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Bandits, Apples Trees and Mysterious Relics...

    • 9115 posts
    March 30, 2017 3:55 AM PDT

    From Bandits to apple trees and mysterious relics, there is something new to experience in Terminus around every corner, what are you most looking forward too?

    Image may contain: outdoor and nature

    Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor and nature

    Image may contain: mountain, sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at March 30, 2017 3:55 AM PDT
    • 157 posts
    March 30, 2017 4:00 AM PDT

    Dungeons ! Dark, confusing, loot filled dungeons :D


    I like the Apple Orchard too though :)

    • 781 posts
    March 30, 2017 4:07 AM PDT

    :)  Yummy apples ! :)  

    • 624 posts
    March 30, 2017 4:22 AM PDT

    It is the hallmark of a great environment that as you wander off the beaten path you discover unusual oddities, dangers and treats.  Things that make you run for your life or smile while stopping to smell the roses.  There must be elements that will evoke vivid memories long after you have out leveled an area. I like seeing rock cairns in the mountains, both small historical markers and visually stunning monuments (ancient, worn, perhaps not even legible), clusters of gravestones (or just burial mounds), pockets of wildlife (that may or may not want to kill me) - things that fill up the world with interest.  Don't overdo it like some past single player games have, not every geographic feature needs to hide a treasure.  There should be balance so that the unexpected remains surprising.  And not every treat has to be fully explained, some should just inspire mystery - i.e. why is this broken down statute here? Let the roleplayers explain a few parts of the wonderful world, you know they will.

    By the way, I listed visual cues, but sounds / music add to this just as much.  Bustling noises in town, crickets at night in the woods, babbling brooks actually babbling (not every stream, but some please), whooshing at waterfalls, music in taverns, crackling campfires and hearths...ambient audio matters for immersion.

    Lastly, wandering bands of minstrels...once bards exist of course.

    This post was edited by Kumu at March 30, 2017 4:45 AM PDT
    • 32 posts
    March 30, 2017 6:38 AM PDT

    the unknown

    • 1618 posts
    March 30, 2017 6:47 AM PDT

    Not to be too critical, but the space between the ground and the bandits arms makes the dead bandits look like they are doing push-ups.

    But, I love cairns and ruins.

    Maybe they are hinting these days that the next secret class will be the farmer?

    This post was edited by Beefcake at March 30, 2017 6:50 AM PDT
    • 85 posts
    March 30, 2017 7:18 AM PDT
    Exploring the world and overcoming the challenges that present themselves.
    • 9115 posts
    March 30, 2017 7:34 AM PDT

    Beefcake said:

    Not to be too critical, but the space between the ground and the bandits arms makes the dead bandits look like they are doing push-ups.

    But, I love cairns and ruins.

    Maybe they are hinting these days that the next secret class will be the farmer?

    Shh, it's just rigamortis setting in ;)

    • 363 posts
    March 30, 2017 8:04 AM PDT

    People always pushing for so much perfection. I'm perfectly content with push-up corpses! On to the next bit of content! :D

    • 6 posts
    March 30, 2017 8:05 AM PDT

    What am I most looking forward to? Mystery and adventure. The unknown. I want to be scared in an MMO again, afraid to turn the corner.

    • 3852 posts
    March 30, 2017 8:10 AM PDT

    Sitting under the apple tree. OUCH!!!!! ((rubs bump on head)) Now that would be a matter of some gravity.

    • 384 posts
    March 30, 2017 8:31 AM PDT

    I was wondering....  can we pick the apples?


    Shots look great!

    • 2886 posts
    March 30, 2017 9:25 AM PDT

    I hope there is some sort of big Labyrinth. That would be exciting

    • 595 posts
    March 30, 2017 9:31 AM PDT

    Are the bandits dead or sleeping?

    • 668 posts
    March 30, 2017 9:33 AM PDT

    Looking forward to exploring every nook and cranny!  Literally...

    • 542 posts
    March 30, 2017 10:34 AM PDT

    I'd love to try this exotic food from the landwalkers called apples
    Next,an attempt to gain the trust of some baby goats by luring and feeding them apples
    Then I'd send an army of bloated baby goats upon the bandit camp
    On the graves of bandits the first goat town would be established and i'd help them create a banner so cute everyone will surrender
    Farmers from all over Terminus will offer their apples freely,the goat emmpire will rise
    In the end goats will rule the landwalkers
    And the Dark Myr shall rule the world <3

    This post was edited by Fluffy at March 30, 2017 10:35 AM PDT
    • 409 posts
    March 30, 2017 11:05 AM PDT


    This post was edited by Nimryl at August 23, 2017 8:04 AM PDT
    • 321 posts
    March 30, 2017 12:41 PM PDT

    I am looking forward to exploring Terminus. I love the idea of just walking around and seeing what is ahead or behind the next corner. The fact that everything will be new is awesome. I also would like to pick those bandits clean of all items. lol  In some games it is almost impossible to walk 10 feet without getting attacked by somethig. That is not my idea of fun. Fun is seeing the things that will aggro you and being able to avoid them if you were not in the fighting mood. I am sure there will be stealth critters out there someplace but  I hope they are not everywhere. I do remember the first shadowman I encountered in eq.

    It took me a while to recover my corpse since I walked right into there camp in South Karana.

    But I mostly look forward to alpha and getting in game.

    • 2886 posts
    March 30, 2017 12:54 PM PDT

    Isaya said:

     In some games it is almost impossible to walk 10 feet without getting attacked by somethig. That is not my idea of fun. Fun is seeing the things that will aggro you and being able to avoid them if you were not in the fighting mood. I am sure there will be stealth critters out there someplace but  I hope they are not everywhere.

    This is a good point - I have noticed that in a lot of games, newbie zones are just littered with mobs to fight. Even if they're not aggressive, the area is covered in mobs and there seems to not be much thought put into where they are. That's probably to make it easier so that newbies can easily find stuff to give them xp. If you stand on a hill and look down and see dozens of mobs just wandering around, it just doesn't look very realistic. Creatures in nature tend to be much more spread out. Skyrim does it well - when walking through the woods, it could be several minutes in between when you see deer, bears, or wolves. It's just enough to keep it interesting. But not ridiculous. Of course that's a single player game so the areas don't need to support dozens of players looking for xp. But I still hope that mob density is reasonable in Pantheon.

    • 3852 posts
    March 30, 2017 1:26 PM PDT

    >This is a good point - I have noticed that in a lot of games, newbie zones are just littered with mobs to fight. Even if they're not aggressive, the area is covered in mobs and there seems to not be much thought put into where they are. That's probably to make it easier so that newbies can easily find stuff to give them xp. If you stand on a hill and look down and see dozens of mobs just wandering around, it just doesn't look very realistic. Creatures in nature tend to be much more spread out. Skyrim does it well - when walking through the woods, it could be several minutes in between when you see deer, bears, or wolves. It's just enough to keep it interesting. But not ridiculous. Of course that's a single player game so the areas don't need to support dozens of players looking for xp. But I still hope that mob density is reasonable in Pantheon.<

    It is a good point.

    While this won't help much in exploring every corner, I would hope that at least the roads would be reasonably safe. Games where you can't even go 50 feet down a road in peace can be enormously frustrating if you are trying to look around and enjoy the scenery.

    • 839 posts
    March 30, 2017 4:51 PM PDT

    Thanks Kils! It is so nice to see some shots with NPC's populating the landscape!  Always loved spending some time creating havoc for the local bandits in EQ.  Cant wait to see more shots and some of the unusual creatures you guys are going to be creating!

    Re: the last few comments, I dont mind a zone that is heavily populated with mobs in a MMO, especially a newbie zone, Gfay and Nek Forrest always felt just right, outside of freeport didnt feel very real but that was probably more attributed to the landscape.  Certainly as you traverse through the world you dont want to see mobs at every turn like mentioned but we do need a lot of mobs around to keep the sheer number of people in a zone busy with things to stop and kill for xp.  Dreadlands had a lot of mobs around but when you think about it just a single group working well could clear a massive chunk of Dreadlands before repops started.  Will be interesting to see how it is populated in Alpha / Beta and go from there.

    Side note: I am primarily talking about wandering mobs too, dont want a ton of mobs just standing, they should be in specific camps spread out far and wide.


    • 154 posts
    March 30, 2017 4:54 PM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    Isaya said:

     In some games it is almost impossible to walk 10 feet without getting attacked by somethig. That is not my idea of fun. Fun is seeing the things that will aggro you and being able to avoid them if you were not in the fighting mood. I am sure there will be stealth critters out there someplace but  I hope they are not everywhere.

    This is a good point - I have noticed that in a lot of games, newbie zones are just littered with mobs to fight. Even if they're not aggressive, the area is covered in mobs and there seems to not be much thought put into where they are. That's probably to make it easier so that newbies can easily find stuff to give them xp. If you stand on a hill and look down and see dozens of mobs just wandering around, it just doesn't look very realistic. Creatures in nature tend to be much more spread out. Skyrim does it well - when walking through the woods, it could be several minutes in between when you see deer, bears, or wolves. It's just enough to keep it interesting. But not ridiculous. Of course that's a single player game so the areas don't need to support dozens of players looking for xp. But I still hope that mob density is reasonable in Pantheon.

    I've noticed that too. I also recall that in EQ newb zones different kinds of mobs were all jumbled up with out and reason or sense. Skellys were running around with orcs and all kinds of things. At least undead could've been around crypts or something. Looking back it would've been nice if mobs had their own habbitats, so to speak.

    • 154 posts
    March 30, 2017 4:58 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    >This is a good point - I have noticed that in a lot of games, newbie zones are just littered with mobs to fight. Even if they're not aggressive, the area is covered in mobs and there seems to not be much thought put into where they are. That's probably to make it easier so that newbies can easily find stuff to give them xp. If you stand on a hill and look down and see dozens of mobs just wandering around, it just doesn't look very realistic. Creatures in nature tend to be much more spread out. Skyrim does it well - when walking through the woods, it could be several minutes in between when you see deer, bears, or wolves. It's just enough to keep it interesting. But not ridiculous. Of course that's a single player game so the areas don't need to support dozens of players looking for xp. But I still hope that mob density is reasonable in Pantheon.<

    It is a good point.

    While this won't help much in exploring every corner, I would hope that at least the roads would be reasonably safe. Games where you can't even go 50 feet down a road in peace can be enormously frustrating if you are trying to look around and enjoy the scenery.

    Good point. Mobs roaming raods thicker than fleas are not much fun. Still.... should the road have a bridge a mean old troll under it might be fun.

    • 264 posts
    March 30, 2017 5:13 PM PDT

    I look forward to Baking and selling Bandit Apple pie !  Each pie guaranteed to have a Mysterious Relic Baked Right In !  MMMMM Frost Giant Beard.

    • 2138 posts
    March 30, 2017 6:16 PM PDT

    Roads should be somewhat safe, I like how they did it in Oblivion where occasionally you would run into a guard fighting a monster on the road a ways out from the main town. However the farther you get away from town the more preilous it shoudl be- with higher level bandits lurking by the roadside. Someone has ot keep the way safe for newbie travelers.

    That apple orchard must to good business being so close to the ramparts