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All-Time Favourite mount?

    • 9115 posts
    April 18, 2016 3:58 AM PDT
    What is your all-time favourite mount in any game that you have played to date and why? :)
    • 2756 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:18 AM PDT

    I have always preferred a nice plain horse in any game.  It's familiar in high fantasy and satisfyingly low-tech and is useful enough even when modelled realistically and maintains immersion nicely.  I suppose armor for a knight's charger is nice, but this is one area where I think realism is certainly a desirable quality so nothing over-the-top.

    I suppose as level cap approaches undead nightmares and shining white unicorns start to become more possible - maybe even a warg - but I'd like to see them sparingly used :)

    You didn't ask, but I have to say I *dislike* any mounts that are too 'fantastic' or silly.  No robot chickens or neon dragons or giant porcupines or land sharks please.  Please, no gnomish 'Harleys'.

    To be in a high fantasy setting, emerging with ones group from a dense forest onto the edge of an arid plain, whistling for your horses and thundering on?  Yeah great.

    Suddenly summoning a managerie of freakish beasts and machines and proceding like a parade of carnival floats?  No thanks.

    In short: boring I know, but horses :)

    • 200 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:23 AM PDT

    Deathcharger's Reins's_Reins


    Very nice style and this mount has a good and fluid animation. In the first version it had a 1:5000 drop chance. :D



    This post was edited by Larirawiel at April 18, 2016 4:26 AM PDT
    • 156 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:31 AM PDT

    Who doesn't love riding on a wolf!


    • 563 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:34 AM PDT

    Chocobos, because Chocobos! How can you not want to ride a cute giant bird/chicken thing!

    • 729 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:40 AM PDT

    My favorite mount definitely was the wyvern in VG (never did the quested flying mounts). In EQ my mage had a white horse, which at the time back then was quite expensive iirc, so I also liked it very much.

    That said, I'm not very fond of mounts in general. If they really must be in game, let them be as simple and "realistic" as possible (as said above, please no robot hounds etc).

    • 2756 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:42 AM PDT

    Rachael said:...How can you not want to ride a cute giant bird/chicken thing!

    Lol, I could so answer that, but you weren't really inviting it, were you!  Aren't opinions wonderful things ;^)

    • 156 posts
    April 18, 2016 4:47 AM PDT

    Rachael said:

    Chocobos, because Chocobos! How can you not want to ride a cute giant bird/chicken thing!

    I did ride this monstrosity around for a while.

    • 63 posts
    April 18, 2016 5:27 AM PDT

    Griffon, mount and quest were awesome in Vanguard


    • 3 posts
    April 18, 2016 5:37 AM PDT

    I liked most my little Dragon in Vanguard and of course my Griffon. :-)

    • 34 posts
    April 18, 2016 5:43 AM PDT
    I would have to say that my favorite mount is the original horse that I got in EQ. Every other game that I have played just throws mounts at you, kinda like participation trophies. I think the reason the horse from EQ stands out so much is the sense of accomplishment that goes along with it. It truly took saving every copper I had and felt so good when I bought my first new horse.
    • 2138 posts
    April 18, 2016 6:11 AM PDT

    I liked the SK only Nightmare mount in old EQ. I felt that was really appropriate.

    But I was not a big fan of mounts, not with the Mnemonic of Khati Shah, and a ring of flight in my magicians bag of tricks- didn't need a mount and Instead I was able to use those run AA's to other, obscure, I-dont-understand-what-this-AA-means-so-I'll-dump-exp-into-this-and-see-what-happens, stuff.

    • 36 posts
    April 18, 2016 6:52 AM PDT

    Here's another vote for the griffon in Vanguard. In the few weeks before the game went down for good, I downloaded it again for the first time in years, logged on, and just flew. For a good hour I toured all the places I had been and remembered all the good times. To this day, nothing comes close.




    • 9115 posts
    April 18, 2016 7:00 AM PDT

    Nice, I am seeing a ton of VG mounts mentioned, specifically Griffons and Shadow hound and Unicorn mounts which is awesome, they would have to be my all time favourites too :)

    • 769 posts
    April 18, 2016 7:07 AM PDT

    I second the wyvern in VG. I know a lot of folks here are anti-flying mount, and while I do agree with the reasons, I also never felt like flying mounts in VG ever kept me from experiencing the content. There was just something about Vanguard that made flying mounts seem to just fit.


    • 91 posts
    April 18, 2016 7:07 AM PDT

    You guys remember, the very first horse in EQ? You had to pay 1.000.000 (or was it 100.000?, cant remember, lol)  plats for? It was a terrible nightmare, to have that horsehead infront of your face, all the time... but... thats the mount i remember most... and somehow, i want to have it back :P.

    This post was edited by lyrina at April 18, 2016 7:08 AM PDT
    • 3 posts
    April 18, 2016 8:02 AM PDT

    One thing: flying mounts should be epic and should be a reward for an epic quest series. As a regular mount I would not like to have flying mounts. Horses are good as a normal mount. I would love some other non-flying mounts as wolves, tigers, pigs, and so on. 


    • 45 posts
    April 18, 2016 10:37 AM PDT

    Fearus said:

    One thing: flying mounts should be epic and should be a reward for an epic quest series. As a regular mount I would not like to have flying mounts. Horses are good as a normal mount. I would love some other non-flying mounts as wolves, tigers, pigs, and so on. 



    Agreed!  Although having a flying mount is really cool, there is nothing more disatisfying as seeing everyone flying around the game on these fantastical creatures.  I wouldn't at all mind them in game, but make them truly epic to get so that, anyone who wants one can try to obtain one, but not everyone who tries will succeed.  

    • 112 posts
    April 18, 2016 11:31 AM PDT

    I hold a special place for my WoW Nether Drake

    It was my first faction mount. I remember discovering the quest lines and grinding faction.  Back then, for me, it was a big dedication of game time and worth every moment.  Accomplishing that began my fascination/compulsion with factions and collecting mounts. 

    I would like to see Pantheon introduce rare, hard to obtain mounts through various methods like faction, epic quests, and rare drops. Like gear it is that sense of accomplishment and reward that makes it more fun. 

    This post was edited by Azotate at April 18, 2016 11:32 AM PDT
    • 271 posts
    April 18, 2016 11:43 AM PDT

    oh... this, no question..



    Read and weap, for it took a lot to make, lol, ie was bordering on the 'unfair'

    edit: (many hours later, but still..) Forgot the 'why'! Because it was simultaneously i) cool and ii) 'sensible'/fitting the game's context. I know a lot of people would expect me to add a third reason, the typical "it was hard and that's why i loved it!! I'm so strong!" but i won't.. not everything needs to be "hard" in a game. What i had to prove, i've already proven, lol, thank you

    This post was edited by Aenra at April 18, 2016 2:58 PM PDT
    • 363 posts
    April 18, 2016 1:46 PM PDT

    My favorite mount ditched me after high school...

    • 74 posts
    April 18, 2016 2:30 PM PDT

    Crocnard (Crocodile) and Tindrel (clockwork Spider)...both from Rift

    • 271 posts
    April 18, 2016 2:53 PM PDT

    Anistosoles said:

    My favorite mount ditched me after high school...



    • 15 posts
    April 18, 2016 3:12 PM PDT

    Hands down the best in my experience was the Raven Lord mount. Super low drop rate and looked amazing in game. WoW The Burning Crusade Expansion.

    Raven Lord

    • 366 posts
    April 19, 2016 5:57 AM PDT

    @steeler and @ rachael - Raven Lord and chocobos are awesome! +1 for any cat mount in any game. +1 for any mount that took a long time to get and was worth that timeand effort. For example Order of the Rime Mare in EQ2 and me - I was my own mount!