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Bank Sizes

    • 288 posts
    May 3, 2015 5:07 PM PDT

    What would everyone think about Pantheon having unlimited bank sizes, so we don't have to manage 10 mules with gear across accounts?


    This is how I propose it would work, and it would be a good money sink for the economy as well.  It would be a bit like WoW, where you payed for increased slots, however instead of just paying for however many slots, you would pay for 1 slot.  That one slot could hold a bag, size depending on how big you want to put in it.  When you got to a certain bank size, the fee for adding another bag slot would stay the same, and continue on at that same rate forever, or if not forever, at least an amount that no player would really need.


    You could technically still make alts and store your gear the old fashioned way on mules, or you could pay the money sink and gain some convenience that I'm sure most people wouldn't see a problem with having.

    • 1434 posts
    May 3, 2015 5:11 PM PDT

    By the sound of it, we are going to have a lot of item sets to collect in addition to quest items and eventually crafted items as well.  Its probably going to be necessary to have unlimited, or nearly unlimited bank space.  I'm really not a fan of having to create alts to hold items.  At that point you have to create an inventory spreadsheet to track where all your items are currently residing, and thats a pain.

    • 378 posts
    May 3, 2015 5:55 PM PDT

    If unlimited bank space is something the Devs look into, you could also look at splitting a section of your bank off into your own kind of shop and attach prices to items etc, when your online you set your shop up and open for business. 

    Other people will have to come and chat to you to see your wares and maybe try haggle prices down. 

    • 453 posts
    May 3, 2015 6:09 PM PDT

    I would be in favor of unlimited banks. After all, real life banks don't limit how much cash they store for you though at the same time I suppose banks in real life don't store physical items for you aside from like safety deposit boxes. Still, having mules just to store things gets kind of lame. I am all for unlimited banking. I also like Zandil's idea of being able to partition part of your bank off for selling stuff on the market. 

    • 288 posts
    May 3, 2015 6:15 PM PDT
    Jason said:

    I would be in favor of unlimited banks. After all, real life banks don't limit how much cash they store for you though at the same time I suppose banks in real life don't store physical items for you aside from like safety deposit boxes. Still, having mules just to store things gets kind of lame. I am all for unlimited banking. I also like Zandil's idea of being able to partition part of your bank off for selling stuff on the market. 


    Well I don't think any of us want an auction house system, or any sort of consignment.  I would be for having a portion of your bank payed for to be listed on a WTS sheet in major towns, so players could search the sheet, find an item they may want, and send a tell to the owner to arrange a meet up and sale.  There should never be an easy method to sell your goods without having to physically make the transaction IMO.

    • 154 posts
    May 3, 2015 7:19 PM PDT

    I would also be all for this. I think that it would become a very nice and natural item and money sink. I think the slots would have to be cheap enough that it does not dissuade people from buying them but otherwise I don't see any issues. Using Jason's safe deposit box example you can always open up more safe deposit boxes. Maybe the rate could increase exponentially with the number of slots? So a low player can buy extra slots pretty easily but it continues to scale with the level of the player by assuming higher level players have more money and more items they need to store.

    • 725 posts
    May 3, 2015 11:32 PM PDT

    Thinking back of UO, iirc it had just one bank (and inventory) slot. But you could put bags inside bags, so in essence there was no limit to how many items you could store. Maybe this is a better approach, instead of having "slotted" inventories. Could still have limits as to how deep you can stack items etc.


    • 366 posts
    May 4, 2015 4:51 AM PDT

    Large inventories are very much needed in a game like this where you will be playing for years, and I do enjoy working towards increasing bank size (not sure about "unlimited" however due to technical issues.)  Bags are a nice way of sorting and increasing your bank. I  would also hope to see  SORT and SEARCH functions like you see in many modern MMOs. With increasing bank size these tools become even more important. I store way too much stuff and those two tools are very helpful.  Again not a must have - a nice to have feature.  It can always be added in later on either directly through VRI or an add-on.

    This post was edited by Zarriya at May 4, 2015 5:44 AM PDT
    • 112 posts
    May 4, 2015 9:58 AM PDT

    While not exactly what you are discussing - should there be a shared bank slot for all your characters?  Or would that be counter to the whole "make friends with people" idea of the game.  Personally I used to gamble with dropping a bag on the ground where a precamped alt was, then swapping and hoping for no server crash =/ 

    • 83 posts
    May 4, 2015 9:58 AM PDT

    That all depends on how the design happens for needing this armor set here, this resist there and so forth :)

    • 308 posts
    May 4, 2015 12:21 PM PDT

    I want large bank space. and the ability to partition that bank space how i see fit. this way i could have all my crafting mats in partition 1 and all my extra gear in partition 2 and all my quest stuff in partition 3. i like the idea of a WTS bulletin board in large cities, but dont like the idea of things posting just because they are in a specific spot in your bank. the owner should have to post the item manually.

    • 50 posts
    May 4, 2015 2:28 PM PDT

    The best way to handle this is to give the ability to get extra bank slots, but require an upkeep.  Kinda like having boxes at a bank.  This will help curve economy while giving you what you want.

    • 50 posts
    May 4, 2015 2:29 PM PDT
    DJay said:

    The best way to handle this is to give the ability to get extra bank slots, but require an upkeep.  Kinda like having boxes at a bank.  This will help curve economy while giving you what you want.

    BTW when i say rent slots I mean like a set of 20 or so.  Not individual of course

    • 2138 posts
    May 4, 2015 5:29 PM PDT

    I kind of like finite space, as it forces you to make decisions and narrow your focus. I do like the idea of buying extra space if needed, but again a limited number of spaces. I think a mid-cost (I am talking in-game, not micro-transaction) , like a Gno-to-mat that you need faction to "hire" a gnome that can stand and sell your stuff in a market type setting with certain spaces, that runs home when all is sold and you have to find it to get your coin, or - actually why not buy "mules" instead of horses and load them up- again with limited- but more spaces.

    • 288 posts
    May 4, 2015 6:28 PM PDT
    DJay said:
    DJay said:

    The best way to handle this is to give the ability to get extra bank slots, but require an upkeep.  Kinda like having boxes at a bank.  This will help curve economy while giving you what you want.

    BTW when i say rent slots I mean like a set of 20 or so.  Not individual of course


    Then what happens if you don't pay your upkeep... the items in those slots disappear? I hope there is no mail system, that is a retarded mechanic that demotes social interaction.  Easier to just have a set fee and you buy them and you keep them.

    • 288 posts
    May 4, 2015 6:32 PM PDT
    Manouk said:

    I kind of like finite space, as it forces you to make decisions and narrow your focus. I do like the idea of buying extra space if needed, but again a limited number of spaces. I think a mid-cost (I am talking in-game, not micro-transaction) , like a Gno-to-mat that you need faction to "hire" a gnome that can stand and sell your stuff in a market type setting with certain spaces, that runs home when all is sold and you have to find it to get your coin, or - actually why not buy "mules" instead of horses and load them up- again with limited- but more spaces.


    I sure hope there is no "gno-to-mat" that sells your items for you.  The only way anyone should be able to sell items without having to personally be there is if they had a system where you could rent a lot, set up a store and hire a clerk to sell your wares.  If this was available it would also have to be very expensive, enough to make the average person avoid it, all but the true market kings or neckbeards that can afford its convenience.

    This post was edited by Rallyd at May 4, 2015 6:32 PM PDT
    • 432 posts
    May 5, 2015 3:06 AM PDT
    Rallyd said:

    I sure hope there is no "gno-to-mat" that sells your items for you.  The only way anyone should be able to sell items without having to personally be there is if they had a system where you could rent a lot, set up a store and hire a clerk to sell your wares.  If this was available it would also have to be very expensive, enough to make the average person avoid it, all but the true market kings or neckbeards that can afford its convenience.


    As far as I am concerned I am quite in favour of postal services.

    It fits well with the world (even in EQ the bards were running postal services in many towns) so that it is not shocking to be able to send a letter to a friend.

    Besides it is very practical to contact people when one wants to meet for an adventure and they are not on line.

    For me the advantages largely outweigh the inconvenients.


    For bank I am in favor of being able to buy expansion slots like it is done in most MMOs.


    • 76 posts
    May 5, 2015 3:38 AM PDT

    We get our own email?? []? That'd be cool.

    • 1434 posts
    May 5, 2015 3:44 AM PDT

    Problem with finite spaces is it doesn't really solve anything.  If you can't keep all your stuff in one bank, players will just load up alts.


    As far as vendors go, I've mostly disliked automated implementations I've come across, including the traditional Auction House.  I'm just not a fan of seeing player interaction sacrificed for convenience.  Like Rallyd said, I wouldn't mind if a limited number of spots were available to players to bid on or actually build a store in a city, but I look back at similar scenarios like Age of Wushu and see it resulted in a lack of player interaction.  The rented stalls were fine, but everyone else just left their character online like EQ bazaar and it ended up cluttering the city.


    I think to allow for some form of automation a few things need to happen.  First, it should be taxed.  Then there needs to be some other prereqs like faction with the city.  Last, spots should be limited, and players should have to bid on available stalls.  In the case of the Auction House, I think it should be heavily taxed to account for the convenience, and that they should be localized to each city.  Those steps allow the player focused on being a "trader", to thrive by actually interacting and spending time traveling around and selling their wares.  When you remove forms of gameplay like traditional commerce from an MMORPG, you are moving away from a virtual world and one step closer to a themepark.

    This post was edited by Dullahan at May 5, 2015 6:20 PM PDT
    • 338 posts
    May 5, 2015 5:51 AM PDT

    I don't like the idea of unlimited bank space...


    Over years of playing hoarders could have thousands of items stacked up in there. This could cause performance problems I would think.


    Even if you make a mule alt your space is still limited to the number of mules x # of slots in bank... this is still a lot less than unlimited slots.


    Making inventory decisions is part of playing a mmo and sometimes you should be incentivized to get rid of stuff.


    If it were up to me I would localize banks for items and only have coin be non localized...I doubt they would do this tho




    • 1434 posts
    May 5, 2015 6:47 AM PDT

    Theres only two reasons to localize banks: one is immersion and the other is the risk factor in transporting items on a full loot PvP server.  I wouldn't so much mind it for immersion, but it could be a bit of a pain in a big world with limited fast travel.  Seeing as how its only ever been used for PvP in past games and that isn't a factor here, I can't see much sense in it.


    Also have to point out, that localizing banks would almost be like unlimited bank space, only less convenient.  Just think of how many factions had bankers in EQ.  Permitted you have the faction, you'd have like 15 different banking options.

    This post was edited by Dullahan at May 5, 2015 6:51 AM PDT
    • 13 posts
    May 5, 2015 2:33 PM PDT

    I think when it comes to bank space you have to look at the loot that will drop in a game.  If you have grey items typically known as vendor trash then these items should not be allowed to be stored in bank spaces. You come home from a long adventure and these items you should sell to a local merchant not take up bank space. These are items that only the local citizens/milita can use so banks wont let you store them in their limited space.  I would like the game to keep this to realistic levels so most junk items are basic weapons, armor, gems and coin.  By realistic I mean you slay an Orc npc caster he won't drop grey plate armor he drops a grey robe.


    As for crafting items they can be stored but not in the local bank. Crafting items can be stored with crafting guilds. These can be NPC driven basically with the idea that each type of crafting guild  takes resources from all their members and distributes them to local crafting guilds around the world so that every crafting station for a certain type has  the materials to make items. Obviously you dont have access to materials you didn't collect yourself or own but this way they don't take up bank space. You can also sell to one of the crafting guild NPC's if you don't craft or its not your type of profession. The NPC would buy at a reduced rate vs the AH or player driven sales. Players could buy surplus from the NPC guilds at a slightly marked up rate. The idea here is to give a quick sale option vs trying to sell to another players but players can still make a profit if willing to sell themselves. Also keeps crafting materials out of banks. I also think certain crafting materials should have a shelf life when not stored at the crafting guilds. I'm sure banks don't want rotting meat in their vaults.


    Magic items, armor weapons etc can be stored in the bank. The long term idea though would be that once you have player housing these items can and should be stored in your house.  This leaves the bank for coin other special items, special event items etc.


    You should be able to purchase more space if needed and shared bank space should also be an option.



    This post was edited by Aneadorn at May 6, 2015 10:01 AM PDT
    • 288 posts
    May 5, 2015 4:49 PM PDT

    Player housing is a good boon to your storage space, and I could see that being where most of your storage space comes from, because it's all about whether you want furniture or chests to store goods in haha.  


    I would however note though that unless Pantheon gets some serious dough via a very successful crowdfunding campaign or investors, I find it unlikely that player housing will make it into launch.

    This post was edited by Rallyd at May 6, 2015 10:00 AM PDT
    • 157 posts
    February 2, 2016 5:53 PM PST

    As for crafting items they can be stored but not in the local bank. Crafting items can be stored with crafting guilds. These can be NPC driven basically with the idea that each type of crafting guild  takes resources from all their members and distributes them to local crafting guilds around the world so that every crafting station for a certain type has  the materials to make items. Obviously you dont have access to materials you didn't collect yourself or own but this way they don't take up bank space. You can also sell to one of the crafting guild NPC's if you don't craft or its not your type of profession. The NPC would buy at a reduced rate vs the AH or player driven sales. Players could buy surplus from the NPC guilds at a slightly marked up rate. The idea here is to give a quick sale option vs trying to sell to another players but players can still make a profit if willing to sell themselves. Also keeps crafting materials out of banks. I also think certain crafting materials should have a shelf life when not stored at the crafting guilds. I'm sure banks don't want rotting meat in their vaults.

    I love this idea.  Solves a banking, trading, crafting, and immersion issue in one fell swoop.  I have never liked the idea that crafting materials need to share inventory space.


    • 86 posts
    September 9, 2016 8:17 AM PDT

    I do not like the idea of an unlimited bank size by default.

    However, I have seen bank typically setup in one of 3 ways.

    1. Either like EQ and EQ2 where you have a set number of bank slots where you can but any sized bag you can get within that slot. The bigger the bags the bigger the bank.
    2. Like WoW where there was separate bank tabs you had to purchase. 
    3. The other way I seen it is a single bank tab/bag that you could expand.

    As I have said in many other threads, creating enough money sinks is one of the major challenges for developers. If you started with an unlimited sized bank you eliminate a big one. A lot of money is spent to craft all those bags people buy to put in all their alts banks. So my proposal is as such....

    I propose we start with 2 bank tabs. a Personal tab and a Shared tab. Personal is for that specific character and the shared tab is for all characters on that account. Each tab starts with a limited number of spaces. However, each tab could be expanded via purchase. Each time you expand a tab, the cost of the next expansion grows. You could do this forever as long as you had the money for it.

    This would solver 2 issues

    1. The players that feel the never can get enough space could now expand their banks forever.
    2. We would get a money sink that would get biigger and bigger helping manage one of the biggest problems in MMOs after they been out for a while.... INFLATION!