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    • 21 posts
    October 12, 2017 2:44 PM PDT

    I know it's something odd to want and I'm not sure if it has already been discussed. But, I'm really hoping for the old eq mode of aggro that mobs never give up and train you all the way out of the zone or to your death. The vids I've seen have made aggro look similar but never really seen a break off point. I know it was always horrible to be sitting at your camp and all the sudden here comes a train of 40 right at you and wipes your group. I know most people thinks that sounds crazy to enjoy that but I have some arguments towards that. I have tons of memories of having crazy wipes ,or corpse runs in PoF. I think danger is a huge part of making a world enjoyable. You know in current mmo there is no memories of wipes or of anything really difficult ever happening. I just run if I get into trouble and mobs harmlessly leash back to spawn. Worst comes to worst I spawn somewhere safe with all my gear and little penalty. Maybe I'm nuts but it's something that made the game for me.

    • 3852 posts
    October 12, 2017 3:27 PM PDT

    I continue to disagree. On a PvE server other players shouldn't be able to kill you by dragging mobs to you any more than they can do it by direct attack. There are other ways to make mobs dangerous.

    By the way, if dragged mobs were set so that they could only attack the person they were fighting, people in his or her group, or people that buffed or healed any of the foregoing I would have no trouble with mobs being able to run to zone borders. Heck, lets make the mobs even smarter and have them zone after the players that zone to get away from them!

    • 37 posts
    October 12, 2017 3:30 PM PDT

    There are existing threads on this.


    • 1281 posts
    October 12, 2017 5:02 PM PDT

    Jfed said:

    I know it's something odd to want and I'm not sure if it has already been discussed. But, I'm really hoping for the old eq mode of aggro that mobs never give up and train you all the way out of the zone or to your death. The vids I've seen have made aggro look similar but never really seen a break off point. I know it was always horrible to be sitting at your camp and all the sudden here comes a train of 40 right at you and wipes your group. I know most people thinks that sounds crazy to enjoy that but I have some arguments towards that. I have tons of memories of having crazy wipes ,or corpse runs in PoF. I think danger is a huge part of making a world enjoyable. You know in current mmo there is no memories of wipes or of anything really difficult ever happening. I just run if I get into trouble and mobs harmlessly leash back to spawn. Worst comes to worst I spawn somewhere safe with all my gear and little penalty. Maybe I'm nuts but it's something that made the game for me.

    +1 for this idea....  I used to love watching some poor sap running by flying towards the zone with a herd of mobs on their ass.

    • 1120 posts
    October 12, 2017 5:34 PM PDT
    I understand your thoughts on the situation, and I agree that there needs to be a feeling of danger. But the old eq way of handling aggro was terrible. Aggro lists were not fixed to the person or people pulling, therefore one I'll times heal on someone in your group as someone was running by could spell destruction.

    I would be ok with endless "zone" aggro fixated on the person or group that originally aggroed... anyone that heals or buffs them, and anyone that attacks the mob after it's pulled. But if yoiu pull 10 mobs, run into the middle of my group and die, I would like to see those mobs return to where they came with no issues.
    • 1860 posts
    October 12, 2017 5:40 PM PDT

    But if yoiu pull 10 mobs, run into the middle of my group and die, I would like to see those mobs return to where they came with no issues.

    That sounds horrible to me.  I hope that is not the direction they are going.  I don't think it is?

    • 1281 posts
    October 12, 2017 5:41 PM PDT

    Porygon said: I understand your thoughts on the situation, and I agree that there needs to be a feeling of danger. But the old eq way of handling aggro was terrible. Aggro lists were not fixed to the person or people pulling, therefore one I'll times heal on someone in your group as someone was running by could spell destruction. I would be ok with endless "zone" aggro fixated on the person or group that originally aggroed... anyone that heals or buffs them, and anyone that attacks the mob after it's pulled. But if yoiu pull 10 mobs, run into the middle of my group and die, I would like to see those mobs return to where they came with no issues.

    You're in the forest and some ****** pisses off a bear and runs past you with that bear hot on his heels, do you think that bear is going to care which one of you pissed him off?  Nope.  He's going to go after the one he thinks he has the best chance of eating.  I have no problem with the way the "old school" aggro mechanic worked with respect to trains.  I died many many times to trains.  I got annoyed more than once.  However, not once did I think, "Well ****.  They need to change the way that aggro works."  I learned to get the hell out of the way when a train was coming through.  In EQ, and hopefully Pantheon, the world is a dangerous place, as it should be.

  • October 12, 2017 5:51 PM PDT

    I'm fully in support of trains :)  it's unreasonable to think that mobs of any ability to think would just saunter back through other groups because they didnt have the original aggro..  

    • 1281 posts
    October 12, 2017 6:01 PM PDT

    I used to love the hilarity that would ensue, even when I was one of the victims, when we were just inside the zone in Blackburrow and someone would scream, "Train to zone!!!  Move it or lose it!!"

    • 32 posts
    October 12, 2017 6:09 PM PDT
    I feel like in one of the Cohh streams they alluded to this and even had another group train them.

    It was staged, of course, as the other group were also developed but it still brought back some great memories with the groups fighting at the zone line.

    It's also possible that the actual train memory is a false memory, but I'm certain they discussed it with the consensus being that they wanted trains to be handled as it was in Everquest, and ultimately bad reputation would handle most cases but GMs would step in if things got out of hand.

    I hope they don't have to change their minds down the road.
    • 9115 posts
    October 12, 2017 6:16 PM PDT

    Senthin said:

    There are existing threads on this.


    Thank you, Senthin! :)

    As Senthin kindly pointed out, we have threads that already exist, some with many pages of community input, so please feel free to join in on those already existing ones so we can keep the discussion consolidated and easy to read for devs and new member alike.

    I will go ahead and close this one now.