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NPC Disposition: Builder

    • 3237 posts
    June 6, 2017 9:52 AM PDT

    Moving right along, I wanted to touch on another potential disposition for us to deal with.  I imagine the builder being an NPC that has 5 or 6 different constructs they can build.  To spice things up, the construct built would be completely random, further expanding on the idea of combating repetitive gameplay.

    Here are some of the devices a builder could create:

    Beartrap:  When stepped on, this trap would damage the player caught and temporarily root them.  These traps could be disarmed by rogues or rangers.

    Summoning Portal:  These portals would spawn relatively weak minions.  Only X amount of minions could be in the world at any given time.  When one dies, the portal would work on spitting out a replacement.  The portals could be destroyed by physical damage only.

    Tripwire:  These traps would alert NPC's in proximity of impending threat.  These traps could be disarmed by rogues or rangers.

    Totem Pole:  These totem poles would provide AoE buffs of some sort.  Some could offer buffs to nearby NPC's while others debuff players.  These totem poles could be destroyed by magical damage only.

    Campfire:  Campfires would be a temporary point of interest for NPC's.  Roamers or patrol units would be attracted to these campfires, encouraging them to stop by and interact with them for a period of time (maybe 10-20 seconds) to warm up.  They would alter the standard pathing trajectories.  These could be either advantageous or disadvantageous, depending on the situation.  Either way, they can encourage off-script pathing behaviors and add a little randomness to an area.  These campfires could be disposed of with water.  (Druids, wizards, summoners?)  If a player has a water canteen (with water in it) they could use it to extinguish the fire.

    Crafting Station:  These would create small crafting stations in the world that allow NPC's to interact with them in different ways, depending on what kind of mob they are.  Healers might be able to cook up a meal that can provide a small HP buff.  Tanks might reinforce their armor.  Casters might create a signet that increases their casting speed.  Melee's might sharpen their blades or concoct some sort of debilitating poison.  The crafting station can only be interacted with by one NPC at a time and their effects would be temporary.  Crafting stations could be destroyed by players.


    At any given point in time, a builder would try to prioritize having a construct built in their immediate proximity.  There could only be one construct within a specific proximity at any given point in time, even if there are multiple builders in the area.  If, by chance, a roamer or patrol guard spawns with the builder disposition, it's possible that they build constructs along their entire pathing route, limited to a proximity range to prevent stacking multiple constructs in a single area.  All constructs can be destroyed by players, with some classes being more useful than others depending on the construct.

    Anyway, this is just another random idea I had when it comes to NPC dispositions.  I wouldn't want the world to get absolutely out of control with these dispositions, but I am a fan of having a dynamic gaming landscape where areas in the world can be a little bit different each time you visit them.  Eventually, players would learn all of the NPC dispositions and be better prepared for the randomness associated with their behaviors.  I don't think all NPC's will automatically have a disposition.  I think it will be somewhat randomized when they spawn.  It's possible that a camp could have no dispositions or even be full of them.  There are certain disposition combinations that would be extra challenging to try and deal with and those are something I am really looking forward to!  I really like the idea of having to adapt to a situation and make an on the fly decision of how to prioritize the order we kill mobs.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at June 6, 2017 11:32 AM PDT
    • 1778 posts
    June 6, 2017 10:00 AM PDT
    So basically they are Rangers...... only smarter and not taking a dirt nap?

    Cool concept. But yep. Whatever the devs can do to add depth.
    • 434 posts
    June 6, 2017 12:25 PM PDT

    I really enjoy these ideas! Whem i think about breaking a camp and settling into a steady grind i think of how fun these dispositions can spice things up. Going from the bottom of the dungeon to the top could be completely different based on how the reapawns are dispositioned.


    There might be some fun constructs also with this. Building a ballista or catapault. So when the respawn happens you see the constructor begin building something with a long cast time.


    Maybe even dispositions complimenting each other. Having 3 warriors appear would be easier than 1 warrior and 2 builders.




    • 690 posts
    June 6, 2017 12:57 PM PDT

    Flat out cool idea.

    Only problem is the difficulty of implementation but it'd be worth it, I think.

    You may even be touching on these wondrous these VR is secretly planning for dispositions=)

    • 542 posts
    June 6, 2017 2:26 PM PDT

    i'd also love to see watchtowers added to the list of things a builder could create
    They would recognize pressure points where a lot of a certain NPC type fall in combat and respond to that by adding defences to those points.
    This way players can't always use the same fail-proof kite spot as builders would recognize it and take action
    Players would need to adjust tactics as the builders would urge them to

    This post was edited by Fluffy at June 6, 2017 2:27 PM PDT
    • 3237 posts
    June 6, 2017 3:46 PM PDT

    I was thinking about watchtowers as well but wasn't really sure how they would be effective.  I like how you describe them, those would be pretty fun to deal with!  Thanks for sharing Fluffy.