Forums » Pantheon Classes

Enchanter graphics change on mez :(

    • 70 posts
    July 21, 2024 10:48 PM PDT
    from various videos 5+ years ago, i was SO happy to finally see something above the head of , or in front of face of, mezzed mobs.

    same should be on webbed feet if spiders web / snare root you, or druid / ranger does vinesnare on everyone in the gruop can graphically see what effect is on you.

    i LOVED the oscillationg purple / red stopwatch, it was great (though on spiders @ spider cave it was HUGE no idea why)

    now.. it's just a debuff on the mob..

    other games have little "zzzzz" coming out of the mob's head...

    is something like that coming back , where everyone can look at the battle field and see what's mezzed ? (or players, if a mob mezzes or sleeps them ?)

    I hate to have something so awesome that looked to be working gone, any reason for that removal ?
    • 234 posts
    July 22, 2024 12:20 PM PDT

    I also loved the oscillating stopwatch graphic for mezzed mobs. I noticed the graphic was removed a few weeks ago, but I just wrote it off because of a graphic setting I changed. I had made a lot of changes to my graphics settings due to the random black screen issue I get that is supposed to be the result of having a graphics card below a GTX 1000.

    Why was it removed?