Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


    • 727 posts
    December 12, 2017 2:05 PM PST

    Durp said:

    Think outside the box and reduce limitations. 

    /hide [all], [nothing], [level], [race], [class] , [zone], [guild]

    /hide nothing > Durp, 25 Human Cleric, Steppes of Ru'Lun, The Divine Council

    /hide level, class  > Durp, Human, Steppes of Ru'Lun, The Divine Council

    /hide class, guild > Durp, 25 Human, Steppes of Ru'Lun

    /hide all > Durp

    this is for anyone doing a /Who or similar command. 

    Add lfg  if needed 

    While I don't like /anon at all, this ^ sounds good. Options are nice.

    Another idea...have a game option to change from who you will accept tells: Anyone, People in zone, Guild, Friends, ...

    If you don't want to be bothered by strangers, just set it to "Guild" or "Friends" and go about your way.

    This post was edited by Sarim at December 12, 2017 2:06 PM PST
    • 35 posts
    December 12, 2017 2:45 PM PST

    with /hide or /anon there is nothing sicial. Pantheon is built as social mmo.

    everyone with anon should went to an ignore list.

    in my opinions they are egoists. 

    • 264 posts
    December 16, 2017 12:05 PM PST

     Anon is used by roleplayers and pvpers, but it is also used by the extremely private types. I don't think it is a necessary or even desireable feature except on special ruleset servers...roleplay and pvp servers. On a regular PvE server what purpose is served by going anonymous? Maybe a tank or healer who is getting too many group invites? The ignore feature works for most situations. I like Durp's suggestion too.

    EDIT: I read some of the responses on page 2 and it appears raiders use /anon to hide from the guild leader or to help in sniping a raid boss. I really could not care less about this kind of thing, back in EQ I didn't belong to a hardcore raid guild and in WoW during Wrath I was a hardcore raider that attended every raid. I never felt the need to hide from my raid guild leader in WoW or any other MMORPG. If you are hiding from your guild leader you are in the wrong guild. As for being sneaky to snipe a raid boss I mean really? Some folks on here seem to be advocating a downright crappy form of gameplay where guilds are sniping each other's raid boss. If that's your reason for /anon definitely don't include it.

    This post was edited by Ziegfried at December 16, 2017 12:18 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    December 16, 2017 4:33 PM PST

    Durp said:

    Think outside the box and reduce limitations. 

    /hide [all], [nothing], [level], [race], [class] , [zone], [guild]

    /hide nothing > Durp, 25 Human Cleric, Steppes of Ru'Lun, The Divine Council

    /hide level, class  > Durp, Human, Steppes of Ru'Lun, The Divine Council

    /hide class, guild > Durp, 25 Human, Steppes of Ru'Lun

    /hide all > Durp

    this is for anyone doing a /Who or similar command. 

    Add lfg  if needed 

    I like the way Durp set this up.

    With each piece of information, I can think of both "positive" and "negative" situations where people would want to hide this information.  For example, hiding your guild might be a way to avoid a bad reputation, but you might also do it if you're in a world-first raiding guild and you just want to play with some normal, random folks without them treating you any different (and yes, this happens).  You might want to hide your zone so that your guildies don't know you're doing something, but you might also want to hide it because you're doing a hide-and-seek game with a prize and you don't want to make it too easy for people.  Or maybe because you just want to fish in peace.

    Anyway, my point is - I think there's just as much potential good in giving players this tool as there is potential bad.  So, I think the game should have the tool for players to use.  And as for the bad scenarios - well, let's just say that if one of my guildies is using this to get out of a raid that they signed up for so that they can raid with someone else, or because they don't want the rest of us to know that they're training lowbies for giggles.... they won't be in the guild as soon as we figure that out.

    • 3237 posts
    December 16, 2017 4:43 PM PST

    I prefer to have as many options as possible when it comes to privacy.  Our names should be universally available for all to see.  I think the guild tag should be the same.  As far as class, zone and level goes ... I think we should have the option to hide all of those.  I also hope to see an option where we can hide our gear.  I really miss this feature (or lack thereof) from EQOA!  It's possible some groups might require you to allow them to see your gear prior to bringing you into a group and that's perfectly okay because you would still have a choice on whether or not you comply with that.

    Being at the right place at the right time is supposed to have it's advantages in Pantheon, so I'm hoping people can't just /who all Guild X to see what people are up to.  I think it's a good idea to allow people to hide their class/level as well because maybe they are busy doing something and don't want to be bothered about group requests or buffs, ports, etc.  As far as guilds go, I think it's good to have them shown because it's tied into our reputation, the same with our name.  If someone from my guild does something shady, I would want players to be able to see that they are affiliated and then be able to reach out to an officer and let them know.  As far as gear goes ... ugh, I just really hope we have the option to hide it.  There will be times where I sit around and would choose to have it viewable, but there will be other times where I want it to be private.  Choices are a good thing!

    • 51 posts
    December 16, 2017 7:09 PM PST

    This is just me, but I would defenitly like to have options, especially going anoymounous. I usually play a cleric, and I remember back in the days of EQ I would get tons of tells asking for a raise/buff/party. Some days it got really anoying, especially when someone wanted a raise in the middle of nowhere. 

    So yea two thumbs up for me. !!

    This post was edited by DarkRequiem at December 16, 2017 7:10 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    December 16, 2017 10:30 PM PST

    oneADseven said:

    If someone from my guild does something shady, I would want players to be able to see that they are affiliated and then be able to reach out to an officer and let them know.  

    /guildstatus should ALWAYS work, regardless of /anon or anything like it :)  I feel like that command (or an equivalent) is mandatory in any game where guilds matter.

    Edit:  For those not familiar, in EQ, using /guildstatus (name) would return something like "Nephele is a member of Shadowfire".  I believe it actually showed rank too (officer/leader), but the main thing was you could never actually hide your guild affiliation if someone really wanted to know it, even if you could hide it from your nameplate.

    This post was edited by Nephele at December 16, 2017 10:32 PM PST