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How stupid are you?

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    • 434 posts
    May 20, 2017 12:22 PM PDT

    Kittik said:

    Feign death, not my favorite ability, especially when it's abused to train through a dungeon to the end for the boss encounter or something.  I've seen it done.


    But come on mobs, are you really that stupid to think a guy just died from fear?  You didn't even hit him, why would you think he's dead after you started to chase him for 2 seconds?  Educate yourself random mob 001!  If you didn't cast a spell on him, or shoot him with an arrow or at least land an uppercut on him, he's not dead you dummy.  Go over to the corpse and curb stomp his skull just to verify!  You're an embarrassment to the public education system.  

    Honestly though, shouldn't mobs at least inflict some degree of damage before Feign Death is allowed to work?


    I wasn't looking forward to seeing feign death either. I would have rather seen some other class get the same effect from a smoke-bomb vanish, or temporary flash/invisibility having the same effect. Heck, even a mage 'casting' feign death on the person pulling would have been neat. With magic you could make an illusion of the person dying in some horrific spontaneus way leaving no corpse behind etc. 

    I get Monks have such control of their bodies they can slow their pulse instantly or something and appear to be dead. Its just ... yea, the enemies i'm fightin in this game are intelligent and powerful. The kind of desception needed here doesn't seem realistic 'within the game world'. 

    Would have been a lot more fun to see this ability on the rogue or done something completely different with the Monk to get the same effect.


    You know I just don't have any idea's other than ... the power of chi creating some kind of illusion and leaving the monk to scamper away. If the chi-formed illusion is convincing enough to confuse the enemy they give up not knowing what it is they saw. And of course if it fails ... yea.  And even this idea is so different from what VR knows ... wow i'm just wasting my time typing here. haha.


    Not a fan of feign death


    I am a fan of what the idea behind the mechanics are supposed to achieve. Its important and needed.


    This just feels like another one of those. Meditation during combat isn't ok because your sitting on your butts and expecting no aggro. The fix was standing meditation which I LOVED. I don't care to build up hope that feign death will be made into something different and more believable. Especially if the team and other parts of the community all just agree and i'm the odd one out.


    Hey guys? This is a heavy opinion thread. Don't get all upset, we all love this game and want it to come out. There's no use in quarreling or attacking each other. 


    • 1921 posts
    May 20, 2017 2:00 PM PDT

    Are you a fan of FD to save the monk from death, and/or a fan of FD as a CC/pulling/training mechanic?
    Which -single- quaternity role does FD primarily fill for the Monk class?

    Personally, I'm not seeing it as important or needed at all, as a quaternity role.  DPS, Tank, CC, Heal, now the Monk does all four?  Uh... how is that important or needed?
    Seems like a gimmick that has more negatives than positives, strictly speaking from a design/balance/mechanics perspective.  I mean... lull/pacify, mez, root, sleep, paralyze, trip, pin, knockdown, silence, stun, bluff, blind, deafen, darkness, distract, lure, tempt, trap, poison, charm, fear, possess, petrify, confusion... Those all seem like better CC than FD.  So .. yeah, unless the Monk is meant to fill all four roles, or three out of four roles, FD has no place as CC.

    But as it is, go go uber monks.  You can do it all. :)  Should be a great class to play until that one inevitable "Monk Nerf" patch and suddenly one of those four roles is removed.

    • 279 posts
    May 20, 2017 2:42 PM PDT

    Beefcake said:

    People claim that FD and taunt are unrealistic.   Nobody seems to complain when a toon can wave her hands or make a shiny appear and a mob will suddenly stop doing anything for a while.

    It's time to get over the logic of mechanics, accept them for what they are intended to be, and play the game the way it's meant to be played.

    Without the wailing and gnashing of teeth while whining that it's not realistic.

    This post broke my immersion!!!!11

    • 119 posts
    May 20, 2017 3:12 PM PDT

    vjek said:So .. yeah, unless the Monk is meant to fill all four roles, or three out of four roles, FD has no place as CC.
    problem is, we want distinctive classes and FD is a unique ability. losing it would reduce class diversity. it makes alot more sense to let the monk lose other abilities, or make them so weak that he's balanced in total.

    • 1434 posts
    May 20, 2017 3:30 PM PDT

    I actually proposed this once before. I think it would be great if feign death had a higher potential of failure if the player had not been a) hurt, and b) recently attacked. I feel like not doing so is a missed opportunity for gameplay.

    For instance, a monk with max skill in FD has a 25% of success. Then for each percentage between 100% and 50% health, the monk gains 1%. So if the monk is at 50% health, it's an additional 50% chance of success. Last, an additional 50% is added for feigning immediately after being attacked, with that value decreasing by 10% for each second that passes (up to 5 seconds).

    Therefore, a monk with max skill could feign within a second of being attacked, and would have a 75% chance of success. If he were at 75% health, the chance of success increases to 100%.

    ... and still there should be critical failures.


    I'm of course just throwing numbers out there. For people who pay attention to math and formulas, obviously you would want skill level to be a modifier so timing + health alone would not guarantee success. There would also be different variables involved like the level of the mob versus that of the monk, etc etc.

    This post was edited by Dullahan at May 20, 2017 4:01 PM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    May 20, 2017 3:39 PM PDT

    letsdance said: ... problem is, we want distinctive classes and FD is a unique ability. losing it would reduce class diversity. it makes alot more sense to let the monk lose other abilities, or make them so weak that he's balanced in total.

    If the EQ-o-rama keeps rolling, Dire Lords and Necromancers will both get FD.  The options are: do nothing or adjust FD so it's used only in dire emergencies (and not as a pulling/CC tool).  Otherwise, even with a 1 minute refresh timer, it's a pulling/CC tool with all the role overlap that entails. 
    I mean, that's an easy fix... put a 60 minute refresh timer on it and it's still a unique ability (or at least, one out of three FD classes) but but now Monks don't primarily fill the CC role.  Now it's like Escape was for Rogues, initially.  Sure, you can drop all aggro, but you can't do it every 10 seconds.
    It's not the end of the world, for sure, it's just a very... odd design decision based on how history has demonstrated role overlap thus far.

    • 157 posts
    May 20, 2017 6:00 PM PDT

    Sure.  While we are at it, let mobs feign dead.  Pull a group, let a mob FD at 5% ... let him come back at 30% and wail on the healer a bit at some random time.  Why should only players have FD?

    • 28 posts
    May 20, 2017 11:53 PM PDT

    This thread should be about the stuidity of mobs and not about nerfing monks or any other classes. 

    This game isn't even in alpha and people are asking for nerfs. 

    • 2752 posts
    May 21, 2017 1:06 AM PDT

    HaskarMadnome said:

    This thread should be about the stuidity of mobs and not about nerfing monks or any other classes. 

    This game isn't even in alpha and people are asking for nerfs. 


    Never too early for class envy I guess.

    • 9115 posts
    May 21, 2017 3:10 AM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    letsdance said:

    try this thread in the monk forum:

    Yup. I totally agree with the OP, which is why this has also already been discussed in this thread:

    And there's this one too:

    Thanks Baz :)

    Please continue to discussion in the already active threads, you guys need to get in the habit of searching before posting as when we move to the new forums duplicate thread will be removed without warning, wasting all of your hard work, so best to get used to it now ;)