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Group Memories...

    • 294 posts
    November 8, 2016 3:09 PM PST

    Many awesome group memories, but one of my most favorite of all time was not too far from New Targ in Vanguard. Me and a mate was running across the landscape and unknown to me he had placed his character on auto follow. When we reached the cliffside I used my cloak to levitate and kept right on running through the sky. I turned my view just in time to watch my groupmate run straight off the cliff edge and plummet to his death. I've never laughed so hard in all my life. Was totally awesome and made for a great memory that I will not soon forget.

    • 668 posts
    November 8, 2016 3:43 PM PST

    This is always a tough one since there are so many memories...  Most coming from EQ to be honest.

    If I had to choose one that stands out it would be this memory:

    I joined a group of people running around West Commonlands and we were killing wisps and things trying to get greater stones to sell.  Then I remember someone suggested we go hang out in Befallen because we could all get our keys there.  I thought that zone was amazing, and TOUGH.  But as a group, it was much safer...  As we got further in, stuff started popping around us due to down time and it got a little hairy in some situations, especially if someone forgot to snare the mob as it ran off pretty fast.  I remember feeling nervous all the time in there.  Cool that a game can do that, afterall, dying in this game was hardcore early on.

    Eventually, because of the down time, I was really liking this female shadow knight named Shakimar.  We were just hitting it off and making each other laugh all the time.  I played a druid so we meshed well with our classes as well.  She liked my DS and heals, I liked her tanking abilities!  Well eventually her and I broke off on our own and we ended up hanging out for 10 more hours together.  We went everywhere together, even ran all the way to Qeynos for one of our quests.  Eventually in South Karana...  We became very good friends and had an amazing time exploring the world together.

    I guess this stands out because it was the first time I experienced an online game, and I was fascinated how I could be so attracted to a cartoon character's personality!  It was blowing my mind, and I even thought about the experience and missing her when we logged off.  Now, we did not end up getting married like some stories I have heard, but we did talk over the phone and she lived in Australia. After hearing that sexy accent, I SHOULD HAVE MARRIED HER..!! lol

    Good stuff!!

    This post was edited by Pyye at November 8, 2016 3:45 PM PST
    • 107 posts
    January 12, 2017 5:18 PM PST

    Azraell said:

    Grouping with my guildmates is a joke nothing gets done.. But Raiding... Well.. Brohn made a vid long ago.. here it is.. - All the fails + bugs from the encounter to World first kill...


    Raiding with you guys was the most fun I ever had in an MMO. Miss you guys like crazy.

    • 97 posts
    January 12, 2017 7:17 PM PST

    Azraell said:

    Grouping with my guildmates is a joke nothing gets done.. But Raiding... Well.. Brohn made a vid long ago.. here it is.. - All the fails + bugs from the encounter to World first kill...


    I blame Dravid for all the wipes

    • 97 posts
    January 12, 2017 7:47 PM PST

    My most memorable was near the end of VG when late at night we decided to go 5 man APW.  We were in summoning room talking about how were going to do Palp and Lavy said **** it, and just charged in.  We killed Palp, Mortwalen, Tremeeli, and 6 or 7 adds that pathed around the room at the same time.  It was a hectic fight but we survived. 

    • 9115 posts
    January 12, 2017 9:11 PM PST

    Gragorie said:

    My most memorable was near the end of VG when late at night we decided to go 5 man APW.  We were in summoning room talking about how were going to do Palp and Lavy said **** it, and just charged in.  We killed Palp, Mortwalen, Tremeeli, and 6 or 7 adds that pathed around the room at the same time.  It was a hectic fight but we survived. 

    Nice Grag, this is impressive :)

    • 434 posts
    January 12, 2017 9:38 PM PST

    So this is from World of Warcraft which I have been playing for 12 years (Oh Pantheon save me...)


    There is this stupid bug named Garalon


    This ... jerk. Killed our raid so many times it was silly. Often times when our guild killed a boss for the first time we take a picture. We are pretty sure this boss did the same thing every time it killed our raid. There were seriously soooo many skeletons on the ground as we fought. I mean.. honestly when you die so many times you make jokes to deal with the rediculousness of the repetitious dying. 


    Mechanics very quickly....  

    Tanks had to kite the boss around the room, and the boss was HUGE. it followed slowly so we had to sometimes stop and wait for it to catch up as we guided it. If we got too close to the boss IT WOULD HOP INTO THE AIR AND LAND WITH A CRASH AND DO TREMENDOUS DAMAGE TO EVERYONE. So ... nobody could get in too close.  DPS had to kill the legs to slow it down and kill the main body without standing too close to the main body. Routinely it would do the leap and do that aweful damage even if you stayed at range from it.  All the while the room is filling up with orange crud making us kiting the boss ... difficult. 


    We died from the HOP OF DOOM

    we died from tanks getting hit too hard by the bosses cleave (which required two tanks to take)

    we also died from the room filling up with orange goop


    We started to turn that rubix cube that groups always turn when they are at a DPS check or a MECHANICS check or a HEALING check, whatever it was we needed to coordinate and find out who could squeeze out more damage. We were losing with 10% of the boss sometimes wiping at 3%. 


    Finally at one heroic moment we had the boss down to that 3% mark.. many had died from orange stuff filling up the room. The tanks had no life left and our raid leader called out to GO GO GO! 2%, the DPS killed a leg down! 2% left GO GO GO!! The boss rises up ... ready to do its death slam

    and comes down


    ... but then a random miracle.  as the boss was at 1%, and coming down on us with a giant slam. a half-second later ... it dies from some healers random damage over time they put up at the tail end of the fight. We died, the boss died. we were screaming for joy!

    We never did that boss again. That bug was tough! We couldn't even kill it with somebody remaining alive!  


    You win Garalon! You win! This is your castle you can have it and be the biggest big bug that ever was!



    • 839 posts
    January 12, 2017 9:56 PM PST

    This story has no glory of killing names or doing the impossible but it was just the kind of experience i am hoping to enjoy again in Pantheon. There are so many groups and stories but one of the really fun times was in very early EQ2 days hunting gnolls in Thundering Steppes (when things were not soloable). I was tanking and we had mastered the pulls / mana conservation / kill speed to perfection and I was just pulling non stop with the group and it was probably one of my most fun PUG's i have been in because everyone was having a laugh and kicking back nailing their roles but having a golden time, we ended up going exploring more of the zone in search of other things later and stumbled over a spawn of Fallen Giants hidden away, we camped for a while and mastered the spawn hoping somthing named would spawn but it didnt, there was some clickable thing we were also trying to activate but couldnt work it out and assumed later it was part of a quest we were not doing... that didnt matter because it was one of those groups that we didnt need to conquer the world to have fun (as far as loot or named spawns goes) but we all were on the same page, had a killer time just poking fun at each other, laughing, pushing the pace pulls to the maximum and earning xp at an awesome pace!  Stayed in touch with all of those players for the rest of my EQ2 days.

    Thats what i am looking forward to in this game, like minded people willing to smell the flora while we murder the fauna :p  (and of course all the other awesome features Pantheon are shooting for) 


    tehtawd said:

    So this is from World of Warcraft which I have been playing for 12 years (Oh Pantheon save me...)

     There is this stupid bug named Garalon...


    Love the story mate, golden! :)

    This post was edited by Hokanu at January 12, 2017 10:02 PM PST
    • 120 posts
    January 13, 2017 7:50 AM PST

    I think my absolute most memorable moment came from a MUD (a multi-user dungeon, also called a text-based game). The game is called Imperian, and honestly I didn't really get too into the game because of several very gimmicky mechanics.

    During my first few days, there was this huge tournament going on in-game. You competed in teams of five and the winners got some pretty awesome in-game rewards. My sister, a long-time vet of the game, was competing with a group of her friends, and I was all ready with my pom poms to cheer her on from the sidelines.

    Until one of her group didn't show. To this day, they don't know why the other guy didn't show, but they had to find another member or forfeit the tournament. Other people were literally bribing all potential candidates to not step up, because my sister's team was pretty well set up to win this thing. So eventually... my sister turns to me. A level 24 Justicar with no scripts written and crap gear.

    The strategy was for me to hide in the back and let them do the work, for the first few matches, as they were almost certain wins. So I sat in the back of the room, doing my little newbie healing things and trying to not die. It worked!

    Fast forward to the final match, and our opponents were the only group that had a good chance at beating my sister's team...had they had their full decked out squad. With me on the team, odds were leaning heavily towards the other guys.

    So we get into our huddle, and my sister's talking strategy, saying that the other team has a class that can summon us from the group and kill us one at a time, so our priority had to be defending each other from getting summoned away. Then someone says "Why not let Tem be bait! You know they're going to try and kill her first, then evade until time runs out." (If time runs out, the team with the most members standing would win).

    "Great idea!" says my loving sister. >.>

    So now the strategy is to have me be bait while the other four people sneak around and ambush the other team, burst down one guy, then retreat before I get rushed and killed. Then it would be an almost fair 4 versus 4+handicap.

    So I literally am sitting in the room alone, scared shitless, praying to God that no one decides to actually poke into the room and see what's going on, spamming my defenses and hoping that my team gets their ambush game going before I can't keep up with the summons and ranged magic coming my way. Somehow this ridiculous plan works, and we kill one of their guys. Now we regroup and are planning to just turtle since we'll win if time runs out, and any sort of head-on fight would be so risky with me so low leveled.

    Two minutes before time runs out, they rush our room and try to burst me down. Everyone in the group is just spam healing me to try and keep me alive, and the punchline of the whole story is one of the observers later said "At one point I was so worried because I saw Tem's HP. But then I realized that was her max and she was just that low level."

    Somehow we won that tournament, and I'll never forget how terrifying it was.

    • 232 posts
    January 13, 2017 8:32 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    What is the most memorable group experience that you have had, and what did you accomplish?

    Playing an enchanter in EQ with a group in Lower Guk had plenty of nail-biting encounters.  No specific memory comes to mind, but they all involve excrement hitting the fan, keeping multiple mobs mezzed and almost running out of mana by the time things get back under control.  So many of these scenarios have played out in my years in EQ, and collectively they make up my most memorable group experience.


    • 434 posts
    January 13, 2017 8:51 AM PST

    Hokanu said:

    This story has no glory of killing names or doing the impossible but it was just the kind of experience i am hoping to enjoy again in Pantheon. There are so many groups and stories but one of the really fun times was in very early EQ2 days hunting gnolls in Thundering Steppes (when things were not soloable). I was tanking and we had mastered the pulls / mana conservation / kill speed to perfection and I was just pulling non stop with the group and it was probably one of my most fun PUG's i have been in because everyone was having a laugh and kicking back nailing their roles but having a golden time, we ended up going exploring more of the zone in search of other things later and stumbled over a spawn of Fallen Giants hidden away, we camped for a while and mastered the spawn hoping somthing named would spawn but it didnt, there was some clickable thing we were also trying to activate but couldnt work it out and assumed later it was part of a quest we were not doing... that didnt matter because it was one of those groups that we didnt need to conquer the world to have fun (as far as loot or named spawns goes) but we all were on the same page, had a killer time just poking fun at each other, laughing, pushing the pace pulls to the maximum and earning xp at an awesome pace!  Stayed in touch with all of those players for the rest of my EQ2 days.

    Thats what i am looking forward to in this game, like minded people willing to smell the flora while we murder the fauna :p  (and of course all the other awesome features Pantheon are shooting for) 


    tehtawd said:

    So this is from World of Warcraft which I have been playing for 12 years (Oh Pantheon save me...)

     There is this stupid bug named Garalon...


    Love the story mate, golden! :)


    That is exactly what I remember about everquest 1 and why I loved it soo much. It was casual and hardchore at the same time, the pace was really good. I mean, it wasn't perfect, the grind, the downtime both could use some updating which devs had mentioned they will be fixing and updating for 2017. Great story :)

    Its also so awesome when you get into a group and they are as good as you at doing their class. People CC'ing just right, pulling perfectly, tanks that don't ignore something chewing on the healer.

