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The March Newsletter is Here!

    • 668 posts
    March 9, 2017 10:30 AM PST
    Updates of any kind are enjoyable... I share excitement for the announcement of the next stream. It is coming together nicely and they are ramping up the help.
    • 107 posts
    March 9, 2017 1:08 PM PST

    No matter how beefy the updates are, I'm pleased that they are keeping to a schedule. Speaks to the way the project is being managed.

    • VR Staff
    • 246 posts
    March 9, 2017 7:19 PM PST

    You guys and gals are terrific. Thank you so much for tracking us so closely and enthusiastically. May your patience be rewarded sooner than later.

    • 173 posts
    March 9, 2017 8:23 PM PST

    Istuulamae said:

    You guys and gals are terrific. Thank you so much for tracking us so closely and enthusiastically. May your patience be rewarded sooner than later.


    Don't thank us 'till you realize how closely we're tracking you *ignore that hidden mic under your desk and hidden camera behind you* LOL

    For real though, always great to get whatever info there is.  Brad has always been great at building an amazing team.  You folks are all the best :)

    • 47 posts
    March 9, 2017 10:54 PM PST

    I cannot stand idle speculation, therefore I am thrilled that Istuulamae has just given us absolute and irrefutable proof when our next Twitch stream will be:

    Istuulamae said:

    You guys and gals are terrific. Thank you so much for tracking us so closely and enthusiastically. May your patience be rewarded sooner than later.



    • 24 posts
    March 9, 2017 11:00 PM PST
    Seems kinda early to be doing the newsletter 8 days into the month. I just hope that means with the new hires you guys are hunkering down to have more to show for the live stream..right??!! Lol
    • 9115 posts
    March 10, 2017 1:27 AM PST

    brandon said: Seems kinda early to be doing the newsletter 8 days into the month. I just hope that means with the new hires you guys are hunkering down to have more to show for the live stream..right??!! Lol

    Second Tuesday/Wednesday of every month, sometimes it falls just after the first week, we can't control the dates man but we are always consistent.

    • 78 posts
    March 10, 2017 2:04 AM PST

    Consistency is key - good work team! I enjoyed reading Justin's interview.

    • 24 posts
    March 10, 2017 5:21 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Second Tuesday/Wednesday of every month, sometimes it falls just after the first week, we can't control the dates man but we are always consistent.


    Ah OK didn't know it was on a schedule. Thought it was released whenever you had info and there wasn't gonna be much info for March so it was released early. Thanks for the consistency! Looking forward to the next one.

    • 184 posts
    March 10, 2017 6:53 AM PST

    Just complete disclosure; unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious, this update literally recycled the same information/explanation of the class/race matrix that we've been hearing since it was released (elf lore doesn't permit pious class, but never say never)? A 2 minute skim of the elf lore that has been up for months is already indicative of the aforementioned "update" details. I want my experience on the Dev boards to be both progressive and constructive, and based off of the "oooooos" and "ahhhhhhs" from people, I can't help but feeling I missed something here?

    The pictures posted the day after (beautiful still frames of Thronefast) are the only source of updates I could find. It goes without saying the stream still isn't done (Brad said it wouldn't be 6 months, yet it's been about 4 months, so why tease the new stream if it's just going to release on month 5 as promised anyhow?). I'm obviously being overtly objective, but these things happen when people feel letdown  after promises and hype of updates/streams are made.

    I almost wish they never promised streams (it sounds like a huge time constraint). Seems so much easier to release more images/small videos to keep the hunger and hype going, while also not pinning themselves down to deadlines, dates, and expectations of details/mechanics/systems as a whole if people feel it looks more incomplete than it should. Furthermore, it would encourages those who haven't pledged to do so, and perhaps those who have ( champion pledge like myself) to increse their amount. When left in the dark, people will always assume the worst.

    • 1281 posts
    March 10, 2017 7:44 AM PST

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently. Brad talking about the game and that the next major goal is getting more funding.

    It seems Pantheon is getting close to the point where it might be safe to do a new KS campaign.

    • 184 posts
    March 10, 2017 7:56 AM PST

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently. Brad talking about the game and that the next major goal is getting more funding.

    It seems Pantheon is getting close to the point where it might be safe to do a new KS campaign.


    I can't find any info on this; do you have a link? I've seen a 2nd kickstarter business model used for certain businesses but never in the gaming industry. The tentative nature of the community with kickstarted MMOs failing recently (and the history with Vanguard here) would have me really worried what the community is going to think of a 2nd Pantheon kickstart, but if there is no other way then I suppose there's nothing to lose.

    • 2886 posts
    March 10, 2017 8:14 AM PST

    Zuljan said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently. Brad talking about the game and that the next major goal is getting more funding.

    It seems Pantheon is getting close to the point where it might be safe to do a new KS campaign.


    I can't find any info on this; do you have a link? I've seen a 2nd kickstarter business model used for certain businesses but never in the gaming industry. The tentative nature of the community with kickstarted MMOs failing recently (and the history with Vanguard here) would have me really worried what the community is going to think of a 2nd Pantheon kickstart, but if there is no other way then I suppose there's nothing to lose.

    Yeah that doesn't make sense. They already have angel/seed investors, their own pledge system through their own site, etc... the timing just doesn't seem right. Not to mention the fact that they've been hiring aggressively seems to suggest that they're in a pretty good place financially. I could be wrong. Either way, we need a link for claims like this.

    I'd just like to know if Cohh is going to be involved in the next stream? It was mentioned in the last one that he would stay close in touch with the team up until launch.

    • 3237 posts
    March 10, 2017 11:27 AM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    Zuljan said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently. Brad talking about the game and that the next major goal is getting more funding.

    It seems Pantheon is getting close to the point where it might be safe to do a new KS campaign.


    I can't find any info on this; do you have a link? I've seen a 2nd kickstarter business model used for certain businesses but never in the gaming industry. The tentative nature of the community with kickstarted MMOs failing recently (and the history with Vanguard here) would have me really worried what the community is going to think of a 2nd Pantheon kickstart, but if there is no other way then I suppose there's nothing to lose.

    Yeah that doesn't make sense. They already have angel/seed investors, their own pledge system through their own site, etc... the timing just doesn't seem right. Not to mention the fact that they've been hiring aggressively seems to suggest that they're in a pretty good place financially. I could be wrong. Either way, we need a link for claims like this.

    I'd just like to know if Cohh is going to be involved in the next stream? It was mentioned in the last one that he would stay close in touch with the team up until launch.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Cohh was getting bombarded about any insight he might have about the next stream.  Would definitely be cool to see him on there again.

    • 668 posts
    March 10, 2017 2:46 PM PST

    I would like to know how many people became sponsors that were followers of Cohh...  Regardless, he did a wonderful job at giving feedback on the stream and staying on top of questions that were coming in.  I hope they do use him again on next stream as I see Cohh playing Pantheon seriously down the road.

    • 399 posts
    March 10, 2017 5:53 PM PST

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently.........

    i think Bigdogchris is referring to a post from March two years ago?

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 6:59 AM PST

    Durp said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently.........

    i think Bigdogchris is referring to a post from March two years ago?


    Still no response from a dev regarding any of these issues/concerns so your guess is as good as mine. This is how rumors get started/people disgruntled, but they know that so either a) don't care b) are close to completing a stream but know they are running behind and don't want to deal with people who ask the hard questions (as we are all entitled to). Either way you look at it, it is negligent on their behalf. Zero care given to us (devs have replied to this thread already) and apparently not much more care when it comes to deadlines. I'll definitely be passing this info along to the public if it continues. It's unprofessional to eschew respectful questions posed by investors and when stuff like this happens, everyone on the fence about this game is going to start prophesizing the second coming (failure) of Vanguard if such patterns persist. Bad impression for my first week here on the boards. I won't be logging back until the week starts. Feel like I got scammed at the Auction House or something :D

    • 107 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:07 AM PST

    Zuljan said:

    Durp said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently.........

    i think Bigdogchris is referring to a post from March two years ago?


    Still no response from a dev regarding any of these issues/concerns so your guess is as good as mine. This is how rumors get started/people disgruntled, but they know that so either a) don't care b) are close to completing a stream but know they are running behind and don't want to deal with people who ask the hard questions (as we are all entitled to). Either way you look at it, it is negligent on their behalf. Zero care given to us (devs have replied to this thread already) and apparently not much more care when it comes to deadlines. I'll definitely be passing this info along to the public if it continues. It's unprofessional to eschew respectful questions posed by investors and when stuff like this happens, everyone on the fence about this game is going to start prophesizing the second coming (failure) of Vanguard if such patterns persist. Bad impression for my first week here on the boards. I won't be logging back until the week starts. Feel like I got scammed at the Auction House or something :D


    You have got to be kidding me. What have they done in the past two years to warrant such a post? They have continually worked (without funding in the beginning), posted updates, streams, screenshots and more information than I am sure they want to since they are taking money from their customer base. I hope they continue as they have until the game is ready. Buiild a quality product that adheres to the tenets and people that got upset along the way will show up.

    • 184 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:21 AM PST

    Filzin said:

    Zuljan said:

    Durp said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently.........

    i think Bigdogchris is referring to a post from March two years ago?


    Still no response from a dev regarding any of these issues/concerns so your guess is as good as mine. This is how rumors get started/people disgruntled, but they know that so either a) don't care b) are close to completing a stream but know they are running behind and don't want to deal with people who ask the hard questions (as we are all entitled to). Either way you look at it, it is negligent on their behalf. Zero care given to us (devs have replied to this thread already) and apparently not much more care when it comes to deadlines. I'll definitely be passing this info along to the public if it continues. It's unprofessional to eschew respectful questions posed by investors and when stuff like this happens, everyone on the fence about this game is going to start prophesizing the second coming (failure) of Vanguard if such patterns persist. Bad impression for my first week here on the boards. I won't be logging back until the week starts. Feel like I got scammed at the Auction House or something :D


    You have got to be kidding me. What have they done in the past two years to warrant such a post? They have continually worked (without funding in the beginning), posted updates, streams, screenshots and more information than I am sure they want to since they are taking money from their customer base. I hope they continue as they have until the game is ready. Buiild a quality product that adheres to the tenets and people that got upset along the way will show up.


    First off I agree; take your time as a company if you can and release a finished product (I think that's what ever kickstarted MMO wants/tries to do). I also want to point out I probably want this game to succeed as much or more than anyone (Im a power gamer that thoroughly enjoyed EQ VG etc). With that said, we have to put our love aside and see clearly at times. The following may seem out of context because it's from a different thread, so just going to copy/paste since it's applicable:


    Mod Edit: Removed copy/paste off-topic assumption from another user as it is out of context and incorrect, it doesn;t belong in this thread.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at March 11, 2017 3:33 PM PST
    • 595 posts
    March 11, 2017 9:53 AM PST

    Zuljan said:

    Filzin said:

    Zuljan said:

    Durp said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently.........

    i think Bigdogchris is referring to a post from March two years ago?


    Still no response from a dev regarding any of these issues/concerns so your guess is as good as mine. This is how rumors get started/people disgruntled, but they know that so either a) don't care b) are close to completing a stream but know they are running behind and don't want to deal with people who ask the hard questions (as we are all entitled to). Either way you look at it, it is negligent on their behalf. Zero care given to us (devs have replied to this thread already) and apparently not much more care when it comes to deadlines. I'll definitely be passing this info along to the public if it continues. It's unprofessional to eschew respectful questions posed by investors and when stuff like this happens, everyone on the fence about this game is going to start prophesizing the second coming (failure) of Vanguard if such patterns persist. Bad impression for my first week here on the boards. I won't be logging back until the week starts. Feel like I got scammed at the Auction House or something :D


    You have got to be kidding me. What have they done in the past two years to warrant such a post? They have continually worked (without funding in the beginning), posted updates, streams, screenshots and more information than I am sure they want to since they are taking money from their customer base. I hope they continue as they have until the game is ready. Buiild a quality product that adheres to the tenets and people that got upset along the way will show up.


    First off I agree; take your time as a company if you can and release a finished product (I think that's what ever kickstarted MMO wants/tries to do). I also want to point out I probably want this game to succeed as much or more than anyone (Im a power gamer that thoroughly enjoyed EQ VG etc). With that said, we have to put our love aside and see clearly at times. The following may seem out of context because it's from a different thread, so just going to copy/paste since it's applicable:

    The sky is truly falling.

    C'mon man.  

    You've been on these forums for a week?  Seems like an awfully small sample size to me...


    Mod Edit: Removed quoted text that was moderated from the other user.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at March 12, 2017 3:54 PM PDT
    • 42 posts
    March 11, 2017 12:22 PM PST

    I myself am very pleased with what VR  and others are doing,the longer it takes...the better for me(my home will not be finished being built until sept).I do not want a game where it goes live and down for days.I love the shots Kilsin has been showing us when he can and the streams .I thank everyone for working their asses off ,keep up the good work guys.Looking forward to next months letter.

    • 9115 posts
    March 11, 2017 3:45 PM PST

    Zuljan said:

    Durp said:

    bigdogchris said:

    There was a second March update sent out for Kickstarter recently.........

    i think Bigdogchris is referring to a post from March two years ago?


    Still no response from a dev regarding any of these issues/concerns so your guess is as good as mine. This is how rumors get started/people disgruntled, but they know that so either a) don't care b) are close to completing a stream but know they are running behind and don't want to deal with people who ask the hard questions (as we are all entitled to). Either way you look at it, it is negligent on their behalf. Zero care given to us (devs have replied to this thread already) and apparently not much more care when it comes to deadlines. I'll definitely be passing this info along to the public if it continues. It's unprofessional to eschew respectful questions posed by investors and when stuff like this happens, everyone on the fence about this game is going to start prophesizing the second coming (failure) of Vanguard if such patterns persist. Bad impression for my first week here on the boards. I won't be logging back until the week starts. Feel like I got scammed at the Auction House or something :D

    I am not sure what issues or concerns you are referring to Zuljan but I can assure you that any misconceptions, rumours or misinformation that is spread is not of our doing and out of our control, if people want to start lying and spreading rumours about our game that is on them not us, we are transparent, upfront and open about all of our games development so I would suggest that you do a bit of digging to get the correct information or ask me before making such posts.

    For reference just look at our Announcement threads right here in this subforum for updates, we have not only consistently shown off measurable development progress but we have added new members to the team, have a monthly newsletter from the CM team, released class and race combinations, announce the reveal of two new zones and a new class in the next stream that we are working hard towards getting ready while working hard on getting our first ever testing phase ready.

    MMORPG's take approximately ~5 years to make on average and considering we are sitting around the ~2.5-year mark after completely scrapping the game after the first year and starting fresh and being so close to pre-alpha testing and still able to release consistent updates showcasing our measurable progress is pretty good for a small team by anyone standards.

    I understand your excitement and passion but patience and understanding is needed at times like this, once we get the stream ready you will be able to see for yourself but please don't go believing in other people's incorrect assumptions, wait and get the information from us.

    • 104 posts
    March 11, 2017 7:32 PM PST
    I can't believe some of the post I'm seeing. They're making good progress imo with the limited resources they have. Frustrating to me to see the impatience of some of the people on the forums. It's not like they have a 100 million dollar budget that was gave to them.
    • 839 posts
    March 12, 2017 1:49 AM PST

    Zuljan, VR dont owe you any information and expecially not if they aren't ready to divulge it. They are not required to deliver you specific info in any partiular timeframe because you want it or expect it, even if somthing was hinted at in a stream. They are working at their pace to achieve their goals and we are supposed to be supporting them and discussing mechanics etc.  I dont think you should view your pledge as an investment that gives you some sort all knowing right besides the specific rewards that are outlined in that tier of pledge.  We should just do our part by continuing to ask questions, drive discussions, respond constructively to dev questions and answers and also expect moderation from the team based on what they have to tell us at a given time and their forum guidelines.  We are here to discuss and contribute.. not to hold them to a deadline for an itch we need to scratch.

    It is really exciting to be part of the process for a game that seems to offer so much we have been looking for, sometimes it is hard to control our excitement, lets just stay patient.  We will get updates when they are ready to show us them and that is all we should ask for at this point of early development.  

     Of course this is just my opinion, each individual opinion is equally as important and also important that you voice it. I can understand the level of excitement being difficult to deal with but i think we should consider lots of factors including the stage of development and size of team before getting too worked up.

    This post was edited by Hokanu at March 12, 2017 3:22 AM PDT
    • 902 posts
    March 12, 2017 3:48 AM PDT
    In coding there are often times where lots of code goes in with seemingly little to show for it. This is all framework stuff that allows you to hang on the front end meat. Without this effort, future enhancements become horrendous.

    Does the average mmorpg player really want to know about this stuff? I would. But I code. Most would not.

    There is plenty of details coming from VR. OK it might not be a new live stream or a new video, but there is tons of other stuff.

    I really don't get the frustration at this point? (Shrug)