Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Let's talk transgender characters!!!!

    • 434 posts
    May 4, 2017 7:46 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    I am generally inclined to agree with ghost7 but I would hate to argue with Ursula Leguin (Left Hand of Darkness reference - that was a classic).


    When i saw 'Left Hand of Darkness' book drop in the post im glad somebody else got the reference. Loved reading that in college.


    -sent via mobile


    • 74 posts
    May 4, 2017 1:49 PM PDT

    Teglayen said:

    The more decisions that you have to make that matter, the better the overall experience in my opinion.

    Agreed. It's the same general idea with dying. Having consequences for your actions makes good MMOs.


    • 2 posts
    May 5, 2017 11:46 AM PDT

    Gender Changes 100% Yes, Name Changes 100% NEVER allow. This game should be built on community, and reputation this will damage the longevity of the game.

    I would however say charge cash on the store and make a few bucks off it to help page for more development, and so it won't be something folks can do constantly. 


    • 87 posts
    May 5, 2017 1:36 PM PDT

    I'll be playing an Enchanter at launch. Now I'm hoping we get a Project Illusion spell called Gender Bender that lasts an hour ;)

    • 81 posts
    May 5, 2017 1:36 PM PDT

    Real life:  When you are born you don't get to choose your name, what gender you are, what race/ethnicity/nationality you are, your hair color/type, your eye color, what your height will be once you are fully grown, your genetic predisposition to heart disease, etc.  

    Fantasy/MMO world: Depending on the complexity of the character creator, you may get to choose all of these things, although probably minus the genetic predisposition to heart disease (that would be one hell of a character creator) 

    The possibilities are (nearly) endless in an Fantasy/MMO world, which is one of the things that make them awesome, the power is in your hands.   Once you make your choice(s) though, you should have to stick with it IMO.   Everyone should put some time/effort/thought into the details of making their character.

    I know this post was at least partially a playful/lighthearted topic, but if you let people change genders, then why not names, race, class, religion/deity, etc.? 

    My opinion, you should have to stick with all aspects of the character you made and if there is something you don't like about it or want to change, you can always make another,  that's the beauty of MMO's. 


    This post was edited by raelsmar at May 5, 2017 1:38 PM PDT
    • 3016 posts
    May 5, 2017 2:29 PM PDT

     Wouldn't a transgender person automatically choose their gender preference at character creation?   That would be the logical thing to do.  And besides ..I've known lots of males that choose female characters and some females that choose male characters during my years of gaming.    This shouldn't even be an issue.   Lots of freedom of choice.

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at May 5, 2017 2:32 PM PDT
    • 514 posts
    May 6, 2017 11:12 AM PDT

    Worst.  Thread title.  Ever.

    • 432 posts
    May 7, 2017 7:05 AM PDT

    raelsmar said:


    The possibilities are (nearly) endless in an Fantasy/MMO world, which is one of the things that make them awesome, the power is in your hands.   Once you make your choice(s) though, you should have to stick with it IMO.   Everyone should put some time/effort/thought into the details of making their character.



    This .

    I can't think of any reason why VR should waste even 1 h of ressources on features changing the race/gender/class decision once it was taken during the character's creation .

    • 249 posts
    May 7, 2017 6:44 PM PDT

    If I'm an evil race but really i identify as a good race can I go in a good city without being kos?...

    • 9115 posts
    May 7, 2017 7:33 PM PDT

    Ashvaild said:

    If I'm an evil race but really i identify as a good race can I go in a good city without being kos?...

    I know this is a tongue in cheek question but for the record, No. ;)

    • 514 posts
    May 8, 2017 12:04 AM PDT

    Am I going to get my minor illusion spell so I can self-identify as a geranium?

    • 24 posts
    May 8, 2017 7:33 AM PDT

    Dont like your race, sex, orgin etc.  All the more reason to start an alt! 

    • 151 posts
    May 8, 2017 10:51 AM PDT

    I don't understand why gender changes are viewed as perfectly fine but race, class, deity, and other base character type changes are considered out of the question.

    • 1584 posts
    May 8, 2017 11:33 AM PDT

    Searril said:

    I don't understand why gender changes are viewed as perfectly fine but race, class, deity, and other base character type changes are considered out of the question.

    Gender changes nothing but the way you look, Race would change certain factions towards you so they could do it to cuase a shortcut into getting to a certain quest and such, Deity could do almost the same thing, or have it to where you realize being a certain Detiy gives you an awesome item for your class so you switched to it instead, cant really think of other character type changes that are as impacted as the 2 previously, but like i said gender does nothing towards faction, or anything else other than the way you look.

    • 95 posts
    May 8, 2017 12:05 PM PDT

    Doesn't the progeny system provide an in game avenue to address this and not require a cash shop option?

    • 2886 posts
    May 8, 2017 12:07 PM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    Searril said:

    I don't understand why gender changes are viewed as perfectly fine but race, class, deity, and other base character type changes are considered out of the question.

    Gender changes nothing but the way you look, Race would change certain factions towards you so they could do it to cuase a shortcut into getting to a certain quest and such, Deity could do almost the same thing, or have it to where you realize being a certain Detiy gives you an awesome item for your class so you switched to it instead, cant really think of other character type changes that are as impacted as the 2 previously, but like i said gender does nothing towards faction, or anything else other than the way you look.

    Definitely agree. Race, class, etc. directly affects gameplay in a lot of ways. That's not something you should be able to change on a whim. You can always start a new character. Gender, on the other hand, is purely cosmetic. It has no affect on anything or anyone.

    Janthu said:

    Doesn't the progeny system provide an in game avenue to address this and not require a cash shop option?

    We don't know any details of the progeny system yet. But this sort of thing could be handled just with in-game currency too without the need for a cash shop.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at May 8, 2017 12:09 PM PDT
    • 81 posts
    May 8, 2017 1:23 PM PDT

    So I already made one post on this thread which was basically my thoughts on the matter.  I want to play Devil's advocate though and offer a hypothetical situation in regards to the comments above about gender being purely cosmetic.

    I have a few transgender friends in real life and every single one of them have changed their names at some point during their transition.

    Before their transition, pretty much all of them had a name that was generally associated with one gender (male or female) and during their transition they choose a new name that was generally associated with their new gender. 

    Say you have someone in the game with a male character with a name that most people would think was masculine and associated with being a male such as Steve, John or Grogdor.  Well say the person who created and is playing Steve, John or Grogdor decides they want to change their character's gender and that Pantheon allows them to do that. 

    Well now that character is a female, but the person doesn't find the name Steve, John or Grogdor fitting for their new female character and wants to change that as well.  Would the Pantheon devs then also allow this person/character to change their name to something that is more closely associated with a female and feminine, since that is something transgender people typically do in real life?

    What if the person/character known as Steve, John or Grogdor had a reputation of being a bad person/player in the game and that the majority of the server was aware of this? 

    Would it be right to allow someone in this situation to change their character's name after their gender change and basically have an entirely new identity and possibly escape their bad reputation and remove the stigma that had been tied to their previous name because of their misdoings and foul behavior in the game?

    Just a possible slippery slope situation I thought of and something to think about.  Nothing to get too worked up over though either way.  :)


    • 1584 posts
    May 8, 2017 1:36 PM PDT

    raelsmar said:

    So I already made one post on this thread which was basically my thoughts on the matter.  I want to play Devil's advocate though and offer a hypothetical situation in regards to the comments above about gender being purely cosmetic.

    I have a few transgender friends in real life and every single one of them have changed their names at some point during their transition.

    Before their transition, pretty much all of them had a name that was generally associated with one gender (male or female) and during their transition they choose a new name that was generally associated with their new gender. 

    Say you have someone in the game with a male character with a name that most people would think was masculine and associated with being a male such as Steve, John or Grogdor.  Well say the person who created and is playing Steve, John or Grogdor decides they want to change their character's gender and that Pantheon allows them to do that. 

    Well now that character is a female, but the person doesn't find the name Steve, John or Grogdor fitting for their new female character and wants to change that as well.  Would the Pantheon devs then also allow this person/character to change their name to something that is more closely associated with a female and feminine, since that is something transgender people typically do in real life?

    What if the person/character known as Steve, John or Grogdor had a reputation of being a bad person/player in the game and that the majority of the server was aware of this? 

    Would it be right to allow someone in this situation to change their character's name after their gender change and basically have an entirely new identity and possibly escape their bad reputation and remove the stigma that had been tied to their previous name because of their misdoings and foul behavior in the game?

    Just a possible slippery slope situation I thought of and something to think about.  Nothing to get too worked up over though either way.  :)


    Hmm, i didn't think of this when t came to gender changing and you have a very valid point in all of this, and i would have to say no, you shouldn't be able to change your name.  It might suck to have a female named John but if you had a bad rep with your character than you should be stuck with it or simply make a new character and change everything you wanted your old one to be and start over if this would making changing your gender simply not good enough.   Not saying the changing your gender is off the board like i said it doesn't change anything about your character, but changing your name could change everything to the community, no one would know you anymore except for some friends that you letted know and such, granted it could be great if you decided to turn a bew leaf and everything, but you should of tried to be good in the beginning and none of this would of been an issue to begin with.

    • 9115 posts
    May 8, 2017 7:10 PM PDT

    raelsmar said:

    So I already made one post on this thread which was basically my thoughts on the matter.  I want to play Devil's advocate though and offer a hypothetical situation in regards to the comments above about gender being purely cosmetic.

    I have a few transgender friends in real life and every single one of them have changed their names at some point during their transition.

    Before their transition, pretty much all of them had a name that was generally associated with one gender (male or female) and during their transition they choose a new name that was generally associated with their new gender. 

    Say you have someone in the game with a male character with a name that most people would think was masculine and associated with being a male such as Steve, John or Grogdor.  Well say the person who created and is playing Steve, John or Grogdor decides they want to change their character's gender and that Pantheon allows them to do that. 

    Well now that character is a female, but the person doesn't find the name Steve, John or Grogdor fitting for their new female character and wants to change that as well.  Would the Pantheon devs then also allow this person/character to change their name to something that is more closely associated with a female and feminine, since that is something transgender people typically do in real life?

    What if the person/character known as Steve, John or Grogdor had a reputation of being a bad person/player in the game and that the majority of the server was aware of this? 

    Would it be right to allow someone in this situation to change their character's name after their gender change and basically have an entirely new identity and possibly escape their bad reputation and remove the stigma that had been tied to their previous name because of their misdoings and foul behavior in the game?

    Just a possible slippery slope situation I thought of and something to think about.  Nothing to get too worked up over though either way.  :)


    It would be on a case by case basis, everyone needs to follow the same rules and I find it hard to believe that a trans person would create a character to be the wrong sex from the start and then need to change it later, so I can't imagine this would be a common occurrence and if this issue presented itself to our CS team we would have a look at it and depending on the person, the situation, the guidelines etc. we would make a fair decision that would be consistent and in line with our support for equality and our fantasy world and it's Lore.

    • 563 posts
    May 9, 2017 6:30 AM PDT

    This is the stupidest post title I've ever seen on these forums, this topic has nothing to do with trans people/characters at all, it was a joke made by the op in poor taste about the possible option to have a gender change function in game.

    I agree with most here that the gender change function doesnt really affect the game at all (unless there are gendered NPC interactions). The name however could affect the community in the sense of a person with a bad reputation changing names to "reset" their reputation, however I say "so what?", chances are this person with a bad rep is on your ignore list and the name on the list would just be updated and still ignored, if they are still a negative player they will earn the rep again pretty fast with new people. Why punish good players because of a few bad players.

    This post was edited by Rachael at May 9, 2017 7:11 AM PDT
    • 138 posts
    May 9, 2017 8:15 AM PDT

    Why not just make the gender you want to play from the start? Roleplay your character however you want, but I'm personally in the boat with the group that thinks that you stick with what you create to begin with.