Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Patience is a Virtue, but bored to death

    • 35 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:14 AM PST

    Tomorrow will mark the 3 year anniversary since my Pantheon journey began. I have been watching the progress since the Kickstarter announcement and have donated when I can over the last 3 years to help the cause.

    I don't post a lot, though I do read the forums often to stay abreast of what is happening and the progress that has been made. The newsletters are always exciting to receive and to see the progress that has been made.

    My request is please move to testing phase to help out a bored individual, who is sick of all the current games out there.



    This post was edited by Azzudien at February 16, 2017 8:15 AM PST
    • 2886 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:18 AM PST

    Well the bad news is they're not going to change their plan just to appease you. But the good news is that you're definitely not alone. Everyone here is chomping at the bit for pre-Alpha, and VR is more than aware of it. I'm sure VR is just as much (if not more) excited, but it will come in good time. Crowdsourcing/open development was the right business move for this game, but it comes with the side effect of creating a lot of restlessness among the community. That's just how it is. But it'll make it worth it. The game itself is not going to be easy and will require a lot of patience to progress and level up. So by the time we get into the game, we'll have plenty of practice being patient lol

    • 3016 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:23 AM PST

    Yup been here since February 2014...we're all chafing at the bit.   Wanting the pre-alpha testing NOW before the game is ready for external testing  First or Second Quarter this year, will not make it move along any faster.   Patience my friend...we'll get there.   See you in the testing phase.  :)



    • VR Staff
    • 246 posts
    February 16, 2017 9:10 AM PST

    Hey Azzudien -

    i wish we were there already, but in the meantime I must thank you for your longsuffering support. Your time following, investing and hoping on this game has outlasted my own, as I've only been here 2 1/2 years. In many ways, you and those like you have made my position and dream possible. I cannot thank you enough.

    There isn't a day that goes by where the Alpha and Pre-Alpha experience isn't on our minds. I know it isn't an announcement or a dated answer to your request, but please trust me that doing every phase well is our highest priority because of what that date will mean to you when it arrives.

    Thanks again, friend. 


    This post was edited by Istuulamae at February 16, 2017 9:11 AM PST
    • 320 posts
    February 16, 2017 1:17 PM PST

    Azzudien said:

    Tomorrow will mark the 3 year anniversary since my Pantheon journey began. I have been watching the progress since the Kickstarter announcement and have donated when I can over the last 3 years to help the cause.

    I don't post a lot, though I do read the forums often to stay abreast of what is happening and the progress that has been made. The newsletters are always exciting to receive and to see the progress that has been made.

    My request is please move to testing phase to help out a bored individual, who is sick of all the current games out there.



    3 years. My god man you should be a saint. I have been here 6 months and have been gnawing on the bit. Also my cat is missing and my dog will not come out of under the bed.

    • 82 posts
    February 16, 2017 1:59 PM PST

    i have been here since feb 2014 also, I feel your pain, I hope the testing will start sometime this half of the year :)

    • 668 posts
    February 16, 2017 2:10 PM PST
    A lot of us are suffering with you my friend. But I would rather take the teasing progress we get over nothing at all. Plus friendships have already started of like-minded people that I am sure will be long Pantheon friends.
    • 781 posts
    February 16, 2017 2:17 PM PST

    Pyye said: A lot of us are suffering with you my friend. But I would rather take the teasing progress we get over nothing at all. Plus friendships have already started of like-minded people that I am sure will be long Pantheon friends.


    Yup, there are a lot of us over that 3 year mark ! :)  It's coming though , can't wait ! :) 

    • 142 posts
    February 16, 2017 2:22 PM PST

    I'm closing in on 2 years. March 2015. Few more months til pre-alpha access? (crosses fingers). Even though I'm not Pre Alpha Eligible, I still cant wait for it to happen. Alpha is my access level.

    • 9115 posts
    February 16, 2017 3:56 PM PST

    Azzudien said:

    Tomorrow will mark the 3 year anniversary since my Pantheon journey began. I have been watching the progress since the Kickstarter announcement and have donated when I can over the last 3 years to help the cause.

    I don't post a lot, though I do read the forums often to stay abreast of what is happening and the progress that has been made. The newsletters are always exciting to receive and to see the progress that has been made.

    My request is please move to testing phase to help out a bored individual, who is sick of all the current games out there.



    As someone who also followed the KS and joined this website on the day it was created, I understand what you're feeling my friend, unfortunately, the game while around the 3 year mark for development, it has actually been less than that after a huge revamp of the game and as much as we would love to push testing out to you all, it just isn't ready yet, we are close but still need to get the last few important things implemented that we need you all to help us test, if we don't get them in we will not get the proper feedback and testing we need and that could delay the next testing phases and launch by a considerable amount, so it is important that we get things done properly and set testing up to be able to withstand many players and have everything we need tested, in ready to test.

    We will announce when pre-alpha is ready but for now, we are working hard on the next stream and getting testing ready, so hang on for a little bit longer my friend, we are almost there :)

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at February 17, 2017 6:28 AM PST
    • 80 posts
    February 17, 2017 2:25 AM PST

    Azzudien said:

    Tomorrow will mark the 3 year anniversary since my Pantheon journey began. I have been watching the progress since the Kickstarter announcement and have donated when I can over the last 3 years to help the cause.

    I don't post a lot, though I do read the forums often to stay abreast of what is happening and the progress that has been made. The newsletters are always exciting to receive and to see the progress that has been made.

    My request is please move to testing phase to help out a bored individual, who is sick of all the current games out there.




    Were you the leader of a guild (Resolution?) on Antonious Bayle? (EQ)


    Oh and I suggest you get busy with other things. There are a lot of fun games to play (well mostly not an MMO but still, I despise MMOs) because I'd bet this pre-alpha thing is going to take a while. My 20 years experience of waiting for games to be developed have trained me to know how to avoid that tunnel vision and do other things, play other games, and just forget about the title you're waiting impatiently for. Also, so you wouldn't be surprised, you're probably going to be greatly disappointed by Pantheon IF you're not trained well in the art of Hype-Tolerance. So, don't expect too much.




    This post was edited by Laura at February 17, 2017 2:29 AM PST
    • 35 posts
    February 17, 2017 5:11 AM PST

    I was guild leader of Evolutia on Kane Bayle. Been around EQ since inception along with several other games, always the same name. Azzudien



    This post was edited by Azzudien at February 17, 2017 5:12 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    February 17, 2017 10:59 AM PST

    I am more recent here but I think we all feel the impatience.

    Let me know when you calm down and feel better and I will return her (reaches down and pets cat).

    And by the way I just took a look around the VR site and saw that the official release date is "TBD 2017". So maybe the end is near (or maybe that page needs revision but my glass is half full).

    This post was edited by dorotea at February 17, 2017 11:03 AM PST
    • 238 posts
    February 17, 2017 11:09 AM PST

    I wish the newsletter had more info that was new. If you stay current on news throughout the month the newsletter usually offers very little new info. There have been several monthly newsletters where I finished the article with nothing new learned. Community (non VR Employee) spotlights unfortunately hold very, very little value to me. Knowing more about other forum posters seems so pointless.

    • 3016 posts
    February 17, 2017 1:21 PM PST

    Laura said:

    Azzudien said:

    Tomorrow will mark the 3 year anniversary since my Pantheon journey began. I have been watching the progress since the Kickstarter announcement and have donated when I can over the last 3 years to help the cause.

    I don't post a lot, though I do read the forums often to stay abreast of what is happening and the progress that has been made. The newsletters are always exciting to receive and to see the progress that has been made.

    My request is please move to testing phase to help out a bored individual, who is sick of all the current games out there.




    Were you the leader of a guild (Resolution?) on Antonious Bayle? (EQ)


    Oh and I suggest you get busy with other things. There are a lot of fun games to play (well mostly not an MMO but still, I despise MMOs) because I'd bet this pre-alpha thing is going to take a while. My 20 years experience of waiting for games to be developed have trained me to know how to avoid that tunnel vision and do other things, play other games, and just forget about the title you're waiting impatiently for. Also, so you wouldn't be surprised, you're probably going to be greatly disappointed by Pantheon IF you're not trained well in the art of Hype-Tolerance. So, don't expect too much.




    Exactly this game development is always hurry up and wait.   That's why I get involved with Discord..some of the lore discussions,  watch all the videos on you-tube,  and the discussion that emanates from those.   I spend my time soaking up the information, asking questions and getting to know all the like-minded people on these forums.    We're in this together...we'll be testing this game to make it the best it can be ..once the first external testing launches.    Been here for 3 years..most games I have tested, been a part of have taken at least 5 years minimum for development.    I suggest that folks get more involved with what's going on ..on these forums or  take a break once in awhile and play a good standby for now.    I've resorted to some of my favorite stand alone rpgs,  when I just can't handle the excitement any more.     We'll get worries,   hoping to meet you guys ingame.    Long lasting friendships like in EQ...that will all come to be.   Hang in there. :)


    • 151 posts
    February 17, 2017 1:36 PM PST

    Xonth said:

    I wish the newsletter had more info that was new. If you stay current on news throughout the month the newsletter usually offers very little new info. There have been several monthly newsletters where I finished the article with nothing new learned. Community (non VR Employee) spotlights unfortunately hold very, very little value to me. Knowing more about other forum posters seems so pointless.


    Normally I would agree with this. However, in this one a few old posts were referrenced that I dug through the forums and found. They were a really great read.

    • 839 posts
    February 17, 2017 2:19 PM PST

    It's definitely hard waiting, don't let yourself get down constantly checking the game news, we are on the most updated portal for Pantheon so we won't miss a thing and Kils will always point out a good read if someone publishes one.

    I downloaded dragon age origins recently and chucked it on nightmare mode. they did a release of it on Xbox one. Great game.. if only they didn't simplify /ruin it so much with the sequel's there would be 3 of them to replay! Keeps me busy when I am getting a craving though haha. Great challenge in boss fights on nightmare.

    The longer Pantheon takes the better it will be!  Very much looking forward to the upcoming stream, sounds like they are getting ready to show off a big chunk of new stuff! 

    • 80 posts
    February 17, 2017 2:27 PM PST

    Azzudien said:

    I was guild leader of Evolutia on Kane Bayle. Been around EQ since inception along with several other games, always the same name. Azzudien




    My bad, it indeed was Kane Bayle. Yeah, I was in your guild back in 2002/2003. We were tackling the Elementals during PoP. Resolution was my guild in Firiona View I got mixed up.

    But I clearly remember your name, you're probably why I hated the raid scene, hi!


    • 21 posts
    February 18, 2017 5:20 AM PST

    i have been follwing this game for 2-3 yers as well. Sounds liek it is gogint o ahve a great community and depth so far. Its sad to say though, the way the game is progressing so far i don't think alpha will happen until 3-4 quarter 2017 or even 1-2 quarter 2018. pre-alpha is before the alpha apparently and that hasn't even started. The game was slated for alpha pahse in January 2017 origianlly and is almsot the end of February and there hasnt evne been a word when pre-alpha will start yet. pre-alpha won't start untill probabaly April 2017. then 1-3 months after that alpha. 


    Just speaking from experience witht hese types of things.

    • 521 posts
    February 18, 2017 5:48 AM PST

    Speaking for myself, I’d be perfectly fine with a release date closer to the 2020 mark or even after. Ive grown very sick of games being pumped out before their ready for the money grab now and patch later mentality.

    • 3237 posts
    February 18, 2017 8:11 AM PST

    gabelle said:

    i have been follwing this game for 2-3 yers as well. Sounds liek it is gogint o ahve a great community and depth so far. Its sad to say though, the way the game is progressing so far i don't think alpha will happen until 3-4 quarter 2017 or even 1-2 quarter 2018. pre-alpha is before the alpha apparently and that hasn't even started. The game was slated for alpha pahse in January 2017 origianlly and is almsot the end of February and there hasnt evne been a word when pre-alpha will start yet. pre-alpha won't start untill probabaly April 2017. then 1-3 months after that alpha. 


    Just speaking from experience witht hese types of things.


    I think VR is a bit further ahead of the curve than what you propose, but that's just wishful thinking on my part.  Brad has said that they are aiming for a full year of testing ... so that gives us a pretty good idea of when the game will actually be released.  If pre-alpha starts soon, I would expect Pantheon to be released near the end of Q1 2018.  I believe that's the goal they have in mind, as well ... but then again, that's assuming the stars and moons are all in perfect alignment in the cosmos.  We shall see.

    • 1618 posts
    February 18, 2017 7:07 PM PST

    gabelle said:

    i have been follwing this game for 2-3 yers as well. Sounds liek it is gogint o ahve a great community and depth so far. Its sad to say though, the way the game is progressing so far i don't think alpha will happen until 3-4 quarter 2017 or even 1-2 quarter 2018. pre-alpha is before the alpha apparently and that hasn't even started. The game was slated for alpha pahse in January 2017 origianlly and is almsot the end of February and there hasnt evne been a word when pre-alpha will start yet. pre-alpha won't start untill probabaly April 2017. then 1-3 months after that alpha. 

    Just speaking from experience witht hese types of things.

    Unless you have specific information from VR, I wouldn't claim your experience knows what the facts are.

    • 999 posts
    February 18, 2017 7:43 PM PST
    Been following since the first tweet circa September 2013ish? Like you pledged on the Kickstarter and moved to the official site afterwards. We're all anxiously awaiting the testing phases - but I'm willing to wait for the game to be built right - and not rushed - even though at times it is nearly impossible to be patient :)
    • 23 posts
    February 19, 2017 3:11 AM PST

    Istuulamae said:

    Hey Azzudien -

    i wish we were there already, but in the meantime I must thank you for your longsuffering support. Your time following, investing and hoping on this game has outlasted my own, as I've only been here 2 1/2 years. In many ways, you and those like you have made my position and dream possible. I cannot thank you enough.

    There isn't a day that goes by where the Alpha and Pre-Alpha experience isn't on our minds. I know it isn't an announcement or a dated answer to your request, but please trust me that doing every phase well is our highest priority because of what that date will mean to you when it arrives.

    Thanks again, friend. 




    I want a good PvE game again. One with depth and longevity. A place I can call home once again. So yes, I too am eager to play, but I can wait. It will be worth it.

    • 399 posts
    February 19, 2017 1:29 PM PST

    I too have been following this game for a long time but only joined and pledged recently. (Pretty much since I quit EQ1 in oct2015) I looked at other games and found EQ next of course and this game.  EQ next blew up cause apparently "it wasn't fun" so this for me was the only one left. 
    I don't have anything to base this on but I predict and would be happy to see Pre-Alpha sometime early April, Alpha early July, Beta in oct/nov and launch somewhere in Feb 2018. If it is later, then that's ok too.