Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


    • 1404 posts
    April 18, 2017 12:36 PM PDT

    "Anonymous" dident show up in the search in any relevant thread so I was wondering, will players have the ability to go anon? 

    On the pro side I would think it would add to immersion hideing a players class and level just as much as seeing a player's gear reveals.

    But on the con side I think it would hinder the desired social aspect of the game as if you needed to find a certain class it would make it much harder to find one.

    This is of course making the safe assumption that we will be able to search players but some method... 

    /who all ????

    • VR Staff
    • 587 posts
    April 18, 2017 12:41 PM PDT

    Not set in stone, but I don't see why we wouldn't have an /anon command.

    • 28 posts
    April 18, 2017 12:49 PM PDT

    They have a anonymous feature: don't log in.

    I don't see how having a command to make yourself "anon" would add to "immersion" at all. If you want to be immersed, then just don't do a /who. 


    • 423 posts
    April 18, 2017 1:02 PM PDT

    gray808 said:

    They have a anonymous feature: don't log in.

    I don't see how having a command to make yourself "anon" would add to "immersion" at all. If you want to be immersed, then just don't do a /who. 


    I think the issue comes into play when you are off with some friends, maybe role playing, and getting into the game world. Then you suddenly get tells randomly asking you to join guilds or their group or advice. Even worse blind group or guild invites. It's annoying some times. I, for one, absolutely hate blind invites. I have had instances, few and far between, in EQ were I was playing a wanted class and would get blind invites. In cases like that, I can see how it could break immersion. It might be a stretch of a reason to add the command, but its valid IMO.


    and then, Why not? Can't cause any harm.

    • 323 posts
    April 18, 2017 1:25 PM PDT
    The Anon feature is crucial for any buffing class, any competitive raiding guild, anyone with enemies, and virtually everyone on a PvP server. This seems like a no brainer.
    • 1584 posts
    April 18, 2017 1:47 PM PDT

    Gnog said: The Anon feature is crucial for any buffing class, any competitive raiding guild, anyone with enemies, and virtually everyone on a PvP server. This seems like a no brainer.

    All of these problems were solved with the /roleplay command in EQ it stated your guild but lvl, class, zone you were in was left out of it, honestly a much better command than /anon, becuase if you in a guild and anon the guild didn't know where you were at either and most guilds don't like this due to obvious reasons.

    • 323 posts
    April 18, 2017 2:07 PM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    Gnog said: The Anon feature is crucial for any buffing class, any competitive raiding guild, anyone with enemies, and virtually everyone on a PvP server. This seems like a no brainer.

    All of these problems were solved with the /roleplay command in EQ it stated your guild but lvl, class, zone you were in was left out of it, honestly a much better command than /anon, becuase if you in a guild and anon the guild didn't know where you were at either and most guilds don't like this due to obvious reasons.

    The OP was asking generally whether an Anon feature would exist, and that's what I was addressing. Roleplay solves most of the concerns, so sure, a partial-anon "role play" option would be fine for most situations. 

    Your point about /role being superior to /Anon doesn't really work. A guild that wants its players to share their zone info with other guild members can instruct them to use /role instead of /Anon. Or there could be an option in guild management to reveal zone information within guild regardless of a member's /Anon flagging. Also, some guilds actually prefer to keep zone information concealed even within guild due to spies. 


    • 19 posts
    April 19, 2017 1:42 PM PDT

    Add me to the list of players wanting an /anonymous command.

    When I played DAoC, I would sometimes have 3 people sending me tells at once while I was playing.  Total chaos.

    If you don't want /anonymous, don't use it.  I'm not sure how someone's immersion is disturbed by players who wish to use it.

    This post was edited by Morr at April 19, 2017 1:42 PM PDT
    • 2886 posts
    April 19, 2017 1:58 PM PDT

    Morr said:

    Add me to the list of players wanting an /anonymous command.

    When I played DAoC, I would sometimes have 3 people sending me tells at once while I was playing.  Total chaos.

    If you don't want /anonymous, don't use it.  I'm not sure how someone's immersion is disturbed by players who wish to use it.

    I don't think it really works that way tbh. It's not so much about immersion as it is annoying to sometimes not be able to easily know what level/class someone is.

    I'm not necessarily saying I feel that way. But I'm guessing that's where the logic comes from.

    • 2752 posts
    April 19, 2017 2:05 PM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    I don't think it really works that way tbh. It's not so much about immersion as it is annoying to sometimes not be able to easily know what level/class someone is.

    I'm not necessarily saying I feel that way. But I'm guessing that's where the logic comes from.


    Possibly, but it doesn't make sense that it should be in the hands of people outside of the individual to see that information should they not wish it. They could always just not invite the person or whatever if it really bothered them and having to use /roleplay to even hide level/class kind of takes away from the /roleplay designation for those seeking to use it for it's intended purpose of roleplaying. I remember being a cleric in EQ and when you were higher level and not using anon or roleplay you would get bombarded with tells for rez etc. It got old fast. 

    • 363 posts
    April 19, 2017 3:39 PM PDT

    Yes to /anon please. There are times, as a shaman, I just wanted to play, either solo or with a few friends. Getting "Hey, we need a shammy for "Insert Dungeon. You interested?" And, no, I do NOT roleplay, so /anon is a must. If you don't like it, don't use it...simple. 

    • 84 posts
    April 19, 2017 5:13 PM PDT
    Rezzers, porters, and people with extremely useful utility buffs (like clarity, or sow, in Eq) *need* anon. Otherwise they (usually) spend entirely too much time being harassed
    • 1095 posts
    April 19, 2017 6:45 PM PDT

    Just don't allow a /who command.

    Take about social interaction, no who commands and I;d even go as far as no tells outside a certain area.

    Lets do it right. Make recieving tells or a who command a buff.

    • 1468 posts
    April 19, 2017 7:11 PM PDT

    We actually banned the use of /anon in our guild because it hid which zone you were in. Unfortunately some of our less trustworthy members used to go on night time raids when the rest of the server was asleep and kill guild targets with non-guild members so by the time the guild was ready to raid the next day most of the targets were down and the members would always use /anon because it hid the zone they were in and the guild they were in.

    If you are a cleric or a druid or something and don't want spam use /role instead. It hides your class but still shows your zone and guild which helps stop people from using it for bad reasons.

    I see no reason to use /anon when /role is a much better option. /anon is just for people who are trying to hide what they are doing from their guild leadership and it certain was used for that in EQ.

    • 1303 posts
    April 19, 2017 7:43 PM PDT

    I used to go anon because I didnt want my guild nagging me to show up at a raid that was in progress, and didnt want them to know I was xp'ing nearby...  But then I learned that if people are going to try to dictate how and where I play that I dont want any part of their guild. 

    • 180 posts
    April 19, 2017 7:50 PM PDT

    I would like the ability to go invisible to any zone searches (/who Thanakos returns nothing when invis) as well as the ability to hide class or zone from any global searches.   


    Just allow guilds to disable these abilities for members.


    • 1468 posts
    April 19, 2017 7:55 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    I used to go anon because I didnt want my guild nagging me to show up at a raid that was in progress, and didnt want them to know I was xp'ing nearby...  But then I learned that if people are going to try to dictate how and where I play that I dont want any part of their guild. 

    I should probably explain some background because unless you were on the Antonious Bayle server in EQ you won't know any of this stuff.

    On Antonious Bayle we had between 3 and 5 top end raiding guilds. In terms of progression AB was always one of the best servers in EQ for raiding. When the top end guilds had finished their raids for the night some of their members got bored and started raiding lower level raid targets to twink their alts. Obviously there was nothing we could do about them taking both the high end raid targets as well as the low end raid targets so we just hit whichever targets they didn't get around to hitting. No problem.

    The problem came when they were down on numbers they would invite friends from our guild to help take targets. This would be a couple of members who would go and raid with this group of people and because they were actively stealing content from the rest of the guild that we all wanted to hit together it wasn't looked upon very kindly by the rest of the guild. We noticed that they always used /anon to try and hide the fact that they were stealing content from the rest of the guild so we decided to just ban /anon to try and stop guild mates stealing content and items from other guild members. In hindsight the players responsible should have just been kicked out of the guild but United Kingdoms has always been a friendly guild that gives people second chances.

    So as you can see it wasn't that simple. We had high end guilds killing raid mobs that didn't give them any loot they needed simply to twink their alts and obviously this annoyed loads of mid-level guilds who were trying to progress through the game. If something like that happens in Pantheon I would hope that the GMs would step in. I don't mind if high end guilds fight over mobds that give them upgrades but when they kill mobs that they don't even need just because they are bored and screw other guilds over who are trying to progress I think a line has been crossed.

    So please don't make any funny comments about my guild until you understand the reasons behind it. I'm sure if any other guild was in our position they would implement similar rules as well.

    Edit: I hope Aradune and other devs read this so that they understand some of the problems mid range guilds have to face when trying to progress. The EU server is ALWAYS one of the most hardcore servers in any game I have played and our problems are normally much worse than found on NA servers because we normally only have one or two servers for the whole community.

    This post was edited by Cromulent at April 19, 2017 8:00 PM PDT
    • 514 posts
    April 19, 2017 8:18 PM PDT

    I used it every now and then when I wanted to accomplish something.  As an enchanter i was constantly bombarded with cold-calls for KEI.  Or "Hey, come group with us, we need power regen and whatever it is your doing isn't important at all".  Sometimes it worked - sometimes it didn't.

    • 1468 posts
    April 19, 2017 8:25 PM PDT

    Nephretiti said:

    I used it every now and then when I wanted to accomplish something.  As an enchanter i was constantly bombarded with cold-calls for KEI.  Or "Hey, come group with us, we need power regen and whatever it is your doing isn't important at all".  Sometimes it worked - sometimes it didn't.

    I still don't understand why you couldn't just use /role instead of /anon. It does the same job without having the downsides of /anon.

    • 2752 posts
    April 19, 2017 10:35 PM PDT

    Cromulent said:

    So as you can see it wasn't that simple. We had high end guilds killing raid mobs that didn't give them any loot they needed simply to twink their alts and obviously this annoyed loads of mid-level guilds who were trying to progress through the game. If something like that happens in Pantheon I would hope that the GMs would step in. I don't mind if high end guilds fight over mobds that give them upgrades but when they kill mobs that they don't even need just because they are bored and screw other guilds over who are trying to progress I think a line has been crossed.

    Edit: I hope Aradune and other devs read this so that they understand some of the problems mid range guilds have to face when trying to progress. The EU server is ALWAYS one of the most hardcore servers in any game I have played and our problems are normally much worse than found on NA servers because we normally only have one or two servers for the whole community.


    The issue here is the over abundant competition for and total scacity of raid targets, not that high end guilds take lesser raid targets. No one can say who needs what and who doesn't; if they are gearing alts then that is their right if they get there and can do the content before you.


    Hopefully they have learned a thing or two over the years about how toxic that kind of system is and how having a small number of top end guilds able to dominate end-game raiding is very detrimental to the game as a whole.  

    Cromulent said:

    Nephretiti said:

    I used it every now and then when I wanted to accomplish something.  As an enchanter i was constantly bombarded with cold-calls for KEI.  Or "Hey, come group with us, we need power regen and whatever it is your doing isn't important at all".  Sometimes it worked - sometimes it didn't.

    I still don't understand why you couldn't just use /role instead of /anon. It does the same job without having the downsides of /anon.

    Not exactly true. If people know who you are by any means then they can still see where you are by doing a /who. If they know you are a cleric or enchanter or whatever then they often still think "Oh hey ____ is in the zone, let's see if he will come do _____ or buff us" 

    This post was edited by Iksar at April 19, 2017 10:37 PM PDT
    • 1468 posts
    April 19, 2017 11:06 PM PDT

    Iksar said:

    Not exactly true. If people know who you are by any means then they can still see where you are by doing a /who. If they know you are a cleric or enchanter or whatever then they often still think "Oh hey ____ is in the zone, let's see if he will come do _____ or buff us" 

    Ah. Good point. I didn't realise people were that persistant. I understand now.

    • 316 posts
    April 19, 2017 11:27 PM PDT

    Aradune said:

    Not set in stone, but I don't see why we wouldn't have an /anon command.

    *high five

    • 1303 posts
    April 20, 2017 4:21 AM PDT

    @Cromulent - I wasnt making funny comments about your guild. I was making negative comments about mine :)  I was in higher tier guilds because of RL friendships, and because I tended to help people out when asked. But I have never had a desire to be told where to be, at what time, on what character, and for how long. But it happened fairly frequently.  It pissed me off. I would make alts and go anon and keep the alt secret from the guild so I could have some freakin peace and quiet.

    On a related note, this is one of the reasons I'm opposed to friends lists, or guild membership, or most anything being account wide. 

    • 514 posts
    April 20, 2017 8:06 AM PDT

    Do RP servers have server=wide communications?  Or should all forms of communication be limited to a set radius around the player?  We all know of third party software that woul;d allow comms regardless etc., but how limited will comms be in-game?  Any server support for audio?

    • 44 posts
    April 20, 2017 8:14 AM PDT

    I would prefer that /anon functioned more like the /roleplay option of EQ. Just combine them into one as I don't think there's a need to have both. I am all for being able to hide your class, level, and zone, but I don't like the idea of being able to hide your guild tag.