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Introducing: The Dark Myr of Syronai's Rest

    • 9115 posts
    June 10, 2015 9:12 AM PDT

    Pantheon Community,


    It is with great pleasure that I bring you the Dark Myr Race!


    "The Myr hail from the planet Issul. The race was born at a time when Issul’s oceans were dying. Wars between ancient leviathans had erupted beneath the waves, in battles so fierce even kingdoms on land were destroyed. But the gods of Issul did not stop the calamity - they fought each other instead of giving aid. At last, one humble goddess named Syronai begged the spirit of Issul for answers. Manifesting herself in the depths, Issul gave Syronai a sacred gift: power to bring forth a single, new creation. With this gift Syronai fashioned the Myr, a race with kingly hearts and furious might. The Myr struck against the leviathans with abandon, breaking them from war and driving the terrors back into their abysses. With the oceans freed, the gods came together to bless and rule over the Myr. Songs beneath the sea declared that the Myr carried "the heartbeat of Issul herself" and the race flourished under a unified pantheon. Yet of all the gods, Syronai remained their first love.


    In the chaos of their arrival, the Myr were poured into Terminus’ waters, but it was like poison in their bodies and they could not breathe. In an attempt to save them, one of their gods, Nythir, sacrificed his body which was composed of Issul’s seas, creating a breathable sphere of water within the ocean. Such a mighty gift, yet tragically fleeting as the waters mixed again. With selfless instinct, Syronai rushed to help the Myr, concentrating her power to transform and adapt the bodies she had created long ago - yet, mysteriously her aid was kept at bay. Sickened with grief as she watched her Myr perishing, the brave goddess gambled on another, more perilous chance: leveraging the essence of her immortality to recreate the Myr anew. In a brilliant moment of power, the miraculous exchange saved the Myr, transforming them forever. But the gift carried a merciless cost, and Syronai's exhausted body was found dead on the shore. Many say the cries of anguish loosed that day still linger in the murky waters. The agony of losing Syronai poisoned their hearts, sorrow twisted into bitterness and bitterness to hate until darkness consumed them.


    In the present Frail Age, the Dark Myr are seeking old glories. They have subdued their realm of the ocean and built a glorious city in honor of Syronai. Yet beneath the surface of splendor, there is an unsettling current that runs through the deep places, where the Dark Myr have descended like the ancient leviathans they were born to destroy."



    We thank you for your continued support, it means a lot to the team! Please enjoy the Dark Myr and feel free to post any comments or questions you may have below.


    The Pantheon Team.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at July 27, 2015 11:01 AM PDT
    • 132 posts
    June 10, 2015 9:24 AM PDT

    Super awesome! Keep it coming! ^^

    • 1434 posts
    June 10, 2015 9:27 AM PDT

    I see a passive +breath with a +5 cold modifier in this race's future.

    • 2138 posts
    June 10, 2015 10:32 AM PDT

    Swimming? *eee!*

    This post was edited by Manouk at July 27, 2015 11:03 AM PDT
    • 453 posts
    June 10, 2015 11:54 AM PDT

    Love it

    • 1095 posts
    June 10, 2015 1:26 PM PDT

     So are they going to be bipeds or can they transform into the fish version in water? Not sure I understand the photos, are they showing the before and after according to the first creation and the second refit in the lore description?

    • VR Staff
    • 176 posts
    June 10, 2015 2:22 PM PDT
    Aich said:

     So are they going to be bipeds or can they transform into the fish version in water? Not sure I understand the photos, are they showing the before and after according to the first creation and the second refit in the lore description?


    Great question, Aich.


    The differences between the images are meant to portray the transformation that occurred because of Syronai's sacrifice, enabling the Dark Myr to survive in Terminus' waters, but forever changing their form. However, it may be possible for a Dark Myr player to discover a way to regain their original form and recover the tail (which would likely be a racial ability/toggle, usable only in water)... ;)


    That's all the info I can share for now -- thanks for the question!

    This post was edited by Joppa at July 27, 2015 11:00 AM PDT
    • 221 posts
    June 10, 2015 2:39 PM PDT
    Good job. Always been a fan of JP. He does great work. Really looking forward to the rest of the races.
    This post was edited by Convo at July 27, 2015 11:00 AM PDT
    • 1095 posts
    June 10, 2015 3:37 PM PDT
    Joppa said:
    Aich said:

     So are they going to be bipeds or can they transform into the fish version in water? Not sure I understand the photos, are they showing the before and after according to the first creation and the second refit in the lore description?


    Great question, Aich.


    The differences between the images are meant to portray the transformation that occurred because of Syronai's sacrifice, enabling the Dark Myr to survive in Terminus' waters, but forever changing their form. However, it may be possible for a Dark Myr player to discover a way to regain their original form and recover the tail (which would likely be a racial ability/toggle, usable only in water)... ;)


    That's all the info I can share for now -- thanks for the question!



    That is what was bothering me. The latter porton of the description showed signes they returned to the depths of which they came so, they will require the ability to breath under water. :)



    This post was edited by Aich at June 11, 2015 6:36 AM PDT
    • 10 posts
    June 10, 2015 8:38 PM PDT

    I love it guys (and girl ;) )!!  For me its important to be drawn in by your character's story/history and the story/history of the world.  That is a big part of what keeps me engaged.  Another step in that direction; awesome job!!

    • VR Staff
    • 587 posts
    June 11, 2015 9:58 AM PDT

    Also, for those non-Myr amongst you, there will be items and buffs that allow you to breathe and interact underwater.  But methinks the Myr will have some advantages -- we generally like the idea of racial innates -- the trick is to make them cool, add flavor to the race, etc., but not create a situation where racial innates are so powerful that only a few of the races or played.  Or, that certain race-class combos are better than other race-class combos all of the time.  I don't like seeing situations where player X wants to play race Y and class Z, but feels he or she cannot because that combination isn't considered viable or desirable in a group.  All that said, I feel we can pull off this balance, and have flavor and some advantages without running into the 'not desired in a group' problem.  Lastly, remember that Pantheon is a very situational game, so one class-race combo may be a bit better 'here' but not as good as another 'there'.

    • 311 posts
    June 11, 2015 12:21 PM PDT

    Nice looking good need more.

    • 154 posts
    June 12, 2015 9:40 PM PDT

    Been a bit buried the last few days and just now got a chance to see this release. I love it! Really a fantastic idea and will take the game to an under utilized area of the the world. I do think that as Aich alluded to that the art was a bit misleading/hard to follow but it is really exciting and I am so glad to see more class release information. 

    • 2138 posts
    June 13, 2015 4:09 PM PDT

    I fantasize about a something like an underwater SOW like racial ability maybe? but sharable , if grouped with a Myr, or if all agree to be a part of a "school". (pronounced "ckull" in the native) from the invite of the Myr, or like, in the town and you want merchant faction you have to catch and put a certain (not always the same) fish in the fountain- once- from a special container that also doubles as a fairly nice bag to carry the fish back from a help-the-people-type quest and then if you group with a Myr, because you got the fish and it lives in the fountain then you can ckull with the Myr and swim fast and breath, and because your in a school some natural defensive ability is triggered in the group like, in real life.

    And alternatively, for evils, same kinda thing but like a pedatory fish like shark or barracuda (something with teeth) and you cant school, but you get speed, and some underwater camo ability only when still like octopus, cuttlefish or flounder ( if flounder you are limited to seeing one way, you can't turn around- heh) and a small atk bonus.


    • VR Staff
    • 587 posts
    June 14, 2015 7:43 PM PDT
    Manouk said:

    I fantasize about a something like an underwater SOW like racial ability maybe? but sharable , if grouped with a Myr, or if all agree to be a part of a "school". (pronounced "ckull" in the native) from the invite of the Myr, or like, in the town and you want merchant faction you have to catch and put a certain (not always the same) fish in the fountain- once- from a special container that also doubles as a fairly nice bag to carry the fish back from a help-the-people-type quest and then if you group with a Myr, because you got the fish and it lives in the fountain then you can ckull with the Myr and swim fast and breath, and because your in a school some natural defensive ability is triggered in the group like, in real life.

    And alternatively, for evils, same kinda thing but like a pedatory fish like shark or barracuda (something with teeth) and you cant school, but you get speed, and some underwater camo ability only when still like octopus, cuttlefish or flounder ( if flounder you are limited to seeing one way, you can't turn around- heh) and a small atk bonus.


    I *really* like this idea.  Sharable...  symbiosis is an important part of Pantheon and I think this or something similar fits right in.

    • 51 posts
    June 19, 2015 4:00 PM PDT
    Looks cool, reminds me of something out of kedge keep :D
    • 70 posts
    November 27, 2015 4:39 PM PST

    It does remind me of Kedge Keep a bit. But, there is more lore/detail/beauty here. Not exactly what I'm trying to say, but close.

    Each race that unveils, I know I have to try.

    • 668 posts
    November 27, 2015 5:55 PM PST

    I love this race...  Did I interpret it correctly that their starting city is under water?  I am REALLY curious about under water exploration / game play in this game.  Can't wait...

    • 3016 posts
    April 2, 2016 10:02 AM PDT

    This is one of the races I really want to play....and it looks like they are amphibious...which is a bonus.   :)  Thank you for creating this race.    Looking forward to playing.

    • 453 posts
    April 3, 2016 12:26 PM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said:

    This is one of the races I really want to play....and it looks like they are amphibious...which is a bonus.   :)  Thank you for creating this race.    Looking forward to playing.


    I feel the same. I will be playing this race, a halfing and an elf for sure. Also an ugly female troll if available ;)

    • 646 posts
    April 3, 2016 5:44 PM PDT

    This is an interesting nuance in the lore, so I imagine we will have to ferret out the truth :


    Originally, the Myr lore depicted that the Myr's "guardian" force was indignant at having their aquatic form stripped from them and they went mad, descending upon Syronai herself and tering into her flesh and killnig her themselves.


    The Dark Myr lore claims that it was the transferrence and "descension" of Syronai that snuffed out her own life.


    I actually like this contradiction:  the Myr claim that the Dark Myr are responsible for Syronai's demise while the Dark Myr claim that she killed herself while saving her precious Myr.


    Very compelling seeds planted.....




    This post was edited by fazool at April 3, 2016 5:45 PM PDT
    • 613 posts
    April 11, 2016 11:41 AM PDT

    So are they a shape shifter of sorts?  Land vs sea transition? Very cool concept. Will we get more lore on this race and the others as things progress? I know you guys have your hands full but this stuff is awesome!




    • 646 posts
    April 12, 2016 8:02 PM PDT

    Oxillion said:

    So are they a shape shifter of sorts?  Land vs sea transition? Very cool concept. Will we get more lore on this race and the others as things progress? I know you guys have your hands full but this stuff is awesome!


    As I understadn it, they were permanently changed from sea to land dwellers which is what made them twisted and dark......

    • 38 posts
    May 5, 2016 8:36 AM PDT

    I love this race, this piece of lore is beautiful.

    • 15 posts
    August 23, 2016 10:06 PM PDT

    little mermaid,poseidon or aquaman? :P