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EQ2 Spell Book AA

    • 10 posts
    May 3, 2017 9:19 AM PDT



    EQ2 did it right with the spell books (apprentice, adept, master etc) and would be a great alternate advancement system to add, including a scribe profession.


    Nothing like getting your Conjy's mage pet master book, am I right?

    • 514 posts
    May 3, 2017 10:08 AM PDT

    Or not getting, roll after roll, after roll...


    I like how they decided to let you train to get higher and higher versions of it but I would like to add more meat to that experience.  How about some questing and Percepting at specific locals?  All that combined would be nice.

    This post was edited by Nephretiti at May 3, 2017 10:17 AM PDT
    • 10 posts
    May 3, 2017 11:08 AM PDT

    Nephretiti said:

    Or not getting, roll after roll, after roll...


    I like how they decided to let you train to get higher and higher versions of it but I would like to add more meat to that experience.  How about some questing and Percepting at specific locals?  All that combined would be nice.

    Exactly. A fresh new Perception mechanic combined with the old spell book levels would make for great content, especially those who seek to min/max or for simple completionists. 

    • 24 posts
    May 3, 2017 11:42 AM PDT

    This was one of the things I loved about EQ2, +1 here.

    • 93 posts
    May 3, 2017 12:50 PM PDT

    I'm kind of on the fence about this.  It was convenient in EQ2 but I have satisfying and fond memories of having to jump through various hoops, and travel to exotic locations in order to acquire some of my mage spells in EQ1.

    • 155 posts
    May 3, 2017 12:53 PM PDT

    Fap7592 said:



    EQ2 did it right with the spell books (apprentice, adept, master etc) and would be a great alternate advancement system to add, including a scribe profession.


    Nothing like getting your Conjy's mage pet master book, am I right?


    That had become a micro transaction fest. I'd much rather see the players get rewarded for the efforts they put in then to how much money they can spit out from their wallets or an RNG factor.


    Edit: I also would not like to see the smart loot approach.

    This post was edited by Rendall at May 3, 2017 12:56 PM PDT
    • 10 posts
    May 4, 2017 6:14 AM PDT

    urgatorbait said:

    I'm kind of on the fence about this.  It was convenient in EQ2 but I have satisfying and fond memories of having to jump through various hoops, and travel to exotic locations in order to acquire some of my mage spells in EQ1.

    Why can't it be both? Like say you're in a library in a random town looking through books and you happen upon a mage spellbook that makes fireball a "master". Think Skyrim books? Then you could find them off certain mobs too

    • 1618 posts
    May 4, 2017 1:42 PM PDT


    2.0 What is new or unique about spells and abilities in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen?
    An important aspect of character development in Pantheon is obtaining powerful spells and abilities. In MMOs it is common to find rare items out in the world, whether by adventuring or by crafting, but abilities and spells are more often learned from trainers or even just given to player when his or her character levels up. In Pantheon, however, many of the more rare and exotic spells and abilities are found not at the local trainer but from a wise sage hiding in the depths of a dungeon or at the top of a remote tower. Through a game system we call “The Living Codex,” players will be able to manage both standard class abilities and these powerful and rare abilities.

    2.1 What is the Living Codex?
    The Living Codex serves as a ‘spellbook’ to manage “Essential” and “Transcendent” spells and abilities.

    The first section of The Living Codex is labeled “Essential” and will contain the host of standard abilities characters can naturally learn throughout their lifetime.

    The second section of The Living Codex is labeled “Transcendent” and is built for the scribing and intensifying of powerful Prime Scroll abilities.
    2.1.1 What are “Prime Scroll” abilities?

    In Pantheon many of the most powerful and exotic abilities can only be found out in the wilds of Terminus from heavily guarded treasure vaults, the depths of dungeons, and from unimaginable locations. These most powerful abilities are written on legendary parchments known as Prime Scrolls.

    Spells and abilities that are learned from Prime Scrolls and stored in The Living Codex as “Transcendent” abilities.

    The Prime Scroll will only fill the top portion of each page; underneath, there will be three empty sections that the player can mark with special items which will further enhance the primary ability. These three sections are detailed below:

    • Seal of Amplification
    o Amplifies the bonus modifiers from Mana Climates that affect the Primary Scroll’s mana color. More powerful seals will increase the bonuses.

    • Brand of Resilience
    o Lessens the negative modifiers from Mana Climates that affect the Primary Scroll’s mana color. More powerful brands will decrease the penalties.

    • Signet of Synergy
    o Applying a Signet of Synergy to an ability will unlock different class-specific synergy effects that can be used in combination with synergy effects from other classes, sometimes to awesome effect. However, the Primary Scroll ability must be capable of synergy effects and not all are.

    • 1020 posts
    July 26, 2017 6:20 PM PDT

    Rendall said:

    Fap7592 said:


    EQ2 did it right with the spell books (apprentice, adept, master etc) and would be a great alternate advancement system to add, including a scribe profession.

    Nothing like getting your Conjy's mage pet master book, am I right?

     That had become a micro transaction fest. I'd much rather see the players get rewarded for the efforts they put in then to how much money they can spit out from their wallets or an RNG factor.

    Edit: I also would not like to see the smart loot approach.

    Yes, but only because the game allowed it to become such.  It infurating to see a game allow someone to buy max level, buy max abilities, and in that game you could legally buy plat....

    I to actually did enjoy when it was only masters allowed, and the only way to get those masters was from mob drops.

    • 363 posts
    July 27, 2017 12:07 AM PDT

    Kittik said:


    I to actually did enjoy when it was only masters allowed, and the only way to get those masters was from mob drops.


    This. I'm all for this system.

    • 3237 posts
    July 27, 2017 10:16 AM PDT

    I also enjoyed the spell quality system from EQ2.  It was another layer of progression and it really added a value to all content in the game.  Trash mobs had a very small chance to drop masters, and bosses a small chance.  If it's done correctly, it can provide a very fulfilling progression experience.  There is no "set way" or "meta progression path" when you have master spells in the game.  It's completely random and your best bet is to just play a bunch, hopefully get lucky, and acquire wealth so that you can purchase any of the master spells you might be missing.  I remember certain master spells being more valuable than any item in the game ... that's how powerful they can be.  100% would love to see a system like it in Pantheon.

    • 333 posts
    July 28, 2017 10:59 PM PDT

    I like the system , it depends on if there going to have repeats of spells Fireball IV. The reason I say this , do you want to camp a low level mob for a MA 1 , if the spell does not repeat. That turned into a major issue later on EQ2.

    Also it depends , on how the spells are gated raid level encounters with a 1 % drop rate was just silly . This also goes into the repeat issue noted above also are we going to have a research system , if it was considered ? There was major reason's it was added, it made dps check and balancing issues top end. That 5 % extra damage trivialized or made it required for specific encounters when speaking about raid set ups.

    Overall was a nice addition , but from raiding top 5 ww in eq2 I have seen the upside and downside of the system. 

    • 27 posts
    July 29, 2017 6:13 AM PDT

    I was a big fan of the magic learning system that the Blue Mages had in Final Fantasy XI. You learned your spells by observing mobs casting the spells while fighting them. It was like a mini-quest to learn spells. Some are very easy to learn like attack spells, but there are some defensive or healing magics which can be tough to learn since the mobs rarely cast them. Also each learned spell also modifes your abilities when slotted. I believe that there are around 117 spells to learn.

    Blue Mage Spells




    • 134 posts
    July 31, 2017 9:47 PM PDT

    I actually HATED having higher versions of spells like EQ2. Its the main reason I quit playing it. A spell is a spell. Let us empower them with gear, not multiple versions of the same spell.

    • 844 posts
    August 1, 2017 12:04 AM PDT

    Dhampir said:

    I actually HATED having higher versions of spells like EQ2. Its the main reason I quit playing it. A spell is a spell. Let us empower them with gear, not multiple versions of the same spell.


    And bad form mentioning EQ2 in these forums. EQ2 is a cheesy, cartoony carebear copy of EQ1. Dumbed down to an instanced theme park, slathered with loads of shiny microtransaction bait.

    • 27 posts
    August 1, 2017 5:46 AM PDT

    zewtastic said:

    Dhampir said:

    I actually HATED having higher versions of spells like EQ2. Its the main reason I quit playing it. A spell is a spell. Let us empower them with gear, not multiple versions of the same spell.


    And bad form mentioning EQ2 in these forums. EQ2 is a cheesy, cartoony carebear copy of EQ1. Dumbed down to an instanced theme park, slathered with loads of shiny microtransaction bait.

    Both are owned by DBG so both offer the same micro-transaction junk.