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AMD vs Intel

    • 320 posts
    September 11, 2016 8:35 AM PDT

    Hi Guys. I am not a computer tech of any kind. I am thinking of getting a new gameing machine for pantheon and was wondering if anyone here has any idea which proccessor is better for gameing. I have always used Intel but never had a true gameing machine. Any info would be well recieved.


    • 205 posts
    September 11, 2016 10:59 AM PDT
    I have always preferred Intel. However, one of the game designer's goals is to make the game play on "average" set ups versus top of the line cutting edge rigs. I hope this helps ease your mind on selection of parts. Good luck!
    • 186 posts
    September 11, 2016 5:02 PM PDT

    Intel has really good hardware, but its expensive compared to AMD. There is a lot of technical details that go into which one to use, I personally have both, and I enjoy my i7 Laptop more than my AMD desktop, both are comparable in specs. There seems to be less stuttering, and I get higher FPS in games that run on my Laptop over my Desktop. But that is about the extent of my limited knowledge. (I can build a computer, but am by no means a computer guru.) Take my input with a grain of sand, and remember... Linux is everywhere...

    This post was edited by VitaKorp3n at September 11, 2016 5:02 PM PDT
    • 99 posts
    September 11, 2016 7:30 PM PDT
    I have been looking at both for a while about to build my next desktop. Im leaning to intel mostly because heat i keep reading AMD cards and processors run hot. I do HVAC and nothing drives me more nuts then unnesasary heat load. Sure you can run fans or water cool but the heat has to be transfered some where and its usually all around your desk. Just my 2 cents.
    • 1434 posts
    September 11, 2016 10:48 PM PDT

    Intel + nvidia case closed, done deal.

    But amd is ok too...

    • 10 posts
    September 11, 2016 11:23 PM PDT

    Granted that it might not matter if the system requirements are low enough, but I always advocate Intel CPUs for MMO gaming. AMD is never quite able to match them when it comes to meeting the CPU-heavy demands of MMOs.

    For graphics, I've got to cop to being an unpaid shill (ie, fanboy) for nVidia. I've heard AMD is fine too, but screw that. Go green or go home.

    • 118 posts
    September 12, 2016 6:39 AM PDT

    I have built my last 3 gaming systems, as well as a system for my son this past Christmas. In all of them I have used Intel/NVidia, and I have never had any real problems with either manufacturer.

    • 23 posts
    September 12, 2016 9:03 AM PDT

    AMD and Intel both have their strongpoints. AMD offers a great value at the entry level and Intel tends to do well at the higher end at a greater monetary cost. I've used both and haven't noticed any huge advantage of one over the other depending on how you're comparing. However, when it comes to gaming, you don't need an amazing CPU to get the most out of your system.  A decent CPU paired with a great graphics card is the best way to go. You could buy a PC with a Intel i7 with an integrated GPU and get much worse performance than someone running an i3 or weak AMD CPU paired with a good graphics card. I'm not saying that you should buy a GTX 1080 and pair it with an Intel Celeron processor... but buying an i7-6950x doesn't mean you can get away with a nVidia GeForce 8400GS.


    The first question I usually ask someone looking for a new computer is about budget. Once you know what the max you are willing to spend, you can can look at components to work within that budget. I use TomsHardware's "Best CPUs of 2016" as a reference based on the price range that one is looking at. The prices they use are generally reliable but you can often find better deals than what they show through various retailers like Amazon, Jet, Frys, Microcenter, or Newegg.


    If you're looking at pre-built systems, make sure it has a dedicated graphics card. AMD has APUs as well where there's a GPU built into the CPU. These are great for casual games but aren't as good as buying a regular AMD CPU and pairing it with a good graphics card. APUs start with A like the AMD A10-7850K. I'd recommend avoiding those since they generally don't have a dedicated graphics card in the system and rely solely on the APU. Most computers available on store shelves right now aren't going to have the latest GPUs in them and will still have the last generation of cards. If possible, I recommend building your own computer. Another option is to use a company that will allow you to select components and allow them to build a very customized PC like is another nice website if you're interested in a custom build. You can't actually buy the parts directly from PCPartPicker, but you can configure parts on their site.


    I'm currently running an AMD setup with an FX-8350 and a semi-recently upgraded Radeon RX 480 8GB. If I were building a whole new setup today, I'd go with an Intel i5-6600k with a Nvidia GTX 1070. I considered a new build for this year but decided to go with a cheap upgrade (the RX 480) for this year and a complete rebuild in another year or two (or when the alpha is available).


    AMD's Zen CPUs should be out sometime around February of 2017 and I believe Intel's 7th Gen i Series (Kaby Lake) will be out later this year. I'd recommend waiting to build or buy anything until you need to upgrade. If you can hold out until sometime next year, wait until then as newer hardware will be available.

    • 334 posts
    September 12, 2016 12:15 PM PDT

    If the game is well-optimized for multiple cores, which I hope it is, and given that AMD's new architecture is debuting soon, I can see AMD being a strong choice.

    As a side note, I know they're tailoring the game for average computers, but I sincerely hope they're looking at the average of what will be out in 2018 and will be including multithread and DX12 support with optional features to allow those of us with more powerful computers to CRANK. IT. UP.

    • 63 posts
    September 14, 2016 7:45 AM PDT

    Dullahan said:

    Intel + nvidia case closed, done deal.

    But amd is ok too...



    • 1095 posts
    September 14, 2016 8:51 AM PDT

    Montreseur said:

    Dullahan said:

    Intel + nvidia case closed, done deal.

    But amd is ok too...



    I second this.

    • 668 posts
    September 14, 2016 6:51 PM PDT

    For what it is worth, I built a computer with AMD Quad core, 16g ram, 980ti v card, 27 inch monitor, and absolutely love my gaming machine.

    • 781 posts
    September 18, 2016 10:54 AM PDT

    Yup, i run a AMD FX 8320 Eight - Core Processor 3.50 Ghz  , 16g ram , 64 - bit  win 10 MsI Geforce GTX 960 2Gb  42 in Monitor  Asus Sabertooth board and it runs like a beast :) 

    This post was edited by Kelem at September 18, 2016 10:57 AM PDT
    • 363 posts
    November 1, 2016 3:20 PM PDT

    Intel & Nvidia, end of discussion. AMD used to have a dog in the fight, but they have slipped up seriously over the past few years. Intel just beats them, pants down, across the board. And I USED to be an AMD guy. Nvidia is doing the same thing to AMD in the video card arena. It might cost you a bit more, but Nvidia + Intel is definitely the way to go....PERIOD.

    • 563 posts
    November 2, 2016 7:00 AM PDT

    My current rig uses an AMD 8150 FX 8 core, and I absolutely love it, still preforms great for everything I've needed it too. That being said, if I had more money at the time I built this computer, I would have gone with an Intel cpu.

    My next computer (which I hope to build around Pantheons launch, maybe slightly after) will definitely be sporting an Intel cpu, and as many others have pointed out, Nvidia cards always.

    I wish AMD was better in both departments so as to give Intel+Nvidia some good competition and probably better prices but that just isn't the case sadly. :P

    This post was edited by Rachael at November 2, 2016 7:00 AM PDT
    • 521 posts
    November 2, 2016 9:38 AM PDT

    AMD VS Intell, I'm AMD all the way. I feel i get the best bang for the buck, but having said that when the new AMD4's hit the market that could be changing.

    The 'AMD Zen' CPU