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New profile pic

    • 2886 posts
    February 25, 2017 5:53 AM PST

    Well I'm really just following in Amsai's footsteps lol. He did it and he said I was cool enough to do it, so in celebration of joining the 1000 post club, I am now making a public announcement that I've changed my profile pic haha. I'm pretty sure Kilsin does not really like blatant self-promotion on the forums, so I'll just say that it's POSSIBLE that my new pic is the logo of my Twitch channel on which I may or may not be streaming Pantheon when it launches. I will neither confirm nor deny it lol :P See ya guys around!

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at February 25, 2017 5:58 AM PST
    • 434 posts
    February 25, 2017 2:42 PM PST

    Wow Baz! Good Job!


    love the new avatar :)


    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    February 25, 2017 4:14 PM PST

    I like the new pic Baz, although post counts mean nothing and self-promotion for external platforms is against the forum guidelines, so luckily this isn't one ;)

    • 626 posts
    February 25, 2017 4:25 PM PST

    haha, I feel ya Baz. Tough to talk about T Channels on here, but I'm hoping to join you and a lot of others in showing off what VR does via a source of live entertainment :). I'm going to be looking for some folks to add to an auto host list as well, maybe we can talk more about that sometime... but we got a long ways to go till then haha. Great job on help us out here on the forums with searching for posts and things. I'm trying to get better at it myself, but the search is a little funny so taking a little getting used too hehe. 

    • 2886 posts
    February 25, 2017 6:34 PM PST

    tehtawd said:

    Wow Baz! Good Job!


    love the new avatar :)



    Kilsin said:

    I like the new pic Baz, although post counts mean nothing and self-promotion for external platforms is against the forum guidelines, so luckily this isn't one ;)

    Haha roger that, Kilsin. I agree post count does not automatically make one opinion any more valid than another. I was mostly poking fun at Amsai cause I know he's trying to catch up to you (don't tell him I said that lol) Anyway, for the sake of clarity, does that guideline then not apply to platforms that are 100% devoted to Pantheon, such as fan sites or even the VoT twitch channel? I just double-checked the guidelines and I can't really tell. 

    Saicred said:

    haha, I feel ya Baz. Tough to talk about T Channels on here, but I'm hoping to join you and a lot of others in showing off what VR does via a source of live entertainment :). I'm going to be looking for some folks to add to an auto host list as well, maybe we can talk more about that sometime... but we got a long ways to go till then haha. Great job on help us out here on the forums with searching for posts and things. I'm trying to get better at it myself, but the search is a little funny so taking a little getting used too hehe. 

    Ah yeah we'll definitely keep in touch.

    The forums are just my way of scratching the itch, so to speak. Rather than wasting time with another game, I pretty much try to just soak up as much here as I can. I love finding facts, so instead of getting involved in opinion flame wars, I've been trying to scrub the threads to find confirmed info from the devs and eventually you just recognize patterns in threads and stuff that you've already read before. It's impossible to catch everything though. It just takes time and patience haha. And hopefully it helps keep people based in truth rather than assumption and speculation. But that's just me. Fortunately, Kilsin said that the new forums (whenever those happen) will have a more user-friendly search function.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at February 25, 2017 6:49 PM PST
    • 626 posts
    February 25, 2017 7:40 PM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    The forums are just my way of scratching the itch, so to speak. Rather than wasting time with another game, I pretty much try to just soak up as much here as I can. I love finding facts, so instead of getting involved in opinion flame wars, I've been trying to scrub the threads to find confirmed info from the devs and eventually you just recognize patterns in threads and stuff that you've already read before. It's impossible to catch everything though. It just takes time and patience haha. And hopefully it helps keep people based in truth rather than assumption and speculation. But that's just me. Fortunately, Kilsin said that the new forums (whenever those happen) will have a more user-friendly search function.


    Actually, I find myself doing this a lot too. Instead of playing at night I find myself just browsing through old post and comments. Kinda like a mini game haha

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    February 25, 2017 7:58 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    I like the new pic Baz, although post counts mean nothing and self-promotion for external platforms is against the forum guidelines, so luckily this isn't one ;)

    Haha roger that, Kilsin. I agree post count does not automatically make one opinion any more valid than another. I was mostly poking fun at Amsai cause I know he's trying to catch up to you (don't tell him I said that lol) Anyway, for the sake of clarity, does that guideline then not apply to platforms that are 100% devoted to Pantheon, such as fan sites or even the VoT twitch channel? I just double-checked the guidelines and I can't really tell. 

    FYI - If I could turn off visible post counts, I would, some people use them to form opinions of others and it just isn't an accurate way to judge someone, especially on these forums since there are so many ways to inflate that number over short periods of time. I would personally rather everyone be shown by their forum name, pledge rank (or colour) and the odd subtle badge or title for credible things within the community, leaving everyone on a pretty even and equal playing ground.

    Fansites have their own subforum to advertise their Pantheon only channels, Guilds have their own subforum to advertise their Pantheon guilds but advertising or trying to self-promote your own Twitch or YouTube channel (among others) is against the guidelines as this is a development website for Pantheon and not a marketing platform for people to get extra subs and views off of our game/IP/content, basically.

    We will review these guidelines, specifically the social media and self-promotion sections, as we get closer to releasing the game as supporting community members who stream and create videos is something I will be encouraging a lot once the game is released but while we are in closed development/testing we will not allow self-promotion.

    Any links to Twitch or YouTube outside of their dedicated subforums (Fansite/Guild) will be removed and further action could follow if the rules are continually ignored. (not that you would do this but it is a general statement to all reading) :)

    • 595 posts
    March 2, 2017 12:50 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    I would personally rather everyone be shown by their forum name, pledge rank (or colour) and the odd subtle badge or title for credible things within the community, leaving everyone on a pretty even and equal playing ground.

    Yea, though there are many things about these forums that are an upgrade from the previous ones, there are definitely some features from the old forums that I prefer.

    • 2886 posts
    March 3, 2017 12:53 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    FYI - If I could turn off visible post counts, I would, some people use them to form opinions of others and it just isn't an accurate way to judge someone, especially on these forums since there are so many ways to inflate that number over short periods of time. I would personally rather everyone be shown by their forum name, pledge rank (or colour) and the odd subtle badge or title for credible things within the community, leaving everyone on a pretty even and equal playing ground.

    Definitely. But for what it's worth, in my opinion, pledge rank would not really be a fair way to judge someone either. I know most forum reputation systems are flawed, but I'd prefer some way to assess someone's credibility or quality of their posts rather than quantity of posts, or how much money they've pledged. Titles and badges for people that go above and beyond would be cool though.

    Thanks for the clarification on the Twitch link guidelines btw. I will send you a DM when I get closer to posting info about my Pantheon-only stream :)

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    March 3, 2017 5:22 PM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    Kilsin said:

    FYI - If I could turn off visible post counts, I would, some people use them to form opinions of others and it just isn't an accurate way to judge someone, especially on these forums since there are so many ways to inflate that number over short periods of time. I would personally rather everyone be shown by their forum name, pledge rank (or colour) and the odd subtle badge or title for credible things within the community, leaving everyone on a pretty even and equal playing ground.

    Definitely. But for what it's worth, in my opinion, pledge rank would not really be a fair way to judge someone either. I know most forum reputation systems are flawed, but I'd prefer some way to assess someone's credibility or quality of their posts rather than quantity of posts, or how much money they've pledged. Titles and badges for people that go above and beyond would be cool though.

    Thanks for the clarification on the Twitch link guidelines btw. I will send you a DM when I get closer to posting info about my Pantheon-only stream :)

    Yeah, I agree it isn't, that would just be more for showing off your support and pride, not the quality of your posts/content :)

    You're very welcome, sounds good :)