Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

@ Pantheon Team

    • 144 posts
    January 8, 2015 9:13 AM PST

    This is for the whole team.


    I have been a part of this since kick starter and I will be here until the end.  I see things differently than most as I am sure you can see by my posts and threads.


    Watching just the last few weeks.  I have found a new found appreciation for Aradune and all of the team.  It some times is hard to make the right choices and even harder to put them in place. Like I remember when Monty and Joppa came aboard at the time to me and probably most they were just names.  Since then they are not only names they are Pantheon icons.  Not to take away from the work of everyone else by no means.  The whole team is a cast of icons making a difference in the MMO world that will find its place in history.


    I also believe there is never enough kind words for the volunteer team that is pantheon.


    This last week has brought many new and wonderful surprises.  Keep up the good work and best wishes in the new year.  This year I can tell is going to be a fantastic year for Pantheon as a whole




    Pantheon supporter for life.

    • 132 posts
    January 8, 2015 9:31 AM PST


    • 453 posts
    January 8, 2015 11:38 AM PST

    We indeed are blessed with a wonderful, talented and hard working team of volunteers who are doing this out of love and passion. You guys rock . 

    • 16 posts
    January 8, 2015 12:27 PM PST

    @ Chaam -----> Couldn't agree more!!!

    • 63 posts
    January 8, 2015 12:36 PM PST

    Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate you all. I feel extremely privileged to be able to create the world you guys may call a second home some day. 

    • 378 posts
    January 8, 2015 1:01 PM PST
    Montreseur said:

    Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate you all. I feel extremely privileged to be able to create the world you guys may call a second home some day. 

    If it's as good as we hope it will be our first home and RL our 2nd ;)

    • 132 posts
    January 8, 2015 1:23 PM PST
    Montreseur said:

    Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate you all. I feel extremely privileged to be able to create the world you guys may call a second home some day. 

    I envy you and I'm jealous! ^^

    • VR Staff
    • 176 posts
    January 8, 2015 2:45 PM PST

    Thanks Chaam and thanks to everyone for your ongoing passion and support of our team. It really means a lot to us :)

    • VR Staff
    • 246 posts
    January 8, 2015 3:39 PM PST
    With support like this, we ought to make an incredible gaming experience. Thank-you, Chaam. Such kind words.
    • 311 posts
    January 8, 2015 5:07 PM PST

    Well said Chaam

    • 9115 posts
    January 8, 2015 7:19 PM PST

    Well said mate, I agree completely and can't wait to see what the year ahead brings us all :)

    • VR Staff
    • 587 posts
    January 8, 2015 8:20 PM PST

    Thanks for the encouraging words -- what this does for the team is huge and I appreciate all of your posts.

    • 999 posts
    January 8, 2015 8:47 PM PST

    Nice post Chaam and I echo his response: thanks volunteer team for spending hours of free time making a game I want to play. 


    It is an exciting time for Pantheon's development.  Hard to believe that the Kickstarter launched almost a year ago - on 1/13/14. 




    • 3016 posts
    January 8, 2015 10:00 PM PST

    Those were very nice words to the team,  Chaam :)   

    Things running smoothly now...glad I stuck around.   :)  

    ~It's getting better all the time~~  :D

    • 46 posts
    January 30, 2022 4:58 PM PST

    Chaam said:

    This is for the whole team.


    I have been a part of this since kick starter and I will be here until the end.  I see things differently than most as I am sure you can see by my posts and threads.


    Watching just the last few weeks.  I have found a new found appreciation for Aradune and all of the team.  It some times is hard to make the right choices and even harder to put them in place. Like I remember when Monty and Joppa came aboard at the time to me and probably most they were just names.  Since then they are not only names they are Pantheon icons.  Not to take away from the work of everyone else by no means.  The whole team is a cast of icons making a difference in the MMO world that will find its place in history.


    I also believe there is never enough kind words for the volunteer team that is pantheon.


    This last week has brought many new and wonderful surprises.  Keep up the good work and best wishes in the new year.  This year I can tell is going to be a fantastic year for Pantheon as a whole




    Pantheon supporter for life.


    I just want to say Awesome Job and keep up the Good Work! That networking stack coming out looks just amazing… Also, the HDRP pipeline.

    It's looking simply incredible for 2022!

    • 1860 posts
    January 30, 2022 5:41 PM PST

    That was quite the necro.  Jan 2015- Jan 2022.

    Edit:  the OP definitely isn't active anymore even though they said :

    "I have been a part of this since kick starter and I will be here until the end."

    That seems somewhat normal these days where most players won't stick around long term.  Hopefully Pantheon will end up appealing to the few who do....or would that be considered niche? 

    This post was edited by philo at January 30, 2022 5:50 PM PST
    • 2109 posts
    January 30, 2022 6:09 PM PST

    philo said:

    the OP definitely isn't active anymore even though they said : "I have been a part of this since kick starter and I will be here until the end."

    That seems somewhat normal these days where most players won't stick around long term. 

    I think most MMO players aren't such big fans of "Forum Quest" as those of us who keep posting regularly. Some others who've joined likely just had a better way of dealing with their impatience at the slow pace. So instead of sticking around and complaining, they just put Panth 'on the shelf' and went off to other pursuits.

    I don't see it as any kind of value judgement on Pantheon by the great majority of them. They'll all get their license key when the game opens. If they are still gaming, they'll surely give it a try. If Panth is good, many of them will stay.

    • 1860 posts
    January 30, 2022 6:34 PM PST

    Jothany said:


    I don't see it as any kind of value judgement on Pantheon by the great majority of them. They'll all get their license key when the game opens. If they are still gaming, they'll surely give it a try. If Panth is good, many of them will stay.

    I wasn't saying I don't understand the reason why people aren't still active 7 years later.  It was a judgment of that specific person who claimed they would be here until the end and isn't.  Pantheon is a subscription game.  Brad made it very clear that for the sub model to work the game has to retain players long term.  That is stating the obvious but even when some people seem to have strong convictions they may not last.  Hopefully the Pantheon end product targets the demographic who sticks around...

    • 63 posts
    January 30, 2022 9:37 PM PST

    People take breaks, life happens, not everyone is a forum troll, etc... hell, odds are some people have even met their maker in one unfortunat way or another (looking at you, Aradune post above! RIP).

    I just came back from a long break of about 1 year, I was busy with life changes and a hectic work year. I've taken breaks before, also. Doesn't mean that I'm not still here thinking about Pantheon almost daily in one way or another. 

    I hope all the old faces come out of the woodwork as we draw closer to Aloha and beyond, but life is fluid and constantly changing and just becuase one old member said they will be here to the end 7 years ago with radio silence since... doesn't mean they aren't out there patiently waiting. And perhaps, as is such with Brad's case, they really did stay until the end! (Or at least... their end??)


    Those of us that know why we're are here and have never waivered, we will always be here even if we don't post for years at a time. There are thousands of silent pledgers out there who have never posted probably, but will be along side us slaying noob trash in our starting zones on day one! 

    I would like to echo the original wisdom of this post, and thank every individual at VR who has shed blood, sweat, and tears to keep this dream alive. We couldn't have prayed for someone better than Joppa to lead this project to where it is today, and I know Brad would be proud of the tenacity and dedication put into his final work by the VR team. So, once more, kudos to all the VR team and to us who continue to support them in executing this vision and dream we all share!

    • 124 posts
    January 31, 2022 12:07 PM PST

    I have two places I go for Pantheon information, one is this forum, and the other is YouTube for video updates from community members such as the Pantheon+ team (I really love that channel!). I sit, every Sunday, waiting for their 'Rewind' stream to go live. The reason I do that, the reason I feel the way I do about this project, is because of the community, and they are here, conducting themselves the way they do, because of the passion and dedication they feel from the VR team to see this game through to completion.

    I know it may sound a little odd, but these forums actually remind me of the community I felt back in the days of EQ, and Ultima Online (not the PKs, mind you), and in a world dominated by Twitter addicts, hell bent on arguing with anyone, and everyone, about anything, and everything, just because they can, this place gives me hope that not all of society has become monumentally broken.

    At the end of this development process, we'll have a new home to spend an inordinate amount of time in, and for me, this game is it, I'm in my mid forties, and I have every intention of playing it for a very long time. I will play slow, play it thoroughly, enjoy playing it, eventually experience it all, over time, and I hope to bump into some of you along the way!

    • 63 posts
    January 31, 2022 9:12 PM PST

    Shadowbound said:

    I have two places I go for Pantheon information, one is this forum, and the other is YouTube for video updates from community members such as the Pantheon+ team (I really love that channel!). I sit, every Sunday, waiting for their 'Rewind' stream to go live. The reason I do that, the reason I feel the way I do about this project, is because of the community, and they are here, conducting themselves the way they do, because of the passion and dedication they feel from the VR team to see this game through to completion.

    I know it may sound a little odd, but these forums actually remind me of the community I felt back in the days of EQ, and Ultima Online (not the PKs, mind you), and in a world dominated by Twitter addicts, hell bent on arguing with anyone, and everyone, about anything, and everything, just because they can, this place gives me hope that not all of society has become monumentally broken.

    At the end of this development process, we'll have a new home to spend an inordinate amount of time in, and for me, this game is it, I'm in my mid forties, and I have every intention of playing it for a very long time. I will play slow, play it thoroughly, enjoy playing it, eventually experience it all, over time, and I hope to bump into some of you along the way!

    Here, here! Every word of this post is great, and perfectly sums up how I feel about this game and why I wait for it as well. I look forward to enjoying this game for many years, countless hours, and at a nice slow but rewarding pace where I consume everything because I want to know Terminus even better than I know this Tik Tok nightmare of a world we live in now. Let's get back to simpler time, y'all! I'll see you in Terminus, friend. 

    • 3852 posts
    February 1, 2022 9:47 AM PST

    As noted above there are differing views of the importance of staying active in forums. This may have nothing whatsoever to do with the level of dedication to the game. 

    In my case one of the reasons to pledge was to have a chance to try and influence the development of the game through suggestions and comments here. Staying active as long as there remains hope that game development will eventually succeed obviously supports that objective. Clearly I still am optimistic. Proof being I am still here.

    A second reason to pledge was because I enjoy participating in forums. By now I may have spent as much time posting and reading as I ever will actually playing - thus getting my money's worth from the pledge even before alpha. I could say the pledge was successful beyond my wildest expectations. Staying active here gets me even more bang for the buck.

    A third reason was to support development - as with most or all of us. Staying active here does little or nothing to support that goal.

    • 295 posts
    February 1, 2022 8:35 PM PST

    snocap said:

    People take breaks, life happens, not everyone is a forum troll, etc... hell, odds are some people have even met their maker in one unfortunat way or another (looking at you, Aradune post above! RIP).

    I just came back from a long break of about 1 year, I was busy with life changes and a hectic work year. I've taken breaks before, also. Doesn't mean that I'm not still here thinking about Pantheon almost daily in one way or another. 

    I hope all the old faces come out of the woodwork as we draw closer to Aloha and beyond, but life is fluid and constantly changing and just becuase one old member said they will be here to the end 7 years ago with radio silence since... doesn't mean they aren't out there patiently waiting. And perhaps, as is such with Brad's case, they really did stay until the end! (Or at least... their end??)


    Those of us that know why we're are here and have never waivered, we will always be here even if we don't post for years at a time. There are thousands of silent pledgers out there who have never posted probably, but will be along side us slaying noob trash in our starting zones on day one! 

    I would like to echo the original wisdom of this post, and thank every individual at VR who has shed blood, sweat, and tears to keep this dream alive. We couldn't have prayed for someone better than Joppa to lead this project to where it is today, and I know Brad would be proud of the tenacity and dedication put into his final work by the VR team. So, once more, kudos to all the VR team and to us who continue to support them in executing this vision and dream we all share!


    Good post. Also, might I add, not everyone is patient or deeply intrested in how a game is developed...they just want to play. That doesn't mean they don't care about the game. I have said before that most of the folks who will be playing Pantheon initially probably have never heard about it yet or will not be active on the Forums right now duing its development. Folks who care about game development are a minority(despite their passion or strong interest in Pantheon), so I don't put much stock into numbers right now. Things will be exponentially different once Alpha is announced.  

    • 247 posts
    February 3, 2022 7:35 PM PST

    philo said:

    That was quite the necro.  Jan 2015- Jan 2022.

    Edit:  the OP definitely isn't active anymore even though they said :

    "I have been a part of this since kick starter and I will be here until the end."

    That seems somewhat normal these days where most players won't stick around long term.  Hopefully Pantheon will end up appealing to the few who do....or would that be considered niche? 


    A lot people spend time having discussions on just the official Discord and get their official updates from YouTube and the Newsletters, they don't spend so much time on the forums making negative posts like some do.

    • 1 posts
    February 6, 2022 7:26 PM PST