Forums » Pantheon Classes

Enchanter grind

    • 646 posts
    June 17, 2024 5:49 AM PDT
    I played an Enchanter mostly in EQ. I was a Class Correspondent (liaison to the entire community) for a hot minute. So really established and experienced as an Enchanter. (in full disclosure, I was never a fan of the charm-DPS role - I always preferred a pure CC)

    I rolled up an Enchanter for the Seasons and fully expected to suck at the low levels.

    But the "suckage" seems even worse than I remember in EQ days - yes, yes - I know it's not the same game.

    Chanters below level 6 are basically useless in a group (no real mezz) so you can't group up and yet you really struggle to kill things solo.

    I almost think that these classes should have some common ground until they break into their specialty. For example, I think a low level wizard would be much more powerful than a low level chanter. Maybe they should be the same until one picks higher nukes and the other picks crowd controls. So make them use the same offensive and defensive spells for 1-5.

    Or some such balancing act...
    • 729 posts
    June 22, 2024 2:57 AM PDT

    I played my enc a little bit this last week, solo only. Yeah, they really are squishy. In my experience only patience helps there, sticking to blue/light blue mobs and fully healing between each fight. Reaching lvl 6 really helps a lot (Illusory Weakness is just as great as I remembered it). Lvl 5 Runeskin should help, but tbh it feels like it isn't working. I played a cleric this time too so I'm definitely spoiled by the barrier's awesomeness. But the Runeskin effect should still absorb 50% of damage...and it just doesn't feel like it. No message in the chat for absorption either. So, I'm not sure if it's really working or broken (didn't check the bug section in discord)?

    I disagree about the casters getting the same spells at low levels. IMO it's part of the fun as a lowbie wizard to start blasting right away. Wouldn't want to take that away from them by giving similar nukes to the other casters as well.

    • 5 posts
    July 19, 2024 10:42 PM PDT

    I agree that the suckage on early Ench needs to be toned down a bit. Some class has to be the worst early leveler, and it's ok if that's enchanter. But whoof, it's so miserable. They should get the mana regen buff at, like, 6, to have an exciting group contribution. And the first mes should better than it is, IMO.