Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

if the Devs had to sacrifice a feature

    • 159 posts
    January 16, 2017 9:37 AM PST

    Idle curiosity time.  I didn't see any other threads asking this question to the community so here goes...

    IF the Devs ever ended up having to take a pass on three facets of the game (evolving factions, dynamic weather, acclimitization, retiring a character and playing it's heir with buffs, etc), which would you choose and why? In order of what you'd like to see dropped.

    This is purely out of curiosity, I'm not looking to have flame wars about what's right and wrong, this is all about independant personal opinions.  As a community, IF they had to scrap (or patch in post launch) some of the "why is Pantheon different" things or features, which would you each like to see sidelined?



    I personally would pass on:


    1) Progeny - I personally doubt I'll ever permanently retire a character anyway.  I always dust off an old character for a bit when I get sick of leveling a new one

    2) colored mana - while an interesting concept, I'm not completely sold on it's viability, and I'd rather play the game without it then not play the game because of it.

    3) Atmosphere/Climate System - I'm fine with leaving it as it's always been in mmos for this IF it comes down to funding for release or funding getting tied up indef in this facet getting it to work right.


    • 169 posts
    January 16, 2017 9:47 AM PST

    Does it have to be one of those features?

    I would vote for mounts as I don't really want them in the game anyway.

    • 1778 posts
    January 16, 2017 9:51 AM PST
    Yea I would do mounts and pets. Aside for classes that specialize in combat pets.

    Progeny system isn't really fair as we don't have enough info yet to really know about it.
    • 159 posts
    January 16, 2017 9:56 AM PST

    Any features..  I just made my list from the advertised feature as they're probably the biggest money/time sink as they are unique.

    • 1860 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:06 AM PST

    I would have to say I could do without a lot of the graphic upgrades.  I would have been hapy with the graphics from the early twitch streams...or even graphics that were lesser than that.  I'm going to be turning things like particle effects, bloom, and shadows off or way down anyway.

    I am very interested to learn more about the progeny system.  I wouldn't be so quick to pass judgment without more information.  I feel like many peoples reluctance comes from misunderstanding.  I don't think it was explained very well in the limited info we have received.  I believe you will still have the same character but people get hung up on the name change.  I think the progeny system might turn out to be fantastic.  We will see.

    This post was edited by philo at January 16, 2017 10:31 AM PST
    • 151 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:07 AM PST

    1) Dance animations (Although nice I feel like these are kind of a waste of development time many times)

    2) Progeny (Have no particular interest in the system really.)

    3) Dire Lords (Like, comon. who likes the inferior hybrid tank anyways <3)


    • 169 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:10 AM PST

    Youmu said:

    1) Dance animations (Although nice I feel like these are kind of a waste of development time many times)

    2) Progeny (Have no particular interest in the system really.)

    3) Dire Lords (Like, comon. who likes the inferior hybrid tank anyways <3)


    I like Dire Lords, but I think the name Shadow Knight sounds better.  It would be a shame to not have a hybrid necromancer warrior of pure evil.  The bad guys are always outnumbered by the good guys in these games.

    • 321 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:11 AM PST

    Progeny  first. retireing a character is just not a good feature. If you want a character gone then just wipe it  do not force others to do the same.

    Pets and useless familiars that that just follow you for the sake of following you  without and purpose or use. They just muck up the scenery.

    The use of overly displaying of spells -as the Korean games display them- is the most useless game facet I have ever seen.

    • 1618 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:21 AM PST

    This thread is just going to be a Pantheon hater thread. No good can come from it.

    • 1434 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:22 AM PST

    Atmospheres and climates seem to be something of a staple in Pantheon, so removing that would be out of the question. Progeny could easily be put back for a later date, as it doesn't really have much relevance at launch. Colored mana seems like it will also be of importance, but how much so and how exactly it's going to work isn't really known to us. I think it's supposed to be another one of those key features, so they probably wouldn't want to drop it unless absolutely necessary.

    • 159 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:26 AM PST

    Dullahan and Beefcake, that's not what was asked.  Not to argue others opinions but simply state 3 features and why. :)

    • 318 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:33 AM PST

    Beefcake said:

    This thread is just going to be a Pantheon hater thread. No good can come from it.

    Agreed. Is it really a "sacrifice" if you already do not like the feature?

    As for my answer to the question... I would SACRIFICE the release date. As much as I want to play the game now, I would choose for them to push back the launch so the devs can spend the required time to get all of the features into the game and polished.

    Edit: Grammar

    This post was edited by Wellspring at January 16, 2017 10:34 AM PST
    • 65 posts
    January 16, 2017 10:56 AM PST

    I would sacrifice the progeny system also, as I don't "retire" old characters.....usually I only play one character anyways (with very rare exception) so retiring him would be kinda silly.  I also would retire the perception system...I know we have not seen much on it right now, but from what I've seen it looks anti-immersive, clunky, and like a gimmick to hide the "?/!" normal quest markers.  Hopefully I am completely wrong about this and it blows my socks off :)  The third thing I would sacrifice would be cosmetic/non-combat pets and mounts; I'm not a fan of the first and don't really see the need for the second other than convenience.



    • 3016 posts
    January 16, 2017 11:38 AM PST

    I would think anything suggested in this thread would be up to the Devs, frankly.   I'm not too excited about the Progeny system,  but I don't think we have all the details yet.    I agree with one of the posts above...if it takes longer to complete a milestone than originally thought...put the release date back.    I don't want a game that's been rushed out the door..due to whatever behind the scenes problem that has come up.     I trust this team to do what they intend to do.     And am looking forward to testing in pre-alpha,  its at that time,  ALL of us should be testing things and giving feedback in regard to what works and what needs some polishing.        In the meantime we can still have fun with our own ideas and conjecture.  :)

    • 556 posts
    January 16, 2017 12:31 PM PST

    Daloskar said:

    I would sacrifice the progeny system also, as I don't "retire" old characters.....usually I only play one character anyways (with very rare exception) so retiring him would be kinda silly.  I also would retire the perception system...I know we have not seen much on it right now, but from what I've seen it looks anti-immersive, clunky, and like a gimmick to hide the "?/!" normal quest markers.  Hopefully I am completely wrong about this and it blows my socks off :)  The third thing I would sacrifice would be cosmetic/non-combat pets and mounts; I'm not a fan of the first and don't really see the need for the second other than convenience.



    My 3 would be 

    1. Progeny system. Wouldn't want to retire any of my toons. At least want the option to go back to them at some point. 

    2. Mounts. At least for launch there should be none in my opinion. Let it be an expansion feature. 

    3. PvP. It would never be balanced and the desire (and QQ threads) of the PvP crowd aren't worth it. It usually leads to sacrificing PvE for the sake of PvP and that isn't what Pantheon is about. 


    Quoted your post just so I could elaborate on the perception system. It really isn't anti-immersive. It works simply by being near a possible quest. Basically meaning you have to explore the areas and talk to people in order to pick up quests rather than finding the ! on the map. Quests are meant to be harder to come by in this game and finding them/figuring them out is part of the difficulty. Some will be self explanatory and some I imagine we will end up figuring out by mistake. But imo it's one of the best features so far. 

    • 2130 posts
    January 16, 2017 2:36 PM PST

    Pretty much all of what I consider to be 'gimmick' systems could be discarded and I'd be fine with it.

    1. Colored mana. Just adds complexity where it isn't needed.

    2. Perception. Nothing more than a minor rework of quest acquisition.

    3. Progeny. Roll an alt?

    This post was edited by Liav at January 16, 2017 2:36 PM PST
    • 121 posts
    January 16, 2017 3:19 PM PST

    Just based on my personal playstyle.

    1. PvP - I love PvP just in PvP friendly genres like FPS, RTS, or MOBAs.  Always unbalanced in MMORPGs so I could do without it.  Plus the last half a dozen MMOs have been PvP focused.

    2. Crafting.  I craft in every MMO and swear it will always be my last but I can never help myself.  Only game that was reasonable was VG and that was due to Boats, housing, and guild halls requiring tons of crafted items from every crafting proffession.  Finally able to craft items people actually wanted.  You could make crafted items equiv to drop gear but drop gear can be controlled by RNG % drop rates whereas crafted items will flood the market and devalue dropped and crafted items alike.  I could do without the temptations this round  :)

    3. Broker.  This again like the others is just my personal play style.  I was never a huge market player and I miss the old EC tunnel days.  Not something that would ever be excepted by most but from someone that vendor fodders 90% of my loot instead of dealing with the broker then I could live without it.

    • 142 posts
    January 16, 2017 3:43 PM PST

    If one feature had to be sacrificed, I'd probably go with the Caravan.

    We havent had much of any description on what this exactly is. Is it a "travel in numbers for safety" feature? Is it a "store more goods than you can carry" feature? Is it a "provoke attacks from local bandits" feature? Is it a "quick travel while your logged off" feature?

    • 1434 posts
    January 16, 2017 4:17 PM PST

    Xilshale said:

    Dullahan and Beefcake, that's not what was asked.  Not to argue others opinions but simply state 3 features and why. :)

    Yes, but this is a discussion board, not a state your opinion board. That means sometimes people will respond to the posts of others.

    • 9115 posts
    January 16, 2017 5:06 PM PST

    We don't usually encourage negative posts like this, it is much better to ask what people would like to keep from the entire list of systems, mechanics and features if they could only choose three (3) rather than what to drop or what they dislike, as this isn't very helpful to game feedback at all but since it already has multiple replies it is fine to stay just please keep it respectful and constructive as it is impossible for you to make an accurate and educated decision without first knowing all of the facts, having all of the information on these systems, mechanics an features and having first-hand experience using them, which no one here has. ;)

    • 159 posts
    January 16, 2017 5:09 PM PST
    Guess I should have flipped it and phrased it that way, wasn't intending negative impact or view just discussion based on what little is known (or from similar games).
    Sorry Kilsin
    • 521 posts
    January 16, 2017 5:22 PM PST

    Not sure if this qualifies as a “feature”, but it seems to be ever present in most MMO’s, I would definitely do away with Grey mobs attacking what is clearly a more dangerous target. When I’m 20 plus levels above the mob(s), it should see me as a threat and run away, not chases me down with futile attempts to slaughter me.

    • 3016 posts
    January 16, 2017 6:29 PM PST

    HemlockReaper said:

    Not sure if this qualifies as a “feature”, but it seems to be ever present in most MMO’s, I would definitely do away with Grey mobs attacking what is clearly a more dangerous target. When I’m 20 plus levels above the mob(s), it should see me as a threat and run away, not chases me down with futile attempts to slaughter me.


    Orc pawns!!  grrr lol

    • 1618 posts
    January 16, 2017 6:32 PM PST

    Unless you have a big 50 over your head, why would a level 20 mob know you were level 50?

    • 521 posts
    January 16, 2017 6:39 PM PST

    Beefcake said:

    Unless you have a big 50 over your head, why would a level 20 mob know you were level 50?

    I would expect the Mobs to have the same or similar tools at their disposal as we players do, so if i can see their levels or even their threat rating, they should to, if nothing else my reputation should precede me :)