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Three Months Later... not even a stream

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    • 80 posts
    March 11, 2017 4:11 AM PST


    We were promised video streams would be more frequent in 2017 than it was in 2016. We got 3 video streams within a year in 2016 and now the first quarter of '17 is almost over and not even an announcement.

    We were told Pre-Alpha should be around the beginning of 2017, still no news about a new stream.

    I might have missed something but I didn't even see any kind of progress regarding new features / combat mechanics / classes that would justify all this delay during these three months. I mean, just a post talking about how Faction System (for example) is now fully finalized would make me feel the guys at VR are actually doing something.

    I'm just posting as a reminder, not as a complaint. If you guys at VR need time, sure, but at least communicate with us what's going on at the moment. What kind of features are being worked on, what did you accomplish so far and what's the schedule for the next quarter. Don't give me a page loaded with text just talking about nothing, give me simple brief language put the features/mechanics that are being worked on/completed in an easy to read (and easy to write) page. I don't want to look at random Screenshots of the same things we've already seen or long blog posts about lore, Lore alone doesn't make a game. Just talk to me, communicate, be more transparent about it and once that's done.. take ALL the time you want.


    This post was edited by Laura at March 11, 2017 4:12 AM PST
    • 781 posts
    March 11, 2017 5:48 AM PST

    Hey Laura :)  Glad to see you are so passionate about wanting to see more of Pantheon !  This would be a perfect reason to explain why VR doesn't give specific dates or flat out make promises of grandeur because they are so hard to keep with such a small team and limited resources.  VR has been very transparant since day one with letting the community know what is going on.  They have gone beyond what most companies would have allowed so early on.  When running late on certain issues VR has posted to the community before hand in the forums which most companies wouldn't even care to do.  They are doing a lot with a little so as a community we have to try and be as understanding as possible when certain time frames seem to overlap.  I for one am thankful for any and all news that comes out of VR.  I would also like to thank VR for being as communicative as they have been with the community from day one.  Thank you also Laura for your support and patience :) *cheers

    • 409 posts
    March 11, 2017 6:19 AM PST

    Don't care how long it takes aslong as they get it right. As we all know a broken game launch always fails.

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 6:44 AM PST

    Laura said:


    We were promised video streams would be more frequent in 2017 than it was in 2016. We got 3 video streams within a year in 2016 and now the first quarter of '17 is almost over and not even an announcement.

    We were told Pre-Alpha should be around the beginning of 2017, still no news about a new stream.

    I might have missed something but I didn't even see any kind of progress regarding new features / combat mechanics / classes that would justify all this delay during these three months. I mean, just a post talking about how Faction System (for example) is now fully finalized would make me feel the guys at VR are actually doing something.

    I'm just posting as a reminder, not as a complaint. If you guys at VR need time, sure, but at least communicate with us what's going on at the moment. What kind of features are being worked on, what did you accomplish so far and what's the schedule for the next quarter. Don't give me a page loaded with text just talking about nothing, give me simple brief language put the features/mechanics that are being worked on/completed in an easy to read (and easy to write) page. I don't want to look at random Screenshots of the same things we've already seen or long blog posts about lore, Lore alone doesn't make a game. Just talk to me, communicate, be more transparent about it and once that's done.. take ALL the time you want.



    This. And just to be clear, the stream was at the very end of November (or maybe the very very beginning of December, so its been almost 4 months now). I posted a couple 2-3 paragraph thoughts in the March Newsletter thread pointing this very fact out (respectfully), yet there is still no answer or response. Where's the mutual respect? Devs even commented on the same thread, addressing other comments. I'm not sure what it means, but I know what it feels like; blatant disregard/disrespect after supporting a project and people we care about enough to pledge to! It's just like you said; we are not asking for a lot, just a response. Upsetting for sure. I've never been a blind follower of the game, for everything up to this point has not been empty words. Definitely won't be singing praise/compelling others to back the game if this is any reflection of the progress/feedback up to this point and what to expect in the future.

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:07 AM PST

    Nimryl said:

    Don't care how long it takes aslong as they get it right. As we all know a broken game launch always fails.


    Well if you haven't noticed the other threads here about people allegedly hearing/reading VR talk about a second crowdfunding campaign to finish the game, in addition to every update we see still being from the same 3 zones we saw 4 months ago on stream, with the same class/races we saw 4 months ago, what does that tell you? It tells me if all they have are rice farms and a few structures in Thronefast to show us after 4 months and don't even have an elf model/zone, wizard/myr or anything. Every updated picture is; Wild's End, the snake place, or Thronefast; which are ALL the same zones from 4 months ago. You'd think (just maybe) theyd be posting all of the other zones (there shouldl be at least 30 at release I would assume) or at least hints, teases, or anything about work done; however, there is no such evidence. The evidence is now all suggesting the opposite. So while I agree with you, it's important to read the glaring signs.

    • 30 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:41 AM PST

    Laura said:


    We were promised video streams would be more frequent in 2017 than it was in 2016. We got 3 video streams within a year in 2016 and now the first quarter of '17 is almost over and not even an announcement.

    We were told Pre-Alpha should be around the beginning of 2017, still no news about a new stream.

    I might have missed something but I didn't even see any kind of progress regarding new features / combat mechanics / classes that would justify all this delay during these three months. I mean, just a post talking about how Faction System (for example) is now fully finalized would make me feel the guys at VR are actually doing something.

    I'm just posting as a reminder, not as a complaint. If you guys at VR need time, sure, but at least communicate with us what's going on at the moment. What kind of features are being worked on, what did you accomplish so far and what's the schedule for the next quarter. Don't give me a page loaded with text just talking about nothing, give me simple brief language put the features/mechanics that are being worked on/completed in an easy to read (and easy to write) page. I don't want to look at random Screenshots of the same things we've already seen or long blog posts about lore, Lore alone doesn't make a game. Just talk to me, communicate, be more transparent about it and once that's done.. take ALL the time you want.



    I agree with you on pretty much everything you said. I have commented before in other posts about lack of information given by the devs, and I was pretty much called selfish and demanding by some.

    The monthly newsletter used to be pretty good and something to look forward to. They contained updates on the game and things they were working on. Now it’s mainly just interviews, and not very interesting. Although, I did like February’s newsletter. Joppa gave a state of the game update that I thought was pretty informative. He didn’t say a whole lot, just a couple of paragraphs on things they are working on. He mentioned a couple new zones they are doing, new AI mechanics, and a new class that will be revealed soon. Stuff like this is what I like to see. I wish they would do more updates like this in their newsletters. A little bit of info given in more frequent intervals.

     I think VR is mainly in the mindset that they shouldn’t say anything unless they have some major milestone to reveal. And while those are always nice, major milestones don’t happen every month, and I don’t think people are expecting them to. I think most of the people here would be very happy with just little bits of info here and there, instead of just revealing many things at once every 3-4 months. It has been brought up by more than one person that VR is more open and shares more than most game developers, which is true. But most games are self-funded while Pantheon is crowd funded, and crowd funded games really need to be more transparent to show people that their investment is being put to good use. Not to mention encourage others to invest who haven’t already done so.

     As for the streams, I can take them or leave them honestly. I mean I love seeing new content, but I find that the watching the combat gets pretty boring after a while. I guess when it comes to game combat, I feel about it the same way I feel about baseball. It’s really fun when I’m involved in it and playing in the game myself. But when I’m just watching others play, it gets boring after a while.I thought the last stream went on way too long. I mean, I loved seeing the new areas and seeing the new mechanics. But I liked it better when they were in GM mode and just running around showing us the scenery. A little fighting is nice, especially if there’s something new to show, but when its all pretty much the same thing, there’s not much more value to it. Though I’m pretty sure everybody here will disagree with me on that. : P



    This post was edited by Kromiv at March 11, 2017 8:06 AM PST
    • 1921 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:53 AM PST

    Same thing happened with PFO.  And SOTA.  Both over promised and underdelivered, and when confronted publicly, responded in the same way:

    "This is the result of crowdfunding/crowdforging/being part of the development process"

    Bulldung. :)

    This is the result of there being no-one holding developers to milestones-for-more-money.  That's how games get finished enough to sell.

    I'll look into my crystal ball and offer a prediction regarding how this conversation is going to go with Visionary Realms..  Kilsin will post the same wiggle words "This is the result of crowd... something", the fanboys will eat it up, man the ramparts, jump to their defense, and the resounding message back from the denizens will be something like "You're not a developer.  You've never made an MMO.  You don't know how to.  Give them more time.  They just need more time.  Why are you being so negative?  Cut them some slack. Wait until Alpha.  Wait until Beta.  Wait until Launch.  It's only 1 month since launch.  It hasn't even been a year since launch, etc"

    Which is exactly the same thing that happened in the past, with terrible results.  Developers do not need the community defending them.  They need to put up or shut up, just like every other service provider on earth.

    The harsh reality is:  If pre-alpha has not started (and it hasn't) then beta testing will not begin in 2017.  If their intent is to test the game for a year, (and it is) then there is little chance this game will launch in 2018, given how much the schedule has slipped in the past 4 years.  They've already had more than 4 years and refuse to answer any of the questions that separate this game from every other MMO.  All that stuff in the FAQ doesn't answer all the big/hard questions, nor justify the decisions that are logically opposed to their tenets.

    If a company hasn't designed the solutions to these problems in 4 years?  They don't have the solutions.  Having seen this before, 20 times in 20 years in this genre, I have zero confidence, without evidence, that they have a silver bullet for every one of these toxic issues.

    As always, happy to be surprised/proven wrong. :)

    • 3852 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:54 AM PST

    It is no secret that VR is looking for a significant sponsor and that, if they do not find one, getting to release will be unlikely at best barring a LOT of new individual contributions. The crowdfunding was, I assume, never intended to fund the game's entire development, it was intended to get to the point where they could strut their stuff to potential institutional sponsors and hopefully get some nibbles. In other words, things may be going according to plan, with no assurance of success but also no reason to abandon hope.

    At the risk of bending over too far to be positive, I note that there is a lot that needs to be done when creating a game that does not produce very visible and obvious movement. Taking something that was 1/4 done before and proudly showing it to the world and crowing that it is now half done may impress some of us, but will also produce the reaction (especially from viewers that AREN'T us) of "this game is a piece of crap look at that junk they think is worth bragging about it is barely half done".

    Vjek makes some valid points and I would be happier if there was more visible progress and, yes, more specific timelines for the future notwithstanding the valid reasons not to overpromise. Overpromising is bad but letting your core supporters float in the wind with little more than faith to support them isn't all that great either. But there are worse things than being in limbo ((wipes brow and looks downwards nervously)) and we don't have any reason to assume the search for the holy grail (sponsor) is hopeless.


    This post was edited by dorotea at March 11, 2017 8:02 AM PST
    • 1584 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:59 AM PST

    Zuljan said:

    Nimryl said:

    Don't care how long it takes aslong as they get it right. As we all know a broken game launch always fails.


    Well if you haven't noticed the other threads here about people allegedly hearing/reading VR talk about a second crowdfunding campaign to finish the game, in addition to every update we see still being from the same 3 zones we saw 4 months ago on stream, with the same class/races we saw 4 months ago, what does that tell you? It tells me if all they have are rice farms and a few structures in Thronefast to show us after 4 months and don't even have an elf model/zone, wizard/myr or anything. Every updated picture is; Wild's End, the snake place, or Thronefast; which are ALL the same zones from 4 months ago. You'd think (just maybe) theyd be posting all of the other zones (there shouldl be at least 30 at release I would assume) or at least hints, teases, or anything about work done; however, there is no such evidence. The evidence is now all suggesting the opposite. So while I agree with you, it's important to read the glaring signs.

    Maybe they are showing you just a lilttle bit of what they have to offer so they don't give out too much of an idea of what all the startig zones look like.  I can see if this is what they are doing is making you very salty but honestly it make me intrigued i want to know these things and not have it spoon fed to me i want to make that character and explore it for myself.  and maybe they didn't respond becuase they alrdy have plans to show you something and you just have to be more patient.  Not everything they don't do, doesn't mean you have to put a negative spin or worse case senario into play, it isn't healthy and honestly should only be said if you actually have proof or you only make the forums toxic and have people not wanting to read what others have to say due to it seem to be always negative afterwards.

    • 781 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:00 AM PST

    " just talk to me, communicate, be more transparant '   They have done all of these things and yet there are still some demanding blood.  It's understandable to be chomping at the bit for more news, more something... anything, especially when you are helping to fund a project as much or little as it may be.  VR understands this and they have explained in detail why information has slowed.  They keep reassuring that more info is on the way and as a community we should give them that time.  Remember people this isn't a multimillion dollar company, it's a small team doing their best and trying their hardest to meet the time demands of some people.  

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:08 AM PST

    vjek said:

    Same thing happened with PFO.  And SOTA.  Both over promised and underdelivered, and when confronted publicly, responded in the same way:

    "This is the result of crowdfunding/crowdforging/being part of the development process"

    Bulldung. :)

    This is the result of there being no-one holding developers to milestones-for-more-money.  That's how games get finished enough to sell.

    I'll look into my crystal ball and offer a prediction regarding how this conversation is going to go with Visionary Realms..  Kilsin will post the same wiggle words "This is the result of crowd... something", the fanboys will eat it up, man the ramparts, jump to their defense, and the resounding message back from the denizens will be something like "You're not a developer.  You've never made an MMO.  You don't know how to.  Give them more time.  They just need more time.  Why are you being so negative?  Cut them some slack. Wait until Alpha.  Wait until Beta.  Wait until Launch.  It's only 1 month since launch.  It hasn't even been a year since launch, etc"

    Which is exactly the same thing that happened in the past, with terrible results.  Developers do not need the community defending them.  They need to put up or shut up, just like every other service provider on earth.

    The harsh reality is:  If pre-alpha has not started (and it hasn't) then beta testing will not begin in 2017.  If their intent is to test the game for a year, (and it is) then there is little chance this game will launch in 2018, given how much the schedule has slipped in the past 4 years.  They've already had more than 4 years and refuse to answer any of the questions that separate this game from every other MMO.  All that stuff in the FAQ doesn't answer all the big/hard questions, nor justify the decisions that are logically opposed to their tenets.

    If a company hasn't designed the solutions to these problems in 4 years?  They don't have the solutions.  Having seen this before, 20 times in 20 years in this genre, I have zero confidence, without evidence, that they have a silver bullet for every one of these toxic issues.

    As always, happy to be surprised/proven wrong. :)

    Finally, a voice of reason that isn't afraid to say what is plain truth (truth and logic is not negativity and people seem to assume this). I'm not going to go into anymore detail other than thanking you for your constructive input/reasoning. Your thoughts mirror mine in their entirety. I want this game to succeed, but for the first time, I'm seeing questionable signs. You outlined the macro-perspective of the picture; thanks again. Tough feeling alone and ostricized for respectfully voicing opinions/questions, whilse fighting all of the fanboys off (I'm a fanboy too but geez some people will really put the blinders on). Thank you for the time you putinto your post.

    • 727 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:09 AM PST

    Whoa, some people got up on the wrong foot today?

    Honestly, if you have been around for a while, you should have gotten used to the speed at which things move here. VR is not Blizzard with a multi million dollar budget, they need to work with a small (and very dedicated) team. So far, they have built a working game, with a small number of zones. This served to implement and test the basic game features. Now (as in the latest news), they are looking for worldbuilders/designers, which tells me they're happy with their base game and ready to flesh out the content (zones, quests, mobs etc).

    I wouldn't be so quick with accusations of "broken promises". I understand your impatience...I also want to see more, or better, just jump into the game, but Kilsin (and Brad) have said that there would be no point right now, there's not enough content yet to test. Give them the time they need for their job.

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:14 AM PST

    Riahuf22 said:

    Zuljan said:

    Nimryl said:

    Don't care how long it takes aslong as they get it right. As we all know a broken game launch always fails.


    Well if you haven't noticed the other threads here about people allegedly hearing/reading VR talk about a second crowdfunding campaign to finish the game, in addition to every update we see still being from the same 3 zones we saw 4 months ago on stream, with the same class/races we saw 4 months ago, what does that tell you? It tells me if all they have are rice farms and a few structures in Thronefast to show us after 4 months and don't even have an elf model/zone, wizard/myr or anything. Every updated picture is; Wild's End, the snake place, or Thronefast; which are ALL the same zones from 4 months ago. You'd think (just maybe) theyd be posting all of the other zones (there shouldl be at least 30 at release I would assume) or at least hints, teases, or anything about work done; however, there is no such evidence. The evidence is now all suggesting the opposite. So while I agree with you, it's important to read the glaring signs.

    Maybe they are showing you just a lilttle bit of what they have to offer so they don't give out too much of an idea of what all the startig zones look like.  I can see if this is what they are doing is making you very salty but honestly it make me intrigued i want to know these things and not have it spoon fed to me i want to make that character and explore it for myself.  and maybe they didn't respond becuase they alrdy have plans to show you something and you just have to be more patient.  Not everything they don't do, doesn't mean you have to put a negative spin or worse case senario into play, it isn't healthy and honestly should only be said if you actually have proof or you only make the forums toxic and have people not wanting to read what others have to say due to it seem to be always negative afterwards.


    My patience may be running thin because devs respond to other trivial threads as opposed to important ones with real concerns such as these, but in no way am I putting a spin on anything. If you're a deep follower of this game, you'll recognize my name from several forums. Ive done nothing but advocate this came (logically not blindly) until now, for aforementioned reasons. You make valid points about perhaps keeping some starting zones secret, but a screenshot of one, or a screenshot of a race or class or even spell effect a monster or anything really isn't a spoiler or asking much of anything (not to mention every MMO in development posts things like this?). You're putting a negative spin on this yourself, making personal claims as per my countenance toward the game, lacking any conrete evidence in any way to support your claims, while I've given a bullet point list of reasons (the devs flat out won't touch these questions and why not?). If you're confident about your game, you don't hide from people/questions. If you care about your community, you don't choose to answer easy questions and leave the rest of us in the dark. And if that's their choice then I'll act accordingly. How is that in any way negative or wrong? It's the right thing to do, and I implore you to do the same. Tired of seeing failed kickstarters and (I won't even touch Brad's past with Vanguard but that's always in the rearview until proven otherwise).

    • 1584 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:15 AM PST

    As i can see this topic is just being Toxic, i feel bad i even replyed on it, since it seems like the people who posted on this one has lost faith in this game and now i am leaving.

    • 626 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:17 AM PST

    So, as one who normally would be right there with you and jumping all over this post to slaughter VR for there lack luster Website, exteremly slow and limited informational updates, and newsletters that contain only filler information to hold the few over who still hang on to the hope that things will be worth the wait. I have to say I'm loving the lack of information and honestly hope the details are kept from us. 

    I don't want to see all the game through someone elses eyes. I don't want to find all the serects out from reading newletters, seeing a screenshot, or watching a stream. I want to enter a world that hasn't been seen before, and seems to hold unlimited possiblities. I want to enter a world that consumes me with every level, quest, ceature, and sunset. I don't want to know, I want to experience. 

    So with this being said. I'm ok without a stream, fine without juicy details in a newsletter, and great with simple screenshots that leave us with more questions than answers.

    For me I have faith in the team and that their focus is not on a Stream, a website, or what details they can provide us today we didn't get yesterday. I have faith their focus is on the game, and getting us into it. This means getting it ready for us to experience ourselves, instead of showing us or telling us about it. 

    VR, please remain focused on Pre-alpha, and getting it ready for us to test for you.  



    This post was edited by Reignborn at March 11, 2017 8:20 AM PST
    • 111 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:18 AM PST

    i could imagine, that things in pre pre alpha are still very technical, therefore hard to explain and difficult to show off, what really has been reached. especially for guys like me, who are not familiar with development/programing/coding/etc.

    so far to me, VR seems very transparent and i havent seen many developer communicate so active with its community like VR. so kudos to them. still i also would wish for some more news of course. on the other hand: i can never get enough news of them anyway.

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:19 AM PST

    Kelem said:

    " just talk to me, communicate, be more transparant '   They have done all of these things and yet there are still some demanding blood.  It's understandable to be chomping at the bit for more news, more something... anything, especially when you are helping to fund a project as much or little as it may be.  VR understands this and they have explained in detail why information has slowed.  They keep reassuring that more info is on the way and as a community we should give them that time.  Remember people this isn't a multimillion dollar company, it's a small team doing their best and trying their hardest to meet the time demands of some people.  


    Please, provide some kind of premise/evidence that lead to your conclusions/claims dude. They have NOT communited or been transparent with us. They have IGNORED over 40 posts and 3 threads on THIS ISSUE, meanwhile RESPONDING to other comments in those threads or other threads altogether. We've already stated this, but you keep spouoting these claims. And to your final point, yes they keep reassuring more info is on the way, yet it doesn't come! No one is demanding any blood! We are demanding to be recognized and the issue addressed! The fanboydom today.. how can you read these posts and actually write and post what you just did..makes no sense one is holding them to anythingother than what they said, and we aren't holding pitchforks either. This is the first time something has gone awry, and all of the details/tiny tiny updates in the past 4 months could POSSIBLY (more than likely) be a warning of dark roads ahead.

    This post was edited by Zuljan at March 11, 2017 8:20 AM PST
    • 483 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:25 AM PST

    Honestly i don't know what to say, do you expect VR to just make the gamedeveloping public, to show zones half way done with no textures, to update you on every tiny piece of content that they're currently working on, to open pre-alpha and only hear how the game is **** doesn't have enough content and that's not working properly. Or for them to do a 5 minute stream every week showing things halfway done or in the concept stage.

    The game is being developed, just be patient and wait, the last stream showed immense ammount of proggress, new char models, new zones, a new class, a new stream is comming soon they'll show even more proggress there, I don't get why a game that's being crowd funded makes things any different, they're still a company and they fucntion like one, they're not your private game development team.

    • 483 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:30 AM PST

    Zuljan said:

    Please, provide some kind of premise/evidence that lead to your conclusions/claims dude. They have NOT communited or been transparent with us. They have IGNORED over 40 posts and 3 threads on THIS ISSUE, meanwhile RESPONDING to other comments in those threads or other threads altogether. We've already stated this, but you keep spouoting these claims. And to your final point, yes they keep reassuring more info is on the way, yet it doesn't come! No one is demanding any blood! We are demanding to be recognized and the issue addressed! The fanboydom today.. how can you read these posts and actually write and post what you just did..makes no sense one is holding them to anythingother than what they said, and we aren't holding pitchforks either. This is the first time something has gone awry, and all of the details/tiny tiny updates in the past 4 months could POSSIBLY (more than likely) be a warning of dark roads ahead.

    Before continuing, please show the threads or your claims are worth nothing.

    • 321 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:34 AM PST

     A little new news is always a good thing. I would love an update on anything new. But if it cuts down the time it takes to get the game going then I say great. Forget the twitches and constant updating and move right ahead.


    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:38 AM PST

    Sarim said:

    Whoa, some people got up on the wrong foot today?

    Honestly, if you have been around for a while, you should have gotten used to the speed at which things move here. VR is not Blizzard with a multi million dollar budget, they need to work with a small (and very dedicated) team. So far, they have built a working game, with a small number of zones. This served to implement and test the basic game features. Now (as in the latest news), they are looking for worldbuilders/designers, which tells me they're happy with their base game and ready to flesh out the content (zones, quests, mobs etc).

    I wouldn't be so quick with accusations of "broken promises". I understand your impatience...I also want to see more, or better, just jump into the game, but Kilsin (and Brad) have said that there would be no point right now, there's not enough content yet to test. Give them the time they need for their job.


    Thank you for actually explaining your thoughts. We know they are not Blizzard, but they did create their own deadlines and promises, and chose to reveal the same things over 4 months, and finally they chose to ignore these small questions we posed (for days, until it has now evolved into this). This is not on anyone but them, but I'm really not here to point blame. I want this game to thrive, but I'm not going to do the wrong thing and spread false info about this being the next coming, so that's all this is about (i.e. perhaps unveiling the truth of what's to come or not to come). The fact is they refuse to acknowledge or touch any concern. The only true thing I can think of in their defense, is they're aggressively hiring writers, web developers, etc as opposed to any specialists to actually build this game, which I would HOPE is because they have a decent sized team already working on it. So unless that is all for show (make people think they have more money and are hiring more than what is reality and those positions might not actually be that expensive or even full time). Just thinking outloud here. The intent is to voice concern, with logic. Somewhere along the line people took offense, when, again, the reality is they refuse to communicate and now days later this has happened.

    • 3 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:41 AM PST

    Ah snap... good thing I didn't put away my pitchfork and torch! jk, Talk about beating a dead horse.

    BLUF: Don't be that guy who gets the community riled up with your accusations because you think you understand "what is really going on behind the curtains".

    I have one simple piece of advice...find something else better to do with your time rather than sitting on the VR forums all day refreshing it waiting for an update.  If you are tired of waiting then find something else to do. There are a billion games out there to play....hop on one and enjoy it until this comes out. Yea, i'd love for the game to release tomorrow too but as stated above these guys aren't Blizzard.

    I honestly hope they don't respond to this post.

    • 62 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:46 AM PST

    I'm just as anxious as anyone when looking for new information concerning the game. That being said, I think this thread is bordering on toxic/dramatic. I urge you to watch the stream from June and then watch the one from December. During the six month wait between those streams, I too was getting a little worried concerning the forward progess of the game. Then I got to watch the stream. They showed off a new class, several new race models, an entirely brand new zone in Amberfaet, and noticeable improvements in graphics to the zones we had previously seen. This alleviated my concerns and validated my support. It proved to me that very tangible progress was being made, even if I wasn't always hearing about new stuff or date announcements.

    They did say it wouldn't be another six months before the next stream, but it's barely been over three. The last stream was December 9th and it's March 11th, do the math. They also said Q1 OR Q2 of this year for pre-pre-Alpha. At this point, they are still very much within both of those time frames, so I'm not sure why we are getting the sky is falling posts.

    As far as the newsletters go, I agree that some have been better than others when it comes to new information being put out. I will admit to having been disappointed with a few of them, but that's just because I've been waiting for nearly a decade for a game like this to come out that I'm overly hyped at times. That's more a reflection on me, not VR.

    It's easy to get concerned when you're so highly anticipating a game you're invested in, but I urge you to look at the whole picture. I feel they are being transparent, they are making progress and I will continue supporting them until they prove otherwise. This isn't a fanboy post either. It's logically looking at all the facts, not being blinded by my own hype for the game and looking for reasons to panic.

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:47 AM PST

    Isaya said:

     A little new news is always a good thing. I would love an update on anything new. But if it cuts down the time it takes to get the game going then I say great. Forget the twitches and constant updating and move right ahead.



    That's what I said in the newsletter thread. Why make any promises at all, just release small tidbits of new things to keep the community hungry and more importantly get new people to pledge. Doesn't have to be big, like in game mechanics; such a time constraint, in addition to pinning you to deadlines and critique. That's on VR for making those promises. No one ever demands such things from pre pre alpha games. People just want screenshots, class/race models, monsters, etc. But again, they created this whole thing, gave us nothing, then aren't responding. So in reality, that is the real update lol. First time it's ever happened here (I've been following Pantheon production for a long time). With the right marketing, they could get so much more funding. But hey, hopefully they don't need it and are content with the current business marketing model with the updates etc.

    This post was edited by Zuljan at March 11, 2017 8:59 AM PST
    • 668 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:58 AM PST

    As someone who has been a part of these forums for awhile and someone who has supported for awhile, I want to respond because there are different perspectives.

    Every stream release we have seen shows vast improvements from the prior one.  They said a stream is coming soon, so there will be a stream soon.  I bet Brad is cracking the whip to get specific things accomplished for this next stream so that it really features some new stuff and keeps people excited.  They know how important this is because it openly shows their game progress to the public, it has to be done right and can only be shown when correct features are in place.

    We all know they have a small team compared to larger studios.  So naturally you must know this huge undertaking will take more time.  Can we all agree that we want a completed product and not to release it unfinished?  Nothing like playing a game in perma beta, sound familiar?  So many damn games doing this now days and people lose interest...

    I do like a lot of your passion in this thread because it shows that you care for this game, rather than not posting at all.  But posts like this will not make them work any harder nor cut a corner to release the game any sooner.  Unfortunately, we all have to be patient and either trust what they are doing or not...


    This post was edited by Pyye at March 11, 2017 9:03 AM PST