Forums » Crafting and Gathering


    • 72 posts
    March 16, 2016 2:47 PM PDT

    I haven't heard anything about fishing so far and just wondering if it is planned?


    I loved Vanguard fishing and Final Fantasy XIV fishing alot.  I love being rewarded for fishing.  Treasure maps and great rare treasures are also awesome to find while fishing.  I hope to see it in this game.

    • 613 posts
    March 16, 2016 3:36 PM PDT

    I liked fishing for the relaxation of it.  Unless one was in a really bad location.  LotrO had a good fishing tree.  Get a beer and just hang out and relax and catch a whopper once in awhile.

    I would think this would be due to crafting would need it for the cooking guilds.  Just thinking out loud on that one.



    • 801 posts
    March 16, 2016 10:31 PM PDT

    I loved fishing, but there was never enough indepth feel to it for me. I just felt it was going no where and you maxxed you cap out early in eq. Maybe it was just EQ but i have never tried it again.

    • 72 posts
    March 17, 2016 9:37 AM PDT

    Ya, I get bored with fishing that doesn't have any reward.  LoTRO fishing was fun until I got all the trophies there were and then it was pointless.  I prefer a system that makes fishing exciting.


    In FFXIV you could Mulch, meaning that a critical catch (High weight/quality) a fish, you could recast that fish to catch a bigger fish.  Those skills were obtained thru practice tho.  I also loved how in Vanguard you had to fight with the fish until you won or it got away.  I loved fishing from my boat as well.  These are things that make for a great option to gameplay.

    • 28 posts
    April 1, 2016 1:35 AM PDT

    Not sure if anyone of you guys plays Black Desert.


    But the Fishing System there is quite nice. You can find keys and Ancient Relics during fishing.

    These keys can be used for Chests throughout the whole World (random location spawns in the whole world).


    The Ancient Relics can be combined and can be used to spawn Relic Bosses (You can say like you find a few Ancient Tablets and if you have all you can read the Letters for an Ancient Summoning Spell). Which gives pretty nice rewards.


    And for sure the Fishing Part itself - its a pretty nice money maker, as there are fishing Vendors that sell more or less for common / rare / ultimate rare fish species.


    Black Desert itself made it completely afkable so it autofishes but at a very slow rate - or do it manually and fast. Only breaking rods hinder you from 24/7 afk fishing ^^

    • 47 posts
    April 5, 2016 8:00 PM PDT

    Lagencie said:

    Not sure if anyone of you guys plays Black Desert.


    But the Fishing System there is quite nice. You can find keys and Ancient Relics during fishing.

    These keys can be used for Chests throughout the whole World (random location spawns in the whole world).


    The Ancient Relics can be combined and can be used to spawn Relic Bosses (You can say like you find a few Ancient Tablets and if you have all you can read the Letters for an Ancient Summoning Spell). Which gives pretty nice rewards.


    And for sure the Fishing Part itself - its a pretty nice money maker, as there are fishing Vendors that sell more or less for common / rare / ultimate rare fish species.


    Black Desert itself made it completely afkable so it autofishes but at a very slow rate - or do it manually and fast. Only breaking rods hinder you from 24/7 afk fishing ^^

    I agree that BDO fishing had more to it than in most other games, but I didn't think it was fast if you were not afk. 

    Fishing is okay, and I wouldn't mind it if it was done ok. As a downtime activity though, it's not the best. It's hard to look through things, check forums, type chat with friends if you constantly have to keep an eye on when to reel. I think it should be a viable crafting activity, but not a requirement. One thing I liked about Lotro fishing is we used to be able to do it while waiting for the raid to gather and start. The only other time I fished was for festivals, but even then rarely. 

    • 28 posts
    April 6, 2016 1:06 AM PDT

    well catching 60 fish / hour all being worth from 30-125k is considered pretty fast (by boat on hotspots) 4-6M profit an hour is considered pretty good in bdo actually

    • 34 posts
    April 12, 2016 1:28 AM PDT
    I would love for fishing to be in game and have it something like Zelda, Ocarina of Time, ya know a lil mini game inside the game.
    • 137 posts
    June 15, 2016 3:07 AM PDT

    I love fishing and I love cooking. I would like fishing to allow for some catching of semi rare maybe some harder to obtain crafting items or a larger inventory bag. I also would love to see cooking. Making my own food and using it as an extra buff makes me super happy :)

    • 70 posts
    July 3, 2016 8:28 AM PDT

    Oxillion said:

    I liked fishing for the relaxation of it.  Unless one was in a really bad location.  LotrO had a good fishing tree.  Get a beer and just hang out and relax and catch a whopper once in awhile.

    I would think this would be due to crafting would need it for the cooking guilds.  Just thinking out loud on that one.




    The only thing LOTRO did wrong was put a limit on how much you could fish per day.  I never understood that, and it annoyed me.

    • 1778 posts
    July 3, 2016 1:46 PM PDT

    Please VR!!! Let me fish!!!!!!!

    • 19 posts
    August 1, 2016 4:55 AM PDT

    I actually liked fishing in Archeage. The only time I actually tried to fish in game (except for EQ and Rift). I didn't play BDO long enough to fish or give BDO a chance. It finally rolled around when I was on vacation and when all my guild was already level 50, I lost interest. What's the point of rushing to 50 ... hate that about some players. 

    • 646 posts
    August 1, 2016 6:00 AM PDT

    Fishing was one of my favorite past times.  I would fish while medding or resting or waiting for spawns.  I had tons of fun trying to fish anywhere.  I remember fishing in puddles and down in Crystal Caverns.


    I hope this is the same.




    • 119 posts
    August 1, 2016 6:18 AM PDT

    Fishing could be a fun side activity to play around with when you want to take a break from other gameplay.

    • 166 posts
    August 1, 2016 10:48 AM PDT

    Fishing is one of my favorite professions / part time activities in a MMORPG.

    It's a good activity to relax in between some stressful raiding sessions. You could listen to good music and let your character catch some fish.

    And the materials you get during fishing can be used for cooking or to make jewelery. (fish scales, pearls, ...)


    This post was edited by Landbert at August 24, 2016 10:27 AM PDT
    • 514 posts
    August 9, 2016 1:28 PM PDT

    I liked the fishing in TESO - except the usability of the fhish you caught was LAME.  It was SO LAME - I stopped playing.

    • 2138 posts
    August 9, 2016 7:30 PM PDT

    I would like fishing to produce bizarre fish form bizarre places.

    So like if you were in a dungeon crawl in a volcano and there was a small lull in the pulls, and you notice a lava pool a few steps over and you cast your line, either the bait burns up or produces something wierd. [You cast your bait and catch nothing, but your bait turned into escargot!] or like a flame angel fish. And in your travels you discover the flame angel (or escargot) can be used in a certain tradeskill recipe, thereby making the desire to head back to the dungeon to get the special fish- something to do.

    And different sizes. People who fish should be able to brag at the size/weight of the fish caught


    • 147 posts
    August 11, 2016 7:23 AM PDT

    Would like fishing to be an activity that would produce things that are needed for crafting.

    • 105 posts
    August 23, 2016 11:14 PM PDT

    I'm holding out hope we'll be able to fit it in at some point for many of the reasons listed above. In addition, it's part nostalgia for me. My dad used to love fishing and it was our thing when I was growing up. It's one of the reasons I was really eager to have helped with the initial content creation for fishing in Vanguard.

    It's too early to say when or if fishing fits the timeline for production, but it's on my personal wish list :)

    • 1778 posts
    August 24, 2016 7:27 AM PDT
    Good to hear Ceythos.

    I liked occasionally fishing up a named in XI too. That could get disasterous...... err funny O.o
    • 166 posts
    August 24, 2016 10:34 AM PDT

    Yay, this would be great, if it will fit in the production plan. But even if it could not be integrated untill release, it would be a good activity to add for one of the first content updates.

    • 205 posts
    August 29, 2016 5:36 PM PDT
    I may be the only one in this thread but..... I despise fishing in real life and twice as much in a game. Carry on :)
    • 17 posts
    August 29, 2016 6:57 PM PDT

    At the moment I guess I have no personal preference on the game mechanics of fishing, but I do like fishing. I do request it not be too challenging, as in jump puzzles and some timed fishing games. I'm old. Other people are old. I'm near blind. I can't do jump puzzles. *snort* I do fishing in all games because I find it oddly relaxing. Except the ones that require speed, uber Net connection, superman timing, etc. 


    I do LOVE the idea of rewards and treasures. Maps (LOVE MAPS), maybe old diaries, keys that actually unlock something, and all the above ideas! Just no old boots. Honestly, who throws boots in the water?  Now guns or bloody daggers I can see. :)

    • 200 posts
    September 1, 2016 6:05 AM PDT

    I don't like fishing irl Bringerz (I feel bad for both the bait and the fish... :D) but I love it in game. It's so wonderfully relaxing. And I vividly remember being poor in EQ and discovering I could fish for my food, that was extremely satisfying somehow. I fished for my friends and I always had a few extra stacks of fish on me for groupmembers who ran out of food. Which reminds me, will it be necessary to keep food and drink on you like in EQ? Been curious about that for a while now, I liked those details. 

    Basically, I'd do it anyway if just for food. Stat food would be fun too. And I like the idea of it rewarding some interesting items, as long as it fits somehow, like mysterious keys, useful pearls and such, and soggy boots of course! I hope it will make it into the game, I'd sorely miss it otherwise.

    • 86 posts
    September 1, 2016 9:28 AM PDT

    I like all the comments above, but I must say, BDO (Black Desert Online) has the best fishing mechanic of any MMO I have played. And I have played almost all of them. If you ignore for a moment the things you can actually catch and what you can do with them, and just focus on the mechanics of actually fishing.


    1. They were crafted and came with different bonuses.
      • Shorter wait time to get a bite
      • Higher chance to catch a rare
      • One helped catch bigger fish (they have a leaderboard for every fish in the game)
      • Some were repairable but most were not.
      • A couple delt with AFK fishing but it is my hope that Pantheon has no AFK anything, period.
    2. They had durability that decreased with every fish/item caught. When durability was depleated, the rod broke and you had to get a new one. Unless of course you had one of the repairable ones that required a higher fishing level to begin with.


    1. After you cast out your line, you waited till you got a bite. Some rods would make this wait shorter.
    2. When you got a bite, you pressed SPACE to begin the minigame.
    3. The minigame has 2 parts
      1. A bouncing bar appeared and you had to use your timing to press SPACE again at the right time to "set the hook".
      2. Then a series of letters appeared. These were always W, A, S, or D. The catch was they were scrambled and in different lengths. The length og the chain determined the rarity of the fish/item caught. You only had a certain amount of time to complete the random chain.
        • WWDA - maybe a common fish
        • WWSDAAWSAAS - this would be a rare one.
      3. If you completed the chain correctly in time then you caught the fish/item.
    4. In BDO you could just cast out the line and ignore the minigame. 3 minutes after getting a bite, you would autocatch the fish/item and then recast the line. Again, I am hoping for no AFK gameplay what so ever in Pantheon.

    Pantheon would have its own list of fish and items that could be caught and things that could be done with them. My thoughts are probably the same as most.

    Achievements - I love games with achievement systems. And if Pantheon gets one, fishing could be included. 

    Crafting - fish could be used in cooking and maybe a little alchemy.

    Keys - Like in BDO, you can catch keys that are used to open hidden chests. These were plentyful, static and respawned. In Pantheon, I would prefer them to be much more sparce with completely random locations to included both overland and in caves and dungeons. I would also have different types and keys to match chests of the same type. 

    • Copper keys would open copper chests that would be less rare and hold basic items like water and other survival good that could be used to help combat the harsh environments.
    • Silver keys - a little more rare would open silver chests that would also be a little more rare and in slightly harder to reach places. Maybe in forts or heavily guarded camps. These could hold items that are a little more uncommon as well as crafting items.
    • Gold Keys - For gold chests. Both very rare and very hard to reach. Maybe in dungeon boss rooms.
    • Platinum Keys - For platinum chests. These both would be the most rare and the chests would be the hardest to find and reach.
    • We could also give these keys a chance of breaking when used. A key used on the same grade chest would have a 40% chance of breaking. A key used on a chest 1 grade higher would have a 75% of breaking. Two grades higher 90% chance of breaking. Three grades higher would not be possible since this can only accure when trying to open a plat chest with a copper key which are very abundant.
    • We could also add a chance of something or someone spawning to attack when an attempt to open a chest is made.

    Also, Imagine while waiting at the docks for a ship to take you somewhere. You can pull out your fishing pole, cast out your line, and start chatting with the others waiting there. COMMUNITY!!!