Forums » Pantheon Races

Reason i'm not supporting anymore

    • 434 posts
    June 13, 2024 8:13 AM PDT
    "May she never live"

    is what I remember every time I see a newsletter. The race that quote pertains to is now a joke in my household and has been for a few years now. It's not a joke about how the game will never come out it's actually a joke to make us laugh because of how uncomfortable this lore makes me and my family feel and anyone who I tell about this games written lore feels.

    Why do you have a race of people all born from the same woman who is enslaved to do this for eternity? This is actually terrible writing. This lore keeps me away from the game, and knowing this lore isn't changing just reminds me this isn't the game for me.
    • VR Staff
    • 541 posts
    June 14, 2024 9:36 AM PDT

    Which game do you find has lore that never makes you question the world?

    • 434 posts
    June 14, 2024 11:33 AM PDT

    I am guessing your questions point is to reflect all games are guilty of falling short in some literary or otherwise way. I feel there is more to my point.

    Of all the stories to tell, which ones should you be telling? Which ones are going to be worth your time retelling to future generations? I would love it if you could ask yourselves what is appropriate or not here.

    Please delete this forum topic.

    • 147 posts
    June 15, 2024 2:32 AM PDT

    Why do you have a race of people all born from the same woman who is enslaved to do this for eternity? This is actually terrible writing. This lore keeps me away from the game, and knowing this lore isn't changing just reminds me this isn't the game for me.


    you mean contrary to bees or ants? You may very well consider that alien races with consciousness should not be like those insects, but it is not like bees or ants do not exist in reality. The question that comes after that is: where do you draw a limit in creating fictional races?