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more Live Streams

    • 21 posts
    December 30, 2016 5:10 AM PST

    wish i could up my pledge a little

    • 116 posts
    December 30, 2016 5:24 AM PST

    Rousie said:

    wish i could up my pledge a little

    You can upgrade your pledge.  Just make sure if you are upgrading from a monthly pledge, contact CS to make sure your previous pledge is cancelled.  Otherwise you'll be paying twice.

    • 9115 posts
    December 30, 2016 3:54 PM PST

    Rousie said:

    wish i could up my pledge a little

    We do have an upgrade section if you are interested, it can be found here:

    If you have any issues or concerns you are welcome to contact CS via a support ticket and they will be more than happy to help you upgrade. :)

    • 80 posts
    December 31, 2016 4:21 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Rousie said:

    wish i could up my pledge a little

    We do have an upgrade section if you are interested, it can be found here:

    If you have any issues or concerns you are welcome to contact CS via a support ticket and they will be more than happy to help you upgrade. :)


    i iwsh I could upgrade it to the old Journey mans one that gave Pre Alpha ;)

    • 1618 posts
    December 31, 2016 4:43 PM PST

    Zikkar said:

    Kilsin said:

    Rousie said:

    wish i could up my pledge a little

    We do have an upgrade section if you are interested, it can be found here:

    If you have any issues or concerns you are welcome to contact CS via a support ticket and they will be more than happy to help you upgrade. :)


    i iwsh I could upgrade it to the old Journey mans one that gave Pre Alpha ;)

    Yeah, I wish I would have back the game earlier when my $1k pledge included designing a raid or dungeon.

    I didn't have confidence back then that the game would get done. The December stream convinced me.

    Backing this game seems like a better investment than Star Citizen. Just couldn't see that as other than a huge cash grab.

    This post was edited by Beefcake at December 31, 2016 4:45 PM PST
    • 83 posts
    January 1, 2017 2:27 AM PST


    I have watched every stream at least three times and the last one probably five times. The fights, sitting for mana, pulling, the wipes...etc. All that is like meditation for me and definitely makes people wants to pledge more. The more you show people of actual gameplay the more you convince them that this isn't a vapor ware and the game is being developed. The improvement in the game is very obvious and I hope they keep the development pace even faster, don't lose your momentum guys!


    Now I want a dark, cryptic, mysterious dungeon to explore. A dungeon with darkish-blue blackish pallete with hints of red here and there to accent the visibility. Don't add brown there, don't add green. Show us pure slick black/dark-blue walls in a morbid forgotten underworld dungeon. Heck, if I have the money I'd get that 10,000 pledge and do it myself god damn it :p


    • 2886 posts
    January 1, 2017 4:59 AM PST

    Bluefyre said:

    Rousie said:

    Exzear said:

    Glad to see im not the only one who 100% got on the hype train after the Cohh stream but atleast i know who will be on soonish ;)

    Thanks finally someon is positive. neggative nancys up their


    Managing expectations is not being a negative Nancy. In fact I find those that don't manage their expectations are the ones complaining the loudest and being negative Nancy's when the overhped release projections are not met.


    We're all excited. But it's so important and wise to not be TOO excited and get the facts first. Cautiously optimistic.

    I can totally understand the desire to be blissfully hyped. But it will almost always lead to disappointment in the end. That's not being negative - that's life... realistic. As they say, you usually have to be ignorant to be truly blissful.

    • 1618 posts
    January 1, 2017 12:57 PM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    Bluefyre said:

    Rousie said:

    Exzear said:

    Glad to see im not the only one who 100% got on the hype train after the Cohh stream but atleast i know who will be on soonish ;)

    Thanks finally someon is positive. neggative nancys up their


    Managing expectations is not being a negative Nancy. In fact I find those that don't manage their expectations are the ones complaining the loudest and being negative Nancy's when the overhped release projections are not met.


    We're all excited. But it's so important and wise to not be TOO excited and get the facts first. Cautiously optimistic.

    I can totally understand the desire to be blissfully hyped. But it will almost always lead to disappointment in the end. That's not being negative - that's life... realistic. As they say, you usually have to be ignorant to be truly blissful.

    Just like marriage.

    • 3016 posts
    January 2, 2017 8:23 PM PST

    Laura said:


    I have watched every stream at least three times and the last one probably five times. The fights, sitting for mana, pulling, the wipes...etc. All that is like meditation for me and definitely makes people wants to pledge more. The more you show people of actual gameplay the more you convince them that this isn't a vapor ware and the game is being developed. The improvement in the game is very obvious and I hope they keep the development pace even faster, don't lose your momentum guys!


    Now I want a dark, cryptic, mysterious dungeon to explore. A dungeon with darkish-blue blackish pallete with hints of red here and there to accent the visibility. Don't add brown there, don't add green. Show us pure slick black/dark-blue walls in a morbid forgotten underworld dungeon. Heck, if I have the money I'd get that 10,000 pledge and do it myself god damn it :p



    This and put some moss...slimey stuff and the sound of something dripping. :D (could it be the blood of former victims??) :)

    • 83 posts
    January 3, 2017 5:45 AM PST

    Feyshtey said:

    I'm not trying to kill your vibe. I'm just trying to help you keep your expectations manageable. Dont want you to be really disappointed when you get that alpha invite and realize that 80% of the game is still off limits :) 

    I think if Alpha consisted of one racial starting city and a zone only with combat being very very limited and classes available are only chanter, cleric, warrior, rogue and shaman with a faction system they've just released to test it out, I tell you this is going to exceeds my expectations. If that would help them test the game better in terms of combat balance, content, quests...etc. I don't mind spending hours and reportings bugs and sending feedback.


    • 83 posts
    January 3, 2017 5:48 AM PST

    CanadinaXegony said:


    This and put some moss...slimey stuff and the sound of something dripping. :D (could it be the blood of former victims??) :)


    Yes! That would look amazing and the floor needs to contrast the dark walls so light-colored rock bedded floor. Oh, and I'm telling you there's more than just one trecherous trap lying around in this dungeon some might certainly cause the demise of a few party members, mmm? Bowahahahha! Not to mention the fact there are several secret passages, so pay attention to your surroundings! I've heard there's a crazy wisard who posses evacuation spell (for those wizards who wants to seek its power) in one of the secret rooms there, becareful though he will agro EVERY non-wizard class if anyone gets close!


    This post was edited by Laura at January 3, 2017 5:54 AM PST