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Upgradfing PC, Can anyone chime in on these specs?

    • 839 posts
    September 14, 2016 9:31 PM PDT

    Hey all, Anyone got any thoughts on the hardware listed below, I'm looking for an affordable decent pc and came across this one for sale second hand.  I am not hugely tech savy but always managed to upgrade my pc with newer 2nd hand systems for a decent price that have gone well for me so far, i thought someone on here might be familiar with the following specs / parts and might know if this would most likely have staying power for something like pantheon in the future?  Cheers in advance!

    Motherboard: EVGA X58 Classified

    CPU: i7 930

    Graphics Card: EVGA GTX 670 FTW

    RAM: Kingston 24GB

    Boot Drive: x2 120GB Kingston SSD in RAID0

    Secondary Storage: 2TB WD HDD

    Case: Phanteks Eclipse P400 Satin Black

    PSU: Corsair 750w

    • 10 posts
    September 14, 2016 9:41 PM PDT

    Given that we don't know what Pantheon's system reqs will be yet it's impossible to say how it will hold up. It's not a bad system, but definitely outdated by today's standards and will only become more so in the next couple of years that we're waiting for the game.

    How much are they asking for it? What is your budget?

    This post was edited by hemolytic at September 14, 2016 9:42 PM PDT
    • 839 posts
    September 14, 2016 9:54 PM PDT

    Thanks so much for the speedy reply!

    Was hoping to keep the budget under 1k (Australian) which is probably about $750 US...   this guy was asking $900 for this machine

    I know with my budget i will always be a far way behind the 8 ball compared to current systems, thanks again for the response mate!

    • 10 posts
    September 14, 2016 10:00 PM PDT

    Granted I do not know how new system/component prices differ in your market, but I would not pay that much for this machine. 200-300USD, tops.

    That said, what you're using it for specifically will matter a lot.

    This looks like a system that is about 5-6 years old. Here are the things I would worry about:

    CPU: Probably fine for most games, but if you play MMOs primarily/exclusively I'd be worried that it might not keep up with newer games/engines. MMOs are different from most games in that they are heavily CPU dependent, whereas most games are far more GPU-dependent.

    GPU: Quite the opposite, even though it's several years old this is actually likely to be fine if you play primarily/exclusively MMOs, but may lag (hah) behind in other games.

    Boot drives: I'd be concerned that the SSDs may be approachng their end of life. SSDs are only good for so many writes, and 6 years is an eternity for a hard drive.

    Storage drive: As above, without the concern about limited writes. Still a very old drive.

    PSU: As with the hard drives, 6 years is old for a PSU. It could be fine. It could blow a capacitor tomorrow.

    • 839 posts
    September 14, 2016 10:09 PM PDT

    Thats awesome info man, I really appreciate you taking the time dude, i'll take your advice and move past that one and keep looking!  Might sit on my hands till we know more about Pantheon specs and keep on keeping on with the machine i got while EQ1 is my main pc game atm haha!

    Sincere appreciation of your detailed response mate, thats really good of you!


    • 10 posts
    September 14, 2016 10:19 PM PDT

    Happy to help!

    For 1k AUD you might consider looking for a new mid-range system once the game gets closer to launch.  A decent mid-range gaming rig built using modern parts will beat the pants off even a high end machine from 5 years ago.

    Again, I don't know how things are priced in your market, but here I can build one for about 600-700USD, assuming I already have a functioning KB/Mouse/Monitor, etc.

    For MMOs something with a newer i5, any budget GPU (not integrated, something like an nVidia X60 or X70 series), and a large storage drive is what I'd be looking for. If budget allows, then a small SSD to install the OS and one or two games on is a really nice quality of life addition.

    • 78 posts
    September 15, 2016 3:45 AM PDT

    Hi fellow Aussie Hokanu!

    I'm not in a position to give any decent info myself, but I highly recommend checking out the whirlpool forums for info / advice - some useful links:



    Big up to the contributiors at Whirlpool! A lot of helpful info on all different topics.

    • 119 posts
    September 15, 2016 5:02 AM PDT

    It looks like that CPU is one of the first i7 models, so I would definetly look at  a newer system. If you would like some great info on PCs and their components or how to BYO system, take a look over at I have used them for getting all the info on my last 3 DIY builds.

    They have great articles on new tech gear along with benchmarks and hierarchy charts as well as a forums section that covers pretty much anything techwise you can think of. Cheers

    • 334 posts
    September 15, 2016 11:16 AM PDT

    That's way overpriced, and I would heavily recommend staying away from Kingston SSDs. There was some major stuff with them a while ago and ever since that fiasco I, and many others in the PC gaming world, don't trust their brand.

    Also, if you're willing to dive into attempting to build your own PC (not too difficult, actually!), the community at is super helpful. You could very well maximize your budget by going DIY.

    This post was edited by Sicario at September 15, 2016 11:20 AM PDT
    • 839 posts
    September 15, 2016 4:31 PM PDT

    Awesome tips thanks guys!  Will continue to look into all these things you've posted and take my time to get the right beast for the job!

    Thanks again for the help to all of you, really appreciate the advice and time taken to reply by all!


    • 23 posts
    September 15, 2016 7:14 PM PDT

    zubi said:

    Hi fellow Aussie Hokanu!

    I'm not in a position to give any decent info myself, but I highly recommend checking out the whirlpool forums for info / advice - some useful links:



    Big up to the contributiors at Whirlpool! A lot of helpful info on all different topics.


    I like this post from whirlpool:

  is pretty handy and I saw they mention that there too. I'm also a huge fan of TomsHardware.


    I'd also recommend against buying a PC until you actually needed it (I.E. Pantheon Alpha/Beta). When that happens, there should be some recommended/minimum specs out. Also, new CPUs will be coming out late this year from Intel and early next year for AMD so there's another reason to wait.

    • 172 posts
    September 16, 2016 1:55 AM PDT

    Hokanu said:

    Hey all, Anyone got any thoughts on the hardware listed below, I'm looking for an affordable decent pc and came across this one for sale second hand.  I am not hugely tech savy but always managed to upgrade my pc with newer 2nd hand systems for a decent price that have gone well for me so far, i thought someone on here might be familiar with the following specs / parts and might know if this would most likely have staying power for something like pantheon in the future?  Cheers in advance!

    Motherboard: EVGA X58 Classified

    CPU: i7 930

    Graphics Card: EVGA GTX 670 FTW

    RAM: Kingston 24GB

    Boot Drive: x2 120GB Kingston SSD in RAID0

    Secondary Storage: 2TB WD HDD

    Case: Phanteks Eclipse P400 Satin Black

    PSU: Corsair 750w


    In terms of affordabilit I would go with something more like this.  this is very similar to my build

    Motherboard: Gigabytes z170 gaming7

    CPU: i5 6600k

    Graphics Card: AMD r9 390 or just below

    RAM: 16gb DDR4 of your brand choice

    Boot Drive: x1 500gb - 1tb SSD 

    Secondary Storage: if you REALLY need this then use an HDD it would cut down on your price a lot

    Case: Phanteks Eclipse P400 Satin Black

    PSU: Corsair 750w


    This post was edited by Aayden at September 16, 2016 1:56 AM PDT