Forums » Pantheon Classes

Rogue issues.

    • 4 posts
    June 18, 2024 11:02 AM PDT
    I cannot for the life of me find a place to see if these are known issues or what after playing some pre-alpha I have noticed some issues with Rog skills...

    Escape Artist: After many tests on every kind of mob even lower level bobs they do not forget about you can will continue to attack you.

    Gash: No debuff icon additional skills that trigger off a Vulnerable Target do not trigger.

    Pierce Armor: No noticable increase in enemy damage taken.. No debuff Icon.

    Probably old news but Im just brining it up cause i didnt see it anywhere else.
    • 2134 posts
    June 18, 2024 1:56 PM PDT

    The last 5 sets of patch notes have been posted online. They have "known issues" sections in them, as well  as sections for classes. You can see them here:

    In the Pantheon Discord is a section named 'Tester's Corner'. The 2nd channel in that list is "Patch Notes". You can scroll back much further there.

    Further down the list in Tester's Corner is a "Class Feedback" channel. Most posts have the Class under discussion in the title.

    Finally, a bit lower in the list is a section titled "Bugs". Season 3 is  the most recent. It begins with a list of "Known Bugs". Below it are all the bug reports  that have been posted this season. Some bugs do stick around, so if you don't see your bug mentioned, you might find it in the Season 2 or 1 bugs lists.

    Not having played a Rogue past very early levels, I'm not familiar with any of the skills you mention.

    Good Luck

    This post was edited by Jothany at June 18, 2024 1:57 PM PDT