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[REQUEST] Female character model in the next stream?

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    • 213 posts
    February 9, 2017 5:04 AM PST

    I'm just curious and excited to pre plan my character.  :).  it's always a bunch of dudes every stream we gotta balance out all that heavy testosterone!  Haha


    • 187 posts
    February 9, 2017 5:12 AM PST

    I'm a little let down with the female character "they won't be sexy" business. I'm just hoping that they'll put in some optional "town wear" that allows us to enjoy being a bit sultry. Or even some

    I understand why having them 100% sexualized is bad. However, I also feel that also says that female sexuality is negative, that women should not want to look or feel sexy. That, in its own way, is as sexist as making all women sexualized all the time.

    So, while I'm excited to see them, I also hope that they'll allow us the freedom later to decide for ourselves whether we want personally to look sexy or not. Some of us are not ashamed of our sexuality.

    • 521 posts
    February 9, 2017 5:15 AM PST

    I sense a disturbance in the force.

    • 138 posts
    February 9, 2017 5:33 AM PST

    Gamerchick said:

    I'm just curious and excited to pre plan my character.  :).  it's always a bunch of dudes every stream we gotta balance out all that heavy testosterone!  Haha


    . <--------- WHAT SHE SAID!!!

    • 159 posts
    February 9, 2017 5:41 AM PST

    Dec stream, rogue was  a gnome girl.

    • 169 posts
    February 9, 2017 5:45 AM PST

    Amris said:

    I'm a little let down with the female character "they won't be sexy" business. I'm just hoping that they'll put in some optional "town wear" that allows us to enjoy being a bit sultry. Or even some

    I understand why having them 100% sexualized is bad. However, I also feel that also says that female sexuality is negative, that women should not want to look or feel sexy. That, in its own way, is as sexist as making all women sexualized all the time.

    So, while I'm excited to see them, I also hope that they'll allow us the freedom later to decide for ourselves whether we want personally to look sexy or not. Some of us are not ashamed of our sexuality.

    Why is sexualized bad?  

    That is a matter of perspective IMO.

    I can see people wanting a more realistic feel to the game though.  I can also see people in this day and age overrating to anything that shows women in an objectified way.  It's why a lot of companies are bowing down and accepting a more conservative model.

    • 9115 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:02 AM PST

    We have had a female in every stream!

    I played the female Rogue in our first ever stream, then was in the backup group in the second one and in the last stream our Gnome is a female model (hard to tell, I know) plus we had a female human model ;)

    If you go back and look through the 3 streams you will be able to spot female characters but we will try and fit another one in if possible, they are all still a WIP so we just try to show off the newest additions and not all of them come in male and female yet :)

    • 441 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:02 AM PST

    IMO, options are always better. I think their should be many looks to suit what people enjoy. 

    • 213 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:04 AM PST

    As a female I enjoy both non conservative and conservative dressing in MMO's.  People loose sight of the fact that you're in a fantasy world.  Real life religion, politics, gender issues and the rest should not exist here but people just want to keep dragging it back in.  I don't know about you guys but I play for fun and to escape.  

    I don't begrudge anyone who wants to look sexy, or consevative.  I think sometimes it's silly that just a bra and underwear counts as real armor sometimes - practicality reasons - but I don't get worked up over it as if it's threatening to women.   Let's remember to keep things in perpective.  Fantasy is fantasy.  Reality is that pesky thing we have to deal with in the real world.  This is not the real world.  :). 

    Xilshale- gnomes don't count :p. they look like robots.  :). Hehe 




    • 55 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:07 AM PST

    Gnome girl has no female aspects to report on 0_o. She has a pink ether bod, and that is pretty much what separates her from the male. The human female is IMO NOT VERY FEMALE AT ALL (i know.. it's a place holder). Boys have wide shoulders and strong bodies, women can have the same, however, some of us are pretty heavily endowed. Boobies are part of our anatomy. Sexy is a frame of mind. But there is nothing wrong with accentuating our curves. It is how we procure the strongest and most virile of the opposite sex, since the beginning of time. You would not be here if your daddy didn`t see something that attracted him to your mommy. The other more important stuff comes later. First we must attract!


    Best to you all,


    • 187 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:34 AM PST

    Yes, @gamerchick

    Fantasy is fantasy, perfect. :)

    Every once in a while, I would like to wear something sensual in games. It's not like I'm going to be stuffing my 45 year old RL body into a tasseled bikini any time soon. People would be all like...


    • 55 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:38 AM PST


    • 200 posts
    February 9, 2017 7:02 AM PST
    Rofl Amris, brilliant!

    While perfectly comfortable with my sexuality, I prefer my characters to be covered up somewhat. But I hope there'll be some sweet dresses and such out there that do justice to dem curves for those that enjoy that :).

    I was thinking the other day that I'm really curious about the females of some races as I'll be only playing those. Would love a sneak peek when they are ready to be looked at and admired by us :).
    • 3852 posts
    February 9, 2017 7:51 AM PST

    I've always wondered why so often female characters show bare skin where male characters show armor. Granted these are magical worlds where "real world" rules of physics don't necessarily apply but the games never seem to explain how bare skin protects as well as plate mail.

    At a minimum we should give female characters extra spells such as "protect bare boobs - 5 foot radius" that gives flesh the same armor class as plate or chain.

    • 129 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:10 AM PST

    LOL I see you changed your nickname. Gotcha! #Rumorhasit ;D


    Can't wait to see the female models. My wife is incredibly pumped for this.


    RumorHasit said:

    Gamerchick said:

    I'm just curious and excited to pre plan my character.  :).  it's always a bunch of dudes every stream we gotta balance out all that heavy testosterone!  Haha


    . <--------- WHAT SHE SAID!!!

    • 213 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:20 AM PST

    Verdic said:

    LOL I see you changed your nickname. Gotcha! #Rumorhasit ;D


    Can't wait to see the female models. My wife is incredibly pumped for this.


    RumorHasit said:

    Gamerchick said:

    I'm just curious and excited to pre plan my character.  :).  it's always a bunch of dudes every stream we gotta balance out all that heavy testosterone!  Haha


    Not really sure what you mean here.  Do you think she and I are the same?  Look at our pics silly.  =)


    . <--------- WHAT SHE SAID!!!


    Not really sure what you mean here.  Do you think she and I are the same?  Look at our pics silly.  =)


    This post was edited by Gamerchick at February 9, 2017 8:20 AM PST
    • 213 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:22 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    I've always wondered why so often female characters show bare skin where male characters show armor. Granted these are magical worlds where "real world" rules of physics don't necessarily apply but the games never seem to explain how bare skin protects as well as plate mail.

    At a minimum we should give female characters extra spells such as "protect bare boobs - 5 foot radius" that gives flesh the same armor class as plate or chain.


    hahahahahaha!  I think I love you.

    • 434 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:34 AM PST

    Gamerchick said:

    As a female I enjoy both non conservative and conservative dressing in MMO's.  People loose sight of the fact that you're in a fantasy world.  Real life religion, politics, gender issues and the rest should not exist here but people just want to keep dragging it back in.  I don't know about you guys but I play for fun and to escape.  

    I don't begrudge anyone who wants to look sexy, or consevative.  I think sometimes it's silly that just a bra and underwear counts as real armor sometimes - practicality reasons - but I don't get worked up over it as if it's threatening to women.   Let's remember to keep things in perpective.  Fantasy is fantasy.  Reality is that pesky thing we have to deal with in the real world.  This is not the real world.  :). 

    Xilshale- gnomes don't count :p. they look like robots.  :). Hehe 


    I understand people want to keep immersion and stay away from politics. But please dont lump 'gender issues' into that other mess. A persons gender is a lot of their identity. When somebody pics a character to represent them theres a lot of fuss to go around. This topic is a good example of that fuss.

    People want options to express themselves in the game. I for one am hoping people who care about genders and also genderless or gendermysterious androgynous options get those options.

    Also. If we get to dress loose as women i better get just as much 'kink' to dress loose as a man.

    -sent via mobile


    • 129 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:37 AM PST

    lol Didn't mean for you to think that was at you. Rumor used to just be a Rumor and it was funny how it happened because I saw one of her posts and said #Rumorhasit  when she made a statement I agreed with. Now her name says "Rumorhasit" I thought it was cute. lol. Sorry for the confusion! :) :)


    Gamerchick said:

    dorotea said:

    I've always wondered why so often female characters show bare skin where male characters show armor. Granted these are magical worlds where "real world" rules of physics don't necessarily apply but the games never seem to explain how bare skin protects as well as plate mail.

    At a minimum we should give female characters extra spells such as "protect bare boobs - 5 foot radius" that gives flesh the same armor class as plate or chain.


    hahahahahaha!  I think I love you.

    • 321 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:47 AM PST

    I always make a female character as my main. Even though I am an older gentleman. However I see no real purpose in making her "sexy". But I do make her appearance as  pleasant as possible without making her sexually attractive. And for the people who are into the "realizm" of things, it is hard to believe that a studded halter top and a pair of chainmail shorts will keep your armor rating up.

    • 213 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:53 AM PST

    tehtawd said:

    Gamerchick said:

    As a female I enjoy both non conservative and conservative dressing in MMO's.  People loose sight of the fact that you're in a fantasy world.  Real life religion, politics, gender issues and the rest should not exist here but people just want to keep dragging it back in.  I don't know about you guys but I play for fun and to escape.  

    I don't begrudge anyone who wants to look sexy, or consevative.  I think sometimes it's silly that just a bra and underwear counts as real armor sometimes - practicality reasons - but I don't get worked up over it as if it's threatening to women.   Let's remember to keep things in perpective.  Fantasy is fantasy.  Reality is that pesky thing we have to deal with in the real world.  This is not the real world.  :). 

    Xilshale- gnomes don't count :p. they look like robots.  :). Hehe 


    I understand people want to keep immersion and stay away from politics. But please dont lump 'gender issues' into that other mess. A persons gender is a lot of their identity. When somebody pics a character to represent them theres a lot of fuss to go around. This topic is a good example of that fuss.

    People want options to express themselves in the game. I for one am hoping people who care about genders and also genderless or gendermysterious androgynous options get those options.

    Also. If we get to dress loose as women i better get just as much 'kink' to dress loose as a man.

    -sent via mobile



    Sure! I am totally okay with Buttless chaps! Bring um on cowboys! hehehehee

    • 110 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:12 AM PST

    If you've had three streams and people couldn't tell that there's a female character on the screen, there may need to be some tweaking with the design.

    I'm a curvy woman myself, and I'll be quite disappointed if I can't make a female character with curves. This isn't sexualized; this is anatomy. Granted, I usually play my paladin pretty buttoned-up (hey, she grew up in a temple for crying out loud!), but if I want to make a cheeky hafling rogue (dang it ... was that one of the race/class combos? I don't remember!), I may want to have her a bit more sultry.

    Except for maybe trolls and ogres, male characters are usually drawn as if they're "men want to be him and women want to be with him." I'm pretty sure a good chunk of male gamers have that fantasy and enjoy fitting into that body. Why can't I fantisize about being a 6'2" and having a body that won't quit instead of my 5'3" lumpy body?

    I'm not saying not to have oversexualized female characters. Heck, I know there are some people out there that want to have a flat-chested female character with a crew cut. Just as there's nothing wrong with that, there shouldn't be anything wrong with having a curvy female with flowing hair.

    • 3016 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:32 AM PST

    Please no chainmail bikinis..functional armor please.   I'm not playing in a beauty contest.   I'm a gamer.

    • 159 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:45 AM PST

    I think vanguard did well for femanine armor without removing practicality for the most part.  My wife's dark elf DK looked female in her heavy thestran style plate. My female disciple looked a little more "loose" in her belly shirt armor but still practical and mobile looking.

    I play characters of both genders so to me a variety of styles is semi important.  If I race looks disporportionate in one gender but not the other I err on the side of realism (all my non trolls in wow are female because the feet and arms/hands were far more realistically sized for instance).  In EQ my casters were all female because the buff make models were all too "beefy" for an academic.  

    If a female is stuck in "rave wear" while the male is covered up toes to chin there's a severe disconnect in the target audience vs taste IMO.  Sexy doesn't have to look like streetwalker gear or be totally impractical.  

    Chain skirt over leather leggings and thigh plates with boots with shin plates for examplecan look good on either gender (and still functional), a 2" chainmail strip of loincloth and stilletto heels is neither for either gender unless we have much different definitions for "adventuring" .

    This post was edited by Xilshale at February 9, 2017 10:04 AM PST
    • 138 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:03 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    We have had a female in every stream!

    I played the female Rogue in our first ever stream, then was in the backup group in the second one and in the last stream our Gnome is a female model (hard to tell, I know) plus we had a female human model ;)

    If you go back and look through the 3 streams you will be able to spot female characters but we will try and fit another one in if possible, they are all still a WIP so we just try to show off the newest additions and not all of them come in male and female yet :)

    um... If you can't tell its a female... is it a female??  or just a dude playing a character he SAYS is a female??? (I am sorry I had to ask... )...(but it begs the question.... when they don't look female enough to be easily spotted..and they are played by men with enough MALENESS in mannerisms and voice... are they really female?). 

    Edit to add:  Of maybe instead of a Cohh you should have one of your female employees play a female character and talk in the stream... so its voice character compatible?

    This post was edited by RumorHasit at February 9, 2017 10:04 AM PST