Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

My List of things I would like to see

    • 147 posts
    August 12, 2016 1:31 PM PDT
       1. Hell Levels.  ( bring back hell levels they give a sense of accomplishment making it thru them )

    2. Individual Itemization. (items should be unique )

    3. Everything Attackable. ( adds flavor and risk )

    4. Line of Sight.  ( Soon as youre out of LOS, it should block any spell casting or song from effecting you )

    5. First Person View.( If you want an immersive game experience, scrolling out you watch the character, FPV you see through the characters eyes ) 

    6. Character Collision. ( for grouped players this will give you another way to add flavor to encounters  )

    7. GM Events. ( Random spontaneous events of all level ranges never planned, players really liked these random interactions )

    8. Xp Bar Control.  ( You can set it to a % to slow leveling and wait for friends and still be able to adventure )

    9. Spell Components. ( A spell doesn’t consume its material components unless its description says it does but bring needing them back. Bat wings, bone chips, fish scales etc.. can give casters a pouch just for spell components, also creates player interaction, higher level players buying from lower levels )

    10. Tracking. ( Classes with this skill, should not just get a list to click on and then it just guides you to it. When tracking you gain skill ups for using it, have it work like perception you following tracks but only know if its humanoid or beast til you see it )


    This post was edited by Obliquity at August 16, 2016 10:32 AM PDT
    • 434 posts
    August 12, 2016 1:34 PM PDT
    I'd make no hand holding after lvl 8. Its free to play from 10 up I think. Let the free to play peeps know what it feels like.
    Good list!

    Sent via mobile

    • 9115 posts
    August 12, 2016 5:59 PM PDT

    We do have a thread similar to this but it is what people don't want to see, I would personally much rather see threads like this as it helps us with development more so feel free to add to this folks. I have however changed the title to reflect more of what is in the thread as "My List" could refer to anything and when the devs or myself are trying to locate information we would skip past a title like that. ;)

    • 668 posts
    August 12, 2016 10:59 PM PDT

    My list: (not in priority order)

    1.  Large list of fun emotes with gestures

    2.  Rare spawn NPCs throughout entire world that drop unique appearance gear or items 

    3.  Limited fast travel (earned first time thru)

    4.  Mix of NPC levels within same zone, abilities to impair you, creates caution and danger

    5.  No mob tethering (unless raid or intended for a unique encounter) splitting, controlling or separating mobs is great.

    6.  Limited map guidance.  Would love a system where player builds skill or can fill in notes

    7.   I was a fan of color coded NPC titles by level versus your Level.  (RED for mobs 4 levels or more above you)

    8.  Large underwater possibilities which lead to other areas or provide fun exploration or unique encounters.

    9.  Unique fighting encounters instead of auto attacking.  Timed interrupts, controlling haste, removing damage shields, directional positioning (other aggro) etc...

    10. Death stings..  Exp loss of some kind that scales higher if you die many times in a row (until max death penalty is reached). One death within a time limit does not hurt as bad

    11. Night time is truly dark.  Off set lights shimmer, you need torches or magic abilities to see better in dark places.  I am ready to be very scared!

    This post was edited by Pyye at August 12, 2016 11:01 PM PDT
    • 434 posts
    August 13, 2016 7:04 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    We do have a thread similar to this but it is what people don't want to see, I would personally much rather see threads like this as it helps us with development more so feel free to add to this folks. I have however changed the title to reflect more of what is in the thread as "My List" could refer to anything and when the devs or myself are trying to locate information we would skip past a title like that. ;)

    Well I can start a list, but it might need a part two.


    1.  Omg COMBAT. My favorite thing. No more only auto attack. Develops npcs with fighting styles players have to adapt and learn from. 

    2.  Some subtle LGBT representation. Diversity in any form is important to me.

    3. Armor that covers the body equally between genders.

    4. Customization in character creation to include androgynous options.

    5.  Multi-layered abilities. Versitile abilities that don't step on other classes toes.

    6. Mix of npc lvls in zones

    7. Turtles and tortoises. ❤

    8.  Deco-slot, transmogrification, glamour, whatever you call it. I want to customize the look of my characters armor so things match.

    9.  Spell effects and abilities in melee classes to look just as breathtaking and powerful as those in a caster class.

    10. Truly fun gameplay for healers and tanks.


    That's it for now.


    Sent via mobile






    This post was edited by tehtawd at August 13, 2016 8:07 AM PDT
    • 1 posts
    August 13, 2016 12:32 PM PDT

    I hope so that the Druid or Wizards are the only ones that can offer a gate

    • 2756 posts
    August 13, 2016 2:27 PM PDT

    Raluvas0000 said: I hope so that the Druid or Wizards are the only ones that can offer a gate


    • 31 posts
    August 13, 2016 2:55 PM PDT

    I agree with the ideas already posted but can add some.

    Player gate -  I would like each class being able to gate to bind point but only some classes can bind you. You can only be bound in some places and only some classes can teleport self or others.  

    Targeting - Being able to click a mob, NPC or player to target them. Being able to use tab, f1-f6, keys for target of targets target etc. Cycling through NPC or PC using keyboard keys. Being able to use target messages, "Incoming %t, kill it now!".

    Raid Content - Have raids that expand beyond tank and spank. With each class having special skills they bring to the table have the raid content draw on those skills. I spent most of my raid EQ life as a cleric staring at a wall to avoid lag interrupting my heal in the rotation. Or as an Enchanter tashing and slowing with little content that really engaged my class (yes there was a few that allowed a chanter to shine). As much as I loved it at the time, I would like more class engaging raids.

    Gear choices - Allow casters a choice to escape from a life of robes. Casters normally wear cloth and this somehow ends up beings spun into robes. Why can't the same cloth be made into shirts and pants?

    Crafting - Being able to craft items that players will want and seek you out to get. I like the idea of being able to gather or loot something for crafting and going to a crafter and having it made. Even expanding this to no drop items where a window is opened between the crafter and the person with the item allowing the crafter to create a no drop item for you.

    Gathering - I love gathering. I often get distracted when adventuring and I see something in the environment that I can gather. Gathering also encourages people to get out and explore. It also allows a distraction when you're moving through zones or waiting for a party to get together. And yes fishing rocks! Lol

    Caravan system - It has been mentioned in some of the interviews that there's thought of a caravan system that allows players who are grouping together to stay connected even when one member may be off-line. While I'm not completely sure how the mechanics of this would work I did like the idea. I think a mechanic that helps keep players connected while not breaking the immersion and exploration of the game is an excellent way to keep groups working together.




    This post was edited by AlexisSummerwood at August 13, 2016 2:57 PM PDT
    • 2756 posts
    August 13, 2016 4:03 PM PDT

    It's very important to have some way to play with my group of RL friends. Perhaps *the most* important feature for some - this has stopped many of my friends from getting into MMORPGs that otherwise would have. This should eradicate Power-levelling and twinking! Yup, I said it.

    Subtle High-Fantasy Style
    Immersion is absolutely essential for an RPG for me. I want to feel part of a world. Simply, stuff in the game needs to be lore-based and it needs to 'make sense' within the parameters of High-Fantasy. This often comes as a set of 'donts' unfortunately: No 'cutesy' graphics styling (the Azura race in GW2 is a prime example. Hobbits/Gnomes are on the line). No 'modern era' references (goblins on motorcycles, etc in WoW). No genre mixing (space-craft, cowboys, ninjas etc). Magic should not ooze glowing out of every person and environment. Armorer's should not have access to neon pink dyes. Low-level magic should not look like an accident in Merlin's lab. Low-level warriors should not be whirling like a liquidiser blade. Low-level rogues should not be performing triple-backflips while throwing a stream of knives.

    PvE Only
    The game should be about players cooperating to defeat in-game content. Play-nice guidelines or game mechanics should make real-life player vs player conflict unecessary and undesirable. Yup, I'm a carebear and I don't need that stress in my RPG life (I play Battlefield if I'm in the mood to 'beat' or 'kill' people). Contention should be considered a by-product of Open-World and its negative effects minimised and mitigated.

    Adventuring Parity
    I would like to see fundamental adventuring activities somewhat 'equalized' across classes. Restricting fast travel, resurrection, binding, fast run-speed, etc to certain classes, in EQ, was often unecessarily irritating/boring for both the beggar of that ability and beggee. Sure, leave Evac, combat-resurrection, gating - specific uses of those fundamental activities - to certain classes, but please equalize the fundamentals of 'adventuring'.
    I'd prefer not to have to fiddle with spell components and other paraphernalia, but if spell casters need components just to operate their skills then warriors should need sharpening stones and armor oil and rogues should need picks and tools and rangers should need fletching, etc.

    Restricted Fast Travel
    Make a careful network of ley-lines between druid rings (or equivalent) for major routes only. Usable by all classes, once they've unlocked the far end on foot.
    No summoning of group members that avoids content (Summoning to fixed 'campfires' as dev designated points perhaps).
    I like boats, but however realistic and immersive, please no 45 minute waits.

    Restricted Mounts
    I'm not a fan of mounts unless subtle and of very limited power. The fixed horse routes in LotRO were pretty good. Hire one for a particular journey. Hop off half way if you like, but the horse runs home. No 'summoning' a horse from nowhere, galloping past 100 monsters, jummping off and diving into a dungeon to find it's fine to 'summon' your horse again when you get out.

    Class Parity
    Add some interest and utility to classes traditionally lacking (Tanks and Healers). You can have interdependency without making classes boring or ineffectual on an individual basis. No, not everyone should be able to do everything equally. Yes, everyone should have something to do in equivalent situations.

    Cosmetic Slots
    I very much like to have my character look more subtle and muted than a lot of others. I often find the look of 'prestige' items are over-the-top or weird, but I don't wish to gimp myself just to avoid it, so it becomes an irritation. Cosmetic slots make it an irritation I can avoid.
    You should only be able to slot something you can and have worn, though, and you should have to 'consume' the item to get the facility (to avoid 'borrowing' looks you haven't earned).

    I don't find getting lost exciting or heroic, but I do find exploring and learning my way around fun, so something very limited would be good, even something you have to learn how to do well. No minimap is needed, but I would like Wiki maps replaced with something more immersive even if it's more limited. A basic self-filling map that I can make notes on would be fine. No "you are here" pointer, unless via some spell or ability.
    In a game where my hero can battle dragons, why should sense of direction be limited to my RL one confounded by a GUI?

    It's exciting being scared in the dark and lighting effects are very cool and immersive, but (in EQ) once you find certain races can see in the dark not being able to see is just annoying most of the time.
    If racial night-vision is available, make it very limited so that everyone has lighting challenges and everyone is encouraged to find/craft/share the solutions.

    Quest lines
    Class quests like the monk epic gave a purpose from level 1 to 50 - it was great. You don't need many quests as long as the ones you have are good.
    I like quest hubs and they make sense: When you explore a new area and meet sentient beings they may just trade but if you want to hang around you may have to do things for them to gain their favour or simply to earn your place there. Hunting local game or monsters. Defending against enemies. Once you are known as a trusted and capable adventurer, you may be entrusted with more sensitive and difficult tasks. Once you've defeated their direst enemies you probably move on to another place looking for more adventure.
    Quest 'hubs' should be used to help you explore and meet the content an area has to offer. Sure there should be secrets you need to explore further on your own to find - I think the disenchantment with 'quest hub' lead games has come from the extent to which you are hand-held these days.
    The concept is good. The execution needs care and subtlety.

    Quest Journal
    I don't think it's heroic or fun to not be able to remember stuff. Yes, this is a 'convenience' but they don't all ruin the genre. Just a simple recording of what was said - no hints or summaries that make the important stuff obvious, just an aid to my RL memory.

    Limited Hand-Holding
    I think a lot of the problems with modern MMOs came from swinging from almost no hand-holding all the way over to holding your hand and pulling you around by the nose whilst wiping your bottom.
    Quest hubs and lines and whatnot give immersion and a sense of purpose that is great, but not everything has to be transparent and obvious. Things should quickly get murky and sparse once the player has been given opportunity to appreciate how 'things work' in the game world.
    Class quests should introduce you to the mechanics and skills of your class. Hub quests should introduce you to the area and it's community. Epic quests should introduce you to your path to greatness. Introduce you and then set you free.

    Auction House
    An auction house that gives historic price analysis and teleports items all over the world is too much. None at all is painful.
    A simple system:
    You go to a hub to make a For Sale / Wanted entry (for a price?)
    Others go to a hub and look at the listing of For Sale / Wanted entries (orderable/filterable).
    You contact the entry 'owner'.
    You agree a deal.
    You fetch items/cash.
    You travel. You meet. You trade.
    Traders/Crafters may congregate at the hub.
    People may auction 'manually' to avoid fees.

    • 2138 posts
    August 13, 2016 4:39 PM PDT

    1. Impresive cultural and deity/atheist specific craftable armor.

           a. in-game literature that hints at real benefits, so if the cookbook states that bog juice goes really will with snake rolls- and the book has the snake roll recipe, let Bog-juice and snake roll combinaiton have a hidden benefit ( not slowing down in a swamp for instance). Or for the newbies, edible goo and squeezed water (lasts a bit longer- doesnt get eaten as fast) 

    2. Have the non-historical in game lore/literature actually point to something in game. If there is a story about a famous wizard and his staff that got shattered- have the piece of the shattered wizards staff, somewhere in game and if possible make it special and not just a stick with a name.

    3. If there is a bind affinity ability- have it only in Cities or towns (or ruined cities) and castable only by one or two classes- but have other options available (Thurg potion, OT hammer for instance)

    4. A death penalty with exp, gear loss and naked corpse runs- however within the parameters of the new game as designed by the Devs.

    5. Intuitive quest responses for those not bracketed. Don't have the NPC say "kiss" and have it mean Eruds tonic.

    6. Class Balance (heh). People should not believe they are a good player because they happened to choose an accidentally overpowered class like necro or bard.

    7. animations that help the char understand the new weapon skill- for instance if the new learned skill is "whirlwind blade"  have the animation show it is a AoE type of effect so warriors learn not to use it in a raid (whipping the sword over the head and around you in a circular arc hitting anything in your blades path). This is also part of combat fighting styles- when to use what and why.

    8. Have 2 types of AoE spells, one that eminates from you, and one that rains down. Let the rains hurt only the caster if the caster has no sense to....come out of the rain; powerful, but deadly. Only certain situations will call for "rains" and you dont know what those situations are, you have to discern what the certain situations might be. the AoE radiate out from you, and not hurt the caster. 

    9. Only a few pet classes, but those pet classes need to be unique in fighting style. A shaman should never be able to fight like a mage (sending the pet in and sitting back).

    10. Have reagents for popular spells and crucial for large events (loot rules: clerics get the gems- especially the peridots) This will also help mudflation a bit because  in game money will have to be spent on these reagents.

    11. Behind the scenes, well paid and comfortable VRI employees that seek out, destroy and ban RMT'ers plat sellers, Character transfers with intent to spoil a market on another server, And avatar ebayers. ( I expect you to be the same person in game, forever in game, when I see you in game not someone else who is suddenly aloof)


    This post was edited by Manouk at August 13, 2016 4:42 PM PDT
    • 395 posts
    August 13, 2016 5:33 PM PDT

    1. Player Character dependency (dependency increases with advanced level).
    2. Deep, immersive faction system (lore dependent, meaningful, congruent with all gameplay not simply a stand-alone element).
    3. Highly explorable world (dwellings, caves, limited invisible walls).
    4. Crafting centric throughout.
    5. Exciting, variable combat (every battle should not be the same as the one before in terms of execution).
    6. Complex AI (mobs don't wander in same patterns always).
    7. Death penalty is serious.
    8. Profound & diverse character development and creation.
    9. Limited fast or instant travel (we should have to huff it most of the way).
    10. In game personal journal (notes, player created maps, mob & faction info, etc).
    11. Top notch graphics, art, design, lighting throughout (I want to be wow'ed all the time).
    12. Puzzles, rituals, holidays (lore specific), GM events, rare and inclusive zone wide events).
    13. Decreased redundency.
    14. Strong guild functions.
    15. Strong player character/class individuality or uniqueness.
    16. Boat and caravan travel (make it so somtimes something goes wrong - Cthontic entities or raiders attack midway).
    17. PvP servers.
    18. No powerleveling (place limits on high level buff casting i.e. buffs cast within 10 level range stick, others will not).
    19. Cosmetic slots (stat-less glamour/fluff items are created by crafters).
    20. Plenty of epic quest lines (not just the 'Epic Quest') link to story and lore.
    21. Epic Quests are grueling, time-consuming, and very difficult to achieve.

    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2016 7:52 PM PDT

    So maybe a better idea is to keep it restricted to no more than 10 things you would like to see and exclude our tenets, vision, Pantheon difference and already announced features, systems, and mechanics to avoid bloat. A lot of this stuff being posted we have already announced or have listed in our  plans for Pantheon or we have 5+ threads on them already, lol.

    New or evolved ideas would be appreciated over already discussed topics if possible as most of this stuff has already been listed as what we will be doing or passed onto the dev team and discussed. ;)

    • 434 posts
    August 13, 2016 9:16 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    So maybe a better idea is to keep it restricted to no more than 10 things you would like to see and exclude our tenets, vision, Pantheon difference and already announced features, systems, and mechanics to avoid bloat. A lot of this stuff being posted we have already announced or have listed in our  plans for Pantheon or we have 5+ threads on them already, lol.

    New or evolved ideas would be appreciated over already discussed topics if possible as most of this stuff has already been listed as what we will be doing or passed onto the dev team and discussed. ;)


    My husbands top ten below.


    1) Player Housing & Guild Housing

    2) Healing class with a pet who's function is for healing

    3)  Spell visuals that upgrade and become better as you level the spell up (or you yourself level up)

    4) Magical classes should be using their staff, wand, focus (etc) weapon, to cast their spells. 

    5) The ability to change how your gear looks so it matches (deco slot/transmog/glamor etc)

    6) Epic class questlines

    7) Stunning and visually beautiful environments. (He likes white angelic scenery, royal palaces and castles, nature landscapes, spring and fall for how colorful they are.

    8) A zone (or zones) that are up in the sky (omg..the falling damage). (he also said 'or' underwater zones.)

    9) Lots of options for customizations (some slider bars (not too many) but more importantly tons of hairstyles tons of faces) and ingame barber

    10) Actual night and day and seasons. Night is DARK, you need torches and lights. Have murky mornings with fog you can barely see through. Winter with blizzards that slow you. etc. (he wants all the seasons and weathers)


    -Todd (and Jeff)








    • 72 posts
    August 13, 2016 9:30 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    Raluvas0000 said: I hope so that the Druid or Wizards are the only ones that can offer a gate


    • 72 posts
    August 13, 2016 9:31 PM PDT

    Because it added a character meaning and substance to their class...I rolled a druid just to offer SOW and help people get around. It is great that they can do it and you can not. I am all for this!!!

    On the up side it made you envious that people were making plat selling and being sluts with ports and fast travel. On the down chose your class...lets see those other two tank anything...

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at August 14, 2016 3:00 AM PDT
    • 72 posts
    August 13, 2016 9:34 PM PDT

    Manouk said:

    1. Impresive cultural and deity/atheist specific craftable armor.

           a. in-game literature that hints at real benefits, so if the cookbook states that bog juice goes really will with snake rolls- and the book has the snake roll recipe, let Bog-juice and snake roll combinaiton have a hidden benefit ( not slowing down in a swamp for instance). Or for the newbies, edible goo and squeezed water (lasts a bit longer- doesnt get eaten as fast) 

    2. Have the non-historical in game lore/literature actually point to something in game. If there is a story about a famous wizard and his staff that got shattered- have the piece of the shattered wizards staff, somewhere in game and if possible make it special and not just a stick with a name.

    3. If there is a bind affinity ability- have it only in Cities or towns (or ruined cities) and castable only by one or two classes- but have other options available (Thurg potion, OT hammer for instance)

    4. A death penalty with exp, gear loss and naked corpse runs- however within the parameters of the new game as designed by the Devs.

    5. Intuitive quest responses for those not bracketed. Don't have the NPC say "kiss" and have it mean Eruds tonic.

    6. Class Balance (heh). People should not believe they are a good player because they happened to choose an accidentally overpowered class like necro or bard.

    7. animations that help the char understand the new weapon skill- for instance if the new learned skill is "whirlwind blade"  have the animation show it is a AoE type of effect so warriors learn not to use it in a raid (whipping the sword over the head and around you in a circular arc hitting anything in your blades path). This is also part of combat fighting styles- when to use what and why.

    8. Have 2 types of AoE spells, one that eminates from you, and one that rains down. Let the rains hurt only the caster if the caster has no sense to....come out of the rain; powerful, but deadly. Only certain situations will call for "rains" and you dont know what those situations are, you have to discern what the certain situations might be. the AoE radiate out from you, and not hurt the caster. 

    9. Only a few pet classes, but those pet classes need to be unique in fighting style. A shaman should never be able to fight like a mage (sending the pet in and sitting back).

    10. Have reagents for popular spells and crucial for large events (loot rules: clerics get the gems- especially the peridots) This will also help mudflation a bit because  in game money will have to be spent on these reagents.

    11. Behind the scenes, well paid and comfortable VRI employees that seek out, destroy and ban RMT'ers plat sellers, Character transfers with intent to spoil a market on another server, And avatar ebayers. ( I expect you to be the same person in game, forever in game, when I see you in game not someone else who is suddenly aloof)


    only thing i disagree with is "choosing" an OP class. Not everyone could weave spells and keep it going without carpal still waiting for the lawsuit to SOE. a great bard was great and knew it!, you could not pick up the class and be good.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at August 14, 2016 3:01 AM PDT
    • 8 posts
    August 13, 2016 11:04 PM PDT

    Mine, though a lot, no, most, borrowed from others in support of their wishes as I feel similarly or agree with the idea.
    I'm sorry if I'm repeating a lot here Kilsin but I am sure you can easily sort through the things that are already decided on.
    It's also good to get an idea of how many are in favour of certain stuff, so repeating is only a way to show support for the crew and indicate how many are in favour of things.

    No Handholding
    - From after whatever level ends introduction to the game, 5 or 6 maybe.

    Mostly Individual Itemisation
    - Craft materials should not be of course, nor most potions and foods, and some generic weapons and armours will probably be needed like Iron Shortsword or Cedar Longbow, but named items should be unique I think. Somewhat like in Diablo II where even those things with the same names had different final abilities, pre- and suffixes to names, and so on, so not everyone is trying to get the one and only "Azgod's Breastplate" that drops from the latest and hardest raid.

    Item progression
    - is a completely different thing and I would like to see where one can keep the same items for a longer while. The simplest way being that items had more stats but only unlocked by the characters progression in level and skills and maybe even affinity or bonding with the item (lowest denomination what is unlocked). Sme stats maybe only unlocked by quests, or crafting, or somehow gaining an insight into the potential abilities of objects.

    Faction System
    - But more along the way I wrote about in my first ever post here, at least when it came to killing.

    GM Events
    - Fun and unique. Nopt only for top levels though, mixing it up so newer players and lower level characters get a feel of it too.

    Limited/Restricted Fast Travel.

    Unique Character Speeds
    - Never liked that all characters, from the smallest Halfling to the biggest Giant, had the exact same walk and running speeds, BUT when one got mounts there were varied speeds suddenly. If it's meant to keep all characters equal fast so no one could run too much ahead, or get "first" to a mob, then mounts should also have the same speeds as all other mounts or the whole concept is broken anyway.
    I would like to see walk and running speeds determined by first Race, then height (and/or gender but preferably not), then Class (physical training in different areas, rangers being faster in general and casters slower), then stats, then my carried armour type (movement restrictions), and finally by carried weight. Or something along those lines at least.

    Different Types of Mounts
    - Even if no flying mounts then horses as we know them are probably unique to our world. Other worlds would have other kinds of mounts.
    And no generic speeds there either, maybe even have each mount have a unique speed (or some hidden stats that change the speeds and can't be trained along with a stat or two that are vissible and trainable).

    Communal Transport
    - Waiting with others = good, and a way to get to a new "safe place" without the need for hard travel over land or sea. Not free though, cost to enter waiting area.
    Also a good way to get a town to be a central hub with several trasnports available from it, along with shops and auctions and markets and such.

    Tracking/Perception Skill
    -Adding to the Perception System already in place, learning to use it within the limits of your Class. A low level Ranger should not be able to differentiate between the sounds of the wings of a Golden-Maned Griffon and a Black-Clawed Griffon. Or a spell caster being able to sense the difference in magic energy from a fireball or a lightning (though if in visible range other clues should tell that...).

    Large list of Fun Character Emotion-motions
    - Just because it's fun.

    Mixed Zone Levels
    - As in an own thread, make each zone have various levels within it, not always "naturally progressing" as per game standards.

    Mob Mentality
    - Not only make a mob more difficult by increasing stats but also make an area dangerous because when you draw a mob, even if small and rather easy on it's own, it calls for 20+ friends that swarm.
    On the same note:

    AOE Damage Friendlies
    - AoE spells and abilities should be carefully used as they are very powerful with their total massive damages, and unless there is a good reason for friendlies to be immune to the effect they should take damage too.

    Death Stings
    - Rather steep penalties to death, but only once every 30 minutes (or reduces death penalty the second time, even more so the third time, and even more so the fourth, and none the fifth and onwards, wihin an hour of the first death) so that you have a "free attempt" to retry what you failed the first time.

    Darkest Nights
    - Without light sources or a very bright moon night should be really dark, and in moon light "black and white" and still very dark. Some races might ahve better night vision and able to see better though.
    In dungeouns without light sources it shoudl also be very dark, pitch-black even, again some race might have infrared vision or something though.
    Reduce effect of changing Gamma during night time by making black black instead of subtle differences that can be made clear with gamma changes.

    No "Grey Mobs" or Showing of Levels.
    - Level, apart from increasing your HP and Mana and such a little, should not be a major factor and mobs x-levels above you being impossible to hit and x-levels below not being able to hit you at all is just ridiculous.
    Put hit ability and dodge/eveade/block ability in Skills instead, not in level difference, and also remove mobs abilities to see the elvel of a character and "know" if to avoid or not. Big sword being frightening is one thing but levels are "invisible".
    The Perception system, or "having killed x amount of said mob" teaching a character teh abilities of a mob is a better one to use than being able to click on a mob and read what level it is.

    Limited Map Guidance
    - Ability to add own notes, having areas show what's in them after having been there enough time (here be Grey Wolves, Bush-Tailed Foxes, Angry Griffons (later updated to Black-Clawed Griffons after more knowledge is gained))
    Map not filled in from start, except in very broad outline. Being able to easily see if you've explored an area at all or not.

    Realistic Armour
    - Not a Bikini Armour for women fighters, and not armour that follows the contours of the chest area on girls. Padding and armour on top of that naturally flattens the chest area on women so it's only a lesser bulge, not contour tracing.

    Gear Customisation
    - Possibly with the use of Crafting to take an item and change it's appearance, not to have "Custom Look Slots" that have the character use one gear and show another.

    Raid Content
    - Beyond Spank and Tank, use unique abilities in some classes to make something slightly easier but not a "have to".

    Sell Crafting Services
    - Being able to sell your skill as a crafter, having people come with their materials and open a "craft for" window (so you can't steal their stuff) where they add the materials and the payment and you craft the item or customisation and the item comes to them when done.
    Of course crafting and selling of generic or high end stuff too, on markets and maybe in shops.

    - Always good. Grouping with a lower level character and having your own level reduced to match while doing so, given very slight bonuses to the party when doing a Mentoring Party. Bonuses NOT being added XP but things like reduced penalty for dying as the mentor teachies how not to, slight percentage increase in trophy drops as the mentor knows more on how to get good loot, slight increase in material gains like skins and teeth and bones and whatever materials a mob can have, and so on.

    No Powerleveling
    - Adding to my Mentor suggestions buffs cast on players should also be depending on how well the Character receiveing the buff can handle the buff, so a lower level character would get less bonus from the "+HP buff" the Cleric casts than a higher level character.

    Subtle High-Fantasy Style
    - From displsalost's post: "Immersion is absolutely essential for an RPG for me. I want to feel part of a world. Simply, stuff in the game needs to be lore-based and it needs to 'make sense' within the parameters of High-Fantasy. This often comes as a set of 'donts' unfortunately: No 'cutesy' graphics styling (the Azura race in GW2 is a prime example. Hobbits/Gnomes are on the line). No 'modern era' references (goblins on motorcycles, etc in WoW). No genre mixing (space-craft, cowboys, ninjas etc). Magic should not ooze glowing out of every person and environment. Armorer's should not have access to neon pink dyes. Low-level magic should not look like an accident in Merlin's lab. Low-level warriors should not be whirling like a liquidiser blade. Low-level rogues should not be performing triple-backflips while throwing a stream of knives."
    Very much seconded.

    Quest Lines
    - Class Quest Lines are Storybuilding and good for immersion. Maybe add Race Quest story lines too but starting at a higher level.
    Though "Quest hubs" available for everyone when reaching a new area are bland, not good, having hints to where one can go to explore and find interesting areas should be in the "hub". Quest for gaining Factions Standing and places to hand in trophies for Factin Standing should be around in every place a Faction has a foothold. Faction Quests and Quest Lines can be opened up once sufficient Faction Standing is reached so to get a "Quest Hub" in the area some work is required.

    More Epic Quest Lines
    - Difficult ones linking to Story and Lore, maybe also to Classes and Factions.

    Quest Journal
    - From displsalost's post: "I don't think it's heroic or fun to not be able to remember stuff. Yes, this is a 'convenience' but they don't all ruin the genre. Just a simple recording of what was said - no hints or summaries that make the important stuff obvious, just an aid to my RL memory."
    Agreed, not some changed version that is only confusing but an actual exact copy of what was said in the first place. Adding what NPC gave it too, and from what area too.

    No Global Auction House.
    - Immersion killing. Have each town have it's own marketplace where you can set things for sale instead, or only a few main cities having one, for that city, needing travel too to sell and buy there.

    Class (Im)Balance
    - No Class should be able to totally overpower other classes and be "more worth" in any situation, but should still be better in their area than other classes. More developing a group mentality than worrying about PvP balance.
    One on one a Tank should barely take any damage, maybe increase damage per amount of mobs on the Tank as it's more difficult to blocka nd parry and evade and dodge attacks from multiple opponents
    It would also be fun and interesting if there were Melee Tanks and Magic Tanks, with a mage being the one trying to take agro from magic casters (and said magic casters taking less damage from the mages magic too) and Warriors taking agro from physical damage mobs.

    Variable Combat
    - Each encounter needing different approach, or type of mobs needing different approach, so you can't just do teh exact same thing every time. Not only is taht like grinding, it's also a way to make "click and win" scenarios.

    Diverse Character Development
    - Being able to choose different paths with a class without one path being "the best".

    In Game Personal Journal
    - This I like. Would be great if able to link notes to Quests and Maps and NPCs and Player Characters too.


    • 243 posts
    August 14, 2016 12:05 AM PDT

    1.  A robust character creation, I want to make my character look unique.

    2.  Good mob AI, make them a challenge.

    3.  Make nighttime scary, it should be dark and difficult to travel.

    4.  A complex faction system that makes what you do meaningful.

    5.  Gaining experience should be much slower than current titles.

    6.  Interesting and rewarding quest lines.

    7.  Fun emotes and character animations.

    8.  Armor that is stylish and matches, rather than looking like you fell into a pile of cast offs for 20 levels.

    9.  Classes that are unique and interesting to play that each bring different skill sets to a group.

    10.  Immersive music and environmental sounds. 


    • 200 posts
    August 14, 2016 5:52 AM PDT

    1. Enough content for a big server community.

    2. Under water content. Yes, i like swimming. :)

    3. Options, how to solve problems/quests in the game. Deus Ex is a good example. :)

    4. No hand holding, questing on rails, quest hub driven leveling. 

    5. A good character creation tool, which can make the character look unique. Good examples: TESO, Aion. Bad examples: all Everquest games.

    6. Big distinctions between the classes. A warlock should be a really other class than a mage. And not a mage-like class with other animation and other spell effects.

    7. Tactical combat. A fire spell should not make damage to fire elementals. And the fire elemental could have a special weakness against ice- or water-spells. 

    8. Really hard raid content. Raid bosses, that have many abilities, you have to counter them, many hitpoints and hitting hard. So the raid should play very well to beat them.

    9. A very flexible UI or an addon API.

    10. Class specific quests. I liked them in World of Warcraft. Rogues had some special quests, paladins too etc.



    This post was edited by Larirawiel at August 14, 2016 6:47 AM PDT
    • 178 posts
    August 14, 2016 6:22 AM PDT

    Attributes matter - every single modifiable attribute matters. If it doesn't have an impact in the game then don't include it as being able to be modified at character creation or with spells or with item modifiers - spend time and resources on attributes that do matter. It certainly makes it more of an effort to design and implement rather than simple generic mathematical formulae for everything at all times but not impossible and it is quite doable (it will depend on the I/O streams in what is passed and that may have already been established so perhaps not much can be done about it at this stage).

    I would like to see an Auto-attack that allows for modifications during combat and not twitch related (slower combat pace like what existed in EQ). Not so painfully slow that it is an exercise in wondering if we're still on 400 baud modems or not, but also not so fast that it becomes a matter of twitch or macro programming or mashing buttons. Using bard songs as an example, a three second timer did make it possible to adjust songs as necessary given the situation and circumstance. Timers on special attacks like Backstab or Kick while nice also did become a bit of mashing buttons albeit slowly at the rate of the timer. But perhaps Kick being an offensive maneuver could have an opposite defensive maneuver such as a Stance being a defensive maneuver that could increase Block and Dodge instead of an extra offensive attack. Similar timers so that hitting one affects the ability to use the other (maybe even having different timers and not the exact same timer). But it could allow for an ability to modify what is going on during the encounter. Perhaps Backstab could be countered with a Flash or Distraction maneuver temporarily distracting the opponent increasing their chance to miss for a couple of moments. Just spitballing here. But I believe the slower combat is necessary for MMPORPG to allow for strategizing during encounters - especially as a group - and differentiates the game from other twitch and button mashing games. Even Taunt could have an alternative - perhaps a timer modifier on the other specials when not taunting.

    • 180 posts
    August 14, 2016 8:08 AM PDT

    My top 10:


    1. Challenging gameplay with Limited soloing.  Forced grouping is what this is all about and is tied in directly to making the game challenging.


    2.  Epic dungeons.  Give us a real sense of accomplishment working our way to the bottom of a certain dungeons.


    3. In-depth faction system.  I love faction systems and I want them to matter.


    4. Rare, Unique items.  This almost goes without saying but I want to look at an awesome item I see someone carrying and set goals to obtain that item.


    5. Death mechanics that matter.  Death should matter at all stages of the game and never be trivialised.  


    6 . Slow Ieveling.  I don't want to be max level in a few months.  Even though I have less time to play than I used to, I want the game to keep me busy for a long time. I do enjoy the journey more than the destination.


    7. Alternative Advancement.  Give me other ways to advance my character besides obtaining the next level.


    8. Quests that are worth doing.  If I'm going to spend time questing. Rather than blowing through the next level. I should be rewarded for that.


    9 . Limited camping. Please avoid boring mechanics like sitting in one spot for hours, camping one spawn to advance my character.


    10.  Lots of high level/endgame group content. I enjoy this more than raiding, personally.  And I don't want to be forced into a raiding guild to advance my character further.  



    This post was edited by Thanakos at August 14, 2016 8:09 AM PDT
    • 395 posts
    August 14, 2016 8:30 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    So maybe a better idea is to keep it restricted to no more than 10 things you would like to see and exclude our tenets, vision, Pantheon difference and already announced features, systems, and mechanics to avoid bloat. A lot of this stuff being posted we have already announced or have listed in our  plans for Pantheon or we have 5+ threads on them already, lol.

    New or evolved ideas would be appreciated over already discussed topics if possible as most of this stuff has already been listed as what we will be doing or passed onto the dev team and discussed. ;)

    Sorry Kilsin. I thought it was a free for all. I quess that cuts down my list of 21 to perhaps less than 10? ;)

    • 147 posts
    August 14, 2016 3:24 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    So maybe a better idea is to keep it restricted to no more than 10 things you would like to see and exclude our tenets, vision, Pantheon difference and already announced features, systems, and mechanics to avoid bloat. A lot of this stuff being posted we have already announced or have listed in our  plans for Pantheon or we have 5+ threads on them already, lol.

    New or evolved ideas would be appreciated over already discussed topics if possible as most of this stuff has already been listed as what we will be doing or passed onto the dev team and discussed. ;)

    Top 10 with a short explanation, if you want to expand on or discuss it, search the forum first, if no thread start one.

    Would be easier to scan through, so youre not adding something already listed.

    This post was edited by Obliquity at August 14, 2016 3:33 PM PDT
    • 839 posts
    August 14, 2016 5:38 PM PDT

    1. Less AoE Damage than is in the current MMO's , not everyone should AoE so it doesnt become a round em up and AoE em down tactic for every fight.

    2. Tanks taunt should be calculated as a skill that builds agro like damage does, not taunt for 15 seconds no matter what. (also limited AoE Taunt)

    3. Big dungeons with lots of depth, would be nice to see some randomness to spawns too

    4. Unique spell graphics for classes, a mages fire spell is different to a wizzies etc

    5. A Ward damage spell line with one of the healer classes

    6. Debuffs that make difference, (not like -10 Str that has no actual real impact on a fight)

    7. No potions for healing / mana

    8. If mobs are shown to have weapons they will be lootable once killed

    9. A mentor system which ensures mentors are not OP, if anything underpowered comparied to average geared players of same level. (all armour perks massively reduced or removed, spells capped at mentor level)

    10. High level mobs in lower level zones (think giants / griffons in commonlands / oasis etc)

    • 172 posts
    August 17, 2016 12:15 PM PDT

    I am not as concerned about specific mechanics.  Because balance is so important, fixing yourself to one items (i.e. a spiked shield must produce 'X' amount of DPS on a bash...) would really complicate things.  From what i have seen in the streams and such, the mechanics look like they are coming along well.  What I am most concerned about is Lore, immersion, and excitement.

    1)  A death penalty that stings, and functions as 'the great leveler'.  This adds to the excitement of the game.

    2)  Lore that makes sense.  There should be a minimization of contradictions.  Things should be there because they makes sense and follow a history.

    3)  The Lore and setting should mesh well with the mechanics.  (I have another post on this in the 'single greatest difficulty for an MMO' thread (or something like that, cant remember the name).

    4)  Quests should each have a purpose, not only for the game play, but for the NPCs involved.  Do not have an NPC send someone out on a quest that would be frivilous or would not make sense.  A shop keeper would not offer 1,000PP or a legendary axe to get a PC to do anything.  They would not likely even have such an item.

    5)  Long, involved quests absolutely beat out short ones.  If you want to add quests to an area to encourage players to explore, make them one, long involved quest, not a series of mini-missions.  The reward should be given at the end of the long quest, not little offereings every 10 minutes.

    6)  Can not stress this enough:  Make a dangerous world.  Faction should be critical.  I want to be afraid to go out in the night.  I want to feel much safer when grouped, but even then I shoud be wary.

    7)  Trade skills should be fun, and in depth.  I want to be able to work on them in my free time.  I would also like to collect basic materials for them in my free time.  Think EQ2, only maybe with less leveling, more skill gain.

    8)  I want to belong to organizations beyond my own guild.  A wizards guild, or a merchants guild, or even a political movement.  This should affect my game play and who I am KOS with.  Many of these organizations should be mutually exclusive, or nearly.  Having members of my player run guild from differing organizations should add strength to our group, but also complications.

    9)  As someone above wrote, dungeons should be deep, and with mobs that are not "fixed".

    10)  Camping should mean that you found a good spot to pull to, not because you found a bunch of mobs that stand still all day.  Mobs should move, and be random.

    This post was edited by JDNight at August 19, 2016 1:06 PM PDT