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Meaningful and Interactable Spawn Points

    • 187 posts
    September 15, 2016 11:51 PM PDT

    Thanks for all the love guys. I'm glad I plucked a harmonious chord with this idea. You all have come up with some really neat consequences including quests actions, situational awareness and strategizing, dungeon dynamics, etc. It seems we all feel the same way about spawning. Keep these ideas rolling - awesome stuff fam. <3

    Edit: Oops, double post. :/

    This post was edited by Syntro at September 15, 2016 11:52 PM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    September 16, 2016 7:45 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Static spawns have always been the one thing that consistently pulls my mind out of a game, the one thing that reminds me it is a game, a constructed reality.  You enter some part of a dungeon and there are a group of goblins standing you kill them...then X minutes later goblins spawn in those exact same spots even if you're standing there staring right at the spot on the floor.  Having them respawn elsewhere and then make their way to that room would be a far more interesting mechanic.  The problem I see with this approach is what happens when the dungeon is full of people?  If whatever respawns in the dungeon has to respawn away from people, and people are everywhere....  See the problem? 

    If the 'other respawn spot' is known, like that door behind the hut that orc walked out of, won't people then just camp that door?  And if they are too close to that door, is there another spot they can spawn from?  Skeletons popping out of the ground works easily enough.  But in confined areas soon you'll run out of spawn options...but I still just love the idea.


    I think my campfire idea resolves the camping the door issue, instead of campfire, read: spot, or dungron room, or tree.


    then once "triggered" that trigger spawn point moves.

    Then it is not the tree, but the rock. It is not he spot, but the other spot. the campfire vanishes, and another campfire spawns elsewhere. the dungeon trigger point in the room moves, and when triggered, the orcs come through the door you just came in from. I see it as expandable to the situation and comented, prior.

    • 668 posts
    September 16, 2016 8:04 AM PDT

    Interesting ideas...

    One of the things I have always wanted to change is the "predictability" of spawn times, locations and their behaviors.  It can be a general area, still able to camp or claim, however...

    When you kill a mob, its return to spawn could be random, anywhere from 1 minute 20 seconds to 8 minutes (for example).  When it DOES come back, there are random programmed asignments that determine things like: chance to trigger rare (if intended), a random spawn location within immediate area, assign a specific behavior.  The behaviors could include wandering specific set points or running programmed activities.  Don't forget, advanced AI where they could also come back with a different fighting approach (run early, attack healers, use stealth, etc.)

    I have always thought it would be really nice to camp a spot and never have it be the same.  Same loot tables and agenda, but not the same in controlling camp, would always keep you on your toes.


    This post was edited by Pyye at September 16, 2016 8:09 AM PDT
    • 646 posts
    September 16, 2016 10:28 AM PDT

    love these OP's ideas.



    • 793 posts
    September 16, 2016 10:40 AM PDT

    Pyye said:

    Interesting ideas...

    One of the things I have always wanted to change is the "predictability" of spawn times, locations and their behaviors.  It can be a general area, still able to camp or claim, however...

    When you kill a mob, its return to spawn could be random, anywhere from 1 minute 20 seconds to 8 minutes (for example).  When it DOES come back, there are random programmed asignments that determine things like: chance to trigger rare (if intended), a random spawn location within immediate area, assign a specific behavior.  The behaviors could include wandering specific set points or running programmed activities.  Don't forget, advanced AI where they could also come back with a different fighting approach (run early, attack healers, use stealth, etc.)

    I have always thought it would be really nice to camp a spot and never have it be the same.  Same loot tables and agenda, but not the same in controlling camp, would always keep you on your toes.



    Agreed. More random timers on respawn, so "breaking the camp" is not really breaking the camp, as at anytime you could get full spawn within seconds of each other if the RNG dislikes you that night.

    And possibly, if there is a way to track a groups presence, and if the group camps one spot for a period of time, then a random chance of an additional spawn now and then to really shake things up.


    • 1584 posts
    September 16, 2016 12:16 PM PDT

    Syntro said:

    In EQ and most other MMOs, I think the event of a mob spawning is treated a bit poorly. Here's what typically happens: A camp is cleared, a certain amount of time passes, and new mobs just *pop* out of the aether and take the place of their predecessors. The "popping" breaks immersion a bit - its almost as if we are seeing a dev tool each time a mob is spawned.

    What if Pantheon introduced meaningful, interactable spawn points and rooted the origination of new mobs in the environment?

    Here's a few of examples:
    1) A skeleton could break through the ground before beginning his patrol.
    2) An orc raider could come out of a door from a hut before taking his camp position.
    3) A snake could slithers out of a hole in the ground before randomy traversing the zone. 

    Now, I'm not suggesting anything too dramatic... yet. So far, I'm just asking for an environment derived animation which helps spawning make more sense.

    Alright, now let's get crazy. What if the spawn points are interactactable? Let's revisit our previous examples:
    1) A cleric or crusader could cast Hallowed Ground which temporarily slows or stops undead spawning from that location.
    2) A rogue use Tamper to temporarily lock the door so the next Orc will have difficulty spawning.
    3) A ranger could use and Dismantle to fill the snake hole delaying the next snakes spawn.

    This would add a minor, environmentally derived CC and add a new interaction level with the world.

    Of course, the opposite interaction could exist too where players could boost spawn rates:
    1) A Dire Lord could cast Unholy Ritual to increase undead spawn rate at a certain location (marked with a sweet pentagram and/or some candles of course).
    2) A warrior could use Irritating Shout to aggrivate the Orcs to come out quicker.
    3) A ranger could use Animal Bait to lure more snakes out of the hole, potentially using items he/she foraged.

    Groups willing and able to take on faster spawn rates would now have that opportunity - if they have the right class on their team.

    Now, spawning as it currently takes place is far from a game breaker. We are very comfortable with it by now. I'm not saying this is a necessary must have fix, but this is 2016, why not spice it up a bit? As far as the interactions go, I am only suggesting a minor, yet noticible difference in spawn rate - nothing huge by any means. It could be a fun new mechanic possibly tied into the perception system. What do you guys think?

    I really do like these ideas, and im sure you were just throwing some cool ideas to sound great, but there's a problem i have with the Dire lord one, i know if i were in a grp and we accidently picked up a patrol from behind and we were in a camp a dire lord wanting and he used Unholy Ritual to increase the spawn rate behind me and wiped my grp, i would honestly probably go out of my way to train him on purpose and this isnt what i would want this game to be like.

    • 1584 posts
    September 16, 2016 12:48 PM PDT

    Now what would be cool as a alternative is if:

    Crusader had Bulwark of Hope=  His Valor Increases his Grp/Raid bravery and prevents them from being feared and highly resistant to Cold/Fire spells/effects.

    Clerics get Divine Salvation= Gathers everyone's hp % add it all up and divide it evenly to everyone in the grp. (meaning if you had 5 people is your grp and you see 100, 50, 70, 40, 90%=350/5=70%)

    Warrior gets Last Stance= Warrior stand guard and takes a % of the damage his Grp were to take and reduces incoming damage from melee attacks by 50%

    Rogue gets Tricky blades= Increases chance to hit and apply poisons to current target with slightly increased damage.

    Ranger gets Nature's Grace= Making Himself Harder to hit and become deadly with his Blades/Bow 

    Dire Lord get Death's Blessing= His Fierce and Reckless Attitude Makes his Grp/Raid members immune to fear and highly resistant to Disease/Poison spells/effects.


    • 187 posts
    September 16, 2016 12:50 PM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    I really do like these ideas, and im sure you were just throwing some cool ideas to sound great, but there's a problem i have with the Dire lord one, i know if i were in a grp and we accidently picked up a patrol from behind and we were in a camp a dire lord wanting and he used Unholy Ritual to increase the spawn rate behind me and wiped my grp, i would honestly probably go out of my way to train him on purpose and this isnt what i would want this game to be like.

    Yeah, that wouldn't happen with my construct. I am suggesting a fairly innocent change in spawn rates, nothing dramatic (e.g. modifying a spawn rate interval from 60s to +/- 6s) the exact percent change would be worked out in alpha/beta. I'm also not saying that there can be infinite mobs spawned, just replacement spawners. Plus, we could regulate the Unholy Grounds to be a very short duration effect to avoid anything like this so that in the absolute worst case, a new group joining a recently camped camp would have to deal with a full camp, nothing more, which the new group should be able to handle. Don't train anyone!

    • 1584 posts
    September 16, 2016 12:55 PM PDT

    Hey Syntro read my suggestions, i like how i counter balanaced the to hybrids, to amke them very useful in raids and will always have a place in raids, and cant be reeplaced by other classes due to there immunity to fear effects when used correctly and having the grps being protected but certain effects depending on the fight.

    • 187 posts
    September 16, 2016 2:19 PM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    Hey Syntro read my suggestions, i like how i counter balanaced the to hybrids, to amke them very useful in raids and will always have a place in raids, and cant be reeplaced by other classes due to there immunity to fear effects when used correctly and having the grps being protected but certain effects depending on the fight.

    Hey Riahuf, those are pretty cool ideas to add Hybrid dependency to groups. Did you mean to post them in the other thread I started Hybrid Classes - Extra Dimension of Class Dependency in the Pantheon Classes section? If not, please explain because I'm not seeing how they relate to spawn point interactions. Definitely cool ideas though, lets talk about them in the other thread.