Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Recruit a Pledger

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    • 3237 posts
    February 9, 2017 7:44 AM PST

    If anybody understands how affiliate marketing works, this should make pretty simple sense to you.  I would like to propose an idea where members of the community can make legitimate recruiting efforts to acquire more backers for the game.  Rather than traditional affiliate marketing where the affiliate gets paid $$ for their efforts, our Recruit a Pledge would allow our members to boost their own pledge based on how many people they can recruit to the game.  Let's say, for example, that I currently have a $1k pledge.  Let's also say that my Recruit a Pledger idea is adopted, and I get a custom link that I can send out to friends or other places, and every time someone successfully pledges through my trackable link, I would get credit on my own personal pledge.  My idea would be 50%  --  so let's say I create a fan page, scour the forums of other games, etc with my links, and 20 or so players sign up through my link and pledge a total of $4k.  If I got 50% credit for all pledges through my link, that would be an additional $2k added to my own pledge, thus changing my status from Originator to Aesthician.  I think this would be an awesome way for VR to allow it's passionate community to help with the recruiting efforts while also getting something in return.  I know that I would absolutely love to be Ascendant, but there is no way I can drop $10k.  However, if it were possible for me to utilize something like Recruit a Pledger, I could definitely see myself pursuing that to the max and getting to that level.  I think something like this would be win-win-win for VR, our existing community, and the new players that join through this type of endeavor.  I know something like this would bring in some additional revenue for the team and it would also allow our most passionate members to continue contributing toward the success of this game even after they have reached their own personal $ donation limits.  If someone really wanted, they could promise to be the pocket healer or on-call meat shield for a prospective pledger should they pledge a certain amount.

    Just trying to think of some creative ways to bring some more capital for this game.  I would also like to see a monthly stream going where they have mini stretch goals  --  let's say for every $10 someone donates during a live stream, they receive a raffle ticket toward a pledge upgrade.  For example, during the next stream VR says that they will "match" our pledges up to a certain amount, let's say $2,000.  When someone makes a pledge/donation during the stream, that money would go towards their own personal pledge amount but also be tallied for the "match" from VR.  If VR receives $2k worth of pledges during the stream, they can offer 2 $1k pledge upgrades to people who made a pledge during the stream.  For every $10 someone pledges, they get a raffle ticket.  So if they reach their goal of $2k, players would have a 1% chance of getting a $1k upgrade to their pledge per $10 they donate during the stream.  Maybe even allow players to ask a question if they donate X amount, just like what you see on most high end twitch channels.  Thanks for taking the time to read and please respond on whether or not you would be someone interested in partaking in the recruit a pledger idea.  Personally, I have a ton of ideas on how I could generate some referrals for this game ... would love to see this happen.  =D

    This post was edited by oneADseven at February 9, 2017 7:45 AM PST
    • 41 posts
    February 9, 2017 7:50 AM PST
    Pretty cool ideas.
    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:18 AM PST

    The idea is sound as it basically uses word of mouth which is free advertising. However, 50% credit is far too high. It would end up with too many people in the various stages. Having 25k people pledged into pre alpha maybe too much for the server to handle that early on. Not to mention, 25k people in the few available zones would be far too much. 

    • 521 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:25 AM PST

    Why do you feel VR is hurting for money?

    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:33 AM PST

    HemlockReaper said:

    Why do you feel VR is hurting for money?

    Possibly because it's been said many times that they are still looking for a second round of funding? Being able to hire more people with more money coming in speeds up the entire process and allows them to do much more in the same amount of time. It's a win/win for all of us

    • 321 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:37 AM PST

    My opinion is your pledge is what it is   1k. To ask for aditional credit for doing what i think should be done by everyone-that is promote the game you believe in- is a little greedy. Yes, VR will get additional money for development, but it will also maybe speed up the process and get the game finished a bit faster. I have been pushing  Pantheon to friends and guildies from other games I played since I first got into Pantheon. I have never even entertained the idea that I should be rewarded for it. I was under the assumption that I would benefit from haveing fellow players to join with on launch day. Just my 2 cents worth

    • 521 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:58 AM PST

    Enitzu said:

    HemlockReaper said:

    Why do you feel VR is hurting for money?

    Possibly because it's been said many times that they are still looking for a second round of funding? Being able to hire more people with more money coming in speeds up the entire process and allows them to do much more in the same amount of time. It's a win/win for all of us


    Well if that the case then there are probably better options than greed based promotions.

    • 3237 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:38 AM PST
    Appreciate your input Isaya. I have also pushed this game to my personal friends and family but this is different. You call it greedy, I call it smart business sense. There are plenty of huge companies that use affiliate marketing. I am not asking to be paid money for my efforts. I am asking for a system that allows players to get something more out of their recruiting efforts. If I set up a fan site and recruit 100 players to the game, how does that directly benefit me? It's not like they are personal friends that are going to play on my server. The point of this idea is to incentivize recuriting players outside of our personal circles. I don't understand why I would be perceived as "greedy" when at the end of the day, I am trying to help VR with additional funding. I wouldn't be getting any monetary payment out of it ... it all goes to them. The 10k pledge is out of the realm of possibility for me due to financial restrictions ... but I would LOVE to be able to make that pledge. What's wrong with giving me another outlet to get there? Call it greedy all you want but this would be a savvy business move. Its creating a hype train for the community to bring on more backers. It would be a goal that I could focus on while the game is still being developed. My brother owns a Web Development firm ... he may or may not play this game, he is undecided. He had no vested interest in using his online marketing skills to help Pantheon gain exposure. If this recruit a pledge idea were implemented, I know I could convince him to use his talents to build me a website that I could use for recruiting endeavors. What's wrong with that? Personally I find it a little offensive to call someone greedy. That's like calling someone greedy for wanting any incentive associated with a pledge. If they cared so much about the game they believe in why not just donate money straight up? There is a reason there are incentives for people to pledge money. My idea is only to expand on the system currently in place. Again I appreciate your input on the issue but insinuating that greed is a motivator is pretty insulting. If you wouldnt care to use the system that's fine that is your opinion but casting a negative light such as greed on the idea doesn't help anything. The idea is 100% based on innovating an already existing system to get more money, more exposure, and a way for people like me to accomplish a goal. When I said 50% that was just a made up number. VR could use whatever number they feel is appropriate.
    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:48 AM PST

    HemlockReaper said:

    Enitzu said:

    HemlockReaper said:

    Why do you feel VR is hurting for money?

    Possibly because it's been said many times that they are still looking for a second round of funding? Being able to hire more people with more money coming in speeds up the entire process and allows them to do much more in the same amount of time. It's a win/win for all of us


    Well if that the case then there are probably better options than greed based promotions.

    I wouldn't call it greed based. Nearly every game created the past 10+ years has had a recruit a friend type promotion. The best way to gain a subscriber base is through the people who you already have. It's a good business move.

    What would you rather? Them go out and spend money on advertising? Promote on other websites? Let's face it, the free to advertise mmo sites already know about the game and spending money only goes backwards in terms of funding the game. Right now, word of mouth is the best advertising available. The streams and stuff help with that but without us going out and telling people about it, how would they get interested? Hell I have friends who are HUGE MMO gamers and they hadn't even heard of Pantheon until I told them a few weeks ago.

    • 3016 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:56 AM PST

    Word of mouth also promotes Pantheon..I facebook and tweet ..anything recent on Pantheon.  If you want the game to be well known..that's how you do it.  Free advertising, and they say word of mouth is the best advertiser of all.    I went back and played EQ1 for about 3 months last year. ...spent time talking about Pantheon.    We can all do this.  It doesn't cost anything.   And look..Pantheon came in first on  because we all got the word out and we all helped vote.  Which got Pantheon even more attention... Keep up the good work.  :)

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at February 9, 2017 9:57 AM PST
    • 521 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:02 AM PST

    Enitzu said:

    HemlockReaper said:

    Enitzu said:

    HemlockReaper said:

    Why do you feel VR is hurting for money?

    Possibly because it's been said many times that they are still looking for a second round of funding? Being able to hire more people with more money coming in speeds up the entire process and allows them to do much more in the same amount of time. It's a win/win for all of us


    Well if that the case then there are probably better options than greed based promotions.

    I wouldn't call it greed based. Nearly every game created the past 10+ years has had a recruit a friend type promotion. The best way to gain a subscriber base is through the people who you already have. It's a good business move.

    What would you rather? Them go out and spend money on advertising? Promote on other websites? Let's face it, the free to advertise mmo sites already know about the game and spending money only goes backwards in terms of funding the game. Right now, word of mouth is the best advertising available. The streams and stuff help with that but without us going out and telling people about it, how would they get interested? Hell I have friends who are HUGE MMO gamers and they hadn't even heard of Pantheon until I told them a few weeks ago.

    The suggestion the OP is making is greed based when then incentive to do so is money in return.

    I could make suggestions on how to increase awareness and interest in the game, such as regular behind the scenes videos the way Camelot unchained Dev's do on their Youtube/Twitch channels, or getting popular youtubers for Q&A interviews, or Tours of the VR showing us happy Dev's who aren't chained to their desk ect..

    But it doesn't matter what I believe.

    This post was edited by HemlockReaper at February 9, 2017 10:03 AM PST
    • 219 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:10 AM PST

    I couldn't support a program like this at all and would hope that VR wouldn't take this route. Just my $0.02

    • 321 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:30 AM PST


    oneADseven said: Appreciate your input Isaya. I have also pushed this game to my personal friends and family but this is different. You call it greedy, I call it smart business sense. There are plenty of huge companies that use affiliate marketing. I am not asking to be paid money for my efforts. I am asking for a system that allows players to get something more out of their recruiting efforts. If I set up a fan site and recruit 100 players to the game, how does that directly benefit me? It's not like they are personal friends that are going to play on my server. The point of this idea is to incentivize recuriting players outside of our personal circles. I don't understand why I would be perceived as "greedy" when at the end of the day, I am trying to help VR with additional funding. I wouldn't be getting any monetary payment out of it ... it all goes to them. The 10k pledge is out of the realm of possibility for me due to financial restrictions ... but I would LOVE to be able to make that pledge. What's wrong with giving me another outlet to get there? Call it greedy all you want but this would be a savvy business move. Its creating a hype train for the community to bring on more backers. It would be a goal that I could focus on while the game is still being developed. My brother owns a Web Development firm ... he may or may not play this game, he is undecided. He had no vested interest in using his online marketing skills to help Pantheon gain exposure. If this recruit a pledge idea were implemented, I know I could convince him to use his talents to build me a website that I could use for recruiting endeavors. What's wrong with that? Personally I find it a little offensive to call someone greedy. That's like calling someone greedy for wanting any incentive associated with a pledge. If they cared so much about the game they believe in why not just donate money straight up? There is a reason there are incentives for people to pledge money. My idea is only to expand on the system currently in place. Again I appreciate your input on the issue but insinuating that greed is a motivator is pretty insulting. If you wouldnt care to use the system that's fine that is your opinion but casting a negative light such as greed on the idea doesn't help anything. The idea is 100% based on innovating an already existing system to get more money, more exposure, and a way for people like me to accomplish a goal. When I said 50% that was just a made up number. VR could use whatever number they feel is appropriate.


    In useing the term Greedy I was  wrong.. I do not think of you as being greedy. And I apologize for comeing through that way. Iwas thinking of it in terms of gathering family, friends and old guildmates to make my own gaming more enjoyable. And also to help VR with pledges. You are thinking of it as a business deal to help VR with pledges. That makes perfect sense to me now but I would not think of starting a blog or anything like that. Just reaching out to friends is about the extent of my recuiting. Again I apologize for implying you were greedy. I am sure you are not and many people would agree with your method.

    • 3237 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:44 AM PST
    Thank you for taking the time to read the post Isaya. I would appreciate if Hemlock would do the same because even after I asked that people do not throw around the word greed so lightly he did it again, flat out implying that I am trying to gain monetary rewards. I unequivocally said multiple times that I would NOT be getting money. If 2k gets added to my pledge, that is not me getting 2k. That's VR getting all of the money. Repeatedly assuming that greed is the motive after I clearly explained my reasoning behind the idea either shows that you didn't actually read the message or that you simply did not understand it. This has nothing to do with GREED. That is a powerful word and again I ask, Hemlock in specific, to not label me as such because I really do not appreciate it. It's quite offensive to assume such a thing especially after I go out of my way explaining the rationale behind the idea. The concept behind this idea is to allow players to have their pledge tier upgraded through their recruiting efforts. That isn't getting paid. It's giving me another outlet to bump up my own pledge amount. If I went out of my way to recruit 100 people, in my eyes, that is still a pledge. It's a pledge of time, and it could be far more valuable than a regular pledge I can give right now.
    • 521 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:54 AM PST

    oneADseven said: Thank you for taking the time to read the post Isaya. I would appreciate if Hemlock would do the same because even after I asked that people do not throw around the word greed so lightly he did it again, flat out implying that I am trying to gain monetary rewards. I unequivocally said multiple times that I would NOT be getting money. If 2k gets added to my pledge, that is not me getting 2k. That's VR getting all of the money. Repeatedly assuming that greed is the motive after I clearly explained my reasoning behind the idea either shows that you didn't actually read the message or that you simply did not understand it. This has nothing to do with GREED. That is a powerful word and again I ask, Hemlock in specific, to not label me as such because I really do not appreciate it. It's quite offensive to assume such a thing especially after I go out of my way explaining the rationale behind the idea. The concept behind this idea is to allow players to have their pledge tier upgraded through their recruiting efforts. That isn't getting paid. It's giving me another outlet to bump up my own pledge amount. If I went out of my way to recruit 100 people, in my eyes, that is still a pledge. It's a pledge of time, and it could be far more valuable than a regular pledge I can give right now.

    Your gaining something in return for your efforts, in this case the monetary value of the pledge in question. We should promote the game because we love the game, not because we want something.


    • 321 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:59 AM PST

    oneADseven said: Thank you for taking the time to read the post Isaya. I would appreciate if Hemlock would do the same because even after I asked that people do not throw around the word greed so lightly he did it again, flat out implying that I am trying to gain monetary rewards. I unequivocally said multiple times that I would NOT be getting money. If 2k gets added to my pledge, that is not me getting 2k. That's VR getting all of the money. Repeatedly assuming that greed is the motive after I clearly explained my reasoning behind the idea either shows that you didn't actually read the message or that you simply did not understand it. This has nothing to do with GREED. That is a powerful word and again I ask, Hemlock in specific, to not label me as such because I really do not appreciate it. It's quite offensive to assume such a thing especially after I go out of my way explaining the rationale behind the idea. The concept behind this idea is to allow players to have their pledge tier upgraded through their recruiting efforts. That isn't getting paid. It's giving me another outlet to bump up my own pledge amount. If I went out of my way to recruit 100 people, in my eyes, that is still a pledge. It's a pledge of time, and it could be far more valuable than a regular pledge I can give right now.


    I agree with you. If you were asking for a percentage you would be greedy. If you wanted free game time then you could be viewed by some as greedy. But all you are doing is trying to upscale your pledge then you are being fair in getting an upgrade to some extent.

    I myself cannot afford a large pledge as most people cannot. And I would love an upgrade tp my pledge in any way possible. But I am happy to recieve the perks that have been granted by my pledge,because i am sure I cannot rally that many people to the game . I am sure you are happy with your perks also but the work you are putting into recuiting should be rewarded via additional perks if you bring a lot of people into the game.

    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:15 AM PST

    HemlockReaper said:

    oneADseven said: Thank you for taking the time to read the post Isaya. I would appreciate if Hemlock would do the same because even after I asked that people do not throw around the word greed so lightly he did it again, flat out implying that I am trying to gain monetary rewards. I unequivocally said multiple times that I would NOT be getting money. If 2k gets added to my pledge, that is not me getting 2k. That's VR getting all of the money. Repeatedly assuming that greed is the motive after I clearly explained my reasoning behind the idea either shows that you didn't actually read the message or that you simply did not understand it. This has nothing to do with GREED. That is a powerful word and again I ask, Hemlock in specific, to not label me as such because I really do not appreciate it. It's quite offensive to assume such a thing especially after I go out of my way explaining the rationale behind the idea. The concept behind this idea is to allow players to have their pledge tier upgraded through their recruiting efforts. That isn't getting paid. It's giving me another outlet to bump up my own pledge amount. If I went out of my way to recruit 100 people, in my eyes, that is still a pledge. It's a pledge of time, and it could be far more valuable than a regular pledge I can give right now.

    Your gaining something in return for your efforts, in this case the monetary value of the pledge in question. We should promote the game because we love the game, not because we want something.


    Just a few links for some fo the big name games. Every single recruit a friend program has it own bonuses and gains. You put in time spreading the word and getting others to play/pay them money and they hook you up with in game bonuses. That's how it works. It's not greed. It's a business model. Yes we should promote the game within our circle of friends as all of us already do. What the Op is refering to is reaching outside of that inner circle. I have my normal gaming friends all of which already know about Pantheon. But I have not reached out to my 400ish FB people. I have not spoken to people outside of the ones that I already know are heavy into MMO gaming. What incentive is there for me to make that kind of effort? Regardless, I will get the game to play. Whether that takes a year, 2, 3 doesn't change anything. If I had the chance to upgrade my pledge by doing so, well then that changes everything. I know have an incentive to go outside of the normal circle. Hell even if it's simple as a special mount, it's something.

    This whole argument against it is like saying we all go to work because we love our jobs and not because we are paid to do so. If they didn't pay you then you wouldn't be there. You get something out of putting in effort.

    • 219 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:16 AM PST

    oneADseven said: Thank you for taking the time to read the post Isaya. I would appreciate if Hemlock would do the same because even after I asked that people do not throw around the word greed so lightly he did it again, flat out implying that I am trying to gain monetary rewards. I unequivocally said multiple times that I would NOT be getting money. If 2k gets added to my pledge, that is not me getting 2k. That's VR getting all of the money. Repeatedly assuming that greed is the motive after I clearly explained my reasoning behind the idea either shows that you didn't actually read the message or that you simply did not understand it. This has nothing to do with GREED. That is a powerful word and again I ask, Hemlock in specific, to not label me as such because I really do not appreciate it. It's quite offensive to assume such a thing especially after I go out of my way explaining the rationale behind the idea. The concept behind this idea is to allow players to have their pledge tier upgraded through their recruiting efforts. That isn't getting paid. It's giving me another outlet to bump up my own pledge amount. If I went out of my way to recruit 100 people, in my eyes, that is still a pledge. It's a pledge of time, and it could be far more valuable than a regular pledge I can give right now.

    It is being paid. They would be increasing the monetary gain of your pledge giving you the perks and benefits of the same person that actually spent the 1k or 3k or 10k. That is a kick in the pants to those that already spent those amounts or any amount TBH. 


    I want to be clear that I am not targeting you as a person. I am just targeting the comment " In Bold "


    Like Hemlock said. We really should promote Pantheon because we love the game.


    Also there are state and federal / Global (Other countries) regulations to monetary gains as you are suggesting. So there could be a huge amount of people cut off from participating in this. So it wouldn't be a 100% fair system in the first place.


    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:30 AM PST

    Pyde said:

    Also there are state and federal / Global (Other countries) regulations to monetary gains as you are suggesting. So there could be a huge amount of people cut off from participating in this. So it wouldn't be a 100% fair system in the first place.


    This would be true if you were being paid for it. You are not. You are getting in game bonuses. And let's be real here, unless you are jumping up a pledge tier, you don't gain all that much. They could even put restrictions on it as they see fit. Say you bought in at $100 for the beta access. You bring in 5 people who buy in at $50 and your pledge gets bumped up to the $150 pledge, a 20% increase in your pledge. You then gain a Ring of the Fallen and 5 item rename vouchers. You didn't get much there but you did get something. Now say you recruit 5 more people and all buy in at $100 for the beta access as well. Well at 20% that means you gain another $100 worth of pledge vouchers. That bumps you up to the $250 pledge. Jackpot, you now get alpha access and a 3 month sub. VR through out all of this gained $100 from you, $250 from the first 5, $500 from the last 5. So $850 for them. 

    I agree that the 50% in the OP is way too large. That would put too many people too high up in the tiers. I also agree that there would need to be a cap on it because allowing people to recruit a ton of people and end up with 20+ people in the 10k tier (and having to have 20+ people design a dungeon each) is too much. I would suggest capping it at the $500 tier which would limit pre alpha access. If someone makes it to the $500 tier via recruiting people and wants to pay the rest of the way to the $1k tier, well that's their option. It wouldn't help the people who already bought in at $500+ or those of us who already talked our friends into coming but it could bring in more money for VR which is what really matters. Personally, it wouldn't help me at all. So the people calling greed, I would get nothing from this except to help make VR more money.

    Edit - Math is hard - AKA fixed the math

    This post was edited by Enitzu at February 9, 2017 12:36 PM PST
    • 3237 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:30 AM PST
    @ Hemlock
    With that mentality should all of us just donate to the game, rather than utilizing the pledge functionality that VR has in place? Is that what you have done? My idea allows people to pledge their TIME, which in turn could yield MONEY for VR. If VR is willing to give pledge rewards to me for a pledge of $1000, what's wrong with an incentive for me finding other people who pledge $1000? You keep making this out like I am just in it for a monetary reward, and again, my argument is that I would be pledging time and effort to find more backers for VR that spend more money. There is already a system in place that rewards people for spending money, and this idea gives people like me extra ways of going about it. What is the difference between me spending $1000 and finding someone else that is willing to spend $1000? VR still gets paid, I do not. There is nothing greedy about it. I am actually a very skilled recruiter and in my case, my TIME is worth more than money. If my pledge of time can generate 20k for VR, what's wrong with tossing me a bone? Do you realize the amount of effort that would go into a project like this? Creating the website I have in mind is worth thousands alone. I happen to be in a position where I know someone who would make it for me for free if I had a compelling reason for them to do it. If I had the ability to bump up my own pledge through recruiting efforts, that would be compelling enough for me to move forward on the project I have in mind. I will kindly ask again that you stop spinning my idea into something other than what I intended it to be. VR has a system that rewards people ... the more you spend, the better the reward. This is expanding upon that idea further. Please read through my posts again to understand the intention. If you don't like the idea please just agree to disagree and refrain from further commenting on this thread. I would appreciate that very much. I understand your perspective and disagree. I would love to move on now and focus on finding other people who might actually like the idea rather than coming on here and having to defend myself from these accusations of being greedy. It's really rude and again I would appreciate if you would stop. Thank you very much for your consideration of my feelings and reputation.
    • 3237 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:44 AM PST
    Thank you for the assist Enitzu. Everything you say is perfectly aligned with how I wanted this idea to be perceived. Good examples. Again my original 50% number was just a number. It's not binding. This is an idea ... I would be fine with 10%. Either way this is a good business move for VR. I am sure that plenty of people would LOVE to go on a recruiting spree. I know I would. I am so excited about this game ... this idea is like a real life quest tied into Pantheon. That's how I look at it. Please create a real life quest where I can help VR gain more exposure and funding. I don't need an epic quest reward. (Although if I managed to raise 100k through my efforts it would be an epic quest and achievement so maybe an epic reward is fair.) Whatever you see fit is fine. But consider the idea and realize that a lot of people would LOVE to further contribute to the success of this game. In a game built around risk vs reward, I think it's perfectly reasonable to toss some sort of reward into the mix for those who complete the quest. Like Enitzu said, I would be happy with a mount. I would like the ceiling to be higher of course because that just means that I have a bigger goal to work towards. VR can put any limitation to this idea they want ... it doesn't matter. .. my idea was to allow us to increase our pledge. If someone had a better idea feel free to share it. But let's say we go with 10%. If my recruiting efforts generate $100k for VR, wouldn't that be worthy enough of a pledge of time to let me help them design a raid? If they don't think so ... fine. I can live with that. But that's their decision not anybody elses.
    • 769 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:53 AM PST

    Isaya said:

    My opinion is your pledge is what it is   1k. To ask for aditional credit for doing what i think should be done by everyone-that is promote the game you believe in- is a little greedy. Yes, VR will get additional money for development, but it will also maybe speed up the process and get the game finished a bit faster. I have been pushing  Pantheon to friends and guildies from other games I played since I first got into Pantheon. I have never even entertained the idea that I should be rewarded for it. I was under the assumption that I would benefit from haveing fellow players to join with on launch day. Just my 2 cents worth


    Eh, while I get your point, the premise may be a bit flawed. It's certainly not OUR job to promote this. Yes, we believe in it, but that's what the initial pledge is for.


    It's the companies job to promote, and like any 3rd party company that they'd hire for marketing, if the company intends to use their playerbase as a method of promoting, that playerbase would be entitled to some kind of recompense.


    I enjoy the chicken wing place down the road. I let people know, who also enjoy chicken wings, about this place in an offhand kind of way. If this chicken wing place wants to 'recruit' me to promote their brand, you better believe I'm getting some free friggin' chicken wings out of it.

    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 12:08 PM PST

    oneADseven said:  I would like the ceiling to be higher of course because that just means that I have a bigger goal to work towards. VR can put any limitation to this idea they want ... it doesn't matter. .. my idea was to allow us to increase our pledge. If someone had a better idea feel free to share it. But let's say we go with 10%. If my recruiting efforts generate $100k for VR, wouldn't that be worthy enough of a pledge of time to let me help them design a raid? If they don't think so ... fine. I can live with that. But that's their decision not anybody elses.

    I think it's more about controlling the number of them. Having to involve too many people in designing parts of the game would be a hassle on both ends. Just like having too many people on an untested pre alpha server. It's more likely to become a big issue in pre alpha when people paid for access to test and the server consistantly craps out due to having too many. 

    • 219 posts
    February 9, 2017 12:09 PM PST

    Enitzu said:

    Pyde said:

    Also there are state and federal / Global (Other countries) regulations to monetary gains as you are suggesting. So there could be a huge amount of people cut off from participating in this. So it wouldn't be a 100% fair system in the first place.


    This would be true if you were being paid for it. You are not. You are getting in game bonuses. And let's be real here, unless you are jumping up a pledge tier, you don't gain all that much. They could even put restrictions on it as they see fit. Say you bought in at $100 for the beta access. You bring in 5 people who buy in at $50 and your pledge gets bumped up to the $150 pledge, a 10% increase in your pledge. You then gain a Ring of the Fallen and 5 item rename vouchers. You didn't get much there but you did get something. Now say you recruit 5 more people and all buy in at $100 for the beta access as well. Well at 10% that means you gain another $100 worth of pledge vouchers. That bumps you up to the $250 pledge. Jackpot, you now get alpha access and a 3 month sub. VR through out all of this gained $100 from you, $250 from the first 5, $500 from the last 5. So $850 for them. 

    I agree that the 50% in the OP is way too large. That would put too many people too high up in the tiers. I also agree that there would need to be a cap on it because allowing people to recruit a ton of people and end up with 20+ people in the 10k tier (and having to have 20+ people design a dungeon each) is too much. I would suggest capping it at the $500 tier which would limit pre alpha access. If someone makes it to the $500 tier via recruiting people and wants to pay the rest of the way to the $1k tier, well that's their option. It wouldn't help the people who already bought in at $500+ or those of us who already talked our friends into coming but it could bring in more money for VR which is what really matters. Personally, it wouldn't help me at all. So the people calling greed, I would get nothing from this except to help make VR more money.

    Just a few links for some fo the big name games. Every single recruit a friend program has it own bonuses and gains. You put in time spreading the word and getting others to play/pay them money and they hook you up with in game bonuses. That's how it works. It's not greed. It's a business model. Yes we should promote the game within our circle of friends as all of us already do. What the Op is refering to is reaching outside of that inner circle. I have my normal gaming friends all of which already know about Pantheon. But I have not reached out to my 400ish FB people. I have not spoken to people outside of the ones that I already know are heavy into MMO gaming. What incentive is there for me to make that kind of effort? Regardless, I will get the game to play. Whether that takes a year, 2, 3 doesn't change anything. If I had the chance to upgrade my pledge by doing so, well then that changes everything. I know have an incentive to go outside of the normal circle. Hell even if it's simple as a special mount, it's something.

    This whole argument against it is like saying we all go to work because we love our jobs and not because we are paid to do so. If they didn't pay you then you wouldn't be there. You get something out of putting in effort.

    Enitzu I was really just trying to explain that implementing this system would possibly not be possible and I know for a fact that certain parts of the world would not be able to participate if it was. Which isn't fair. Im not 100% sure but I believe there are states that wont allow you to participate either. I know Florida has some stringent rules on this kind of thing.

    Pulled from  SWTOR link you used. I can probably pull this same legal crap from all of them



    I bolded and underlined the most important part. 

    I realize that others are doing such programs and I am ok with them in the act of receiving in-game items. But increasing a persons pledge tier is a whole other deal. I am no attorney but I do manage a business and these kind of programs we have to be very careful with so we don't over step and break the law. The FTC governs the law on all this stuff here in America. And certain states have much harsher rules than the FTC.


    Edit. Used correct posts

    This post was edited by Pyde at February 9, 2017 12:12 PM PST
    • 521 posts
    February 9, 2017 12:27 PM PST

    oneADseven said: @ Hemlock With that mentality should all of us just donate to the game, rather than utilizing the pledge functionality that VR has in place? Is that what you have done? My idea allows people to pledge their TIME, which in turn could yield MONEY for VR. If VR is willing to give pledge rewards to me for a pledge of $1000, what's wrong with an incentive for me finding other people who pledge $1000? You keep making this out like I am just in it for a monetary reward, and again, my argument is that I would be pledging time and effort to find more backers for VR that spend more money. There is already a system in place that rewards people for spending money, and this idea gives people like me extra ways of going about it. What is the difference between me spending $1000 and finding someone else that is willing to spend $1000? VR still gets paid, I do not. There is nothing greedy about it. I am actually a very skilled recruiter and in my case, my TIME is worth more than money. If my pledge of time can generate 20k for VR, what's wrong with tossing me a bone? Do you realize the amount of effort that would go into a project like this? Creating the website I have in mind is worth thousands alone. I happen to be in a position where I know someone who would make it for me for free if I had a compelling reason for them to do it. If I had the ability to bump up my own pledge through recruiting efforts, that would be compelling enough for me to move forward on the project I have in mind. I will kindly ask again that you stop spinning my idea into something other than what I intended it to be. VR has a system that rewards people ... the more you spend, the better the reward. This is expanding upon that idea further. Please read through my posts again to understand the intention. If you don't like the idea please just agree to disagree and refrain from further commenting on this thread. I would appreciate that very much. I understand your perspective and disagree. I would love to move on now and focus on finding other people who might actually like the idea rather than coming on here and having to defend myself from these accusations of being greedy. It's really rude and again I would appreciate if you would stop. Thank you very much for your consideration of my feelings and reputation.


    I’m not saying that you personally are greedy, so please stop with the melodrama. I’m saying this system is incentive based, and while yes the Tiers available to purchase are also incentive based, that doesn't mean VR would benefit equally by trading tier value for “your Time”.

    However if VR wants to do this its certainly their call, I just don't think it is necessary or beneficial for them to upgrade tiers like this.