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Not so fun time

    • 321 posts
    October 20, 2016 9:57 AM PDT

    Has anyone got a small story to tell of things that happened in game that was not so fun but still a little funny?

    I remember when i first started eq1 and made a warrior. In the newbie area he leveled to 5 and I was all excited to train and get stronger. EQ was new to me as It was my first mmo online and it was early in release. I went to find my trainer and was extremely glad to find him in Freeport. I wasled up to talk to him and Bam"loading please wait" It seems I double clicke him and he killed me in one second.

     After that i learned to be carefull when talking to any npc.  Also do not sit on the road in West Karana to med. Seems the trains have no problem running over you on the way to the zoneline.

    • 243 posts
    October 20, 2016 10:29 AM PDT

    I was running from a spectre once on my druid in Oasis of Marr, kept trying to snare it but it kept resisting and resisting and resisting.  Finally the snare took hold, and only then did I realize that I had myself targeted the whole time, and had snared myself.  The Spectre was very grateful, however, and promptly killed me.  I laugh at it now but was pretty mad at myself at the time, and my guild was very unsympathetic.  I actually hope that we are able to make mistakes like that in Pantheon.

    • 5 posts
    October 20, 2016 10:47 AM PDT
    I was 13 years old at the time running down the east Karana ramp. My older brother was watching me and I was feeling bold. I said "Grann Turisssmoooo!" (The car racing game) and brought my dwarf super close to the edge. Too close in fact -- I fell to my death. I think I was bound in Freeport.
    • 142 posts
    October 20, 2016 11:08 AM PDT

    You mean like taking a wrong turn in Kelethin and falling to your death?


    Or running thru Lesser Fay and stumbling across the brownie village and instantly aggroing those little punks and receiving a smackdown. And then struggling in the dark to find your corpse only to aggro the brownies again...and leaving another corpse behind.


    Or running across the frozen river in Everfrost (which, btw, would increase your swim skill) only to fall thru the hole and become disoriented by the sudden change. Freaking out looking for the hole in the ice as your breath runs low. Then you run out of breath and start spasming while taking damage, desperately searching for the hole, and also spamming your "Loc" hotkey so you can locate your soon to be corpse, after the drowning.

    Or as your getting overwhelmed in Befallen, you make a break for the zoneline, narrowling escaping with your life, only to come out the other side to find that someone had trained a Sand Giant to the Befallen entrance?

    • 428 posts
    October 20, 2016 11:26 AM PDT

    This was a great time for me but for the other group not so much. 

    So back in ROK EQ2 days I used to roll around Sebilis solo farming names and Shinies.  I always roll around in my ultra raid gear because it is also a PVP zone and Sebilis was an open zone.;  So I was farming and I had 1 named and 3 or for other mobs I was pounding on when a group of 6 from our arch nemesis guild roll by They see me just as I break the encounter and book it.  I run through half the zones aggroing the mobs when finnaly I stop the group catches up with me and they start throwing off AOE attacks.  Well I also had a clicky object that Fiegn deathed me.  So I hit my 10 second stoneskin force the healer to target me for 5 seconds and then Feign death.  All the mobs started attacking them and They ended up dieing and I got credit for all the kills 


    :D moral of the story is dont mess with a Paladin Soloing a group zone because he is obviously bad ass

    • 12 posts
    October 20, 2016 12:17 PM PDT

    Homercles said:

    You mean like taking a wrong turn in Kelethin and falling to your death?


    Or running thru Lesser Fay and stumbling across the brownie village and instantly aggroing those little punks and receiving a smackdown. And then struggling in the dark to find your corpse only to aggro the brownies again...and leaving another corpse behind.


    Or running across the frozen river in Everfrost (which, btw, would increase your swim skill) only to fall thru the hole and become disoriented by the sudden change. Freaking out looking for the hole in the ice as your breath runs low. Then you run out of breath and start spasming while taking damage, desperately searching for the hole, and also spamming your "Loc" hotkey so you can locate your soon to be corpse, after the drowning.

    Or as your getting overwhelmed in Befallen, you make a break for the zoneline, narrowling escaping with your life, only to come out the other side to find that someone had trained a Sand Giant to the Befallen entrance?


    Holy Hell man, you just gave me the most intense flashbacks. 

    • 1404 posts
    October 20, 2016 12:25 PM PDT
    In EQ1 how many got into "The Hole" the hard way when looking for Paineel?
    • 633 posts
    October 20, 2016 12:58 PM PDT

    I remember the first time I was dealing with the sand giants in Ro, and I mezzed one to escape, then ran back to a group of friends nearby.  I didn't know at the time the giants couldn't be mezzed, and it followed me all the way back to the group, and they all died...

    I lived though, which was the important thing I guess  :)

    • 646 posts
    October 20, 2016 1:03 PM PDT

    Mr friend bought plat early on when the game was new.  That was crazy and overwhelming but he gave me like 10pp when I was like level 4 or something.   I was so excited.  I remember running away from orcs in Greater Fay and was so scared I had no idea where I was going and I ran and ran and got lost and died and never found my body.  I never told my buddy that I lost the money he gave me.

    • 1778 posts
    October 20, 2016 1:59 PM PDT
    Accidentally outing a potential ninja looter to the server. I was discussing the circumstantial evidence and rumor. They wanted to join our guild and Id heard from a friend about it. But accidentally said part of my conversation in a area chat. The person in question was in the area and started immediately trying to defend himself. For a split second I was going to apologize. Then his own X guild mates confirmed the story and it went from worry and speculation to a complete server wide public exposure. I don't remember ever seeing that guy again. So it went from a bad to completely hilarious situation.
    • 363 posts
    October 20, 2016 2:28 PM PDT

    My barbarian shaman had finally made it to Blackburrow...along with about 50 other players. This was shortly before cable modems started making it onto the scene--not to mention how laggy and buggy the game was at the beginning anyway--so my latency was incredibly high. The group I was in had cleared the glade area, when I decided to investigate the inside of a tree on the other side of the pit...


    Only true EQ1 players knows what happened next........


    Needless to say, after nearly pooping my pants, the lag monster hit for a solid ten seconds. When things smoothed out, I was facing at least ten gnolls. Took about five seconds to die.


    I also recall that I made friends with three people who agreed to help fight our way back down into the depths of Blackburrow to help me retrieve my bloodied, gnoll molested corpse.


    I look forward to Pantheon giving me those kind of moments...minus the lag monster, of course. :)

    • 668 posts
    October 20, 2016 2:51 PM PDT

    A couple memories that stick out:

    I played right after release in 1999 so games like this were new to everyone.  I remember that it took me forever to save up some gold and I was hanging out in Freeport in awe of all the real people running around.  Some thief stood next to me and emoted "his name" pick pocketed (my character name) for 1 gold.  I remember flipping out and telling him off to give it back.  Lol I finally figured out way later what emotes were.


    Another memory was we were in Old Sebilis for one of my first major raids and I played a monk.  We were in a down state and I was on hold for pulling.  I remember looking down over a short ledge and seeing a skeleton.  I accidently hit my hotkey and threw something at him, he quickly wandered off on the path below. Of course I FD'thd several times but never saw him come back to his place.  GL called pulling to continue and I brought the next set of mobs in and after the first few died, literally 30 mobs swarmed us and knocked the whole raid out.  I could not help to think that I most likely caused that :)


    Who could forget walking into Blackburrow for the first time and falling into the trap in the hallowed out tree.  Yep, you fall all the way to the bottom into water and you are dead if solo because the path is super long to get out.  Can't remember if we had the ability to stone to bind point at that stage of the game.  But I can tell you moments like that sucked!

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    October 20, 2016 4:36 PM PDT

    This is a  great thread but I had to move it to Off Topic as it does not apply to General Pantheon, it is about old stories from other games.

    • 22 posts
    October 20, 2016 4:43 PM PDT

    Yeah I rowed a boat out onto Lake Rath (took forever to find my corpse on the shore after the aqua goblins slaughtered me), I "hailed" Gix in west commonlands (and got laughed at), I fell into the well in Befallen (terrible CR there), made a new character and then fell into the tree trap in Blackbarrow. 

    But I left all that noobie stuff behind untill I fell into the lava at Sol A, and then later I fell off the ice bridge in Crystal Caverns, and I maybe just maybe I might have pulled a raid boss on accident and caused a wipe.

    This post was edited by Drull at October 20, 2016 4:43 PM PDT
    • 294 posts
    October 20, 2016 5:32 PM PDT

    It was not so fun when I got ganked, Oh I don't even remember now, a dozen times in my first hour of EVE game play. The ruleset was rudimentary and crude when EVE first launched. I believe I left the game for a few months and came back to it when better rules were implemented and made the game a bit more enjoyable.

    I laugh about it now, but I must admit that I did not enjoy it at all at the time.

    • 137 posts
    October 25, 2016 7:02 AM PDT

    I was over checking out the uppity Erudite homeland on my low level Ranger, walking through Paineel when I notice all this chatter in /ooc. After reading what was being said, I see there is a guy talking about how he found a bug in the game that would not let him fall into this big...."hole". So, not knowing anything about the area I go over and talk this this guy and watch... he jumps off the side and ends up right back on the ledge over and over. He whispers to me something or another to encourage me to try it. Of course I jump....."Loading please wait....", I slam into the ground of course right in front of some big mean red conned mobs and I'm now off to a several hour corpse run........ Best part? When I send the guy a tell asking what went wrong, he tells me..."Well stupid, your not a GM" True story, aggrivating, but was really funny a couple days later.

    This post was edited by Riply at October 25, 2016 7:09 AM PDT