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Epics - What's Expected?

    • 23 posts
    July 29, 2016 5:12 AM PDT

    Good morning all,


    As we twiddle our thumbs and slowly wait for the game release I just wanted to start up a topic on what the expected epics for each class will be and what ideas anybody had for an off the wall idea on an epic. For instance instead of Fiery Defender for paladins if they ended up with a sword and shield instead.


    Post below stats you'd like to see on a specific epic or what you would want to see.

    This post was edited by ottawacloset at July 29, 2016 5:13 AM PDT
    • 6 posts
    September 4, 2016 8:56 AM PDT

    I think it would definitely be interesting to see different options for an epic on a paladin. For example, depending on how you build your character, a 2h epic might suit your character if you are a damage dealer..OR if you are a straight tank, an epic sword and shield might be the better choice.


    I mostly played a magician in EQ back in the day so I'd like to see either a 2h staff or a 1h of some sort :D

    • 334 posts
    September 4, 2016 9:36 AM PDT

    I can imagine that an epic weapon quest resulting in the crafting of your weapon (non-dependent on your crafting experience, but tied to a recipe found or put together while on the quest) could be a beneficial way to approach it to maintain some breadth of options for those with different playstyles. So a warrior who wishes to tank can make his sword (or even maybe chooses to make a shield) and the warrior who wishes to DPS can make his two-hander.

    As for stats or what I'd like to see, I think having unique procs that are tailored to the class would be awesome, in addition to whatever else they decide to design the weapons with. Maybe a rogue dagger has a chance to proc a one-second stealth or special poison attack, or a warrior who chose a shield might get a proc that has a chance to reflect a % of damage blocked back to the target.

    Stuff like that always adds fun flavor in addition to being useful when it procs.