Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Mechanisms that create social accountability.

This topic has been closed.
    • 17 posts
    September 1, 2016 10:09 AM PDT

    I'd like to offer two suggestions that could enhance the community and gameplay.

    1. A three or five star rating system for players you group with, that would appear/reappear after you group with them.  It would need to be on a per account basis so that it wouldn't be abused. Each person would be more considerate and play as a team member, if there was a general accountability via an aggregate rating system. 

    2. Our account has a last name, which all of the characters on our account share.  There could be an option to turn off the last name on the nameplate above your head, but would be apparent upon player inspection.  Anonymity can encourage anti-social behavior.  If a player's actions are going to stick with them, they won't last very long if they bring their anti-social behavior into the game.


    (If these topics have been discussed, forgive me.  I'm relatively new to the forums and have not read through all the discussions.)

    • 763 posts
    September 1, 2016 10:18 AM PDT

    #1 Too open for reverse-abuse.

    Happy to have a 'note' system whereby I can add a virtual note (say in the 'people I met' part of your Personal Journal) which has their name and a 'note' you place next to it). When you next meet this person, it could (upon 'consider') add this note you made after their name so you can remember the note you made last time. NB this is as a reminder for YOU.

    RATING system = 99% probability of being abused.

    #2 Possible

    Makes some aspects of 'progeny' more possible, though if 'searchable' may make it impossible to hide from stalkers or just when you want to play an alt and relax.

    • 613 posts
    September 1, 2016 10:28 AM PDT

    Evoras said:

    #1 Too open for reverse-abuse.

    Happy to have a 'note' system whereby I can add a virtual note (say in the 'people I met' part of your Personal Journal) which has their name and a 'note' you place next to it). When you next meet this person, it could (upon 'consider') add this note you made after their name so you can remember the note you made last time. NB this is as a reminder for YOU.

    RATING system = 99% probability of being abused.

    #2 Possible

    Makes some aspects of 'progeny' more possible, though if 'searchable' may make it impossible to hide from stalkers or just when you want to play an alt and relax.


    I have to agree here.  I think this has been tried on multiple games only to be pulled due to rampent abuse. 



    • 86 posts
    September 1, 2016 10:47 AM PDT

    Evoras said:

    Happy to have a 'note' system whereby I can add a virtual note ... as a reminder for YOU.

    I like this idea.  I have an awful memory.  I can't count the number of times I brought up my friends list and thought to myself...who is that?

    • 147 posts
    September 1, 2016 11:18 AM PDT

    Friends and ignore list with notes 


    • 200 posts
    September 1, 2016 12:30 PM PDT

    I have (the maybe naive) hope that when you make people depend greatly on each other, they usually behave better. Some people are generally nice, others not so much but the latter will behave differently and more socially acceptable when their own progress depends on it. While it was a different era in gaming, EQ had an amazing sense of community because reputation mattered such a great deal. It wouldn't surprise me if that could be repeated up to a certain point in Pantheon if it's as groupcentered as EQ was. 

    I believe most humans are quite decent beings and prefer a positive and social environment. There is toxicity of course but personally I feel it seems like it's a massive chunk of the gamer community because it's such a vocal group, while in reality it's a much smaller group. I think when there's much more emphasis on grouping we will see again that most people are perfectly ok. And the few bad apples will earn their bad rep and hopefully learn something from the consequences.


    • 103 posts
    September 1, 2016 1:36 PM PDT

    Ezumin said:2. Our account has a last name, which all of the characters on our account share.  There could be an option to turn off the last name on the nameplate above your head, but would be apparent upon player inspection.  Anonymity can encourage anti-social behavior.  If a player's actions are going to stick with them, they won't last very long if they bring their anti-social behavior into the game.


    (If these topics have been discussed, forgive me.  I'm relatively new to the forums and have not read through all the discussions.)

    Not really necessary to make people get last names (unless its RP). Im not sure how robust GW2's system is but every character is tied to an account handle there and im pretty sure you can completely block the "undesireables" no matter what character they have or how many times they change their name, unless they get a brand new account. Pretty much the same thing I guess, im just not a big fan of having to type a last name for every toon. What if I want a different last name for a different character I want to RP or whatever?

    Why more developers dont just have this by default is anyones guess ... mine being theyre more interested in retaining the jerkwads than having them leave because no one wants to play with them.

    This post was edited by Kayo at September 1, 2016 1:36 PM PDT
    • 646 posts
    September 1, 2016 1:53 PM PDT

    No to both.  The first can be way too easily abused.  A guild gets in a disagreement with another guild and suddenly 300 players bad-rate every member of the other guild, etc.  


    The second idea is a little undesirable, to me.  When I roleplay, my characters are different - I want no connection from the other players of the world, unless I decide.


    I do have a social system for rating players.  I remember and friend those I enjoy playing with and friends refer good players to our groups.  


    EQ1 had it perfect in 1999





    • 96 posts
    September 1, 2016 1:55 PM PDT

    Personally I'm against having account-wide last names.  I have a few names that I tend to use, and last names that go well with them.  

    Account-wide ignores are fine, but I would think that it should be filtered server-side by a unique account-bound ID that is not visible to or shared with either client.


    That being said, I'm fine with having to ignore individuals too...mostly I only ignore gold spam, or people who just spam in general.  And maybe people who push relegion/politics in general/zone/trade channels...If I want that I'll talk it IRL, not in a game.  I'm here to enjoy myself, not get worked up ;)

    • 86 posts
    September 1, 2016 1:56 PM PDT

    We can almost guarantee that there will be a friend/ignore system. All that would be  needed is to expand on this my allowing us to add people to a new list that is neither friend nor foe, but rather a list of people you had either good or bad experiences with in groups.

    How it could be used....

    You are in a group and somoene leaves, you put out the message you need a replacement. you get a replay and tell the group.... "What about randomdude01"? A group member looks at their lists and replies... "I grouped with him twice before, both times he has a jerk that ruined everyones fun. Give it a couple minutes. If noone else replies, go ahead and grab him."

    • 96 posts
    September 1, 2016 2:00 PM PDT

    I definitely had that list in my notebook of stuff for EQ1!  Fortunately, back then it never had to be very large.  I hope that will be the case again with Pantheon.

    • 334 posts
    September 1, 2016 4:04 PM PDT

    Friend/ignore system plus an ability to write a small little note in your friends/ignore list. Easy, simple, no possibility of abuse.

    I'd prefer no account-wide last names, even with an option to disable. Limiting people's creativity and capacity to have different characters with different backgrounds and origins and names and stories is just not a good idea in RPG-esque games.

    • 9115 posts
    September 1, 2016 5:43 PM PDT

    We have discussed this a few times before and our answer is the same, we will not be implementing a rating or ranking system to judge fellow group members/players as it can just as easily be abused and used against innocent people plus we do not want to encourage a culture of judging others in our game, we will look at other ways to mitigate poor player behaviour, one of which is the report system and having GMs available to help resolve serious issues.

    • 16 posts
    May 20, 2017 12:20 AM PDT

    Again sorry for the late response to an old thread but since this is here I didn't want to make a new one.


    Kilsin you gave a comprehensive answer to the rating system part of it all, but what about the handling of alts then? Has there been a general view on this already amongst the devs or is it still up in the air so to speak?


    I agree with so many here, I just sometimes want to go a little anon, play on an alt or do something I've become master at: Afk/craft while doing rl chores for example hehe. Meaning I spend a few minutes on the computer then go away for a few minutes, naturally depending whether the circumstances allow it.


    I find it a little impolite/inconvenient if acquaintances send me whispers during this time because I just might miss them entirely, be unresponsive and answer in annoying delays or otherwise come across as weird heh.


    That is one of the reasons why I really don't like this account wide (sur)name visible to all -business. When I know I can't be entirely there for my friends (but would still like to enjoy the lovely atmosphere of the game) I might prefer to go on an alt and craft or harvest or fish or count the straws of grass on the ground while partially afking ;).


    I'm not at all sure about this but doesn't WoW have a system where you can share or hide your account name with/from other individual players at will? That kind of sounded nice, one could then choose whether one's alts are all visible to other people or no.


    But anyways, I was just curious about this, is all.

    • 9115 posts
    May 20, 2017 2:48 AM PDT

    Wolftar said:

    Again sorry for the late response to an old thread but since this is here I didn't want to make a new one.


    Kilsin you gave a comprehensive answer to the rating system part of it all, but what about the handling of alts then? Has there been a general view on this already amongst the devs or is it still up in the air so to speak?


    I agree with so many here, I just sometimes want to go a little anon, play on an alt or do something I've become master at: Afk/craft while doing rl chores for example hehe. Meaning I spend a few minutes on the computer then go away for a few minutes, naturally depending whether the circumstances allow it.


    I find it a little impolite/inconvenient if acquaintances send me whispers during this time because I just might miss them entirely, be unresponsive and answer in annoying delays or otherwise come across as weird heh.


    That is one of the reasons why I really don't like this account wide (sur)name visible to all -business. When I know I can't be entirely there for my friends (but would still like to enjoy the lovely atmosphere of the game) I might prefer to go on an alt and craft or harvest or fish or count the straws of grass on the ground while partially afking ;).


    I'm not at all sure about this but doesn't WoW have a system where you can share or hide your account name with/from other individual players at will? That kind of sounded nice, one could then choose whether one's alts are all visible to other people or no.


    But anyways, I was just curious about this, is all.

    Nothing is linked, no characters/alts/ignores are linked at this stage, it is something we will test, we already have ideas on how to address this but it is for internal discussion only until it is ready to be implemented, we will need you folks to help us test these things out though so let's save it for then :)

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at May 20, 2017 7:55 AM PDT
    • 119 posts
    May 20, 2017 5:03 AM PDT

    we had the surname discussion recently here:
    i think the majority was against forced surnames for various reasons.

    • 9115 posts
    May 20, 2017 7:58 AM PDT

    letsdance said:

    we had the surname discussion recently here:
    i think the majority was against forced surnames for various reasons.

    There is a lot more to last names than just personal opinion my friend, they actually serve a much more important purpose from a business management perspective, so we will test our system and tweak as needed during testing to get the best balance for our game.

    That being said, this topic is very old and has been discussed and answered several times now in other threads (no ranking system for many various reasons and last names is a decision we are making currently), so I will go ahead and close this one.