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A Fork in the Road?

    • 9115 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:01 AM PDT

    If there was something preventing you from progressing your character, would you ask for help, give up or leave it be for now and do something else, coming back to complete it later on?

    • 24 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:27 AM PDT

    Depends on the situation and my playtime. If i ask for help i include some help in return, so i need enough playtime to do that. 

    If its not not really important i leave it be (for the time) and do it later or not at all. Or ask for the help later.

    • 63 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:30 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    If there was something preventing you from progressing your character, would you ask for help, give up or leave it be for now and do something else, coming back to complete it later on?



    Do something else, come back later.

    pretend to give up and not care

    go back and try again because I don't like to give up

    In that order 

    • 2138 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:33 AM PDT

     I would ask for help- and I see the balance being not getting frustrated when help is not immediately coming while at the same time being there for others enough so they would be motivated to also help you. 

    By not immediately coming I mean in my experience- First attempt at Khati shah I waited 3 years, Those who could help and were on and doing nothing, just did not want to within that time period. Second attempt a year after and success!.

    So I guess I would do exactly that, and in that order. I mean I wasn't waiting around for 3 years I went on raids, other groups, frantic expansions, etc.

    • 9 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:35 AM PDT


    I would likely ask for help; or try harder as I am a persistant individual. I would take it further however and actually once I managed to get it I would stick around and see if others are having an issue and offer to help because the inner superhero in me gets gratification from that. Its how I interact with people and likely 80% feel good 10% practice and 10% Ego trip.

    Eventually I would assume I am doing something wrong and likely wait a bit and revisit it later once I am a bit stronger or have had more time to think about the obstactle.

    • 9115 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:37 AM PDT

    Zahlhedren said:

    Kilsin said:

    If there was something preventing you from progressing your character, would you ask for help, give up or leave it be for now and do something else, coming back to complete it later on?



    Do something else, come back later.

    pretend to give up and not care

    go back and try again because I don't like to give up

    In that order 

    Hahaha, this sounds like me sometimes! :D

    • 793 posts
    July 17, 2017 4:38 AM PDT

    Assuming the difficult task is not compeletely preventing me from moving forward, I just move on to other things, and put out the word to friends and guild memebers of my situtation, and hold out hope that a few will come to my aide to clear the hurdle.

    This post was edited by Fulton at July 17, 2017 4:38 AM PDT
    • 35 posts
    July 17, 2017 5:16 AM PDT
    It depends on the game and in recent years I'm afraid I've grown cynical and usualy end up quiting for a while. This is because most of the time people couldn't be bothered, you neither have the proper tools nor incentive to help. Hence I'm here supporting this game. I want to regain my belief that people inherently are kind.
    • 2886 posts
    July 17, 2017 6:21 AM PDT

    There's also a 4th option: stubbornly grind repeatedly, banging your head against the wall until you finally get what you need. Sometimes that's all it takes. Having been raised on EQ, I have a high grinding tolerance and can attempt the same thing over and over for hours without getting bored. My brain is just used to that. But it really depends on the situation - what the task entails and how worthwhile the reward actually is. Sometimes you truly do need help, and sometimes you realize that the effort required is not worth a tiny reward. (But I am a bit of a perfectionist so that doesn't happen too often.) I rarely need to take a break to get a change of scenery, although I'd be lying if I said I haven't done that before too. So potentially all of the above haha.


    • 3 posts
    July 17, 2017 6:59 AM PDT

    I believe hard character progressions are sometimes a make-or-break point for a game. I'll take EQ as example because they had obvious progression stalls (not that Pantheon will have the same ones):

    1. Hell Levels. A lot of people gave up or made alts. Once level 35 rolled around they simply did something else or gave up. However if you had a core group of people, or just sheer will, you made it through and there was a real level of accomplishment. This wasn't just for you, it was shared by your friends & guild.

    2. Epic Quests. I remember doing the Rotlc quest, and basically logging in at weird hours, doing what I had to do to progress. Having some core friends that helped me keep track of spawns and finish the quest was amazing. Again it was a real level of shared accomplishment when you turned around and helped them with epics.


    To summarize, progression stalls are the sort of awesome immersion for the person who has the mentality to figure out the game and own it. Some people see them as too difficult, and perhaps are dismayed by not having "instant" gratification. This is the balance of the game that has to be considered. I would personally love 'progression' stalls if the reward was commensurate with the effort involved. 

    • 189 posts
    July 17, 2017 7:23 AM PDT

    Usually there's a global chat to ask all your questions. And by that time someones already had and dealt with your same "fork in the road". Or depending how long the game has been out, several others might be on the same "fork", so we group together and help each other out without relying on people who've already done it. Problem solving is pretty fun and rewarding as long as it ends up solved lol.

    • 542 posts
    July 17, 2017 7:25 AM PDT

    Not the type that gives up easily.
    Reminds me of a few days ago while I was racing transformed as a mushroom with clunky pre-programmed moves,in an attempt to earn a much needed mastery point
    I'v walked away several times,eventually persistence won.

    When it comes to worldbosses,I'm the type that gives a shout like "the pouncing bull is up "
    And then I'd engage alone if nobody shows up,considering that by the time someone shows up i've could taken the beast down by myself.
    When someone shows up i'm all happy ,but sometimes i'm too optimistic.For example yesterday I was engaging a champion boss all alone,someone showed up ,looted the grand chest and left me to an uncertain fate with the boss:D It was a long fight but won eventually

    Often a break in progression allows you to think about the options you have and where to take your character next (if there are options)
    I think this downtime from progression is most welcome if community is going to be a greater focus point too

    • 189 posts
    July 17, 2017 7:43 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    If there was something preventing you from progressing your character, would you ask for help, give up or leave it be for now and do something else, coming back to complete it later on?

    It has happened quite a bit in my gaming time, I rarely will ask for help for things in game. I have always just left it for now and came back to complete it later. If there is a will there is a way though, as baz said I would grind and grind and work the problem until I had exhausted myself or all options.  I have shelved the EQ1 monk epic, cleric epic, shaman epic and rogue epic (just kidding, they were handing these out) until an opportunity down the road presented itself to complete.

    • 125 posts
    July 17, 2017 8:18 AM PDT

    Wouldnt give up. I rarely do. Ive kited a mob for close to three hours that I needed for my epic in EQ while I and a few members of the guild tried to put together a raid to kill it. I started kiting at 2am my time and by the time we killed it, after a few wipes, it was 6am and I had to work at 8. Thank the gods for far east players and a few members from my north american guild that would not give up :)

    This post was edited by Aatu at July 17, 2017 8:20 AM PDT
    • 1618 posts
    July 17, 2017 11:38 AM PDT
    That's what guilds, friends, and family are for.
    • 2130 posts
    July 17, 2017 11:39 AM PDT

    With luck I'll be in an environment where help is easily accessed if I need it. Otherwise, cash incentives, which still qualifies as asking for help, I guess.

    Coming back later is the most extreme option for me. I hate stopping something once I've already started it, so this would be the absolute last resort. Giving up isn't an option.

    • 168 posts
    July 17, 2017 12:26 PM PDT

    If I really couldn't handle it on my own, I would try harder! ... then I would ask for help... I hate leaving things unfinished as it ends up filling up your bank/inventory with junk you need to give to so-and-so etc.. 

    • 110 posts
    July 17, 2017 1:04 PM PDT

    Much like Baz I have a high tolerance for grinding.  Yes I am that guy who could grind for 16 hours and not even bat an eye in the process.  At the same time though if its something you just know requires help, then I ask for help.  How else can you meet like minded people who share your game style.  Quitting is never an option when it comes to progression for me.

    • 2752 posts
    July 17, 2017 1:27 PM PDT

    Zahlhedren said:


    Do something else, come back later.

    pretend to give up and not care

    go back and try again because I don't like to give up

    In that order 


    This exactly.

    • 320 posts
    July 17, 2017 1:44 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    If there was something preventing you from progressing your character, would you ask for help, give up or leave it be for now and do something else, coming back to complete it later on?

    Most assuradly I would ask for help. First from my guild and then in whatever type system we have available.

    Then, if none is available i would just keep trying different methods to get it done.

    If that didn't work I would move on to something else until I either leved up and try it again or found another way to get it done.

    I would never give up on it.

    • 208 posts
    July 17, 2017 1:53 PM PDT

    If I couldn't figure it out by myself after a while, I would then start doing research on whatever it is that is blocking me.  Mob type, quest step I overlooked, whatever else I might have messed up. After that I would ask for knowledge/help.  If there were no help/info available I would then put it on my list of things to do later and move on to other things.  Once I had enough items on the list and I felt I had progressed my character enough I would go back and re-attempt whatever it was that was stopping my character.  If I was still unable to advance my character I would put it back on the list and then not worry about it for a long while(6ish months or so).  If I couldn't do it after that then I would just give up and pursue something else with my character.

    • 278 posts
    July 17, 2017 2:07 PM PDT

    Well i would do  the easy solution ask guild ask in-game forums/chat if no help post a tread and start help others with similar problems cus then i know how happy ill make them by helpin and maybe get some in return.As its a slow progress game i thing ill get past any problems in the end im in no hurry (unless progency can help me get to my ultimate goal a Ogre Palladin if so im in a bit of a hurry :)...

    • 363 posts
    July 17, 2017 2:39 PM PDT

    Tharca said:

    Depends on the situation and my playtime. If i ask for help i include some help in return, so i need enough playtime to do that. 

    If its not not really important i leave it be (for the time) and do it later or not at all. Or ask for the help later.

    Pretty much this. Only thing I might add is that, unless the need is pressing, it's a toss up on whether I go back just to finish something (unless it offers fun and a good reward).

    • 2419 posts
    July 17, 2017 5:55 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    If there was something preventing you from progressing your character, would you ask for help, give up or leave it be for now and do something else, coming back to complete it later on?

    It all depends upon 'the something'.  If it is lack of people, work with the guild to get more for next time.  If it is lack of skill (tradeskill, etc) I work on raising them.  If it is a game mechanic, I reach out to the developers.  No matter what I just don't leave it.

    • 33 posts
    July 17, 2017 7:15 PM PDT

    I usually look for something else to work on for a bit, then come back to it later (assuming I remember and it is still worth doing). I also like to be as self sufficient as I can be, so if I ask for help I will offer help in return; I don't like "hand-outs" unless there isn't anything I can do in return. Sometimes, I try to be clever or brute force something through as I can be very stubborn when my OCD kicks in.