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Let's talk Death Penalty

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    • 1785 posts
    May 8, 2018 8:06 AM PDT

    Venjenz said:

    If gear cannot be lost, there is no fear. Total removal of the fear makes the game another ho hum, PUG gear grind where the gear is meaningless because you have exactly zero chance to ever lose it. If there is a summoning system for corpses, there is no need for corpse runs.

    Are you saying the corpse retrieval system has the same EXACT risk of losing ALL your gear? If so, why even have it? If summoning my body means all my gear is destroyed anyway, that seems like a totally useless mechanic. Methinks the graveyard concept means maybe you lose one piece of gear? Maybe extra exp, something far less harsh than losing all your gear to corpse poof. 

    As I said in the other "please make death nicer and kinder since we all have RL emergencies every 7.01 days" thread - the only way that mechanic keeps te fear is if it too represents a legit threat to your precious gear. So make the penalty 1 entire level of lost exp that cannot be rezzed back and one random piece of equipped or carried (in case people think they can quickly stash all their gear in bags to avoid this penalty) gear is destroyed with no possible GM rewind, since you chose to hit that summon button. Maybe two pieces of equipped/carried gear. Something that makes you think long and hard about using that system and retains the fear.

    I think you're actually closer to agreeing with many of us than you realize.


    - Sometimes corpses will be in hard to retrieve places that may require the person to come back in a different session to attempt CR.

    - Sometimes RL emergencies or problems will force players offline for extended periods of time.

    - There will probably need to be an expiration timer on unclaimed corpses in the world just to prevent them from piling up over time.

    - It's likely that server downtime (intentionally or unintentionally) will cause unclaimed corpses to disappear or otherwise become inaccessible.


    - We want to insure that death still stings and a retrieval system can't be used as a way to cheat part of the death penalty

    - We want to minimize the number of CS tickets that get generated because of "I can't get my corpse"


    - Allow players to use a "graveyard" system to retrieve corpses that have expired or are inaccessible to them for any reason.

    - Retrieving a corpse in this way gives no experience back that was previously lost.

    - Retrieving a corpse in this way carries an additional penalty:

    Option 1:  Randomized item loss (one item equipped/carried is lost permanently.  Chance of this happening could be 100% or could start lower and scale up with level.  Unique items (epic quest rewards, etc) would need to be protected from being lost in this way, but anything that could be reobtained by the player should be fair game.

    Option 2:  Retrieving a corpse from the graveyard incurs a hefty fee in terms of in-game money.  Players who cannot or will not pay this fee may pay the penalty by taking additional experience loss.

    Option 3:  Retrieving a corpse from the graveyard introduces a long term (2-4 hour) debuff of significant potency (-20% to all attributes, -50% xp gain, etc).  This debuff can not be removed but must expire naturally.



    - Are there other potential penalty options?

    - How do we (all of us) feel about the options presented?  Just right?  Too weak?  Too harsh?

    - What, if anything, should VR do in the case of RL disasters (both natural and man-made) that impact their players in entire regions?  (ex:  Wildfires, hurricanes, floods, terrorist bombings).  Should this be handled proactively by VR (we know people in Hawaii are busy dealing with a volcano right now so we're removing the graveyard penalty for them until that's resolved) or should we expect CS to handle it on a case-by-case basis?

    This post was edited by Nephele at May 8, 2018 8:08 AM PDT
    • 194 posts
    May 8, 2018 8:53 AM PDT
    @Venjenz, I get where you're coming from. If a corpse summoning mechanism exists in game, the cost should be high enough that it only gets used in extreme situations. I disagree that gear loss was ever really a fear in classic Eq. I only ever had one corpse rot with all my gear, and that happened under circumstances unrelated to risky gameplay:

    I had just moved, and I was having ISP issues at the new apartment. It was Velious era and I kept going LD while trying to run across GD trying to recover after a death. After about 5 or 6 attempts on two consecutive days and a hell-level lost, I finally threw up my hands and quit logging in. I ended up cancelling my sub a few weeks later, because I knew my gear was all gone and even of the issues had been resolved, I wasn't feeling up to making up all that lost ground.

    I came back to the game about 6 months later when I had time for it, and spent a week farming Hero bracers to get enough pp to buy a new set of adventuring gear.

    Would a petition have gotten my gear back? Possibly, but tickets often took hours to get a response, and if you're missing a corpse, you can't adventure, so that's lost game time.

    Some mechanism should be in place so that players can actually get back to playing the game. If you play at odd hours, you shouldn't be forced to end a session just because you can't find one of those few classes that can help you recover a lost corpse. Make the penalty steep enough that for normal death a cr is still the preferred method of recovery, but something should be in place to ensure that people dont lose tons of game time in abnormal circumstances (toon ran off while LD, corpse stuck in a wall, underworld, etc).
    • 411 posts
    May 8, 2018 9:45 AM PDT

    Having your gear rot is more a punishment for failing a corpse recovery than it is a punishment for your death. I think penalties should occur as a result of your death (the thing you did wrong), not as a result of failing a corpse recovery (something that should just delay your progress).

    I'm looking forward to see what VR's mechanics are and I think their stated direction (while it doesn't have details) seems fine.

    • 2752 posts
    May 8, 2018 10:13 AM PDT

    Ainadak said:

    Having your gear rot is more a punishment for failing a corpse recovery than it is a punishment for your death. I think penalties should occur as a result of your death (the thing you did wrong), not as a result of failing a corpse recovery (something that should just delay your progress).

    I'm looking forward to see what VR's mechanics are and I think their stated direction (while it doesn't have details) seems fine.

    Yep, it's really just a punishment for for failing corpse recovery which almost only happens due to things coming up in real life. So it's really more a punishment for having a life/responsibilities outside the game, whether planned or not. 


    Personally I wouldn't mind having some sort of graveyard/corpse summon NPC system in the game provided it was always a last choice option, something that becomes more and more harsh with use. Maybe it's a feature that costs 20 plat the first use, 40 plat the second, 80 plat the third, 160 plat the fourth, 320 the 5th and so on... and the price never drops or resets for the lifetime of a character. You'd have to seriously think twice about wasting those first few uses. 

    • 21 posts
    May 8, 2018 10:35 AM PDT

    Ainadak said:

    Having your gear rot is more a punishment for failing a corpse recovery than it is a punishment for your death. I think penalties should occur as a result of your death (the thing you did wrong), not as a result of failing a corpse recovery (something that should just delay your progress).

    The way I'm reading this, you just want part of any death penalty to be non-recoverable. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    From my perspective, the penalties (loss of xp and gear) are incurred as a result of your death and completing a corpse run is simply a (potentially challenging and community-building) way to recover some of what you lost. Since corpse running would be a known mechanic, your ability to recover your corpse would largely depend on forethought and risk management. The remainding scenarios where a failed corpse run is unavoidable could be allieviated through some other means of forethought (using currency, etc).

    I wonder if a "body collector" skill and related NPC-guild could work well. I'm imagining some type of skill-ups obtained via helping others with corpse recovery. At certain threshholds, this could enable purchase of helpful recovery items or services through a body collector guild. I'm definitely not a game-designer, but I think a base-system like this could provide any number of avenues to help combat the occasional times where corpse recovery might be impossible due to situations beyond the players control. 

    • 1120 posts
    May 8, 2018 11:39 AM PDT

    I'm confused by how this exp debt st max level would work.  Because you are all claiming that theres no fear to die at max level if you dont delevel, and that would promote people serving things until they accomplish their goal.   

    Well, assuming that this game does in fact take a while to level. If each death is essentially the equivalent of 1hr of game time in a decent exp group..  eventually you will have to make up that debt.  Eventually you will have to level up for an expansion.   And I dont know that many people that would like to start an expansion -400% exp.

    I agree that the fear of de-leveling is a much higher deterrant, but we dont want to punish people at max level who want to try things.  If the fear is too much. Then you get people afraid to venture into that new dungeon, and you significantly take away the fun of exploration. 

    Me dying. Knowing that I'm going to have to spend several hours getting that exp back is MORE than enough to deter me from not caring.  


    • 1785 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:43 PM PDT

    Porygon said:

    I'm confused by how this exp debt st max level would work.  Because you are all claiming that theres no fear to die at max level if you dont delevel, and that would promote people serving things until they accomplish their goal.   

    Well, assuming that this game does in fact take a while to level. If each death is essentially the equivalent of 1hr of game time in a decent exp group..  eventually you will have to make up that debt.  Eventually you will have to level up for an expansion.   And I dont know that many people that would like to start an expansion -400% exp.

    I agree that the fear of de-leveling is a much higher deterrant, but we dont want to punish people at max level who want to try things.  If the fear is too much. Then you get people afraid to venture into that new dungeon, and you significantly take away the fun of exploration. 

    Me dying. Knowing that I'm going to have to spend several hours getting that exp back is MORE than enough to deter me from not caring.  


    I think to really be a deterrent for everyone, you'd have to couple it with some kind of debuff if you dropped below the amount you needed for a level.  Basically the game saying "you *should* have de-leveled, so here's something to remind you of the hole you need to dig out of"

    • 3852 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:48 PM PDT

    >but we dont want to punish people at max level who want to try things.<

    Of *course" we do - any death penalty punishes people that try things more than people that never take risks. This is the nature of the beast and cannot be avoided. Punishing someone at level 10 but not punishing someone at level-cap is ridiculous. VR just needs to come up with a good way to do it. IMO deleveling is probably the best way to keep things fair and balanced at all levels but maybe VR has a better idea.

    Are you saying that level-cap characters are too big to fail? ((laughs)). Why should they get a pass from a basic game mechanic (death should hurt)?

    A level cap can grind experience to regain the loss at least as easily as a lower level.

    Maybe the issue is that you think of level-caps all being in a situation where they cannot store up experience to protect against deleveling? A very valid point if every level-cap is viewed as 1xp above the prior level. But easily handled by letting them continue to earn xp until the next level minus 1XP. Or halfway into the next level. If a level-cap dies so often that he or she loses a full level of xp from the deaths, or half a level, they *should* be deleveled.

    • 21 posts
    May 29, 2018 9:58 AM PDT
    - please, no durability loss on items. I despise that mechanic.
    - yes to corpse runs and dragging.
    - yes to exp loss, an amount that stings, perhaps about 30-45min worth of playtime.
    - yes to resurrections from certain classes for 10-90% exp loss return.
    - yes to corpse summon by Necro, possibly also Dire Lord. Maybe even from any zone, but then corpse can only be looted, no res. Have a high casting cost. EQ had essence emerald. I think something better could be figured out for Pantheon. Maybe the corpse summon takes another big chunk of exp away and the necro or dire lord gets a useful class-specific casting component out of it. This would incentivize the help to happen.
    - no to npc corpse summon (grave yard). Just give it to our necro and dire lord.
    - yes to items stay on corpse and yes to corpse rot. Make it enough time to easily find a corpse summon if worse comes to worse (2 days real time?)
    • 411 posts
    May 29, 2018 11:22 AM PDT

    Knot said:

    Ainadak said:

    Having your gear rot is more a punishment for failing a corpse recovery than it is a punishment for your death. I think penalties should occur as a result of your death (the thing you did wrong), not as a result of failing a corpse recovery (something that should just delay your progress).

    The way I'm reading this, you just want part of any death penalty to be non-recoverable. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


    I didn't see this when it was posted, but I feel like responding anyways. I want the experience portion of the death penalty to really sting and halt progress for those who aren't skilled enough. When I was 13 and playing EQ for the first time I died enough that it really felt like a reasonable punishment for not being good enough - especially in the hell levels. I had to actually figure out how to play better in order to stop dying and progress. I always made it a point to do some random content every few levels (I played a paladin, so it was slow going) in order to test my mettle and see if I had the chops to gain more exp than I lost from deaths. Many times it took quite a while to get out of the red. I think the younger generation will perform admirably if posed a similar challenge in Pantheon. Many kids don't know the first thing about how games work under the hood, but they're actually very willing to persevere and improve - a good learning experience for them.

    As to the question of the non-recoverable aspects of a death penalty - I would embrace them if that's the direction they want to go, but I want it to be a punishment for death and not something that happens a week later. If they want to destroy an equipped item chosen at random every time you die, then I would think that's a harsh, but fair mechanic. If they want to destroy an enchantment, item attunement, or something along those lines on death, then that hits a better balance point for me.

    I also think that EQ's system was very lop-sided. If you die and have a high level cleric give you a rez 6 days later, then you lose 5 minutes of work. If you die and try to get your corpse 8 days later, then you lose years of work.

    This post was edited by Ainadak at May 29, 2018 12:22 PM PDT
    • 752 posts
    May 29, 2018 2:25 PM PDT

    Aradune said:

    As I've stated before, the 'severity' of Pantheon's death penalty will likely lie inbetween two 'extremes':  Vanilla EQ and Vanilla VG.  We need to find that sweet spot in-between the two.  Totally naked corpse runs are probably too extreme.  But, on the other end of the pendulum, trivializing death penalties leads to all sorts of problems. 

    Once EQ1 integrated graveyards the fear of death was removed. I still remember learning about the graveyards and was like "ok.... I just wont play until my corpse repop's". I was nearly ready to quit the game anyway. I do think we should have naked corpse runs or allow some sort of soulbound item feature so some special items stay with us if we die. 

    Lastly, in the event that the community becomes truly split on something as critical as the Death Penalty and its associated mechanics, we always have the option to implement variations on the theme depending on the server/shard.  Athough it's far too early to speculate with any certainty, the penalty for dying in Pantheon may turn out to be something that becomes part of our Alternate Ruleset Servers, with the details and severity depending on which server/shard you've chosen to play on.

    To me, i think the game should start with a base ruleset of having a graveyard, but it takes forever for it to summon (two weeks plus). And the alternative server/shard would be the "hardcore" server that has corpse rotting like original EQ1. That way you are forewarned that your corpse will rot and CS issues regarding corpse rot on the alternative server will be dismissed. 

    In the event that they decide to allow Necro's or other class the ability to summon corpse - They should be a Master of thier Class. Lich level Necro with command over death and dead things. Or at least a fairly hard epic quest.


    This post was edited by kreed99 at May 29, 2018 2:30 PM PDT
    • 151 posts
    May 29, 2018 2:55 PM PDT

    Death penalty is one of the most important parts of the game for me. I don't know what they are going to do all I know is that it should be pretty harsh. What I want to see is that if the whole Leeroy Jenkins scenario were to happen in this game two things would result immediatly.

    1. When that idiot charges off like he did everyone in the group would be trying to get the hell out of there. Evac, run to zone, FD anything. In WoW they tried to go through the battle. They knew they couldnt do it but tried anyway, and when it was over? They just called him names, and probably tried again. No big deal. They lost a little bit of time and thats it.

    2. The guy that does it is really called out for it and gets a rep that hurts their ability to find groups. Something like that would spread. It will only spread if the penalty is so bad that it really angers people to have died needlessly. 

    If the penalty isnt bad, rep wont matter because playihng with an idiot isnt a big deal. It will make you a bit more careful when grouping with people.


    Hope they get it right.

    • 411 posts
    May 29, 2018 3:13 PM PDT

    I think any death penalty mechanic that goes down the road of "after x amount of time y benefit unlocks" is a bad choice. If your corpse pops to a graveyard, then as kreed99 pointed out, you are given an incentive for inaction. Fortunately that runs completely counter to a tenet - "Apathy or lack of action should not be rewarded with bonuses." I don't think we need to worry about a graveyard timer mechanic.


    • 752 posts
    May 29, 2018 10:45 PM PDT

    I do agree that apathy shouldnt be rewarded, but the kind of apathy i am refering to is weeks of inactivity. Which is counter productive to any realistic gameplay achievements. Can you imagine 2 weeks or a month of inactivity? It would be worth it to just try logging in and finding someone to drag your corpse. And the alternative ruleset server/shard of have corpse rot would allow for more alternative rules that facilitate these actions. I personally love the idea of having corpses rot. I lost a few and am better for it. But i understand the CS side and feel that if certain servers are given this ruleset and the rest doesnt have this issue than CS complaints about corpse rot on those specific servers would be ignored.

    I am just revisiting a discussion. I know that VR will choose whichever path they want, however i think a fresh take on things based on previous discussion is warranted. All i am saying is that if we have graveyards make it a looooong time before the corpse pops. The Exp penalty can still be tuned for regular gamers. And thise that choose to wait out the timer will have an even longer journey ahead of them. Realisticlly, if things are tuned so that you can regain full exp loss in a 2-4 hour session. Missing out on 2 weeks of gameplay is insane..,..

    This post was edited by kreed99 at May 29, 2018 10:53 PM PDT
    • 2756 posts
    May 30, 2018 4:13 AM PDT

    Yeah, getting your corpse after being effectively barred from that character for an extended period is not rewarding apathy.  I'd be up for that.  If you somehow let your corpse rot for 2 or 3 days then not getting it for 2 or 3 weeks (maybe a month?) would be pretty serious punishment.

    Losing all your gear is an horrendous punishment that might well stop people playing, but a month off that character would encourage maybe trying an alt or something while you wait for your main to come back.

    I'd also suggest you have to pay cash somehow - maybe donate at a temple in a hub city - to kick off the process.  It shouldn't be 'free' else people with a lot of alts will see it as much less inconvenient.  Maybe you need to sacrifice a bunch of coins or even a level of XP!...

    "Hey, Dispo. You're using your bard a lot lately?"

    "Yeah, my warrior is still travelling back through purgatory since that volcano dive last week"

    "But you'll miss the dragon raids!"

    "Yeah :( But, it would've taken a full raid and lots more death to get him back.  I'm actually enjoying the break kinda"

    "Enjoy missing out on those phat dragon lewts!  What did you sacrifice at the temple again?"

    "Yeah shaddap hehe"

    This post was edited by disposalist at May 30, 2018 6:15 AM PDT
    • 752 posts
    May 30, 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    Yeah, getting your corpse after being effectively barred from that character for an extended period is not rewarding apathy.  I'd be up for that.  If you somehow let your corpse rot for 2 or 3 days then not getting it for 2 or 3 weeks (maybe a month?) would be pretty serious punishment.

    Losing all your gear is an horrendous punishment that might well stop people playing, but a month off that character would encourage maybe trying an alt or something while you wait for your main to come back.

    I'd also suggest you have to pay cash somehow - maybe donate at a temple in a hub city - to kick off the process.  It shouldn't be 'free' else people with a lot of alts will see it as much less inconvenient.  Maybe you need to sacrifice a bunch of coins or even a level of XP!...

    "Hey, Dispo. You're using your bard a lot lately?"

    "Yeah, my warrior is still travelling back through purgatory since that volcano dive last week"

    "But you'll miss the dragon raids!"

    "Yeah :( But, it would've taken a full raid and lots more death to get him back.  I'm actually enjoying the break kinda"

    "Enjoy missing out on those phat dragon lewts!  What did you sacrifice at the temple again?"

    "Yeah shaddap hehe"

    I liked all of that. Ya. Temple donation for sure. And working on an alt wouldnt be the worst thing. You might even exp in the same zone and come accross the corpse. I was thinking that it would cost you a really expensive coffin or soul stone or other expensive reagent donation at a necro guild or the keeper temple. That way you have a month to gather the funds.

    This post was edited by kreed99 at May 30, 2018 12:35 PM PDT
    • 72 posts
    May 31, 2018 6:38 AM PDT

    Wowsers, it sounds like most everyone here would like a harsh and horrible death experience haha...Well from my experience with death being very punishing, it would make me fear going out and adventuring in areas that I didn't know.  I don't mind corpse runs, they add to the challenge of the game.

    Vanguard death was so serious I was never able to level cap my characters, but not a bad thing, it was a game I always had something to strive for.

    • 1404 posts
    May 31, 2018 8:20 AM PDT

    Baldrith said:

    Wowsers, it sounds like most everyone here would like a harsh and horrible death experience haha...Well from my experience with death being very punishing, it would make me fear going out and adventuring in areas that I didn't know.  I don't mind corpse runs, they add to the challenge of the game.

    Vanguard death was so serious I was never able to level cap my characters, but not a bad thing, it was a game I always had something to strive for.

    Exactly why the penalty should be harsh.

    And without Fear, Bravery can't exist. 

    • 72 posts
    May 31, 2018 8:51 AM PDT

    Zorkon said:

    Baldrith said:

    Wowsers, it sounds like most everyone here would like a harsh and horrible death experience haha...Well from my experience with death being very punishing, it would make me fear going out and adventuring in areas that I didn't know.  I don't mind corpse runs, they add to the challenge of the game.

    Vanguard death was so serious I was never able to level cap my characters, but not a bad thing, it was a game I always had something to strive for.

    Exactly why the penalty should be harsh.

    And without Fear, Bravery can't exist. 

    Harsh does not equal fun tho...that's my point

    • 39 posts
    May 31, 2018 8:57 AM PDT
    After playing meridian 59 where your dropped EVERYTHING on a body that was lootable by anyone as well as taking a 3-5%xp loss to all yours skills, i don't think something quite that extreme is needed. Asherons Call saw a 5% of your level xp debt that reduced skills/ heath proportionately as well as dropping 5-15 of your most expensive items (people got clever and carried expensive but worthless gear to cover their deaths. A whole sale of this sort of gear emerged).

    What both had though, which i 100% hope for, wad NO res mechanic. You were instantly portalled to your bind location (you could change your bind area at any time, but were limited by where you could bind to). This made exploring dangerous. There was no "quick return" to a quest/ raid. Heck you often had to take extra people just to account for the attrition that may occur! You had to calculate enough numbers to account for the loss of fighting power that might occur. I felt this really gave you an on the edge of your seat feeling during big fights and i loved it and hope we don't see a res or instant return mechanic.
    • 1404 posts
    May 31, 2018 9:08 AM PDT

    Baldrith said:

    Zorkon said:

    Baldrith said:

    Wowsers, it sounds like most everyone here would like a harsh and horrible death experience haha...Well from my experience with death being very punishing, it would make me fear going out and adventuring in areas that I didn't know.  I don't mind corpse runs, they add to the challenge of the game.

    Vanguard death was so serious I was never able to level cap my characters, but not a bad thing, it was a game I always had something to strive for.

    Exactly why the penalty should be harsh.

    And without Fear, Bravery can't exist. 

    Harsh does not equal fun tho...that's my point

    I'm of a different opinion. Without harsh there wouldn't be fear and without fear you have boring. 

    Boring is not fun.

    • 19 posts
    May 31, 2018 9:24 AM PDT

    Wow, there are a lot of posts and good ones!


    I won't lie. When I first played EQ I disliked the death penalty. But back then, I was rather a noob. Many games now do not have death penalties and I think that is a shame. It makes the game too easy. If I want an easy game, I would play those silly free to play games on my tablet. 

    I'm currently playing Conan exiles while I wait for Pantheon. It reminded me on the death penalty and in Conan (at least on my friend's server), it can be a bit rough. No, I don't lose xp (at least I don't think so) but losing all my stuff and spawn naked on the other side of the map (and I mean, really naked), it was a rude awaking. At first, I hated it but then it taught me how to prepare because it will most likely happen again.

    I think that is part of the problem with games is that the penalties don't really exist anymore. If you had to take away a penalty, then I feel it should be the debt. If you can't get a rez, or some other mechanic, I think for sure you should run back to get your stuff. Or take the hit and remake/get new gear. In Conan, I just make extra gear and weapons and I only retrieve my stuff if it is close by or if there is really cool stuff I need to get. 


    Or have a PvE server with a more forgiving rule set. 


    • 72 posts
    May 31, 2018 9:27 AM PDT

    Zorkon said:

    Baldrith said:

    Zorkon said:

    Baldrith said:

    Wowsers, it sounds like most everyone here would like a harsh and horrible death experience haha...Well from my experience with death being very punishing, it would make me fear going out and adventuring in areas that I didn't know.  I don't mind corpse runs, they add to the challenge of the game.

    Vanguard death was so serious I was never able to level cap my characters, but not a bad thing, it was a game I always had something to strive for.

    Exactly why the penalty should be harsh.

    And without Fear, Bravery can't exist. 

    Harsh does not equal fun tho...that's my point

    I'm of a different opinion. Without harsh there wouldn't be fear and without fear you have boring. 

    Boring is not fun.

    I think we need to be thinking of what is fun rather than what is harsh.  I agree that having to find your body else suffer some penalty would be challenging and rewarding or punishing in it's own right.  Just making something a drudgery for the sake of fear etc does not always equate to less boring or less fun.  I have been dead and unable to retrive my body too many times to know that this time of thing equates to frustrating and not fun.

    If the game punishes too harshly it will create frustration which will cause quitting etc.  Best to find a happy medium where death means something, has some value to your learning experience.  I have no problem with losing your gear if you die and don't recover your body somehow.  There definately needs to be ways to recover your body tho.  I have died at the bottom of a lava pool in UO...there isn't a real way to get your body in that case which would really suck if you were wearing gear you couldn't easily replace.


    • 2756 posts
    May 31, 2018 10:43 AM PDT

    Baldrith said:

    Zorkon said:

    Baldrith said:

    Zorkon said:

    Baldrith said:

    Wowsers, it sounds like most everyone here would like a harsh and horrible death experience haha...Well from my experience with death being very punishing, it would make me fear going out and adventuring in areas that I didn't know.  I don't mind corpse runs, they add to the challenge of the game.

    Vanguard death was so serious I was never able to level cap my characters, but not a bad thing, it was a game I always had something to strive for.

    Exactly why the penalty should be harsh.

    And without Fear, Bravery can't exist. 

    Harsh does not equal fun tho...that's my point

    I'm of a different opinion. Without harsh there wouldn't be fear and without fear you have boring. 

    Boring is not fun.

    I think we need to be thinking of what is fun rather than what is harsh.  I agree that having to find your body else suffer some penalty would be challenging and rewarding or punishing in it's own right.  Just making something a drudgery for the sake of fear etc does not always equate to less boring or less fun.  I have been dead and unable to retrive my body too many times to know that this time of thing equates to frustrating and not fun.

    If the game punishes too harshly it will create frustration which will cause quitting etc.  Best to find a happy medium where death means something, has some value to your learning experience.  I have no problem with losing your gear if you die and don't recover your body somehow.  There definately needs to be ways to recover your body tho.  I have died at the bottom of a lava pool in UO...there isn't a real way to get your body in that case which would really suck if you were wearing gear you couldn't easily replace.

    In EQ even if your corpse was at the bottom of a lava pool, a necromancer anywhere in zone (I believe) could summon it (or you could short-range summon it yourself unless the pool was many meters deep).  The worst that would happen is if you got your corpse in a lava pool *and* in a zone that was expensive to get to (teleport gem or some such) *and* difficult to get to (needing a raid force to fight your way there maybe).

    That combo would be extremely rare, though and, even then, if you exercise some social skills (which could be fun) you would just have to ask around some of the larger guilds and see when they next planned to go and see if you could tag along.  Most would be willing to help and you'd make some new friends or at least contacts even if you owed them a favour (or money) to do it.

    I agree there should be some last resort alternative, but I don't see it being needed anything but very rarely so it could/should be very costly in some way to discourage it's common use.

    • 752 posts
    May 31, 2018 11:34 AM PDT
    Many of the mechanics in EQ1 were good ideas, just implemented poorly as they were trying to attract people back to play. Having Necro’s with a corpse summon will help alot. Having a severe delay and hugh cost to any automated corpse retrieval system will have dual effects. First CS complaints about corpse rot will go down. Second you can play an alt or do some crafting or socializing while you wait for a corpse or a necro. The fear of not getting the corpse for a long while or even having it rot is what made you plan ahead with CR gear or utilize mage summoned armor. I am all for the corpse rot mechanic but i think a solid compromise to help alleviate CS conplaints is having seperate shards for those that want the higher risk, but give us a reward. No necro corpse summon on servers with graveyards? Or something along those lines.