Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Stockholm Syndrome

    • 106 posts
    June 26, 2017 7:19 PM PDT

    As you enter certain zones and see the civitilations of the mobs you are killing you get a bit of stockholm syndrome. You enter the caves of the warrens and you discover their throneroom carved in the rock. The kobolds basicly consist of shamans and martial artists. The original everquest kobold model is super cool as with the original werewolf model, how they run on all 4s is sweet. I wish i could be a martial artist kobold and live in a kobold camp. And spend time in the warrens to further my training.

    Mistmoore castle is also a zone i wish i could call home, Be a familiar of castle mistmoore. Go to all the ballroom parties, leave sacrifices in mayong's crypt, live in his luxurious castle, have a gargoyle as my own.

    Crushbone, Be an axe weilding orc, learn orcish blacksmithing, craft orcish blades and armor, live in crushbone , train with your orcish brothers, raid villages, set up raiding camps near trade routes, be part of an orcish battle ship.

    guk and seb, You get to be a froglok in everquest which is awesome, But to be part of either sebilus or guk would make it far cooler. A mold and moss filled swamp cave full of ramps, ladders, and waterways. is friken sweet. Froglok is a club everyone wants to be a part of.

    Keal drakel. a city carved in the ice and inhabited by giants, any giant civilization is awesome in everquest. Giant forts are boss.

    Unrest. Its a haunted mansion with trap doors, and passageways behind bookcase, and secret underwater tunnel, Is there anything creepier than abandoned mansion filled with undead and ghosts and skeletons? I wish i could learn the stories of all the inhabitence before and up to their deaths. Use magic to visit unrest in a previous timeline to discover the darkness of unrest. and talk with all the inhabitence before their demise.

    Befallen. How to i join the Necromancer's and shadowknights of befallen. Befriend them and have free acess past hordes of undead guards. Truly master the art of necromancy, and use my lair deep within befallen to expiriment in necromancy and create golems, undead servents and abominations.

    I think in a mmo it would be more fair to players if they could fully explore and be apart of the civilizations, and ways of life of the other inhabitence of the world and not just the initial starting races.

    The original might and magic games let you have a city of any of the races and use any unit in the game, In magic the gathering we mix match our decks with creatures and magics from all walks of the world.

    As we  divulge into multi colored magics in pantheon i hope we can also divulge into all the civilizations,  

    I don't want to just collect gear sets in a mmo. I wan't to unlock playable races, units, and do the questlines for all the worlds civilizations.



    This post was edited by munge at June 26, 2017 7:33 PM PDT
    • 2130 posts
    June 26, 2017 8:03 PM PDT

    As cool of an idea as it is, it would have to be a PvP based game, or a single player game for it to make sense. Either that, or it would have to be a non-combat game.

    • 37 posts
    June 26, 2017 10:49 PM PDT

    From what you're describing, it most closely relates to a previous discussion on "Project M"

    Your idea is different from a roleplay perspective, but it was the most fleshed out thing i could share with you.

    • 1584 posts
    June 27, 2017 5:33 AM PDT

    Liav said:

    As cool of an idea as it is, it would have to be a PvP based game, or a single player game for it to make sense. Either that, or it would have to be a non-combat game.

    It wouldn't have to any of the things to mentioned, multiple games have made you unlock races within their game, it just wasn't through questes and such but through there store, so you could obviously have it set to where you could unlock it through other means, such as what the OP wanted, and honestly if that is a desire he would want, and it would cause him to play longer, along with a lot fo other people than why not, it doesn't exactly change anything but te cosmetic way of how you look, granted his home town would probably be getting attacked everywhere we looked, but honestly i see that happening anyway regardless, look at all games that have killable guards, they surely are always getting killed either for exp/money.

    • 3852 posts
    June 27, 2017 7:36 AM PDT

    >The original might and magic games let you have a city of any of the races<

    None of the Might and Magic games I played offered a choice of cities and I played them all from Might and Magic 1 to the miserably disappointing 9. Someone else later came out with a MM10 which was buggy and unsupported - I am not even counting that one as part of the series. The MMs had some groundbreaking innovations for that type of game - like in-game minimaps unlocked by a cartography skill, music (pathetically bad as it was it still differentiated MM2 from other games at that time), digitized sound (the famous "safe and secure" from the World of Xeen package) but a choice of cities - nope.

    There were some spin-off games that weren't roleplaying I bet you are thinking of those though.

    • 2130 posts
    June 27, 2017 8:31 AM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    It wouldn't have to any of the things to mentioned, multiple games have made you unlock races within their game, it just wasn't through questes and such but through there store, so you could obviously have it set to where you could unlock it through other means, such as what the OP wanted, and honestly if that is a desire he would want, and it would cause him to play longer, along with a lot fo other people than why not, it doesn't exactly change anything but te cosmetic way of how you look, granted his home town would probably be getting attacked everywhere we looked, but honestly i see that happening anyway regardless, look at all games that have killable guards, they surely are always getting killed either for exp/money.

    You missed the point almost entirely. This topic isn't about race unlocks.

    He's talking about inhabting zones which are otherwise PvE zones. How do you even make that work? You go to Mistmoore, a PvE zone full of vampires, and there's a player who is also a vampire who inhabits the zone.

    Your two options are:

    1. Kill all of the NPC vampires but are inexplicably unable to kill the player as well. Simlarly, the player is unable to defend the place they inhabit.

    2. Open world PvP where players who inhabit zones are capable of attacking the players who attempt to come in and kill NPCs of their race.

    Neither of these options are practical in a game like Pantheon.

    • 2138 posts
    June 27, 2017 11:32 AM PDT

    I think the closest you could get to being able to hang-out with the natives would be via factioning.

    Kind of like old chardok and goblin salts and skins. It should take a while (a long while) but once done you could hang out in there. Perhaps then to complete the immersion by getting a illusion caster to cast the illusion of the natives on you, so you could blend in (albeit, with a name tag) for your own completeness. 

    From a pure, color, roleplay perspective like you would get responses that no one else would get- like discovering a story. It would be neat if better faction also opened unique questlineS (<-plural *ahem*). Maybe in order to get the illusion would require a long questline.

    Even in a  PvE environment, you could hang out there when you dont want to adventure and advertise being open for one-on-one duels or razzing the players in a role-playing way as they entered the area to taunt them into a one on one challenge. If you were higher level and had a old item good for the level of the zone and they beat you could give them the item and roleplay shame in your true form and no longer like the dezinens- and have to find another illusion caster to get you back- when you wanted to go back.. 


    • 106 posts
    June 27, 2017 4:52 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    >The original might and magic games let you have a city of any of the races<

    None of the Might and Magic games I played offered a choice of cities and I played them all from Might and Magic 1 to the miserably disappointing 9. Someone else later came out with a MM10 which was buggy and unsupported - I am not even counting that one as part of the series. The MMs had some groundbreaking innovations for that type of game - like in-game minimaps unlocked by a cartography skill, music (pathetically bad as it was it still differentiated MM2 from other games at that time), digitized sound (the famous "safe and secure" from the World of Xeen package) but a choice of cities - nope.

    There were some spin-off games that weren't roleplaying I bet you are thinking of those though.

    Might and magic 3 you can take over any city on the map and use units from any one of them. Perhaps you are playing in a different game mode? I have might and magic HD on steam and it allows it.

    This post was edited by munge at June 27, 2017 4:56 PM PDT
    • 106 posts
    June 27, 2017 4:57 PM PDT

    My bad i have Heroes of might and magic 3. lol

    • 3852 posts
    June 27, 2017 5:01 PM PDT

    I figured it was probably something like HoMM but its been so long I forgot the name of that game.

    We need Pantheon out so we can stop thinking about *old* games ((nudge)) ((nudge))

    • 106 posts
    June 27, 2017 5:12 PM PDT

    Liav said:

    Riahuf22 said:

    It wouldn't have to any of the things to mentioned, multiple games have made you unlock races within their game, it just wasn't through questes and such but through there store, so you could obviously have it set to where you could unlock it through other means, such as what the OP wanted, and honestly if that is a desire he would want, and it would cause him to play longer, along with a lot fo other people than why not, it doesn't exactly change anything but te cosmetic way of how you look, granted his home town would probably be getting attacked everywhere we looked, but honestly i see that happening anyway regardless, look at all games that have killable guards, they surely are always getting killed either for exp/money.

    You missed the point almost entirely. This topic isn't about race unlocks.

    He's talking about inhabting zones which are otherwise PvE zones. How do you even make that work? You go to Mistmoore, a PvE zone full of vampires, and there's a player who is also a vampire who inhabits the zone.

    Your two options are:

    1. Kill all of the NPC vampires but are inexplicably unable to kill the player as well. Simlarly, the player is unable to defend the place they inhabit.

    2. Open world PvP where players who inhabit zones are capable of attacking the players who attempt to come in and kill NPCs of their race.

    Neither of these options are practical in a game like Pantheon.

    In everquest as a woodelf i could not stop a troll from killing woodelf home city npc's. If im on keal faction can i save all the giants>? No but it still cool to be freindly with keal and get keal quests and such, could we also make giants a playable race? Certainly. Are they going to need to shrink in allot of places? Yes. Much like Ogres. If becoming a vampire is irreversible like ruining tunare faction its quite likely i will start a second toon lvl it up and then turn him into a vampire. Playing Multiple toons that are going down very differnt roads is replayability at its finest. I already know what it feels like to bee a woodelf. But what does it feel like to be a Kobold, a brownie, a vampire, a werewolf, etc. and not just to have the illusion but to have actual physical, magical, and social differences. Playing a dark elf and a gnome has a very different social experience as you interact with npc's and even human players. And isent pantheon a social game? where do i go to release my inner Kobold? My inner Vampire? my inner Deamons>?

    • 2130 posts
    June 27, 2017 5:20 PM PDT

    If we're just talking about farming faction to unlock quests and not be attacked by a given race, I'm sure that will already be a thing. Making playable races is a huge technical and design challenge, however.

    ESO allows you to become a vampire. Or a werewolf. You can even bite other players under controlled circumstances to pass it on. That's about the extent of it, though.

    Making every race in the game playable is practically impossible, though. That would add years to Pantheon's development time at minimum.

    • 1714 posts
    June 27, 2017 6:03 PM PDT

    I would vote a Tae Ew Lizardman into an important public office. 

    • 106 posts
    June 27, 2017 6:50 PM PDT

    How many Tae ew lizardmans subscribtions does it take to keep an mmo in development>? Ballpark guess is around 1000, But that is purely speculation. That being said when the game goes live there will no doubt be a base subscribtion, But will there also be a developer sub that allows beta access and testing of the in development content>?

    This post was edited by munge at June 27, 2017 6:57 PM PDT
    • 844 posts
    June 27, 2017 10:58 PM PDT

    munge said:

    As you enter certain zones and see the civitilations of the mobs you are killing you get a bit of stockholm syndrome. 

    Your analogy is incorrect and makes zero sense.

    In 1973, Jan-Erik Olsson, a convict on parole, took four employees of the bank (three women and one man) hostage during a failed bank robbery in Kreditbanken, one of the largest banks in Stockholm, Sweden. He negotiated the release from prison of his friend Clark Olofsson to assist him. They held the hostages captive for six days (August 23-28) in one of the bank’s vaults while torturing them with nooses and dynamite. When they were released, none of them would testify against either captor in court; instead they began raising money for their defense

    • 3016 posts
    June 28, 2017 7:45 AM PDT

    zewtastic said:

    munge said:

    As you enter certain zones and see the civitilations of the mobs you are killing you get a bit of stockholm syndrome. 

    Your analogy is incorrect and makes zero sense.

    In 1973, Jan-Erik Olsson, a convict on parole, took four employees of the bank (three women and one man) hostage during a failed bank robbery in Kreditbanken, one of the largest banks in Stockholm, Sweden. He negotiated the release from prison of his friend Clark Olofsson to assist him. They held the hostages captive for six days (August 23-28) in one of the bank’s vaults while torturing them with nooses and dynamite. When they were released, none of them would testify against either captor in court; instead they began raising money for their defense


    Your definition of Stockholm syndrome is right on..same as when Patricia Hearst (newspaper heiress) was kidnapped...eventually she joined their cause and became one of them.    I would say its a form of brainwashing through terror and torture.

    • 2138 posts
    June 28, 2017 11:02 AM PDT

    It makes sense in applying the specific to the general but from the other side. (specific to general is deductive reasoning, Holmes? I mean... homey *fist bumps*)

    analogous thought

    As the victim falls in love with the captor- the example is of the captor falling in love with the victim.

    as cat it so kitten so it Dog to.....

    Old question that I think should be removed from the S.A.T. on alanogous thought

    - although analogous thought tests WERE removed from the SAT for about 20 yrs if memory serves-

    were it not for the movie "O Brother Where art though" the SAT question being Dapper is to..... (correct answer is Fop) " but I'm a dapper dan man! ( and in the scene, the other pomade available was called...fop. lol) 


    What allows the captor (player) to fall in love (be one of) those he killed ( NPC's <--)  is the fact they are NPCs. 

    Because they are NPC's the thought of the syndrome is associated with those who can be affected with the syndrome instead of those that cannot be affected by the syndrome, i.e. the human behind the players character- and the assumption is the NPC's are incapable of suffering from the same syndrome- so the application of the syndrome -in thought without needing to be said- points away from the NPC's and intuitively falls on the human behind the player character.

    Is there a MMPI- type defined syndrome that goes the other way of Stockhold syndrome? If so, I stand to be corrected. But I think get the idea.


    • 844 posts
    June 28, 2017 12:37 PM PDT

    The analogy is so wrong it is almost backwards. But mostly sideways.

    • 2130 posts
    June 28, 2017 12:38 PM PDT

    Pretty sure the analogy is spaghetti.

    • 2138 posts
    June 28, 2017 1:27 PM PDT

    Liav said:

    Pretty sure the analogy is spaghetti.


    XD- hahaha!


    - understood that its not stockholm syndrome as defined; I am no authority. But would you associate what the OP is trying to express as something along the lines, or akin to LIMA syndrome? or is there a better way to express this kind of immersion?

    and for the record ther's nothing casual about this. (haha~!)



    • 646 posts
    June 28, 2017 1:56 PM PDT

    I agree the OP has the use of the term "Stockholm Syndrome"  a little misguided, but I do definitely get what they mean.


    For me, I loved the architecture of Katta Castellum and would like to hang out there.  I loved the gothic feel of HateB and would like to vacation there.  I'd love to be a "resident" of several enemy zones.


    But,  I talso think a lot of my nostalgia for those places ceom from the immersive feel of hunting and questing there.  For example, my favorite place is HateB, but it would be pretty boring to just stand there in one of the houses all the time hanging out with my friend the cedar chest.



    • 168 posts
    June 28, 2017 2:44 PM PDT

    For all of you who think the OP is misguided in his verbage, you have obviously never played a stealth/portless class who has been the last man standing in your group at the bottom of Guk or Sebilis, or been the first to reconnect in the middle of the throne room of Kael after someone spilt coffee on the servers. 

    You all automatically assume the OP was the one doing the torturing and killing, from my point of view (someone who is always exploring on their own) finding you're barricaded in a room because a pather just decided to stop in the hall, unsure of whether he will turn towards you or keep walking, can cause severe anguish and stress. 

    In order to survive and hopefully one day overcome them; we learn their culture, their patterns, their strengths and weaknesses, their lore. In doing so we find outselves in awe, envious, jealous, and a multitude of other feelings which lead us to want to become more like them. 

    So, if we stretch our imagination and immersion far enough, we could say that this is a case of Stockholm Syndrome.

    This post was edited by Kargen at June 28, 2017 2:50 PM PDT
    • 106 posts
    June 28, 2017 4:29 PM PDT

    Capgras Syndrome,Fregoli Syndrome,Cotard Delusion,Reduplicative Paramnesia,Alien hand Syndrome,Todd Syndrome,Jeruselum Syndrome, Discotiative Amnesia, Diogenes Syndrome. Call me crazy roleplaying is fun.

    • 160 posts
    June 29, 2017 1:45 AM PDT

    Quite frankly, when I read the topic title, I thought he was referring to how we support and encourage the VR crew, after they had addicted us and enslaved us with the promise of this new game. ;)