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What former server was home?

    • 6 posts
    February 15, 2017 12:24 PM PST
    Game: Everquest (up to PoP)
    Server: Karana
    Character: Natgare lvl65 paladin
    Guild: Valoran 2002 - 2005 ish
    • 668 posts
    February 15, 2017 7:58 PM PST



    Monk- Fogfist (main), Druid- Soulcifer, Enchanter (had two)- Origins & Pyye, Cleric- Livv, Paladin- Thadpole




    Brewmaster- Maykers, Priest- Riigamortis




    Archer- Pyye (Trickster build) (PvP maniac)


    *I forget all my other games to be honest

    • 668 posts
    February 15, 2017 8:00 PM PST

    philo said:

    EQ: Torvonnilous...merged and became Fennin Ro

    DDO: Fernia...merged and became Ghallanda


    Those are the two I enjoyed most.


    As stated above, I was also on Torv...  What were your character names?

    • 6 posts
    February 16, 2017 12:26 PM PST
    Game: EQ
    Menelos -Paladin, Findiar - Druid
    Prexus server.

    Game: LotRO
    Trormur - Champion
    Brandywine server

    All other games were not played long ebough, or I just don't remember.
    • 248 posts
    February 20, 2017 8:58 AM PST

    Game: Everquest.

    Server: Bristlebane.

    Character: Sorte, human ranger.


    Played a ton of other games but can't recall servers. Mostly played as Sorte though :)

    • 7 posts
    February 20, 2017 3:17 PM PST

    Game: EQ

    Server: The Tribunal (and everything it merged with along the way)

    Main character(s): Maclypse/Cleric for about 4 years, Maclyon/Beastlord for about 3 years, Maclore/Bard the rest of the time I played ~5 years.


    Played a ton of MMOs since (and some even during) EQ. Usually played as Maclypse.

    This post was edited by Maclypse at February 20, 2017 3:17 PM PST
    • 96 posts
    February 21, 2017 7:23 AM PST

    Hmm, I couldn't possibly list all of the games/servers I have been on...but the important (at least to me) ones are:

    EQ:  Prexus, eventually moved to Maelin Starpyre with my guild.  Main was Irriaden - ENC and I had one alt, Glendower (BRD)

    WoW: Icecrown, Andovar (Hunter) and Anferth (Druid)

    I played each of the above for at least 4-6 years each, and also played Aion for a couple of well as ~ 8-10 other MMO's that didn't really catch my interest (rift, terra, Age of Conan, etc)





    • 126 posts
    February 21, 2017 12:42 PM PST

    EQ - E'ci

    EQ2 - AB

    LoTRO - Landroval

    After that, I can't remember! I don't even know the name of the server we're on in ESO! :D

    • 172 posts
    February 21, 2017 4:02 PM PST

    Game:  EQ

    Server:  Mithaniel Marr/Saryrn

    Druid, Shadow Knight, Paladin


    This post was edited by JDNight at February 21, 2017 4:03 PM PST
    • 81 posts
    February 22, 2017 6:25 PM PST

    Game: Ultima Online

    Server: Catskills, Atlantic

    Characters: Lightsaber, Falcon


    Game: Everquest

    Server: Fennin Ro and then Druzzil Ro when Fennin Ro was split into two servers due to overpopulation.   Multiple progression servers later on.

    Character: Fykkil


    Game: Dark Age of Camelot

    Server: Bors and Pendragon (Test Server)

    Character: Fykkil


    Game: World of Warcraft

    Server: Medivh and Azshara

    Character: Galuda


    Played Vanguard beta for months as well and was thoroughly impressed with it and greatly enjoyed it.  I convinced my friends who didn't get into beta to join me at the launch of the game, but they quit shortly after because of some bug issues and the fact we started on a PVP server and were griefed by the strongest guild there constantly.  I regrettably quit not long after that and was disappointed because after playing the beta I was convinced Vanguard was going to be the next MMO that I would be playing for years to come. 


    Other MMO's I've played for any significant period of time:  Asheron's Call, Final Fantasy XI, Star Wars Galaxies, Anarchy Online, Age of Conan, Star Wars The Old Republic


    • 1860 posts
    February 23, 2017 12:39 AM PST

    Pyye said:

    philo said:

    EQ: Torvonnilous...merged and became Fennin Ro

    DDO: Fernia...merged and became Ghallanda


    Those are the two I enjoyed most.


    As stated above, I was also on Torv...  What were your character names?


    My main was a mage named Kishpa.  During the primary raiding time (Kunark-Luclin) I was in the guild Blood of the Phoenix.  That ended up disbanding and forming another guild by PoP that I was a part of but I am forgetting the name atm. 

    I played from '99 until just after Gates of Discord was released.

    When did you play and what guild were you in?  Your character names don't ring a bell...maybe I'll know your guild name?  Blades of Wrath? Sacrosanct? Gift of Thought? House Archon? Nexxus of Faith? etc?  Funny how I still remember most of the top guilds names but I can't even remember the name of the guild I was in once my raiding guild disbanded and the game started to go down hill.


    • 1860 posts
    February 23, 2017 12:46 AM PST

    raelsmar said:

    Game: Everquest

    Server: Fennin Ro and then Druzzil Ro when Fennin Ro was split into two servers due to overpopulation. 


    What year did that happen? I was on Fennin Ro for a bit because my server, Torvonnilous, was merged with Fennin Ro due to UNDERpopulation.  That happened in 2004ish.  Was there really an issue with Over population after that point?  That seems strange.

    • 81 posts
    February 23, 2017 8:14 AM PST

    philo said:

    raelsmar said:

    Game: Everquest

    Server: Fennin Ro and then Druzzil Ro when Fennin Ro was split into two servers due to overpopulation. 


    What year did that happen? I was on Fennin Ro for a bit because my server, Torvonnilous, was merged with Fennin Ro due to UNDERpopulation.  That happened in 2004ish.  Was there really an issue with Over population after that point?  That seems strange.

    I started on Fennin Ro the day EQ first launched (3/16/99).  It was the highest population server when the game first launched.  When the majority of the population starting reaching the level cap (50) or got close to it, dungeons like Sol B and Lower Guk were overcamped like crazy with full 6-man groups sometimes having to resort to claiming a single spawn or two just to get exp, seriously.    There were 5-6 high-end, hardcore raiding guilds on the server and with really only 5 raid targets in Vanilla EQ (Lord Nagafen, Lady Vox, Cazic-Thule, Innoruuk and Phinigel if you count him) competition for them was fierce, which led to frustration and bad-blood between some of those guilds. 

    Verant/SOE made the smart decision of splitting the population of the Fennin Ro.  They created a new server, Druzzil Ro, and allowed players on the Fennin Ro server to transfer their characters to the new server for free.  Three of the high-end, hardcore raiding guilds (including mine) decided to transfer to the new server, Druzzil Ro and the others stayed on Fennin Ro. 

    I honestly can't remember when the server split happened and for some reason I can't find any information on the internet of when the Druzzil Ro server launched, but I seem to recall it happening a little bit before Kunark was released, which happened on 4/24/2000.

    I played on Fennin Ro from the first day until about a year later when the server split and was on Druzzil Ro for good after that until sometime around 2003-2004 after PoP had been out for a while and my guild disbanded.  So I don't think our times on the Fennin Ro server overlapped from what you are telling me.   Which is a shame because I love the rare occasions where I find someone who played on the same server as me at the same time and can chat and reminisce. 


    • 1860 posts
    February 23, 2017 12:43 PM PST

    Interesting.  Ya I wasn't on Fennin Ro for long before I stopped playing.  A majority of my time was on Torvonnilous before the server merge.

    • 180 posts
    March 7, 2017 11:45 AM PST

    Game: Everquest

    Lany'Tval/7th Hammer/now Tunare


    Cleric:     Shannera

    Shaman: Shannae


    • 5 posts
    March 8, 2017 12:52 PM PST

    Everquest on the 7th hammer server, From 2000 to about 2006 with breaks and return appearances over those years. Character was a cleric called Calamar soulwind. So lazy I used the name gen to get the first name:).

    • 2138 posts
    March 13, 2017 9:27 AM PDT


    Firiona Vie

    Manouk / Magician

    Started when the trilogy was released.


    (I tend to "marry" MMO's and stick with them a long time. I was in vanguard briefly but I dont count it because I got swept back into EQ when the group i was with started raiding. Life happened and I left  shortly after Secrets of Faydwer was released.)

    This post was edited by Manouk at March 13, 2017 9:28 AM PDT
    • 57 posts
    March 13, 2017 12:21 PM PDT

    Game: EverQuest (2002 - 2004)
    Server: Tholuxe Paells
    Main character(s): Sondrea / Barbarian Shaman, Selura / Barbarian Berserker

    Game: EverQuest ][ (2004 - 2009)
    Server: Unrest
    Main character(s): Sondrea / Barbarian Shaman, Selura / Barbarian Berserker

    Game: World of Warcraft (2009 - 2011)
    Server: Lethon
    Main character(s): Zohkar / Orc Shaman

    Game: Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011 - 2015)
    Server: The Ebon Hawk
    Main character(s): Selura / Corruption Sorcerer



    Robert A. Frederick Jr.

    • 172 posts
    March 13, 2017 2:27 PM PDT

    Game - Everquest

    Server - Mithaniel Marr,  later merged into Saryrn

    • 8 posts
    March 17, 2017 9:50 AM PDT

    Everquest - Drinal

    Bigtex - Troll beastlord

    Lanirab - Troll SK (One of the many owners of Lanirab, shall would be more correct tos ay)

    • 80 posts
    March 17, 2017 6:35 PM PDT

    Game: EverQuest

    Server: Luclin

    Name: Snayil (Dark Elf Enchanter)

    • 320 posts
    March 20, 2017 9:18 AM PDT




    • 10 posts
    March 26, 2017 5:21 PM PDT
    Game: EverQuest
    Server: Bertoxxulous -> Terris-Thule
    Name: Magor (High Elf Enchanter-deleted at lvl 30), Rogam (Dark Elf Enchanter) guilded in Valon in its infancy, but mostly in Nocturnal

    Game: World of Warcraft
    Server: Dalaran, Maelstrom/Kil'jaeden
    Name: Yubnub (Troll Rogue of Six Feet Under, then later Pie), Shekina (Night Elf Druid of numerous guilds trying to find my place only to settle in making my own guild with some amazing people I still game with today. We called our guild The. Yep, just The.)

    All other games don't really matter as I played so casually that no bonds were made.
    • 10 posts
    March 26, 2017 5:44 PM PDT

    Xinux said:

    Game: Everquest

    Server: Brell Serillis / Terris Thule 

    Main character(s): Xalis (Legion of Heroes) / Xinux (Valon)


    Hail a_fellow_Terris-Thulian_&_Valon_member.

    I wasn't in Valon long since shortly after it was formed I finally quit playing EQ, but pre-formation Videer would grab his goto cleric Lafiell and his enchanter duo Alefkun, and me (Rogam) with whomever else was on and we'd grind deep into Chardok usually for AAs.

    • 17 posts
    March 27, 2017 1:38 PM PDT

    Game: EQ

    Server: Rodcet Nife

    Main character(s): Snaik  Iksar Shadowknight


    What a fantastic time I had playing.