level content they missed or outleveled, without resorting to alts.


    I never liked the mentor feature.. It seems like it would be better just to roll an ALT and level with your friends instead of lowering your own character again. 


    Unless you only have one friend, how can you expect to keep an alt at every tier?

    • 763 posts
    October 24, 2017 11:44 AM PDT

    Beefcake said:

    Unless you only have one friend, how can you expect to keep an alt at every tier?

    hmm... I smell a puzzle.

    If we assume (for the sake or arguement) that the grouping levels are similar to EQ (Exp grouping is possible with people up to 50% above your level, or 6 levels spread top-bottom as a minimum) then we can assess as follows:

    Level 6 char: group with levels 1-9
    Level 15 char: group with levels 10-22
    Level 34 char: group with levels 23-51
    Level 40 char: group with levels 26-60

    So the answer is "You need 1 main and 2-3 Alts depending on Level cap".

    Guess that doesn't answer OP's question:

    1. Allow multiple mentors in a single group
    2. any mentor benefits are split between mentors
    3. mentors must mentor to a level, not a group
    4. mentors only have spells/abilities commensurate with that level
    5. mentors who 'un-mentor' do not instantaneously get full level
    6. mentors cannot change mentor status in combat
    7. mentors cannot dynamically change mentor level (un-mentor then re-mentor needed)

    That should prevent most of the potential abuses.

    Evoras, is thinking of a way to solve the above puzzle for level spreads....

    • 793 posts
    October 24, 2017 12:10 PM PDT

    Evoras said:

    5. mentors who 'un-mentor' do not instantaneously get full level
    6. mentors cannot change mentor status in combat
    7. mentors cannot dynamically change mentor level (un-mentor then re-mentor needed)

    That should prevent most of the potential abuses.

    Evoras, is thinking of a way to solve the above puzzle for level spreads....


    This I see as a necessity. Rules and cooldown timers in place to avoid abuse of the mentoring advantages.


  • October 24, 2017 12:17 PM PDT

    Fulton said:

    Evoras said:

    5. mentors who 'un-mentor' do not instantaneously get full level
    6. mentors cannot change mentor status in combat
    7. mentors cannot dynamically change mentor level (un-mentor then re-mentor needed)

    That should prevent most of the potential abuses.

    Evoras, is thinking of a way to solve the above puzzle for level spreads....


    This I see as a necessity. Rules and cooldown timers in place to avoid abuse of the mentoring advantages.



    I Obviously am not creative enough... None of those would have occured to me.  but I agree, would be to easy to use them to break the spirit of the mentoring, in my opinion.

    • 1281 posts
    October 24, 2017 12:18 PM PDT

    philo said:

    We have heard that there will be mid level raids.  I think part of the system is designed so that players will be able to delevel themselves and run lower lvl content at the appropriate lvl.  We know certain mobs will run away ie:despawn if you try to attack them with an over powered force.

    This is one example of why I do not want mentoring systems.

    • 1618 posts
    October 24, 2017 1:47 PM PDT

    Evoras said:

    Beefcake said:

    Unless you only have one friend, how can you expect to keep an alt at every tier?

    hmm... I smell a puzzle.

    If we assume (for the sake or arguement) that the grouping levels are similar to EQ (Exp grouping is possible with people up to 50% above your level, or 6 levels spread top-bottom as a minimum) then we can assess as follows:

    Level 6 char: group with levels 1-9
    Level 15 char: group with levels 10-22
    Level 34 char: group with levels 23-51
    Level 40 char: group with levels 26-60

    So the answer is "You need 1 main and 2-3 Alts depending on Level cap".

    Guess that doesn't answer OP's question:

    1. Allow multiple mentors in a single group
    2. any mentor benefits are split between mentors
    3. mentors must mentor to a level, not a group
    4. mentors only have spells/abilities commensurate with that level
    5. mentors who 'un-mentor' do not instantaneously get full level
    6. mentors cannot change mentor status in combat
    7. mentors cannot dynamically change mentor level (un-mentor then re-mentor needed)

    That should prevent most of the potential abuses.

    Evoras, is thinking of a way to solve the above puzzle for level spreads....

    Ahh, but you left out the need to alts OF THE RIGHT ROLE from your equation. That greatly increases the numbers needed.

    • 1120 posts
    October 24, 2017 2:58 PM PDT

    I don't care how many mentor players there are in a single group.   Doesn't make any difference.

    • 32 posts
    October 24, 2017 6:48 PM PDT
    I don't think there should be a limit. If someone wants to play with their friends, and a game system gets in the way of that community interaction then that game system is flawed.
    • 323 posts
    October 24, 2017 7:09 PM PDT

    Evoras said:

    5. mentors who 'un-mentor' do not instantaneously get full level
    6. mentors cannot change mentor status in combat
    7. mentors cannot dynamically change mentor level (un-mentor then re-mentor needed)

    That should prevent most of the potential abuses.

    Evoras, is thinking of a way to solve the above puzzle for level spreads....

    I am hoping they'd go a step further and have "mentoring" and "un-mentoring" take place in cities, by interacting with an NPC there. This would prevent a mentored-down toon from trivializing content on the way to some destination where he/she wants to mentor down.  It is a bit contrived, to be sure, but so is the entire "mentoring" system to begin with.  I just like the idea that, if you choose to mentor down, you are stuck in that mentored-down form until you get back to a city.  That way, you get the real, vulnerable experience of being back at the mentored-down level.  

    Edit:  Oh, and I have no problem with multiple mentors in a single group. 


    This post was edited by Gnog at October 24, 2017 7:09 PM PDT
    • 1860 posts
    October 24, 2017 7:30 PM PDT

    bigdogchris said:

    philo said:

    We have heard that there will be mid level raids.  I think part of the system is designed so that players will be able to delevel themselves and run lower lvl content at the appropriate lvl.  We know certain mobs will run away ie:despawn if you try to attack them with an over powered force.

    This is one example of why I do not want mentoring systems.

    Could you explain why you don't like type of system?  Isn't it better that people play content at the lvl it was designed for?