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...Trivial skills

    • 13 posts
    May 4, 2017 11:40 PM PDT

    I have been playing many Rpg's and MMO's during my life, and I have noticed a trend. Some trivial skills as far as gameplay in general go but add to the role-play aspect of the game can cause quite an uproar if they are missing. 

    to name a few off the top of my head: 

    Fishing: its long been a past time in RPG's to fish for food or just while relaxing by a lake or stream. yet in an MMO it has nearly any effect on general game play. A lot of games have later in the game tried to add new features to these skills to more in line with some aspects of normal gameplay (quests etc.) I remember UO later added treasure maps from fishing and you had to go find and dig up the treasure. EQ had fishing for the cod cards in Mischief that i remember off the top of my head.

    Cooking: well what else are you to do with all those fish? fire em up on a camp fire. granted cooking has really come a long way in MMO's these days with food and drink having wonderous effects on the player via buffs. 

    I am just curious to see what other skills other people think are trivial to game play but to important in the imersion and role-play aspects of the game to have missing? Who knows maybe there are even some that have disappeared over the years that we would like to see come back like UO's Animal Taming i miss my dragon pets, or old EQ's sense heading, now everyone had mini maps and migratory bird sense of direction.