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What is your... "I got this" moment

    • 200 posts
    December 21, 2016 9:04 AM PST

    ** Wrong thread to post bad.. move to Off-Topic as needed**

    Typically before a tragic fail in an MMO you can either see or hear someone say.. I got this!!!! and they gleefully rush into their annihilation...share your personal experience, or if you want to play it cool your "buddies" moment of heroics only to be pancaked!


    1. DDO - The brave Paladin, happily says I GOT THIS then gets insta-gibbed by a beholder

    2. Fear raids in EQ - Making any rangers first fear raid the best by get his name shouted across the zone to live in infamy...and then promptly cleaned up by a cleric.

    3. EQ - Corpse runs in NToV for the wayward monk who says they died, but failed to tell you they fell in the middle...and thinking your clear of agro and running back to the raid.....only to realize your folly when you hear the raid leader shout CAMP A CLERIC FFS

    4. DDO - Dragon Raid, watching the ice flensers on the 3rd base make you slide off the edge of the island/walkway when you were the pivotal kiter proclaiming....I GOT THIS, only to fall to your death literally 3 seconds after you announced that.


    This post was edited by Warben at December 21, 2016 9:37 AM PST
    • 109 posts
    December 21, 2016 9:24 AM PST

    2 things come to my mind on this.

    First, is Nizara in EQ2, easily one of my favorite zones. At the time it was extremely difficult. Me and a group constantly worked on it thinking we would get it learning all the tricks to the zone, especially the end mob. "I got this" and then I get flame clawed and die. "We got this" and mezzer didn't land mez on final boss. It was a pleasure to beat that zone. Started rating the knockbacks on the mezzer. I usually gave an 8. Started getting people zoning into to get us repair kicks. We got slapstick silly after a while. 9 hours in there was the night we were dedicated to beat it for the guild to get access to Chel'drak.


    Second is Venril in EQ2. As the Main Tank, I had a fairly easy job but not too easy. We were stuck on it for months saying "we got it this time" followed by someone notting clicking statue, someone didn't joust, someone didn't cure. It was a nightmare for some of our guildies. We had it soooooooo many tmes and we wiped. Eventually got it routinely though.

    • 1778 posts
    December 21, 2016 9:47 AM PST
    FFXI: Main tank fell at Sea in the Grand Palace. We were fighting Ix'aern. I just happened to be on my Ninja. So I run in with an "I got this". I just reacted cuz I'm used to tanking in Sky. Never mind the fact that Ninjas can't tank monk mobs........ went down like a chump in seconds. So my heart was in the right place but we wiped anyways. Now if I had been thinking straight I likely could have kited it long enough for the Main to be raised and recover from weakness. For those that don't know Ninja tanking was done with high evasion but mostly through shadow tanking. That is casting damage shields that can take 1 hit no matter how high the damage. And using haste and haste gear to recast them asap. But monks auto attacks are very fast even if low damag and very accurate so good luck dodging once shadows go down. And good luck not getting interrupted when trying to recast. So the lesson is Ninjas don't tank Monks lol.
    • 3016 posts
    December 21, 2016 10:03 AM PST

    Mistmoore -  EQ1 we were in one of the rooms and had a massive train coming at "I got this moment"  was I was the wizard and got everyone up close by me to EVAC ...evac was successful except for one thing...the group evacced safely,   and me..I was left in the room to be mauled.  :)  (heard this was a bug after the fact).  

    • 172 posts
    December 21, 2016 4:29 PM PST

    Dreadlands, pulling outside of KC - Cleric is oom, but as a druid I could heal.  I had about 50% mana, so I said, "go ahead and pull, I got heals." 

    Inc drolvarg rager... 



    Somehow the cleric survived by running into KC.  I don't think she ever got agro.

    The druid though, had a rougher time of it...

    This post was edited by JDNight at December 21, 2016 4:30 PM PST
    • 1618 posts
    December 21, 2016 5:01 PM PST

    If a group member ever says, "watch this!" Or "let me try something", immediately disband and run away.

    This post was edited by Beefcake at December 21, 2016 5:01 PM PST
    • 200 posts
    December 21, 2016 5:05 PM PST
    DDO - The warforged warrior runs in, not once, not twice, but 3 times into a crowd of rust monsters and gets WTF pwned each time and had no clue why...we dragged his soulstone past them
    • 86 posts
    December 21, 2016 6:22 PM PST

    EQ, family guild, PoFear, hoping for gear and gems, ranger tells me Dracoliche was up, I'm all 'who?', I sent a tell to our shaman 'Hey can we kill Dracoliche?', shaman says 'absolutely not', I /gu 'ok everybody we're gonna kill Dracoliche!', the phrase 'feel free to panic at this point' was coined, nobody lived except Dracoliche, best raid ever.