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PVP and Guild War Questions

    • 18 posts
    August 24, 2016 3:41 PM PDT
    Hello all,

    Will there be any type of PVP/Dueling system (eg. /duel)?

    Also, will there be an option for a Guild Leader to /guildwar against another Guild Leader assuming he accepts? This would tag everyone in both respective guilds as hostile against each other for a specified period. I really miss this feature.
    • 205 posts
    August 24, 2016 3:48 PM PDT
    I heard there will be pvp servers - so maybe. I truly hope these are not a thing on pvE ones
    • 18 posts
    August 24, 2016 3:55 PM PDT
    They're fun because they spark Guild comraderie and add an extra element to the game. Elder Scrolls Online (dare I bring it up) failed miserably for many reasons in my opinion, but the biggest reason was that it lacked any type of social aspect (lacked /dueling, fireworks, dizzying alcohol, etc.). Players didn't have any distractions outside of PVP.

    I'm no PVP fan by any means, but I love to /duel with friends and my wife, and I really think a /guildwar option would be fun. Obviously (hopefully) a guild leader wouldn't accept without first consulting his/her guild.
    • 22 posts
    August 24, 2016 4:26 PM PDT

    I would assume that dueling other players will make it into the game. As you state Trazick, such a feature helps to build comraderie as well as healthy rivalries amongst friends. Dueling is also a great way to kill time if you are stuck waiting on a dungeon group to form (as an example). I am of the opinion that having the option to duel other players is as much a core part of a MMO experience as being able to add players to a friends list.

    The second part of the OP is a much trickier discussion to be had. Guilds being able to declare war on each other brings about a host of other inquiries, such as what would be the benefits to such a system? Would there be a prize for the victorious guild? How would you determine the victor? What exactly would you be fighting over (spawns? dungeons? castles?). How would you handle this type of Guild Wars system on PvE servers? I feel like this level of pvp deserves a game that is dedicated to providing that specific experience because of how complicated it would need to be for it to not feel like an afterthought.

    PvP servers, in my opinion, would provide the experience of Guilds declaring war on others without the need to implement an in-game system to facilitate it.

    • 18 posts
    August 24, 2016 4:36 PM PDT

    Definitely good points DrBrewski, but I don't remember there being any issues with /guildwar back during Everquest Classic. My guild leader and another guild leader would agree to /guildwar for a week (if I remember correctly). Most of our duels would be in places like GFay. I don't recall any issues other than fun times with it, but the gaming community has changed over the years. I will grant that.

    On another note, /guildwar is an excellent feature on RP servers. That's where we used it most.


    Mod Edit: Copy pasted double post into this post and deleted double post, please use the edit function in future instead of posting a new post as it is against forum guidelines :)

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at August 24, 2016 5:47 PM PDT
    • 14 posts
    August 24, 2016 5:19 PM PDT

    Player prompted PVP such as duels and guild wars can be a lot of fun.  Don't think it necessarlily means a reward or something needs to be provided. Either a guild does it for fun, comraudery, glory, etc, or it doesn't.  Don't cofuse player prompted duels and RP war PVP with ranked PvP such as WoW battlegrounds.  Two very different animals.  

    Would be to see EQ style PVP. (Coming from a primarily PvE driven player)


    • 13 posts
    August 25, 2016 7:15 AM PDT

    DrBrewski said:

    Guilds being able to declare war on each other brings about a host of other inquiries, such as what would be the benefits to such a system? Would there be a prize for the victorious guild? How would you determine the victor? What exactly would you be fighting over (spawns? dungeons? castles?). How would you handle this type of Guild Wars system on PvE servers? I feel like this level of pvp deserves a game that is dedicated to providing that specific experience because of how complicated it would need to be for it to not feel like an afterthought.


    Not being a huge PVP player, I still enjoy the occasional duel with friends/guildies, therefore I am all for the /duel system.  

    As far as the /guildwar functionality, I think the reward/prize would just be a bragging rights.  Determining the victor: if the battle started out say, 20v20.  When a char. dies, then they get removed from the PVP, so they are unable to attack/be attacked and affect the remaining battle.  This will continue until one guild has remaining players and the other has been entirely defeated.

    BTW, @DrBrewski...amazing thumbnail :)

    This post was edited by jdusk8622 at August 25, 2016 7:16 AM PDT
    • 120 posts
    August 25, 2016 8:09 AM PDT

    I remember in GW2, we weren't given any actual guild war function, but people wanted it so badly that it became a very big thing in WvWvW. People would communicate with the server that they were warring against for that month, and they would arrange huge 20v20 or 10v10 fights with referees and everything.

    There were no rewards for this, as this wasn't even a function of the game. The players did this for fun.

    I also remember in TERA, guilds could declare war on each other, and then each member from the separate guilds was flagged for PvP for the other guild. You might think this would cause huge issues with griefing and ganking, but no, it never did in my experiences, and this was just a few years ago. Once again, the rewards for this were minimal at best, but the game did actually provide a guild versus guild function.


    I think duels are really fun and would absolutely be a boon to the game, and I think the same of guild wars. Neither duels nor guild wars have to offer some huge reward for winning, and of course, they should both be optional. If you don't want to duel, don't duel. If you don't want to guild war, join a guild that doesn't guild war.

    • 18 posts
    August 25, 2016 9:12 AM PDT
    In EQ, Guild Wars were not a frequent thing--at least as I remember. They were just another friendly aspect of the game. Also, the world was so vast that you wouldn't often stumble upon folks from guilds that you were warring with.
    • 118 posts
    August 25, 2016 9:31 AM PDT

    Trazick said: Hello all, Will there be any type of PVP/Dueling system (eg. /duel)? Also, will there be an option for a Guild Leader to /guildwar against another Guild Leader assuming he accepts? This would tag everyone in both respective guilds as hostile against each other for a specified period. I really miss this feature.

    This is from the Reddit chat Brad gave a few days ago.

    "We would very much like to launch with alternate ruleset servers. For sure we will launch with at least one, an open PvP server. How many alternate ruleset servers we have, however, is directly dependent on how many servers we have overall, which directly depends on how popular the game is."

    • 18 posts
    August 25, 2016 9:43 AM PDT
    Yea, I saw that chat. I'm moreso asking about PVP in a PVE server. I don't care for PVP servers, but the option to /duel and /guildwar would be nice to have for a PVE server. This is no different than EQ Classic.
    • 86 posts
    August 25, 2016 9:51 AM PDT

    /duel was fun and useful even on the PvP server I played on in EQ1.

    I hope they put it in also.


    • 334 posts
    August 28, 2016 9:42 PM PDT

    Agreed regarding /duel. It's just a basic feature that adds fun and variety during downtime, even for PvE servers. I see absolutely no reason to exclude it and would hope it's a feature from the start.

    • 18 posts
    February 1, 2017 9:09 PM PST

    I still do think a /guildwar option would be extremely fun.

    • 334 posts
    February 1, 2017 9:18 PM PST

    Is a /guildwar option essentially a command that would allow members of two guilds to engage in combat with each other, given both sides agree? I think that would be a pretty cool feature, and could allow for those with an interest in PvP on PvE servers to have their fun without inconveniencing others. I'm not too familiar with the nuances of it, though, i.e. if it's a permanent thing until one guild withdraws or is only enabled for a particular zone or what.

    • 18 posts
    February 1, 2017 9:39 PM PST

    Sicario said:

    Is a /guildwar option essentially a command that would allow members of two guilds to engage in combat with each other, given both sides agree? I think that would be a pretty cool feature, and could allow for those with an interest in PvP on PvE servers to have their fun without inconveniencing others. I'm not too familiar with the nuances of it, though, i.e. if it's a permanent thing until one guild withdraws or is only enabled for a particular zone or what.

    If I remember correctly, EQ had the option early on and I recall using it.  Basically, two guild leaders would agree to a /guildwar and it would flag both members of opposing guilds for a period of time chosen and agreed to by the guild leaders.  Anytime two people from opposing guilds saw each other, they'd be automatically flagged.  It was a super cool feature and promoted social interaction.

    • 334 posts
    February 1, 2017 9:45 PM PST

    Trazick said:

    If I remember correctly, EQ had the option early on and I recall using it.  Basically, two guild leaders would agree to a /guildwar and it would flag both members of opposing guilds for a period of time chosen and agreed to by the guild leaders.  Anytime two people from opposing guilds saw each other, they'd be automatically flagged.  It was a super cool feature and promoted social interaction.

    Seems like a cool feature, you could almost create pseudo-open world PvP experience on PvE servers if two guilds agreed to perma-maintain a /guildwars status, without bothering those who don't want a part of it. I haven't thought too deeply about it, though, and I'm sure there could be some valid objections to it.. but from my initial impressions, I could be for something like this.

    • 318 posts
    February 2, 2017 2:49 AM PST
    There will be no PvP on the PvE servers other than /duel and possibly in an arena type area like EQ1 had. The devs have been very firm on this.

    If you want to experience a guild war, come play on the FFA PvP server with us where every guild is at war! :)
    • 97 posts
    February 2, 2017 7:15 AM PST

    As a PvE player on a PvE server in a PvE focused game, there had darn well better not be ANY way to me to be included in any sort of PvP without my consent. Whatever they choose to do on PvP servers is fine, but on PvE I don't want to see anything beyond /duel or a voluntary arena/PVP zone.

    If you like guild war or larger scale PvP, I heard of a game once, I can't seem to remember the name... but I know it had something to do with guild wars... man I just wish I could remember what it was called.

    *edit for typos*

    This post was edited by Quintra at February 2, 2017 7:18 AM PST
    • 334 posts
    February 2, 2017 11:33 AM PST


    Agreed completely, I think any of the ideas being discussed are definitely not suggesting that any players on PvE servers be forced to engage in PvP without their consent.

    • 65 posts
    February 2, 2017 1:15 PM PST
    Don't forget that groups will be made from individuals from multiple guilds sometimes. If I'm in a group with some people from (Random Guild One) and some people from (Random Guild Two) happen by and the two guilds are at "war" what happens to my group? Are half my group members gonna be pvp flagged against the other guild? Am I going to be flagged just because I'm in a group with them even though I didn't know they were at war? I'd prefer this kind of thing be left on a pvp server...I'm fine with /duel and would probably use it myself, but leave any pvp that may affect the pve portion of the game on a dedicated server for those that enjoy it :)
    • 610 posts
    February 2, 2017 3:11 PM PST

    Sicario said:


    Agreed completely, I think any of the ideas being discussed are definitely not suggesting that any players on PvE servers be forced to engage in PvP without their consent.

    In the case of /guildwar you sure are, unless you /guildquit

    The only thing I would really want if they waste their time with this stuff, put in a toggle so I can ignore any and all /duel challeneges. Nothing more I hated than logging into a game like EQ2 and have some silly little ****** needing to prove his manhood spamming me with 50 /duel challenges.

    • 2886 posts
    February 3, 2017 9:47 AM PST

    Wellspring said: There will be no PvP on the PvE servers other than /duel and possibly in an arena type area like EQ1 had. The devs have been very firm on this.

    This is correct. There's not really any sense debating it, because this is the clear answer the devs have given multiple times.

    • 334 posts
    February 3, 2017 1:27 PM PST

    Sevens said:

    Sicario said:


    Agreed completely, I think any of the ideas being discussed are definitely not suggesting that any players on PvE servers be forced to engage in PvP without their consent.

    In the case of /guildwar you sure are, unless you /guildquit

    The only thing I would really want if they waste their time with this stuff, put in a toggle so I can ignore any and all /duel challeneges. Nothing more I hated than logging into a game like EQ2 and have some silly little ****** needing to prove his manhood spamming me with 50 /duel challenges.

    I'm quite positive that toggles to ignore duels have existed in previous games and would not be difficult to implement. Nor would it be difficult to make a system that made sure that everyone participating in a /guildwar scenario was consenting. Options are good, and there are ways to provide options for many players without inconveniencing others. Certainly features like this would be far from a waste of time considering how basic they are in their nature.