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What was your favourite part of our latest stream?

    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2016 4:01 AM PDT

    Stream number two is out! Now that we have done our second stream, what was your favourite or most memorable part? ;)

    • 17 posts
    June 27, 2016 4:44 AM PDT

    To be honest I was highly impressed with the entire thing. At this stage in development a lot of the systems are in and mostly functioning and just need to be perfected (see fizzle rate). However, I think the most memorable part of the stream was watching Kilsin train the twitch group, that was a very impressive train!! LOL. that was my favorite part I think. Outside of that, I was very impressed and enjoyed the info on the perception system, I think this definately adds something special to the environment. 




    • 156 posts
    June 27, 2016 4:49 AM PDT

    Other than Aradune's purty sword, you mean?

    I loves seeing the spells in action - mezzing and fireballing, all the while delving deeper into the keep and facing tougher foes. Great to see how things are progressing, from the UI, mobs and character abilities. Also great to start seeing the perception system in action. Raises many more questions which I am sure will get answered eventually!

    • 19 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:09 AM PDT

    I enjoyed Kilsin's little surprise at the end :)


    I liked the fact that some equipment was falling, and although I am sure itemiztion is still not implemented in any structured way yet, I was interested in seeing the stats on some of the drops. I would have liked to see a mouse over of some of their equipment and someof the drops, such as the ancient ring the named dropped. 

    This post was edited by Rasheron at June 27, 2016 5:40 AM PDT
    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:49 AM PDT

    rykus33 said:

    To be honest I was highly impressed with the entire thing. At this stage in development a lot of the systems are in and mostly functioning and just need to be perfected (see fizzle rate). However, I think the most memorable part of the stream was watching Kilsin train the twitch group, that was a very impressive train!! LOL. that was my favorite part I think. Outside of that, I was very impressed and enjoyed the info on the perception system, I think this definately adds something special to the environment. 




    Nice Rykus :)

    Haha, yeah that was a lot of fun, I was inspired by the stream and a certain member of the team who initiated it in our secondary group, I just flanked and brought more mobs and got caught! lol ;)

    • 45 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:50 AM PDT

    This is a very small thing but I was so impressed by it:

    When a mob got mezzed they got this purple chocker around thier neck that stayed there until the mezz was gone.  I really loved that visible and physical representation of a mob being mezzed.  Makes it very distinguishable what mob is mezzed!  

    But as Rykus33 said above, I was generally impressed by the entire stream.  You guys have come along way!!

    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:51 AM PDT

    Umbra said:

    Other than Aradune's purty sword, you mean?

    I loves seeing the spells in action - mezzing and fireballing, all the while delving deeper into the keep and facing tougher foes. Great to see how things are progressing, from the UI, mobs and character abilities. Also great to start seeing the perception system in action. Raises many more questions which I am sure will get answered eventually!

    Lol, his sword was nerfed and still beasted everything! The spell effects are still being worked on but they are coming along nicely, it looks even better in-game too, the videos and streams don't do the graphics justice.

    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:52 AM PDT

    rasheron said:

    I enjoyed Kilsin's little surprise at the end :)


    I liked the fact that some equipment was falling, and although I am sure itemiztion is still not implemented in any structured way yet, I was interested in seeing the stats on some of the drops. I would have liked to see a mouse over of some of their equipment and someof the drops, such as the ancient ring the named dropped. 

    Haha, I must admit I enjoyed that too ;)

    Yeah, it is just a general glimpse at what we are doing with mechanics and features and once we replace a lot of the placeholder things it will start to really come alive :)

    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:53 AM PDT

    starchildren3317 said:

    This is a very small thing but I was so impressed by it:

    When a mob got mezzed they got this purple chocker around thier neck that stayed there until the mezz was gone.  I really loved that visible and physical representation of a mob being mezzed.  Makes it very distinguishable what mob is mezzed!  

    But as Rykus33 said above, I was generally impressed by the entire stream.  You guys have come along way!!

    That mezz collar looks pretty cool too and I agree, it is a nice touch, very immersive making you feel that they are magically held in place :)

    • 104 posts
    June 27, 2016 6:06 AM PDT

    Favorite part was seeing the perception system in action. Has me rethinking what class I want to paly. Maybe a rogue so I could sneak around and find more of these interesting bits.


    Also liked that the world is really looking good. Remember that castle that was waaaaay off in the distance? Was that in the same zone? Could you actually walk that far? That would be impressive. The undead models looked pretty good to me too. i.e. good enough to NOT be placeholders. Too bad the skeletons don't laugh though.

    • 91 posts
    June 27, 2016 6:33 AM PDT

    I was impressed by the whole thing... I didnt missed a second, when i watched it on Youtube (well... i downloaded the 1080p Version and watched it on my big TV Screen, via my Pi2/OpenElec for maximum enjoyment, hehe). After you guys arrived at the dungeonentrace it was like "whut? already one hour gone? it feld like 10 minutes!" At that point i really hoped, it will go another one or two hours :P.


    There is no "Highlight" in this video, cause everything i saw, was "THE Highlight" :D. It was so much fun watching you guys pulling, killing, talking and dying :P.


    Thank you guys, for sharing this!

    • 724 posts
    June 27, 2016 6:38 AM PDT

    I like the "crystals and mushrooms" room in the cave, and the hint at harvesting in the future :)

    Overall, the cave was quite impressive...looking forward to explore that place!

    • 17 posts
    June 27, 2016 6:45 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    rykus33 said:

    To be honest I was highly impressed with the entire thing. At this stage in development a lot of the systems are in and mostly functioning and just need to be perfected (see fizzle rate). However, I think the most memorable part of the stream was watching Kilsin train the twitch group, that was a very impressive train!! LOL. that was my favorite part I think. Outside of that, I was very impressed and enjoyed the info on the perception system, I think this definately adds something special to the environment. 




    Nice Rykus :)

    Haha, yeah that was a lot of fun, I was inspired by the stream and a certain member of the team who initiated it in our secondary group, I just flanked and brought more mobs and got caught! lol ;)


    Kilsin, you know I was a pretty good train puller in my days as a monk in EQ. You know if you ever need a little help, just hook me up and I will be your official train puller!! (I know a selfish ploy to get into the game early), but maaaaan I really want to play this thing!!! LOL. I havent been this excited about a game since.....well EQ!



    • 232 posts
    June 27, 2016 7:02 AM PDT

    I really liked the perception system.  Seeing it in action I immediately thought of all the other possibilities for this system.  This should add a great layer to the game.

    The mezz visual effect is perfect.  As an old school EQ enchanter I really appreciate this.

    Fiery Avenger needs a nerf!


    This post was edited by Dekaden at June 27, 2016 7:02 AM PDT
    • 85 posts
    June 27, 2016 8:17 AM PDT

    At this stage, I loved everything about the stream. Getting a chance to have an inside peek at the current state and progress of the game makes the entire stream interesting to me. The beautiful train at the end was obviously the icing on the cake (nicely done, Kilsin).

    My only critique I'd love to see modified before the next stream is the font size on name tags. They feel unnecessarily large and distract from whats going on in-game. I think at one point in the stream, settings where shown that already control that? However, I can't find the exact timestamp where.

    Edit: Found it! Name Plate slider shown here: It appears to just adjust the distance you can see nameplates though.

    This post was edited by Endalmir at June 27, 2016 9:25 AM PDT
    • 613 posts
    June 27, 2016 9:58 AM PDT

    I watched it twice! May go back and watch a third time.   I enjoyed the entire thing. I was watching the environments for the most part. The optimization is really moving along nicely. At Alpha this should look fantastic!


    The mechanics are the second thing I was observing. Watching the casting and the combat sequences. So far so good on all of what I could see.


    Was fun watching the interaction of the groups and the game play.


    Fun stuff guys! Cant wait to see more!



    • 1303 posts
    June 27, 2016 10:26 AM PDT

    My favorite part was how much it reminded me of those EQ pickup groups that made you want to headbutt someone. The tank is running off pulling without saying anything cause he's sick of people chatting. The enchanter is melee'ing the add mobs instead of mezzing them, and when he does mez someone usually broke it. Someone is gettting curious and peaking around corners, getting agro, and pulling mobs into the group while they are medding. And during most of the fights with multiple mobs, everyone is attacking something different. Oh, and then some jackwagon trains you and you wipe. 

    I think if I had to group with you all I'd need to be heavily medicated.  :) 

    I was really impressed with the lighting effects and the environmental graphics. And the game engine didnt have the sorta spongy kinda slowness that's pretty common  in early game builds.  There are obviously some tweaks needed, but it really looked like a solid core system. 


    This post was edited by Feyshtey at June 27, 2016 10:28 AM PDT
    • 1778 posts
    June 27, 2016 10:26 AM PDT
    Um......... everything? I mean sure there are a few things Id tweak but we still have alpha and Im sure lots of testing. About the best compliment I could give was that it brought back memoties of FFXI. And that I was as entranced as I was envious. It just looked so fun it drew you in and you wanted to be there. But Ill have you get bavk to me on the "different paths" tease Kilsin. LOL.
    • 613 posts
    June 27, 2016 10:34 AM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    My favorite part was how much it reminded me of those EQ pickup groups that made you want to headbutt someone. The tank is running off pulling without saying anything cause he's sick of people chatting. The enchanter is melee'ing the add mobs instead of mezzing them, and when he does mez someone usually broke it. Someone is gettting curious and peaking around corners, getting agro, and pulling mobs into the group while they are medding. And during most of the fights with multiple mobs, everyone is attacking something different. Oh, and then some jackwagon trains you and you wipe. 

    I think if I had to group with you all I'd need to be heavily medicated.  :) 

    I was really impressed with the lighting effects and the environmental graphics. And the game engine didnt have the sorta spongy kinda slowness that's pretty common  in early game builds.  There are obviously some tweaks needed, but it really looked like a solid core system. 



    BWhahahah!!!  I was seeing the same thing but focussed on the positive...Still that was exactly what it reminded me of. 

    No don't hit the mezzed target please....wait who hit the mezzed target.... ok quit hittinghte mezzed targt...then it degrades into a hey don't hit the !@@$#%^@^ mezzed target! 

    Oh so many memories on that.  Still laughing!


    • 10 posts
    June 27, 2016 10:36 AM PDT

    I think my favorite part was the discussion on the UI.  No mini-maps, no glowing trails, no quest icons, and no scripting.

    I do hope for macro's and I definately liked the group member compass.

    Second favorite was the environment interaction (perception).  I think there's another thread where we (the community) talked about it but the idea and what was shown during the stream looked awesome.


    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2016 3:23 PM PDT

    Nice, the perception system is pretty cool and the group was a bit like a PUG, the streamers have never played it before so they can be excused for being a bit nooby ;)

    • 132 posts
    June 27, 2016 3:59 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    My favorite part was how much it reminded me of those EQ pickup groups that made you want to headbutt someone. The tank is running off pulling without saying anything cause he's sick of people chatting. The enchanter is melee'ing the add mobs instead of mezzing them, and when he does mez someone usually broke it. Someone is gettting curious and peaking around corners, getting agro, and pulling mobs into the group while they are medding. And during most of the fights with multiple mobs, everyone is attacking something different. Oh, and then some jackwagon trains you and you wipe. 

    I think if I had to group with you all I'd need to be heavily medicated.  :) 

    I was really impressed with the lighting effects and the environmental graphics. And the game engine didnt have the sorta spongy kinda slowness that's pretty common  in early game builds.  There are obviously some tweaks needed, but it really looked like a solid core system. 


    LOL. This^^^^^^^  I would need medicine too!  

    "Are we focusing?" .... 5 mobs, 5 tanks. I'll take that as a 'No!'

    "How did we agro all these"  (they TOTALLY ignored the agro'd mob walking up beside the "bridge". 

    Let me loot more bread. I don't need mana. NINJA!!!! 

    The whole time I was watching, (twice) I was thinking: "wow, this group couldn't be any worse if they had NEVER seen an MMO game before today" 

    Jus bustin chops a little. The stream was so fun. I enjoyed every minute of it. I hope we get some built in tools to adjust a few things. 

    Player Name plates should be a different color (blue or green) than the mobs, and I should be able to make them WAY smaller or be able to turn off Health bars under the players name. 

    I didn't see ANY way to see what buffs another player has, even if you target them. 

    I think you guys are doing awesome on this game. I am SO excited to play this. So far, its the Game of my Dreams. I have been waiting for this game since EQ1 came out. 

    LOVED IT> 




    • 137 posts
    June 27, 2016 5:43 PM PDT

    Brads hair

    • 23 posts
    June 27, 2016 6:14 PM PDT

    Apart from the Kilsin train at the end, which was pretty awesome - I really just enjoyed the in depth feature discussion: what is in, what is out (in game maps - YES, I want to look at the world, not a map) and just the action. I  find the criticism of the models short sighted, and unfair. I'm glad emphasis is being placed on the important stuff, and not the vanity items.

    Only criticism I have is I WANT MORE. ;)

    • 2419 posts
    June 27, 2016 6:21 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Stream number two is out! Now that we have done our second stream, what was your favourite or most memorable part? ;)

    As strange as it may seem, the fizzle stood out is very memorable.  It had visual, auditory and emotive elements to it.  Very nicely done. 

    The other memorable thing was the 'road' upon which you guys traveled to get from the village to the first outpost.  Nobody in their right mind would ever make a road over terrain like that. Horses would slide off the side anytime you had the surface angled like it is and carts would tip over.  It would be impossible to move anything across those roads. Then there is the cobble stone texture that has all the stones lined up in the same direction regardless of how the road turns.  Again, nobody would lay a road surface like that.

    That isn't an issue really, just that inner observation which is one time noticed, then forever ignored because while running from A to B you aren't looking at how the cobble stones are lined up in the road.