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Terminus Calendar

    • 103 posts
    September 21, 2017 4:59 PM PDT

    So not too long ago, there was a post on seasons going around, and seeing Terminus transfer through seasons as the months went by. But how about something else? What if we went beyond this, what if there was a calendar that you could view in-game that was based off of the months and days of Terminus, as time progressed so did the time in Terminus, whether it be faster or slower than our time (assumingly that Terminus and our own world might not meet our own calendar ex. number of hours, days, and months). And as this in-game calendar progressed, you'd be able to see the years of Terminus pass by. This would also help RPers in a way, to get a better understanding of the world that they call home. A big focus of this game, from my understanding, is not only to bring back challange, but to make it immersive. In my opinion, this would greatly add to that, but also give it a new level as I doubt any other game has gone that in depth to the world that they've created.

    • 423 posts
    September 22, 2017 5:26 AM PDT

    Everquest kept track of the years in game. Typing /time would give you in-game time with month, day, year as well as real world date/time.

    I beleieve EQ2 did this as well, though I could be wrong. GW2's entire story is dated with in game dates.

    LOTRO's story revolves around in game date/time.

    If i'm not mistaken DDO does this to some extent as well.

    Hardly new, but I do hope they have something in game, maybe in the quest journal, that tracks the date/time you did things and such.

    • 103 posts
    September 22, 2017 5:17 PM PDT

    kellindil said:

    Everquest kept track of the years in game. Typing /time would give you in-game time with month, day, year as well as real world date/time.

    I beleieve EQ2 did this as well, though I could be wrong. GW2's entire story is dated with in game dates.

    LOTRO's story revolves around in game date/time.

    If i'm not mistaken DDO does this to some extent as well.

    Hardly new, but I do hope they have something in game, maybe in the quest journal, that tracks the date/time you did things and such.

    Ah, and here I was I was thinking I was onto something...however, what I have in mind is a bit different. WoW has a calendar itself in game, but thats completely based on the real world. An in game calendar, or perhaps a journal as you said, would better add to the idea of keeping in game time 


    • 294 posts
    September 22, 2017 5:38 PM PDT

    I think even Vanguard had the ability to /time and get the in-game time.

    But I like where the original post is going with this idea. An in-game calendar that shows upcoming Terminus specific holidays, seasons, etc...

    Nice idea.

    • 2138 posts
    September 22, 2017 7:34 PM PDT

    Cloth maps and calendars!.

    Like sierra club or audobon with screenshots,also include celestial event notation.

    Cool way to promo an expansion? with new calendar showing screenies of new expansion? I'd keep 'em. 

    • 1095 posts
    December 9, 2017 3:15 PM PST

    Manouk said:

    Cloth maps and calendars!.

    Like sierra club or audobon with screenshots,also include celestial event notation.

    Cool way to promo an expansion? with new calendar showing screenies of new expansion? I'd keep 'em. 

    Yeah I'm so looking forward to that cloth map.

    Calendar idea ia dope. I'd buy one.

    • 1785 posts
    December 9, 2017 3:21 PM PST

    +1 to this idea in general.  Having an in-game calendar that maps to the world we're in (exposed via /time) just adds a nice little level of immersion to the game :)