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Faction Grinding

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    • 1584 posts
    September 28, 2016 2:04 PM PDT

    I don't know if this has been touched on but i believe there should be some sort of faction grinding in Pantheon, I Remember playing Velious on EQ and there were the giants, dragons, and coldain you could choose from, you could be ally to the coldain and dragons, coldain and 1/2 of the giants, or just the giants, and they all opened up different quests depending on how you stood with each one, it was a challenge, not only as a individual but as a guild if you were aiming towards a certain direction.  also i like how like the rogues in vanilla if they raised there faction with there guild the "good" guards liked you less if you were in qeynos, and raised faction with the Circle of the Unseen Hand.  it makes you feel like your becoming your class and also with the other faction it makes it feel like you taking a stand against a certain part of the world wether it be good or bad is all based on what you hunt down and who you prefer to be with.  and also in Velious there there the 3 "Kings or Lord", Coldain had the Dain, Giants had King Tormax, and Dragons had Yelinak and they were also on their own faction so you could get max ally to the faction that defended them but still be kos to there king or lord becuase your little contributions you did for them means very lil to him he wants to see real triumph like killing the King he hates or doing a quest that some of his advisors have to offer to help gain favor to him.  This i believe could help shape the world on the indivuals eyes of what he is doing to impact the world.  This is just a thought and yes just thinking of this has got me very into the whole faction grinding tihng even more.

    • 613 posts
    September 28, 2016 3:24 PM PDT

    Hi Riahuf22,

    There have been several threads on this subject. I remember these in EQ and Vanguard and other games I have played. I enjoyed the immersion and the complexity it gave to each of them. I am hoping that VR will do this in Pantheon and I think if I remember correctly there are plans to do that. I also linked the previous threads so you can check those out too. One is on anther thought about faction based weapons. Cool stuff.








    • 2138 posts
    September 28, 2016 7:43 PM PDT

    +1 Riahuff22, factions are cool

    • 9115 posts
    September 28, 2016 7:43 PM PDT

    Thanks Ox.

    As Ox has kindly pointed out there are already numerous threads on this topic and for that reason I will need to close this one down, please use the search function prior to creating a new thread as in most cases you will find that over the last ~3 years a topic has already been created and discussed. :)