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Do You Need A Hand With That?

    • 9115 posts
    September 4, 2017 3:59 AM PDT

    What part of playing your character in MMORPGs do you struggle with the most? #PRF #Communitymatters

    • 278 posts
    September 4, 2017 5:49 AM PDT

    For me it looks how do my char look do i need to adress dye unlock a new color to get the look right or such things as most games have diffrent approach to this sadly.I need dye station and a tab for visual gear so i can look like i whant and not as my equiped stat gear looks.


    Need to add one thing UI settings and window arrangenment i need freedom to set my stuff where I want em .

    This post was edited by Grizzly at September 4, 2017 9:55 AM PDT
    • 110 posts
    September 4, 2017 5:53 AM PDT

    The part of MMORPG's I struggle with when playing my character would have to be gated quest.  When something forces me to do a particular thing in order to do another thing just so I can see other things I tend to get lazy and fall behind on those things...


    Disclaimer:  I am not saying gated things aren't fun, I am just saying I tend to be lazy with things when I have to do other things to do the thing.

    • 220 posts
    September 4, 2017 6:18 AM PDT

    The last time an MMORPG mechanic presented me with a struggle was the last time I dropped a corpse down the shaft in classic Blackburrow.  Although I did struggle not to snap my keyboard in half when every fine horse I bred came out like something a toddler colored in BDO...

    • 3852 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:33 AM PDT

    The absolute worst for me is combat where you need to constantly be moving and need to do things in a preset order while fighting or the mechanics of the fight will kill you. 

    Just fighting enemies is fine but throw in raid-style mechanics and I am toast. I am not as quick as I was 50 years ago (probably wasn't then either but no need to go there).

    • 321 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:55 AM PDT

    What troubles me is when in combat you need to throw one ability or spell to be able to use another ability or spell. I think it is called an opening and finishing cast. I think all abilities and spells should be useable whenever you choose. if you want to add some damage to a series in correct order than that should be automatic.

    • 1921 posts
    September 4, 2017 8:58 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What part of playing your character in MMORPGs do you struggle with the most? #PRF #Communitymatters

    I struggle, briefly, with playing after signficant role & personal power changes from updates, patches, nerfs, and buffs. Then I post parses on the forums to prove it. ;)

    Other than that, for me, it's just how punitive the devs want to make things, not how 'difficult' it is to play.  If human response time + round-trip-latency is actually considered, then most players can respond to boss tells, and win.  "playing your character" is just moving, targeting, interacting, and/or casting.  For me, using the UI / playing the game hasn't been a struggle in any MMO to date.

    As far as content goes, most MMO's don't permit meaningful choices, so there is no internal struggle, from a story point of view.  This is largely due to evil getting the shaft universally, and a lack of support for true Alignment.  I get it, that's challenging, but more than 2 choices would be astonishing.  Even in modern single-player games like Fallout4, getting the ending you want through your actions is largely a matter of artificially gaming the system through picking counter-intuitive dialogue choices.  To me, that's just silly.

    • 17 posts
    September 4, 2017 10:03 AM PDT

    Mmmm I am not sure this counts but I do struggle with it as it seems to be a running issue in all most if not all mmos..... Aggro. I play as a Tank, always have, I love it. Through it seems that the short sightedness or what have you on the developers side always ends up with this being an issue before it becomes so widely seen and fixed. To understand why this is an issue for me I tend to run with the more hardcore clear first guilds. Even dps tanks wont reach the chart numbers main dps will, and as the gap grows holding aggro becomes near impossible. Yes yes there is a give and take I am not saying it should be handed to you or perhaps ubber easy to hold mobs. What I am saying is the way aggro is addressed should be tied to a core of the type of Tank. Armor, Constitution abilities ect. It makes no sense that as the DPS level and they get high numbers in damage that all my levels and gear I am not increasing my threatening poster to better hold mobs.  Not fun when you cant tank because of the systems math and nothing to do with your skill.



    • 50 posts
    September 4, 2017 11:00 AM PDT

    My greatest struggle is always playing whatever is closest to the Paladin class and then that class is either underpowered or gets nerfed so taking paladins isn't optimal for group play. I hate that and was one of the things that killed WoW for me towards the end of Vanilla. I got to the end game and it was near impossible to get in groups unless I had the trinket that made the flash of light cool down quicker and my role was doing nothing but flash of light spam. Even then, that role wasn't needed much and group invites were like a grudgingly "well we can't find anything better and am tired of waiting so I guess you can come pally". It sucks when you like a specific class or play style and that role is way down the list on things needed for groups.

    This post was edited by Zazzaro at September 4, 2017 11:04 AM PDT
    • 801 posts
    September 4, 2017 12:31 PM PDT

    I usually struggle with the /autofollow option the most.... and killing a mob that is around the corner with my boxed toons :)

    The rest is cake.

    • 178 posts
    September 4, 2017 12:45 PM PDT

    For me it would be in having to travel long distances to play with a group should travel be a cumbersome method involving sitting and doing nothing. I am thinking back to the boats as they were at EQ launch. Not everyone who played EQ had convenient access to ports depending on when they were online. This goes for friends, guildmates, and even strangers in nearby zones. The boats could get to be a really cumbersome experience. Since travel by boat in one direction was 15 minutes (or however long a SoW buff would last). Missing a boat required up to 30 minutes to wait for it to return and then another 15 minutes to ride the boat from Butcherblock to Freeport. So it could have taken a long and lonely 45 minutes of thumb-twiddling just to get from BB to FP. If my memory serves correct the Qeynos boat was an even longer wait.

    Don't get me wrong, if I had to run from zone to zone that was necessary as a non-porting class. Asking for ports and binds was also just as much a necessity. It's just the whole waiting thing at the docks that was really frustrating and a struggle. And always knowing these things required meticulous planning with others on similar and light gameplay schedules to coordinate adventuring together such that much of the waiting around for people to arrive didn't dig too deeply into available gameplay time. The struggle gets maginified by the numbers of folks playing together and experiencing the same sort of thing.

    This was the most "struggle" for me. Adventuring even with multiple deaths or multiple distractions was never as much of a struggle as simply logging in and doing nothing. Even when we were losing and going backwards we were still doing something (albeit very unsuccessfully, but we were still playing). Sitting at docks and waiting just became more and more of an aspect of the game to be avoided as much as possible - there's nothing to do.

    In and amongst the dozen and a bit of folks we would try to regularly group with either because of friendships created in game or in real life, not a single one of us was a druid or a wizard. It's hard to believe, I know. But everyone has their own struggles, waiting and doing nothing out of necessity just happens to be my biggest struggle.

    • 281 posts
    September 4, 2017 12:49 PM PDT

    I need a hand with the fact that the games that I love are either gone, morphed into something unrecognizable or owned by companies that have made such flagrant cash grabs that I cannot morally support them.  Then, on top of that, modern MMOs are online single player games with PvP features.  While I can enjoy such games for a short time, I'm not into PvP enough for that to keep me around, and since the rest is a a single player game that I can usually complete solo relatively easily and the group content is a serires of repeated, on-rails dungeons that get old fast and they only real hope that you have is that more on-rails dungeons might get released later.

    I am ready to pull my hair out.  I've pretty much started just playing good quality single player games like Witcher 3.

    So, VR, please give me a hand.  Give me a game that modernizes the MMO without trying to make it something else.  I'm not against more modern mechanics.  As long as it doesn't result in me simply moving from one skin of enemy to another with slightly higher level and a new set of fetch quests or the highly RNG dependent itemization of many asian games.

    • 801 posts
    September 4, 2017 1:20 PM PDT

    DragonFist said:

    I need a hand with the fact that the games that I love are either gone, morphed into something unrecognizable or owned by companies that have made such flagrant cash grabs that I cannot morally support them.  Then, on top of that, modern MMOs are online single player games with PvP features.  While I can enjoy such games for a short time, I'm not into PvP enough for that to keep me around, and since the rest is a a single player game that I can usually complete solo relatively easily and the group content is a serires of repeated, on-rails dungeons that get old fast and they only real hope that you have is that more on-rails dungeons might get released later.

    I am ready to pull my hair out.  I've pretty much started just playing good quality single player games like Witcher 3.

    So, VR, please give me a hand.  Give me a game that modernizes the MMO without trying to make it something else.  I'm not against more modern mechanics.  As long as it doesn't result in me simply moving from one skin of enemy to another with slightly higher level and a new set of fetch quests or the highly RNG dependent itemization of many asian games.


    So many of us are with you brother, we have nothing left to play. We do not need someone to swing a sword around 500 times and do a Mortal Kombat style when all us Real MMO players just want a simple system, with great values. Its been many years since we had something decent out there. Not all of us are into cash systems that are more bothersome then some websites with 1000 popup ads.


    • 125 posts
    September 4, 2017 3:19 PM PDT

    Trying to play casually. 

    Im ultra-competitive in all aspects of life and have been all of my life. Ive tried several times in the past to be a casual player and each time I have failed. 

    That and grinding. Grinding is why I quit EQ and every other MMORPG I have played. One day after some XP loss while raiding I was grinding back the XP and said to hell with it. What's the point... and that was it. I despise repetition in my life in any form.

    This post was edited by Aatu at September 4, 2017 3:32 PM PDT
    • 624 posts
    September 4, 2017 3:54 PM PDT

    I would say my biggest struggle in MMOs is trying to find words that rhyme with silver, pint, or opus. A bard just can't compose decent tunes without the proper ammo.

    Playing the game is smooth once you conquer that.

    This post was edited by Kumu at September 4, 2017 4:07 PM PDT
    • 103 posts
    September 4, 2017 4:13 PM PDT

    It's not so much as my character but more as to what I do when I'm done with my character. I usually settle in with a guild and rather than enjoying myself with endgame stuff, I spend all my free time recruiting for said guild :P

    • 2130 posts
    September 4, 2017 6:34 PM PDT

    Finding new, good looking appearance gear is a constant struggle.

    • 434 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:14 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What part of playing your character in MMORPGs do you struggle with the most? #PRF #Communitymatters


    I struggle with 'my look' honestly. I spend so much time crafting the hair/face/size everything when it comes to character customization. And then like a year later I realize I messed up on the eye color or the ear lobe size, or for some games the voice for the voice actor. Its such a bother when there is no option to fix things like that after i've made my character. I have on occation leveled up an alt and then replaced my old character. 


    What I struggle with now with my characters is picking the right class that gives me challenge. In World of Warcraft tanking as a paladin or warrior or deathknight is very boring. However Druid and Monk are very reactive and require more skill. The reactive playstyle, the playstyle that gives me resources I have to 'think about' and make choices on which resource is important to hold onto and which one I need to use. I like to have a good time playing my character, and I'm not a fan of sitting back and not doing anything while I wait for stuff to die. I like to be playing hard and showing my skill. WoW doesn't really let me shine, but Brewmaster Monk is better than nothing.



    • 2138 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:17 PM PDT

    Finding a group of people where, If I ask for help they show up and help. Then when they need help they ask me, I go to help them. Then finding that group when those "favors" earned and owed  begin to blur and we just run and do stuff.No ports? no problem because by that time we can converse and even if we log in and just dont feel like doing anything, even though we have lots to do. Even better if there is something we can all do and keep up with the same parts on a quest. also those who are willing to try - and die- a few times when attempting something hard- even if it means 2 or 3 long runs back.

    The other hard part is trying to Roleplay a little inbetween the adventuring or fighting, like on the run back, or waiting for a boat, making lore/game related conversation in tthe environment, snarky comments about NPC's, something clever that is humorous or intruiging or brain-storming or...fantasizing, that tickles the mind and passes the time.

    • 454 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:26 PM PDT

    I get lost a lot.  I make or use maps compulsively.  It's my weakness for sure.

    • 729 posts
    September 4, 2017 11:58 PM PDT

    Pretty easy. For me its playing a certain class, then noticing "I could really use ability X of class Y right now". So I start an alt of class Y, and then notice after some time "Oh, now it would be really neat to have ability A of class B". So I start an alt of class B, and so on...

    Really, in EQ this has been the case a lot. Its a sign that significant class abilities are well distributed, but it also has repeatedly made it difficult for me to really decide for (and stay with) one class :)

    This post was edited by Sarim at September 4, 2017 11:59 PM PDT
    • 17 posts
    September 5, 2017 1:44 AM PDT

    I struggle the most with finding nice people to play with. I'm a very social player, yet a shy one. I can't stick with a MMO if I don't have anyone to share the exprience with, yet I have extremely hard times to try and ask questions, ask for help, admit openly that I'd want these nice guys to stay around, that I'd like them to allow me to follow them for a while and just enjoy their presence, their talks, their help. It doesn't help that I played so long games that actively try to avoid these social skills as requirements at all...

    I'm not sure it counts as a valid answer though, because it's a struggle of mine, not something related to my character.

    This post was edited by Kaeril at September 5, 2017 1:45 AM PDT
    • 1778 posts
    September 5, 2017 7:27 AM PDT
    Well its not that I need help so much as Im always in trouble.......this dragon or that demon want to eat my face off. And all I tried to do was steal their treasure.
    • 65 posts
    September 5, 2017 8:02 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What part of playing your character in MMORPGs do you struggle with the most? #PRF #Communitymatters


    Buttom smashing.  I really hate when a game has over 10 different things you have to click to kill a mob.  I truely love more of the strategic idea of having set spells or abilities coupled with good positioning, mob awareness, landscape effect on abilities, and team composition to get things done.

    Not an all out click every skill when it hits its cooldown.  

    • 646 posts
    September 5, 2017 9:25 AM PDT

    I have two answers: the first constructive, the second snarky.


    1) I struggle with gear that is "leveled" wrong.  If I want to work on a quest item, by the time I can achieve it, the rewards are worthless.  I'm playing a necro on Agnarr TLP in EQ right now.  The shadow-item quests are stupid.  I can't really do the quests until I am 25-35 ish and I certainly can't solo any part of it until I am 35-45 ish.  The rewards are good for a level 25-ish character.  Similarly, any level I focus items can't be acquired until I am past level 40 when the effect tapers off.  It's absurd.  I have no problem getting usable gear and having it take a very long time.  I object to being unable to get gear until it's useless.


    2) I struggle mostly with other players who have a very different mindset than me.  When I go there, I want to live in a virtual world.  Of course I want to quest and hunt and group and raid but I want to *LIVE* there.  I'm there to be there in the world.  The quicky insta-travel nonsense, insta-group nonsense and convenience insta-clicky nonsense ruins the game for me.  I'm not interested in a consol game where I can log in, click a mouse button, and be battling a mob before I log out.  When I first was in Norrath, my character was half-naked for months and it was awesome.  Nowadays everyone succumbs to this very opposite mentality.