Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

[REQUEST] Female character model in the next stream?

This topic has been closed.
    • 138 posts
    February 10, 2017 1:37 AM PST


    I think people need to look more closely at our female characters... these are a WIP and so far we have a few female models that we have shown off, we will show more as we finish them and get them implemented.

    This topic isn;t touchy at all, people just drag it off in directions that it doesn't need to go, if we keep it on topic and about female characters, keeping in mind what we have stated and released, this thread will remain open and people can discuss it happily. :)

    Here are a few examples, there is a tonne more that I am sure you can find on your own, including our first two streams where I play a female Rogue: - Female Human leading the hill climb - Close up behind Female Human - Female Human and Gnome - in combat showing the guys how it's done - Female human leading the pack in full plate - Female human bottom left in action - Concept Artwork that we base our models from - Females represented - Female Gnome and Human - Distance shot of my Female Rogue - Closer back view of my Female Rogue - Close up froint view Female concept art for Halfling


    DONE!!! Aaaannndddd the only thing keeping me from maintaining a shred of hope is that you said "these are a WIP"........ because I absolutely positively would not play at all ... anything I have seen so far as a female... (my honest opinion, MAYBE the high elf.. MAYBE but we shall see?)...  

    Kilsin, IF those were just placeholders and they are a serious WIP, and you guys already are planning a major overhaul... then all those links were, as Joey on Friends would say, "a MOO point".. and instead of linking proof they are females... (if you say so?)... maybe now is a time you guys take a step back and reevaluate what is wrong that we really had no idea they were female??  That sounds like you guys need to make some serious adjustments... because the males are so obviously males its not even a question... I looked at all those pictures of your adventures and there is no hint of female... we have to scroll in and try to find PROOF its a female... (how is that a female?) is fine to say "don't worry it is a WIP and it is just not there yet!"  but please please please do not link that as proof of the females that are here to stay ...because if it is... then.. I recommend you:


    Poll ALL your FANTHEONS (all the thousands on all mediums in twitch, facebook, twitter, here on the forums with the following questions):

    1.  Did you know by watching the streams that there was a female character in each one?  Yes or no?

    2.  From what you have seen so far, would you prefer the females to be more or less obviously female?  Yes or no?  (Notice I did NOT say more or less sexualized, there is a difference).


    And now I am banning self from forums... /facepalm






    • 213 posts
    February 10, 2017 2:06 AM PST

    RumorHasit said:


    I think people need to look more closely at our female characters... these are a WIP and so far we have a few female models that we have shown off, we will show more as we finish them and get them implemented.

    This topic isn;t touchy at all, people just drag it off in directions that it doesn't need to go, if we keep it on topic and about female characters, keeping in mind what we have stated and released, this thread will remain open and people can discuss it happily. :)

    Here are a few examples, there is a tonne more that I am sure you can find on your own, including our first two streams where I play a female Rogue: - Female Human leading the hill climb - Close up behind Female Human - Female Human and Gnome - in combat showing the guys how it's done - Female human leading the pack in full plate - Female human bottom left in action - Concept Artwork that we base our models from - Females represented - Female Gnome and Human - Distance shot of my Female Rogue - Closer back view of my Female Rogue - Close up froint view Female concept art for Halfling


    DONE!!! Aaaannndddd the only thing keeping me from maintaining a shred of hope is that you said "these are a WIP"........ because I absolutely positively would not play at all ... anything I have seen so far as a female... (my honest opinion, MAYBE the high elf.. MAYBE but we shall see?)...  

    Kilsin, IF those were just placeholders and they are a serious WIP, and you guys already are planning a major overhaul... then all those links were, as Joey on Friends would say, "a MOO point".. and instead of linking proof they are females... (if you say so?)... maybe now is a time you guys take a step back and reevaluate what is wrong that we really had no idea they were female??  That sounds like you guys need to make some serious adjustments... because the males are so obviously males its not even a question... I looked at all those pictures of your adventures and there is no hint of female... we have to scroll in and try to find PROOF its a female... (how is that a female?) is fine to say "don't worry it is a WIP and it is just not there yet!"  but please please please do not link that as proof of the females that are here to stay ...because if it is... then.. I recommend you:


    Poll ALL your FANTHEONS (all the thousands on all mediums in twitch, facebook, twitter, here on the forums with the following questions):

    1.  Did you know by watching the streams that there was a female character in each one?  Yes or no?

    2.  From what you have seen so far, would you prefer the females to be more or less obviously female?  Yes or no?  (Notice I did NOT say more or less sexualized, there is a difference).


    And now I am banning self from forums... /facepalm




    I do think they could make the some of the females look more feminine.  Maybe the best answer to this would be to put it in the character select options so everyone can choose the look the best suits them.

     I'm sure there might be some females who want to look other ways so I definitely don't want to speak for everyone.  However, I will speak for myself when I say:  The gnome feels like a sexless race to me, the human ladies look like they have REALLY been eating their spinach!  

    Note to Developers:  I love you guys a lot! I have the upmost respect for you and I don't intend to hurt or offend because you guys are my heroes SERIOUSLY!  

    That said please just take a look again at the beefyness of said ladies and think about making a more feminine option as well.  Ladies are all shapes and sizes.  






    This post was edited by Gamerchick at February 10, 2017 2:12 AM PST
    • 9115 posts
    February 10, 2017 2:20 AM PST

    RumorHasit said:

    DONE!!! Aaaannndddd the only thing keeping me from maintaining a shred of hope is that you said "these are a WIP"........ because I absolutely positively would not play at all ... anything I have seen so far as a female... (my honest opinion, MAYBE the high elf.. MAYBE but we shall see?)...  

    Kilsin, IF those were just placeholders and they are a serious WIP, and you guys already are planning a major overhaul... then all those links were, as Joey on Friends would say, "a MOO point".. and instead of linking proof they are females... (if you say so?)... maybe now is a time you guys take a step back and reevaluate what is wrong that we really had no idea they were female??  That sounds like you guys need to make some serious adjustments... because the males are so obviously males its not even a question... I looked at all those pictures of your adventures and there is no hint of female... we have to scroll in and try to find PROOF its a female... (how is that a female?) is fine to say "don't worry it is a WIP and it is just not there yet!"  but please please please do not link that as proof of the females that are here to stay ...because if it is... then.. I recommend you:

    Poll ALL your FANTHEONS (all the thousands on all mediums in twitch, facebook, twitter, here on the forums with the following questions):

    1.  Did you know by watching the streams that there was a female character in each one?  Yes or no?

    2.  From what you have seen so far, would you prefer the females to be more or less obviously female?  Yes or no?  (Notice I did NOT say more or less sexualized, there is a difference).

    And now I am banning self from forums... /facepalm

    I was showing you already finished versions, more will be added over time but it isn't a big priority for us during this stage of development.

    It doesn't matter what characters we make available for you folks to use in testing as we just need data and feedback and it doesn't make any difference if it comes from male or female characters unless we specifically ask for it in regards to animations, stances, armour/clothing/weapons clipping etc.

    We don't need a poll, we need serious testers to be ready to play any classes/race we assign so we can get valuable data, feedback and information from them to help us with development and pushing the game closer to the next testing phase and then finally, the official release. ;)

    You will have a very reasonable choice from male and female characters at launch, with a nice character creation system, but not during testing.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at February 10, 2017 2:22 AM PST
    • 610 posts
    February 10, 2017 3:07 AM PST

    Never had a problem telling the female toons, well except the gnomes but they are weird anyway

    • 187 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:16 AM PST

    It worries me that these are finished versions, unless we will have "body shape options". Those "women" look androgynous. Some people will definitely want to play androgynous characters, and those are a great choice unless men can't look equally androgynous.

    I do hope, however, that at character creation, we can create more feminine looking women.

    I will not say that they don't look like women, because there are definitely androgynous women as there are men. However, I will say that they do not look feminine and girlie in the tiniest bit.

    Before people chase me down to tell me that you can't look girlie or feminine when you are in such a masculine pursuit as warfare, allow me to point something out. I am a woman who is, in real life, a machinist. I get dirty all day long, I smell of machining oil and sometimes feel like I've bathed in the stuff... but nobody questions whether or not I am, in fact, a woman. Just because I work in a traditionally and still male-dominated profession doesn't mean I look androgynous to the point where people have to ask others or myself whether I am a man or a woman.

    Without the overtly super-beefed up guys (why do THEY get to be sexualized??), I wouldn't be certain those were women at all. These women are only defined by the men beside them, which is disappointing, indeed.

    I did note that he said women characters are a WIP, but then said that THESE are completed. I hope that they are only completed in and of themselves, and that not all human woman body types will be the exact same body, as in most games where every 'body' gets the same 'body' but gets to customize face and hair. None of these women look, in and of themselves, feminine. Again, there are women who are not feminine, and that's pefectly fine. But there are a majority who DO want to self-identify and appear as women, not as an androgynous person.

    Women of any race that bears live young will have wider hips and larger mammaries. It isn't vanity, it's nature, without respect for "human nature". Perhaps I should use the word "biology".

    I want my character to look like a woman in her own right, not only in comparison to the beefy body builders around her.

    • 200 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:23 AM PST

    I thought the human in the stream was quite obviously a female, and personally I like the way she is. The female gnome is very interesting indeed, can't wait to see more of the gnomes. My guess is the dark myr and elves will provide more feminine, sensual options, they already look that way in the art work. I prefer a nice range of varying races and different bodyshapes, I've always felt WoW did that very well. Something to everyone's tastes. I'm happy Pantheon seems to have a similar concept, even if it looks very different of course :).

    • 170 posts
    February 10, 2017 6:27 AM PST

    Pyde said:

    Abacda said:

    Ok as a non-Female here is my take (p.s. I have been happily married 25 years to a female gamer). My observations are women don't want to be dressed slutty but sexy is 100% okay. The most important thing is they want to have options and I mean a lot of options. My wife has carried as many as 5 or 6 complete outfits in her bags so she could change on the fly. She'd carry 40 if she could but we are talking encumbrance and space limitations. Give the ladies a lot more clothes and throw in a lot of flowers and pets and other cosmetics so they will enjoy it. I have my most fun when my spouse is playing and having fun. Yes, our groups have wiped because she strays to grab a flower or something but still "Happy Wife, Happy Game-Life". But on the customization front if they get too many options she'll never heal because she's busy dying armor and dresses. 

    That is so priceless !!! Thanks for sharing thats awesome. I would love to be in your group and die because you would see " Sorry about that I was grabbing this purple lilly" I would laugh so hard. (My wife loves Lillies btw)

    +100 to this !


    Yes. It was when we would be grouped and be getting our butt kicked because of a bunch of adds and start dying. And all die as she'd say Sorry guys I was grabbing that Jute plant and was typing coming in hot. So when leading the group from then on out we just pulled based on plants and flower locations and made sure she had a couple of macros for "coming in hot" or "BRB grabbing a flower" so we wouldn't be moving and be missing the healer. But in return she supplied all our potions because she was a badass alchemist.


    • 3016 posts
    February 10, 2017 10:17 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    RumorHasit said:

    DONE!!! Aaaannndddd the only thing keeping me from maintaining a shred of hope is that you said "these are a WIP"........ because I absolutely positively would not play at all ... anything I have seen so far as a female... (my honest opinion, MAYBE the high elf.. MAYBE but we shall see?)...  

    Kilsin, IF those were just placeholders and they are a serious WIP, and you guys already are planning a major overhaul... then all those links were, as Joey on Friends would say, "a MOO point".. and instead of linking proof they are females... (if you say so?)... maybe now is a time you guys take a step back and reevaluate what is wrong that we really had no idea they were female??  That sounds like you guys need to make some serious adjustments... because the males are so obviously males its not even a question... I looked at all those pictures of your adventures and there is no hint of female... we have to scroll in and try to find PROOF its a female... (how is that a female?) is fine to say "don't worry it is a WIP and it is just not there yet!"  but please please please do not link that as proof of the females that are here to stay ...because if it is... then.. I recommend you:

    Poll ALL your FANTHEONS (all the thousands on all mediums in twitch, facebook, twitter, here on the forums with the following questions):

    1.  Did you know by watching the streams that there was a female character in each one?  Yes or no?

    2.  From what you have seen so far, would you prefer the females to be more or less obviously female?  Yes or no?  (Notice I did NOT say more or less sexualized, there is a difference).

    And now I am banning self from forums... /facepalm

    I was showing you already finished versions, more will be added over time but it isn't a big priority for us during this stage of development.

    It doesn't matter what characters we make available for you folks to use in testing as we just need data and feedback and it doesn't make any difference if it comes from male or female characters unless we specifically ask for it in regards to animations, stances, armour/clothing/weapons clipping etc.

    We don't need a poll, we need serious testers to be ready to play any classes/race we assign so we can get valuable data, feedback and information from them to help us with development and pushing the game closer to the next testing phase and then finally, the official release. ;)

    You will have a very reasonable choice from male and female characters at launch, with a nice character creation system, but not during testing.

    I see you've had to do a lot of defending of the Pantheon female form,  Kilsin,  until your recent posts I was unaware that they were "finished" so to speak. (But you also say they are a "work in progress")  I was hoping for some that still has a chance to happen.  I am also supposing the feedback during testing will help ..down the road some.  :)   I want to mention female hairstyles..hopefully we'll get something that looks relatively feminine,   hairstyles in Oblivion are my bad example of where not to go.  :)    I'm sure you'll be getting enough feedback over the testing times..not only about the areas that the Devs want to target but numerous other things as well, as they pop up.  :)  I mention hairstyles because they are part of the character form,  male and female.    Gnomes of course will be excluded from that due to their ethereal body form.  (choice of masks perhaps?) :)

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at February 10, 2017 10:25 AM PST
    • 110 posts
    February 10, 2017 11:15 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    I was showing you already finished versions, more will be added over time but it isn't a big priority for us during this stage of development.

    It doesn't matter what characters we make available for you folks to use in testing as we just need data and feedback and it doesn't make any difference if it comes from male or female characters unless we specifically ask for it in regards to animations, stances, armour/clothing/weapons clipping etc.

    We don't need a poll, we need serious testers to be ready to play any classes/race we assign so we can get valuable data, feedback and information from them to help us with development and pushing the game closer to the next testing phase and then finally, the official release. ;)

    You will have a very reasonable choice from male and female characters at launch, with a nice character creation system, but not during testing.

    Aw, Kils ... I forgot the subject of the thread was "in the next stream," not just in general. Heck, if you gave me a stick figure to play with during testing, I wouldn't mind, because we're supposed to be concentrating on the functionality and not the form. And to tell you the truth, the last stream, I was only watching out of the corner of my eye because I was working while I had it on in the background. That's bad on me for going on what other people said and not judging it for myself.

    • 2752 posts
    February 10, 2017 11:33 AM PST

    I don't have a hard time recognizing this as a female and I think I even see some slight breasts on that breastplate. I'm not sure what I am missing here. That is just one model of a female human, I think judging based on that is a little early. Unless you are arguing you want obvious hips and big breasts on the breastplate.




    • 395 posts
    February 10, 2017 1:43 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    We have had a female in every stream!

    I played the female Rogue in our first ever stream, then was in the backup group in the second one and in the last stream our Gnome is a female model (hard to tell, I know) plus we had a female human model ;)

    If you go back and look through the 3 streams you will be able to spot female characters but we will try and fit another one in if possible, they are all still a WIP so we just try to show off the newest additions and not all of them come in male and female yet :)

    I think people need to look more closely at our female characters... these are a WIP and so far we have a few female models that we have shown off, we will show more as we finish them and get them implemented.

    This topic isn;t touchy at all, people just drag it off in directions that it doesn't need to go, if we keep it on topic and about female characters, keeping in mind what we have stated and released, this thread will remain open and people can discuss it happily. :)

    Kilsin, thanks for taking the time to respond and link the screenshots. I actually have them in my laptop as my screensaver (trying to collect them all actually). I see how my comment might have come across as too critical or harsh. I do however echo both RumorHasit's and Gamerchick sentiment, and since the character models are a WIP our concerns shouldn't be construed as just that, concerns about elements that are incomplete and unfinished only. And certainly not final judgements on a finished element. My hope is that the VR team sees such commentary as constructive and respond accordingly.

    For me, it just wasn't an instant recognition that the human character (ack it's Ardunes character too o.O) was female or had easily identifiable femanine qualities compared to the rest of the party. I love the armor btw, but on her it seemed a bit too....bulky or heavy thus it muted her overal femanine shape. My particular bent was focused more on the animations and lack of observable, fine features of Aradune's character, particullary the face (I don't recall seeing closeups of Aradunes character in the stream). That might have made a significant difference in my perception as well. Hence, my 'androgynous' descriptive.

    I do so wish to see female characters that have their own unique animations (running, walking, turning, combat) that clearly demonstrate gender. In fact, I hope that on release we see a variety of character types and animations. Currently, the movement animations are somewhat homogenized and hence some of our observations might be affected by that. I have no doubts that my opinion will change as the deveopment moves forward regarding facial features, and other visual elements too.

    I've seen a number of games go through development and have beta'd several titles and I understand that the visual elements always evolve over time. I understand that Pantheon is going through those same transistions and changes right now. Clearly there have already been many amazing changes from the first to the most recent twitch stream. And you folks should know that I spend more time picking my jaw off the floor than squinting my eyes, bringing my face close to my monitor with a scruched up expression on my face.

    Thanks again.

    • 2752 posts
    February 10, 2017 1:57 PM PST

    I understand the fantasy aspect and wanting more sexually defined females/armors, is that what people are talking about? Or just some hips?



    Women in armor ARE bulky, just as males are. The only way to distinguish between the genders is from the face/hair for the most part. 

    • 395 posts
    February 10, 2017 2:22 PM PST

    So I'm thinking,

    perhaps it's this particular style, far removed from the overly sexualized female models seen in many other titles and very familiar with most MMO gamers, that we have to adjust our perception to meet this interpretation?

    I'm not sure. I still think a woman in full plate should be readily identifiable as female (curves, stature, mobility animations, etc.) compared to her male counterpart (upper body size, shape, muscularity, etc). I absolutely would not want to see WoW shoulderpads in Pantheon but maybe it's just more difficult to achieve with full plate drawing as cloth wearers might have more leeway to execute a distinct difference.


    • 563 posts
    February 10, 2017 2:26 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    I understand the fantasy aspect and wanting more sexually defined females/armors, is that what people are talking about? Or just some hips?


    Women in armor ARE bulky, just as males are. The only way to distinguish between the genders is from the face/hair for the most part. 

    100% this, great pics btw Iksar :) I can easily identify all these women as women even withought needlessly exagerated armours accentuating their curves. :P

    I had absolutely no issue distinguishing the human female as a woman, in no way was she androgenous, and in no way did I need the male characters next to her to tell she was a woman. I don't feel like playing Barbie Warrior Princess, I want to play a fairly realistic looking human female.

    This post was edited by Rachael at February 10, 2017 2:30 PM PST
    • 3016 posts
    February 10, 2017 2:59 PM PST

    Rachael said:

    Iksar said:

    I understand the fantasy aspect and wanting more sexually defined females/armors, is that what people are talking about? Or just some hips?


    Women in armor ARE bulky, just as males are. The only way to distinguish between the genders is from the face/hair for the most part. 

    100% this, great pics btw Iksar :) I can easily identify all these women as women even withought needlessly exagerated armours accentuating their curves. :P

    I had absolutely no issue distinguishing the human female as a woman, in no way was she androgenous, and in no way did I need the male characters next to her to tell she was a woman. I don't feel like playing Barbie Warrior Princess, I want to play a fairly realistic looking human female.


    I guess this is what I was trying to get across too. :)  "fairly realistic looking female"     short, tall, chubby, slim...we come in all sizes and shapes.   The hair styles hopefully will be a little more varied than the short cut,  the pageboy "bob" that I have seen in those pics.    Curly hair exists,  long hair, braided or pony tailed..or skillfully woven (french braid for example) those sorts of things would give an aura of more femininity in my view. :)   I think that's what people are actually talking about overall.    And what people will be spending long hours with when building their characters in the character select screen.   I can't speak for men of course,  but I would imagine some goatees,  beards of different length..and whatever current hair styles they tend to like the best.  

    • 9115 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:13 PM PST

    Lghtngfan said:

    Kilsin said:

    I was showing you already finished versions, more will be added over time but it isn't a big priority for us during this stage of development.

    It doesn't matter what characters we make available for you folks to use in testing as we just need data and feedback and it doesn't make any difference if it comes from male or female characters unless we specifically ask for it in regards to animations, stances, armour/clothing/weapons clipping etc.

    We don't need a poll, we need serious testers to be ready to play any classes/race we assign so we can get valuable data, feedback and information from them to help us with development and pushing the game closer to the next testing phase and then finally, the official release. ;)

    You will have a very reasonable choice from male and female characters at launch, with a nice character creation system, but not during testing.

    Aw, Kils ... I forgot the subject of the thread was "in the next stream," not just in general. Heck, if you gave me a stick figure to play with during testing, I wouldn't mind, because we're supposed to be concentrating on the functionality and not the form. And to tell you the truth, the last stream, I was only watching out of the corner of my eye because I was working while I had it on in the background. That's bad on me for going on what other people said and not judging it for myself.

    It's ok :)

    I should have made myself more clear, the default models we show in streams/screenshots are finished, but you will still be able to tweak them in character creation to make them better suited to your liking and we will provide a wide range of options, in saying that though, we have only shown off a Human Female Warrior (who is naturally strong/tomboyish) and a Gnome Female who would be very hard to pick as a female without dev knowledge.

    We have other models in game that are "sexier" like slim fitting caster dresses etc. but we select what we think will have the most impact on our community and potential investors when we show off streams, our female Warrior was a highlight for us and we were proud to show her leading the group, next time, we may use a different female model, by you folks will have many more options than what we are showing off, there are multiple female versions of nearly every race and we continue to add more as development progresses. :)

    • 9115 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:19 PM PST

    OakKnower said:

    Kilsin said:

    We have had a female in every stream!

    I played the female Rogue in our first ever stream, then was in the backup group in the second one and in the last stream our Gnome is a female model (hard to tell, I know) plus we had a female human model ;)

    If you go back and look through the 3 streams you will be able to spot female characters but we will try and fit another one in if possible, they are all still a WIP so we just try to show off the newest additions and not all of them come in male and female yet :)


    I think people need to look more closely at our female characters... these are a WIP and so far we have a few female models that we have shown off, we will show more as we finish them and get them implemented.

    This topic isn;t touchy at all, people just drag it off in directions that it doesn't need to go, if we keep it on topic and about female characters, keeping in mind what we have stated and released, this thread will remain open and people can discuss it happily. :)

    Kilsin, thanks for taking the time to respond and link the screenshots. I actually have them in my laptop as my screensaver (trying to collect them all actually). I see how my comment might have come across as too critical or harsh. I do however echo both RumorHasit's and Gamerchick sentiment, and since the character models are a WIP our concerns shouldn't be construed as just that, concerns about elements that are incomplete and unfinished only. And certainly not final judgements on a finished element. My hope is that the VR team sees such commentary as constructive and respond accordingly.

    For me, it just wasn't an instant recognition that the human character (ack it's Ardunes character too o.O) was female or had easily identifiable femanine qualities compared to the rest of the party. I love the armor btw, but on her it seemed a bit too....bulky or heavy thus it muted her overal femanine shape. My particular bent was focused more on the animations and lack of observable, fine features of Aradune's character, particullary the face (I don't recall seeing closeups of Aradunes character in the stream). That might have made a significant difference in my perception as well. Hence, my 'androgynous' descriptive.

    I do so wish to see female characters that have their own unique animations (running, walking, turning, combat) that clearly demonstrate gender. In fact, I hope that on release we see a variety of character types and animations. Currently, the movement animations are somewhat homogenized and hence some of our observations might be affected by that. I have no doubts that my opinion will change as the deveopment moves forward regarding facial features, and other visual elements too.

    I've seen a number of games go through development and have beta'd several titles and I understand that the visual elements always evolve over time. I understand that Pantheon is going through those same transistions and changes right now. Clearly there have already been many amazing changes from the first to the most recent twitch stream. And you folks should know that I spend more time picking my jaw off the floor than squinting my eyes, bringing my face close to my monitor with a scruched up expression on my face.

    Thanks again.

    As I posted above, we do have multiple versions of female models for each race (nearly all, we are still working on some) but we only showed off a default female Warrior and Gnome, the Warrior is obviously a hardy character and it would not be appropriate to tank in a mini skirt of dinner dress! ;)

    You will have more options in the character select to change the appearance as you see fit but a female Tank will be wearing bulky armour to protect herself, not a sexy skirt or dress but if you were to pick a caster etc. you will have more appropriate options for casting which may be more appealing/sexier to some folks.

    Character models, animations, spells/abilities and effects are constantly being worked on so what you see now is just showing you measurable progression, it is not the final form by any means, so you folks really have nothing to worry about, I give you my word. :)

    • 9115 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:22 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    I understand the fantasy aspect and wanting more sexually defined females/armors, is that what people are talking about? Or just some hips?



    Women in armor ARE bulky, just as males are. The only way to distinguish between the genders is from the face/hair for the most part. 

    That is a great post and comparison, thank you :)

    We only showed off our default Human Female Warrior and Gnome (which is hard to tell for that race), Warriors are tough and wear plate, we even have breast moulds for more comfort for our female Warrior, which would be a luxury in normal combat!

    My Female Rogue model in the first two streams was a bit sexier while still being appropriately dressed for her stealthy adventures.

    • 1778 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:41 PM PST

    I think race and culture and class could all play a role in how adventurers dress. Just like in the picks provided above by Iksar for Female warriors, it could be different with other classes. For instance the Dark Myr are aquatic/sea side type culture. It would make sense for both male and female to show more skin as shown in concept art. I would even expect it to a certain degree for Myr Warriors at least compared to other races. I know this is a FF class, but if Pantheon ever had something like a Dancer class, same thing. Both male and females I would expect to be dressed not for protection but for ease of movement and sex appeal.

    • 395 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:45 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    I understand the fantasy aspect and wanting more sexually defined females/armors, is that what people are talking about? Or just some hips?




    Women in armor ARE bulky, just as males are. The only way to distinguish between the genders is from the face/hair for the most part. 

    Iksar, just to respond and clarify if I may. I (personally) wouldn't use the term sexually. I prefer to use the term gender. It makes a difference for some people. Sometimes when I'm filling out insurance documents or whatever and I'm asked about my 'sex' I really wish I can just check off "Yes please." or "Not right now, I'm in the middle of something." But I digress.

    'Armor' as you say can potentially be bulky. Especially full plate (I assume you were referring to plate armor specifically). I don't have a problem with that because I get it. But women's and men's bodies are different and I think it's okay to see armor reflect those differences without going overboard or sexuallizing a particular gender.

    As I brought up in my post though,  it was a combination of things really, not just armor. For me, all the animation were similar. Whether the Gnome, Human, or Archai they all moved very much the same and that sameness lends to some homogenity. It was not getting to see the female human character's facial details, which would help with identification and association. I quess it would be nice if the streamers could do a quick 360 showcase up close of all the players so that details could be readily identified. From a distance it was just not very clear to me. I had to scrutinize the character more to absolutely say, 'That is a woman.'

    That's all.


    • 2138 posts
    February 10, 2017 4:57 PM PST

    Jean D'Arc

    • 9115 posts
    February 10, 2017 5:06 PM PST

    Manouk said:

    Jean D'Arc

    Exactly :)

    • 395 posts
    February 10, 2017 5:30 PM PST

    Kilsin said:


    As I posted above, we do have multiple versions of female models for each race (nearly all, we are still working on some) but we only showed off a default female Warrior and Gnome, the Warrior is obviously a hardy character and it would not be appropriate to tank in a mini skirt of dinner dress! ;)

    You will have more options in the character select to change the appearance as you see fit but a female Tank will be wearing bulky armour to protect herself, not a sexy skirt or dress but if you were to pick a caster etc. you will have more appropriate options for casting which may be more appealing/sexier to some folks.

    Character models, animations, spells/abilities and effects are constantly being worked on so what you see now is just showing you measurable progression, it is not the final form by any means, so you folks really have nothing to worry about, I give you my word. :)

    Good to know Kilsin. Thanks!

    • 1618 posts
    February 10, 2017 6:42 PM PST

    Its not many games that people are complaining that female models are not sexy enough.

    Please tell me most female races will have Pig Tails as hair options? Nothing is sexier.


    Mod Edit: Please don't double post, instead, edit your original post.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at February 10, 2017 8:38 PM PST
    • 213 posts
    February 11, 2017 1:05 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Iksar said:

    I understand the fantasy aspect and wanting more sexually defined females/armors, is that what people are talking about? Or just some hips?



    Women in armor ARE bulky, just as males are. The only way to distinguish between the genders is from the face/hair for the most part. 

    That is a great post and comparison, thank you :)

    We only showed off our default Human Female Warrior and Gnome (which is hard to tell for that race), Warriors are tough and wear plate, we even have breast moulds for more comfort for our female Warrior, which would be a luxury in normal combat!

    My Female Rogue model in the first two streams was a bit sexier while still being appropriately dressed for her stealthy adventures.




    Look at picture number three.  See how the armor looks like it was made for her body compared to the other two who look like they pulled plate gear off a shelf for these pictures?  Number 3 is my hope for the ladies in plate, that the armor fits, and you can tell right away she is female.  :). 

    This post was edited by Gamerchick at February 11, 2017 3:33 AM PST