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Alpha Pledge Session on Hold

    • 4 posts
    December 16, 2023 7:33 PM PST

    I look at it this way, I am an investor. I invested my money because of what VR presented they would do and what they wouldn't do and how different it was going to be from other MMO's. The years wasted on graphics that were trashed for graphic that are not as good as wow when it first came out. I wish I could get my money back from this poor investment. It's taken you 10 years to do nothing you said you would do. It's like your starting over.  

    • 57 posts
    December 16, 2023 7:53 PM PST

    I don't think this game is a scam but I don't blame anyone for thinking that. I think VR is just out of their depth. To see that clearly just look how M&M is running circles around Pantheon after only 1-2 years of development and they don't even have funding yet (and aren't accepting it). An extremely small team and they are already doing open to the public stress tests while Pantheon after 10 years can't even handle an alpha backer only test?? M&M also knows exactly the game they are trying to make and the audience they are making it for and the transparency to prove it. Pantheon is all over the place. To say Pantheon is amateur hour is a huge understatement.

    • 50 posts
    December 16, 2023 8:43 PM PST

    EQBallzz said:

    I don't think this game is a scam but I don't blame anyone for thinking that. I think VR is just out of their depth. To see that clearly just look how M&M is running circles around Pantheon after only 1-2 years of development and they don't even have funding yet (and aren't accepting it). An extremely small team and they are already doing open to the public stress tests while Pantheon after 10 years can't even handle an alpha backer only test?? M&M also knows exactly the game they are trying to make and the audience they are making it for and the transparency to prove it. Pantheon is all over the place. To say Pantheon is amateur hour is a huge understatement.


    Yeah but it looks horrible heh. I dont know much about the game, I just looked it up tho

    • 62 posts
    December 16, 2023 9:02 PM PST

    Nlaene said:

    EQBallzz said:

    I don't think this game is a scam but I don't blame anyone for thinking that. I think VR is just out of their depth. To see that clearly just look how M&M is running circles around Pantheon after only 1-2 years of development and they don't even have funding yet (and aren't accepting it). An extremely small team and they are already doing open to the public stress tests while Pantheon after 10 years can't even handle an alpha backer only test?? M&M also knows exactly the game they are trying to make and the audience they are making it for and the transparency to prove it. Pantheon is all over the place. To say Pantheon is amateur hour is a huge understatement.


    Yeah but it looks horrible heh. I dont know much about the game, I just looked it up tho

    Looks are subjective, but I think you're missing the bigger point. MnM is doing OPEN testing to the public and not asking for money like VR. MnM has also been able to spin up extra servers on the fly, spot patch the servers on the fly during testing to improve things, show meaningful progress while maintaining complete transparency to a higher degree in 1/5th the timeframe. I was able to test MnM last weekend on a server with over 500 people while maintaining close to 60fps the entire time. Contrary to Pantheon which I pledged to almost 10 years ago and have never been able to login once as an Alpha backer. I couldn't even register for the test last night because their backend was all jacked up. Webpage would just refresh blank and nothing would happen. I couldn't sign in, try to register, reset password, nothing worked. I'd fill in all of the information and would hit the enter button and the page would return blank. Then today comes with the cancellation at the last minute. As someone else said, this is amateur hour and then some. How many times can they screw up and say they want to do better and will do better, yet continually drop the ball at every single opportunity? It's really mind boggling at this point. I couldn't have been more stoked when I found out Brad was going to be making this game a decade ago and now I don't think I could be anymore apathetic about it. It's like repeated deja vu, wool pulled over the eyes, boy who cried wolf for 10 years and counting. Let that sink in....

    This post was edited by Mandalorian2K at December 16, 2023 9:03 PM PST
    • 49 posts
    December 16, 2023 9:05 PM PST

    Look guys, when it comes to Pantheon there is always another chance next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. And the one after that as well. Annnnd yep, the year after that. Man, how many years have we been here already? 10? Well, here's to the next 10! Maybe we will get to play the game after 20 years of development but I am not going to be holding my breath.

    • 19 posts
    December 16, 2023 9:40 PM PST

    Other than perhaps Brad's death, the cancelation of today's test is the largest event in Pantheon's history. As a result, we have four and a half pages of a forum thread, two reddit posts, and I assume some discord messages (I left the server years ago). If that isn't a clear indication that generally no ones cares about this, I don't know what would be. The development of this game is over, has been over for some time, or possibly never began at all. The smoke and mirrors tests that were presented to us in streams like with CohhCarnage, were not evidence of an MMORPG, but of a unity store asset amalgamation, and a highly orchestrated charlatan show. I don't care that there were twelve people online in a "pre-alpha" test at some point; MMORPGs like WoW, Vanguard, EQ, or EVE require at least hundreds, if not thousands of players to be online and able to interact at the same time. VR was never (well at least not in the last five to seven years) capable of producing that.

    The show is over. It was a nice thing to hold out hope for, but even hope was starting to spoil after ten years. The important thing to remember is that nothing was really lost here (other than money, I'm down roughly three-hundred bucks on this bet lol), because nothing was made to begin with. There are games like Embers Adrift that already offer what Pantheon promised, and you can go play them now. 

    I don't think any of this was a malicious scam, they just don't have the programming prowess to create a game properly, or the business acumen to assemble an effective team. 

    • 4 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:16 PM PST

    Well you would think by this time someone would have used a brain cell and said hey we need help lets reach out to some other companies and see if we cant get some help to maybe get this thing going and then once its up and running we continue to keep working and putting out content just like Everquest did for Years!!! 


    Did anyone else get the game laucher and get the game at least downloaded....???

    • 15 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:23 PM PST

    I guess i was banned from the discord -- can we just talk refunds now? or at the very least, stop trying to sell promises to people?

    This post was edited by bandit at December 16, 2023 10:25 PM PST
    • 50 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:27 PM PST

    TalladanSlacks said:

    Well you would think by this time someone would have used a brain cell and said hey we need help lets reach out to some other companies and see if we cant get some help to maybe get this thing going and then once its up and running we continue to keep working and putting out content just like Everquest did for Years!!! 


    Did anyone else get the game laucher and get the game at least downloaded....???


    yeah I was able to download and get the launcher


    • 4 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:28 PM PST

    bandit said:

    I guess i was banned from the discord -- can we just talk refunds now? or at the very least, stop trying to sell promises to people?


    Not sure if there will be any refunds...Maybe if they wind up getting Sued and are made to give the money back but not even sure at that point you would get it back.

    • 4 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:33 PM PST

    Nlaene said:

    TalladanSlacks said:

    Well you would think by this time someone would have used a brain cell and said hey we need help lets reach out to some other companies and see if we cant get some help to maybe get this thing going and then once its up and running we continue to keep working and putting out content just like Everquest did for Years!!! 


    Did anyone else get the game laucher and get the game at least downloaded....???


    Well I got my accounts made and went to download the game files and it keeps saying login Fail


    yeah I was able to download and get the launcher


    • 2419 posts
    December 17, 2023 12:37 AM PST

    bandit said:

    I guess i was banned from the discord -- can we just talk refunds now? or at the very least, stop trying to sell promises to people?

    The only reason people get banned from the Discord is if they were a complete #%@%...were you a complete @#$%?


    • 125 posts
    December 17, 2023 2:56 AM PST

    It is time for VR to do the inevitable. Just close it down. You obviously cannot develop what is needed - just call it a day before there is more people's money and time wasted. 

    And before the whole "oh its a small team, give them time comments" one just needs to look over at Embers Adrift and M&M. 

    • 14 posts
    December 17, 2023 3:02 AM PST

    Cockups happen, Keep fighting the good fight folks.


    Still looking forwards to pre alpha when it happens.

    • 27 posts
    December 17, 2023 6:21 AM PST


    This post was edited by BryanR at December 17, 2023 6:53 AM PST
    • 27 posts
    December 17, 2023 6:24 AM PST

    big oof


    This post was edited by BryanR at December 17, 2023 6:53 AM PST
    • 4 posts
    December 17, 2023 6:28 AM PST
    M&M boys. I gave up hope on this one back when the devs were doing monthly videos. Seemed to me they just enjoyed seeing themselves, hearing themselves spin a bunch of bs. 10 years and you can't even deliver a thing. Bye.
    • 86 posts
    December 17, 2023 6:28 AM PST

    They postponed a test session, they didn't kill your dog, calm down bro.

    • 44 posts
    December 17, 2023 8:31 AM PST

    Gaku said:

    They postponed a test session, they didn't kill your dog, calm down bro.

    "I give up. I'm leaving."

    "The chef just burnt your meal for the 5th time, and you have been waiting hours, they didn't kill your dog, calm down bro."

    That's how you sound. People who have invested time and money into this over the course of years, and in particular the past few weeks when this was announced (Planning and upgrading ledges) are COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED in feeling upset about this and wanting to express that. What is not called for is being dismissive of them to boost your own ego.

    Be happy that people care enough to post at all. It's when they don't care enough to do so that people should be worried... Wait. Considering the amount of registered Alpha testers vs the surprising lack of comments here... That just may be now. So... people complaining? That's a good thing.

    VR F'ed up BIG TIME! This is bigger than 247 and the art change. They promised something specifically to earn back some good will with their supporters, got us all hyped up so started planning our day around it weeks ahead of time... only to pull the rug out from under us in the last 10 minutes with a "Oops! Sorry! We suddenly encountered a bug that we have known about for a while. No 24 hour test for you! What? Those PA's who paid more money? Well... yea... they can still play. But you need to wait some more. You have been waiting 10 years, so you should be good at that by now. Were going to go eat some turkey. See you next year... maybe...".

    And if you need another way to look at it, VR literally had one job. To make/keep their supporters happy. Making a game is just the method to do so. They didn't just fail at that. Considering that this event was needed to earn back the good will and trust of the supporters...Failure would be not catching the ball. It's more like they ran to the wrong end zone, spiked the ball and started dancing.

    This was a serious failure that they may never recover from, as they have severely damaged supporters trust in them even more, when they already did so and needed to earn it back. While you and I may still be here and wait for the next attempt, I certainly understand and don't want to dismiss those who have legitimate reasons to not. Again, if they care enough to post... thats a good thing.

    • 33 posts
    December 17, 2023 8:34 AM PST

    To be an amateur and fail yet again is understandable, even though discouraging as usual.

    That said, you made a lot of money from this test where likely a lot of people pledged.

    I am not sure how long prior you knew you can not do this test, and did not announce it in order to get more pledges.

    Maybe if those who pledged for this test ask for their money back, which might be legally possible, this will be avoided in the future. I see that as the most problematic aspect of this fiasco.

    I decided to put my money where my mouth is, and will invest looking forward in Embers Adrift. Time to sober up and do the right thing.

    • 200 posts
    December 17, 2023 8:56 AM PST


    is there a new date when it will be possible to try the alpha?



    • 86 posts
    December 17, 2023 9:35 AM PST

    DarkAkuma said:

    Gaku said:

    They postponed a test session, they didn't kill your dog, calm down bro.

    "I give up. I'm leaving."

    "The chef just burnt your meal for the 5th time, and you have been waiting hours, they didn't kill your dog, calm down bro."

    That's how you sound. People who have invested time and money into this over the course of years, and in particular the past few weeks when this was announced (Planning and upgrading ledges) are COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED in feeling upset about this and wanting to express that. What is not called for is being dismissive of them to boost your own ego.

    Be happy that people care enough to post at all. It's when they don't care enough to do so that people should be worried... Wait. Considering the amount of registered Alpha testers vs the surprising lack of comments here... That just may be now. So... people complaining? That's a good thing.

    VR F'ed up BIG TIME! This is bigger than 247 and the art change. They promised something specifically to earn back some good will with their supporters, got us all hyped up so started planning our day around it weeks ahead of time... only to pull the rug out from under us in the last 10 minutes with a "Oops! Sorry! We suddenly encountered a bug that we have known about for a while. No 24 hour test for you! What? Those PA's who paid more money? Well... yea... they can still play. But you need to wait some more. You have been waiting 10 years, so you should be good at that by now. Were going to go eat some turkey. See you next year... maybe...".

    And if you need another way to look at it, VR literally had one job. To make/keep their supporters happy. Making a game is just the method to do so. They didn't just fail at that. Considering that this event was needed to earn back the good will and trust of the supporters...Failure would be not catching the ball. It's more like they ran to the wrong end zone, spiked the ball and started dancing.

    This was a serious failure that they may never recover from, as they have severely damaged supporters trust in them even more, when they already did so and needed to earn it back. While you and I may still be here and wait for the next attempt, I certainly understand and don't want to dismiss those who have legitimate reasons to not. Again, if they care enough to post... thats a good thing.


    That comment was directed towards another person who's post has since been edited which he was clearly behaving like an out of control toddler throwing a temper tantrum. People have every right to feel upset or disappointed and I was in no way dismissing someone to boost my own ego. 

    They dropped the ball, mistakes were made, I'm hoping they make it up to us with an extended test session at a later point once they fix the issues that need be addressed. 

    • 19 posts
    December 17, 2023 9:49 AM PST

    Larirawiel said:


    is there a new date when it will be possible to try the alpha?




    No new date yet. They've stated that when a new date has been decided they will let us know by RSS feed, some strategic placing of road flares outside the Visionary Realms studio (A PO box at the PostalAnnex store in Carlsbad, CA,) and an update video on Vine. Stay tuned.

    • 64 posts
    December 17, 2023 10:20 AM PST

    Vandraad said:

    bandit said:

    I guess i was banned from the discord -- can we just talk refunds now? or at the very least, stop trying to sell promises to people?

    The only reason people get banned from the Discord is if they were a complete #%@%...were you a complete @#$%?


    He only posted multiple gifs of fellatio, then after being told to stop, mocked us for being offended like children and veered into constant posting of other nonsense. The dude was practically begging to be banned. Apparently he didn't possess the willpower to leave the discord on his own so he decided he'd martyr himself for sympathy. Tale as old as time.

    • 200 posts
    December 17, 2023 10:22 AM PST

    xhawk29 said:No new date yet. They've stated that when a new date has been decided they will let us know by RSS feed, some strategic placing of road flares outside the Visionary Realms studio (A PO box at the PostalAnnex store in Carlsbad, CA,) and an update video on Vine. Stay tuned.


    Thank you.


