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What were some of your favorite unofficial "accomplishments

    • 646 posts
    March 23, 2016 5:36 AM PDT

    What were some of the things you are most proud or happy about that you achieved, and what made these special to you?


    One of mine was back around 2001, or so, I had switched mains from my Druid to Enchanter and really felt limited without SOW.  I figured J-boots were too hard to get for me at that time but I learned about T-boots (Traveler's Boots).  They were sold for 5250 gold (not plat!) from some obscure gnome, buried deep in a gnome settlement way in the back of Solusek's Eye (Sol-A).  

    Wow!  That was an exciting option.  So I had to make money so I worked my butt off at jewelry-making to raise the plat.  Meanwhile, when my RL friend group wasn't on, I went exploring and headed over to find this place "Sol-A" and then, I explored.  I kept at it and it took me several days of exploration, with invis, pacify, mezz and memblurring to find the gnome village. 

    Then I finally found this merchant and he wouldn't sell to me, so I worked on my faction and used faction spells.  Then I had to two-box another toon to help me carry the gold (not plat!) because I couldn't move under the weight of it all.

    I probably spent a month chasing those boots down and when I bought them I was so very happy.  They were (are) one of my most prized EQ posessions.  

    Everything about that pursuit made it fun and memorable.


    • 130 posts
    March 23, 2016 5:48 AM PDT

    Camping a haunted chest in Plane of Hate for a Shield of the Immaculate, which was clicky cure disease.  Being an Enchanter, being able to cure anything at all was excellent.  I also cured so many people on raids and they'll never know.

    Anyway, I camped the thing off and on for months.  I began to think I must have been doing something wrong and began doubting.  Eventually, I popped into the zone one day, a group had just cleared the room and took off.  Name repopped, killed it and I was in and out of the zone in under 5 minutes with my shield finally.

    One other thing that sticks out I thought was impressive is that one time I got knocked unconscious, pushed out of a zone while I was bleeding to death, and lived to tell about it on the other side.  Mobs literally beat me right out of the zone.

    • 12 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:02 AM PDT

    Getting the Guise of the Deceiver before they changed it to rogue only.

    Every time we broke FEAR. 

    Getting my epic swords (ranger)

    • 85 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:04 AM PDT

    One of my most memorable accomplishment would be soloing Lodizal on my Shaman for the shield. I'd really like to see some good solo challenges like this in Pantheon.

    • 71 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:19 AM PDT

    I spent months trying to get the Gnollslayer. Levelling was tough in the early days and finding help and meeting new players/people (some still friends to this day) was far more rewarding.

    Ranger Epic of course was also fun. When our Guild finally had a Rogue high enough in picking locks was a big day for everyone.


    • 556 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:46 AM PDT

    My biggest accomplishment I think will fall in with many others. My druid's epic. The epic weapon quests were so incredibly well done in eq that they were not only an epic challenge but required you to have those friends you made on the way up to 60. The amount of work involved with the weapons made it feel like such a relief when that last piece was finally obtained. I can't think of a single greater feeling than that. Even clearing PoTime for the first time wasn't as memorable to me. 

    PS- I still have my 3 binders full of maps and print outs of quests and web info from EQ lol. Found them the other day cleaning out my closest. Never forget how much I relied on all of those back in the day.

    • 646 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:51 AM PDT

    Enitzu said:...

    PS- I still have my 3 binders full of maps and print outs of quests and web info from EQ lol. Found them the other day cleaning out my closest. Never forget how much I relied on all of those back in the day.


    I did the same!

    I made white 3-ring binders and had them FULL of information.  I had maps, tradeskill recipes, quest checklists.  It was so cool that way.  I felt like I actually had to WORK and do homework at this game.

    Places like EQAtlas were invaluable, as was Allakhazam and EQtraders.  Once they dumbed everything down and put all that info into the game it took away so much.  In-game maps, in-game tradeskill recipes (with auto combines) I hated what it became.  It went from an avocation/hobby and way-of-life into just another console game.

    Those 3-ring binders connected my real life to my EQ life.  Once they put all that info inside the game, there was this psychological "wall" between EQ and real-life and the two did not overlap anymore.  


    This post was edited by fazool at March 23, 2016 6:51 AM PDT
    • 71 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:54 AM PDT

    fazool said:

    Enitzu said:...

    PS- I still have my 3 binders full of maps and print outs of quests and web info from EQ lol. Found them the other day cleaning out my closest. Never forget how much I relied on all of those back in the day.


    I did the same!

    I made white 3-ring binders and had them FULL of information.  I had maps, tradeskill recipes, quest checklists.  It was so cool that way.  I felt like I actually had to WORK and do homework at this game.

    Places like EQAtlas were invaluable, as was Allakhazam and EQtraders.  Once they dumbed everything down and put all that info into the game it took away so much.  In-game maps, in-game tradeskill recipes (with auto combines) I hated what it became.  It went from an avocation/hobby and way-of-life into just another console game.

    Those 3-ring binders connected my real life to my EQ life.  Once they put all that info inside the game, there was this psychological "wall" between EQ and real-life and the two did not overlap anymore.  



    Yep, same here :)

    Binders for maps and recipes (ingredients to look for)

    • 74 posts
    March 23, 2016 7:05 AM PDT

    Being the first to complete EQ2 Deathtoll access for our guild.

    Server firsts on the EQ2 Echoes of Faydwer Soulfire weapon and probably all of the shinies.


    • 428 posts
    March 23, 2016 1:02 PM PDT

    Mine would be we succussfully prevented the other factions on our EQ2 PVP server from killing a contested for over 2 years.  Every time they pulled we would always manage to wipe there raid.  Didnt matter how many blockers were up the better PVPers always won

    • 428 posts
    March 23, 2016 1:04 PM PDT

    Kalgore said:

    Mine would be we succussfully prevented the other factions on our EQ2 PVP server from killing a contested for over 2 years.  Every time they pulled we would always manage to wipe there raid.  Didnt matter how many blockers were up the better PVPers always won


    Oh and Discovering the Paladin Epic weapon in EQ2.  I was racing another paladin to discover it and I fiegn deathed him at the last second to get the turn in before him. HAHA clicky items are amazing

    • 71 posts
    March 23, 2016 2:10 PM PDT

    Kalgore said:

    Kalgore said:

    Mine would be we succussfully prevented the other factions on our EQ2 PVP server from killing a contested for over 2 years.  Every time they pulled we would always manage to wipe there raid.  Didnt matter how many blockers were up the better PVPers always won


    Oh and Discovering the Paladin Epic weapon in EQ2.  I was racing another paladin to discover it and I fiegn deathed him at the last second to get the turn in before him. HAHA clicky items are amazing


    Very devious indeed...for a Paladin


    • 556 posts
    March 23, 2016 2:31 PM PDT

    Lakland said:

    fazool said:

    Enitzu said:...

    PS- I still have my 3 binders full of maps and print outs of quests and web info from EQ lol. Found them the other day cleaning out my closest. Never forget how much I relied on all of those back in the day.


    I did the same!

    I made white 3-ring binders and had them FULL of information.  I had maps, tradeskill recipes, quest checklists.  It was so cool that way.  I felt like I actually had to WORK and do homework at this game.

    Places like EQAtlas were invaluable, as was Allakhazam and EQtraders.  Once they dumbed everything down and put all that info into the game it took away so much.  In-game maps, in-game tradeskill recipes (with auto combines) I hated what it became.  It went from an avocation/hobby and way-of-life into just another console game.

    Those 3-ring binders connected my real life to my EQ life.  Once they put all that info inside the game, there was this psychological "wall" between EQ and real-life and the two did not overlap anymore.  



    Yep, same here :)

    Binders for maps and recipes (ingredients to look for)

    Yep agree with you both! Looking through those binders the other day you can even see where I wrote "F*** this Sh*t!" when I finally finished my epic lmao. I have notes written in on maps and in the margins all over the place. Added spots on maps for farming certain things like crafting materials that weren't always easy to find. Those binders were my lifeline for like 5 years. Don't think I could have done half of what I did without em. 

    Don't think my bosses would've liked knowing I printed all that on their time and paper though :D

    • 409 posts
    March 23, 2016 4:28 PM PDT

    When I'd achieved all the personal goals I wanted too with in EQ. I think that my favorite accomplishment. The goal isnt really amazing or anything.. but it was just a personal goal of mine.

    • 27 posts
    March 23, 2016 5:17 PM PDT

    Camping Pyzjin for months off and on and finally getting a Glowing Black Stone. Seeing that little black ball in her loot window was so damn cool. 

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    March 23, 2016 6:40 PM PDT

    I have cleaned up a few posts and moved this to Off-Topic as it doesn't relate to Pantheon, it is reminiscing on old EQ times, which are great to talk about but they do not belong in the General Pantheon forums, please be mindful of posting in the correct subforum or you run the risk of having your thread moved or removed, this actually creates a lot of work for me and a lot of difficulty for new and vet players alike to follow the information, so I would appreciate folks taking their time and picking the correct subforum before posting.

    If you are not sure, please send me a PM first as I am always happy to help.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at March 24, 2016 9:01 AM PDT
  • March 24, 2016 7:31 AM PDT

    Besides the cleric epic...  Getting the Seb key and not dying while running there. :)   Figuring out how to get from one zone to the next for the first time, without dying or running the walls.  I didn't download maps for the longest time.

    • 71 posts
    March 24, 2016 12:09 PM PDT

    Not so much an accomplishment, but...

    I used /pizza



    • 176 posts
    March 26, 2016 3:58 AM PDT

    Just sitting here now trying to put the details together I am realizing how much time has gone by and how old I am. Anyway this was back in 2006 during my time in EQ2. This was part of the Kingdom of Sky expansion and we were level 70. 

    The story takes place in the Laboratory of Lord Vyemm. I believe this was one of the zones you needed to finish in order to get to Deathtoll which was the final raiding zone to complete the claymore quest line (like epics for this tier). We had not yet killed Tarinax in Deathtoll and had not yet completed the Claymore series. I would guess we must have been about halfway through the expansion at this point. 

    This was a long zone with like 12 named and it was a long night of raiding. We would finish the Lab weekly as did a handful of other guilds on our server at this time but that last pull was still tricky. By the time we got down there we were always tired. The pull involved pulling the dragon down into this room to split him from the last boss Alzid. The key was that Alzid could not die if the dragon was still up and it was impossible to kill both of these lvl 74 x4 mobs at the same time due to some overlapping AE's and general dragon craziness. Normally if the pull goes wrong you just wipe or reset or whatever and get set up to pull again.

    Well in this instance the pull went wrong as it usually does this late at night and I just went for it as I usually do. Just because we are going to wipe does not mean I am just standing there. When the pull goes down I am on the dragon and in position and the MT group goes to work. The off tank grabs Alzid and we *TRY* to split them in the room. If we can control the situation and raid can keep the tanks up then the other groups should be able to maintain themselves for crazy group heals/cures that are going to be required at this point with the overlap. Technically we should be able to slowly burn them down, if we can stay alive. We were by no means prepared to try this encounter this way and it would not have been a great plan but we just went for it becuase it was in front of us.

    Honestly if you wanted to fight the encounter this way you would try it up top in the arena where you could split them far enough (I assume this is what the devs intended). This room was meant to trick the encounter into letting you fight one at a time. 

    We did pretty good for a minute or so until we got caught with a couple of AE's where if you had not cured the previous one when the next one lands you got smacked and then we got hit with something else we could not cure. That is when the OT and pretty much the rest of the raid went down. So this is a wipe or at least should be but I pick up Alzid because I never give up and now I have them both on me in the corner. Some how between all of my defensive Guardian abilities and the amazing skills of the healers and bard in my group we were able to keep the MT group up long enough to get the raid back up and running. Once we did that we knew we had it and did not try to split them again that encounter. I tanked them both right there at the same time in a way that no one had ever intended to be possible! We burned Vyemm down and took Alzid's head and I reached legendary tank status. In my guild at least =) Years later people still remembered that night and every once in a while it would come up when we were chatting and forming the raid "Hey Ex, remember when you tanked Alzid and the dragon at the same time?". I loved those guys!

    I have a lot of other memorable moments in raids that probably won't make sense to anyone was has not done them but this one was my favorite. Sorry if it was confusing or I bored you with the details.

    On a side note. I went back to this Deathtoll zone on off nights for years after this expansion was over to kill Tarinax for this one item. Whenever it had dropped during the current expansion it went to the rangers. After the expansion I had no luck on his loot table. The cool thing was once I got this item I never had to buy arrows again and it made your shots look like a magic bolt instead of the traditional arrow. Nothing like this dropped in later expansions so we went back to get it." alt="" width="189" height="337">

    This post was edited by Jamie at March 26, 2016 4:02 AM PDT