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Ideas for new abils + spells ?

    • 8 posts
    September 12, 2016 5:21 PM PDT

    I always am thinking of how Everquest had a lot of innovative abilities and spells like Feign Death or Charm. Some were great some were never used or maybe not well implemented.

    I dismissed this spell idea I had but maybe I will throw it out there to maybe expose ideas others have had over the years.

    In zone based/social MMO like EQ you can't see the zone chat once you leave a zone.

    What about if an enchanter (maybe other classes ie: mage) could cast a sentinal in the zone and be able to see the zone chat (say,ooc,shout,etc..) even if they leave the zone? They would only be able to ever cast 1 sentinal at a time. Why is this useful? Well finding groups can sometimes be tough but this would allow enchanters to watch zone chat and see if a class is needed or maybe a boss spawns that noone can kill or heck just for amusement!

    In EQ I often camp in Seb and wish I could go elsewhere and just gate back when someone needs me rather than sitting and waiting for a long time.

    Note: It would kind of be neat to also speak through the Sentinel like a walkie talkie but that might be too cool ;-)








    This post was edited by daserack at September 12, 2016 5:22 PM PDT
    • 839 posts
    September 12, 2016 10:35 PM PDT

    My idea is not very innovative but it brings a little synergy between casters and mele.

    I like the idea of a spell that knocks a mob down to the ground for a few seconds which halts their attacks / interupts casting and while they are down and start to get up they are exposed for backstabs and other nasty mele strikes that require positioning!